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Rapid Forward Deployment Platform

Soridar Ravencroft
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2016-10-27 11:24:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Soridar Ravencroft
With the upcoming removal of POSes, there is going to be a massive hole in the ability to deploy a fast short-term base of operations for small groups like incursion runners, mobile PvP and even larger scale deployment.

What I propose is a platform that deploys faster, like a POS, but with much more limited abilities than other platforms.

Basic idea is that this platform goes online much faster than the 24 hr base online time, that other platforms have. In return for rapid deployment, it has a a vulnerability window of 12-18 hrs per day, and only 2 defensive cycles ( the initial and a 2nd final cycle 24 hrs later).

Deployment time would be base 1 hr, plus 1 hr per ADM.

Med - cruisers and lower only
Large - up to BS and JFs
XL- up to small caps?

As for offensive functions, they are highly limited, 1-2 weapon slots, 1-2 utility mids , 1 low and no service slots.

This helps cover the gap that will be lost when POSes are no longer around. There are many reasons for something like this, and it would give a huge advantage to major offensive deployment, as they are vulnerable for large periods and much easier to destroy.
Ishido Attaka
Purity of the Iron Cold
#2 - 2016-10-27 11:45:13 UTC
Something like that. As you see in comments, local pro ellite PvP forum warriors gave this idea -1 because they are good and you are not ("mediums only cost 700m, just use an alt and stop pretending this game", " use a mobile depot", " the timing is not ideal" , "afraid of forward thinking and commitment", "you must take this risk", "Astrahus SPAM is already all over the place", "If you want one just buy one they are not that expensive" etc...)
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#3 - 2016-10-27 12:25:22 UTC
I'm not seeing a gap when POS go away. What is this gap you speak of?

You say there will be a gap, but what does that actually mean?

At a glance, no - based on you're vulnerability window. I don't think a forward deployment structure should have a vulnerability window. I don't see why an invading force should get a quick assembly structure that gets an invulnerability period. That seems kind of OP to me.

On a practical level, if you can remember back - the whole of the north got rolled in under a month and there were no forward deployment platforms. If SOV on half the map can be erased in a month (proven fact - no speculation here) I don't think there is much of a gap in Fozzie SOV. I don't recall POS structures being at all pivotal in the steamrolling of the north.

With enough ships and dedication anyone can be dunked in short order under current mechanics. The 'best practice' currently is to not fight and have CCP space pixies deliver all you stuff to Lowsex so you can reform and go fight on your terms.

A platform to make incursions easier to run..... uugghhhhhh. Like that needs to be a thing.

Zansha Expansion
#4 - 2016-10-27 12:51:15 UTC
Since you weird folks like ganking in highsec so much, how about you fly a Bowhead like everyone else and get ganked at the Najira gate like everyone you like to gank all day.

I would even be so nice and tell a code buddy that you are on your way.

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#5 - 2016-10-27 13:15:33 UTC
I believe the whole point was that you cannot instantly pop-up a base anywhere and then take it down the moment it is threatened.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Joe Barbarian
Back Street Boys With Capital Toys
#6 - 2016-10-27 14:54:22 UTC
This idea was based off deploying for Null Sec Incursions. As recently we've ran an incursion that would take 6 days to deploy a citadel. If we didn't have a pos we'd have to stage around 6 jumps away from the system we'd like to run in.

Dont assume that every post to do with incursions is to do with highsec. We're asking for a high risk citadel that will allow us to stage closer so we open up more options of running incursions inside of hostile space. instead of just not deploying at all.
Soridar Ravencroft
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2016-10-27 15:15:41 UTC
Daichi Yamato wrote:
I believe the whole point was that you cannot instantly pop-up a base anywhere and then take it down the moment it is threatened.

That isn't the point of this, and even if it was threatened, it would be locked down, as aggression of a platform should reset it from unanchoring. This is meant as a way for smaller groups, planning short trips to have something to use as a minor base. Giving it limited offence, very limited defense, and limited docking makes it weaker than current POSes.

There are many reasons to have a base that can be moved in a reasonable amount of time and with limited function.

This would not be a "small citadel" as a citadel gets bonuses to combat rigs, and is designed for combat. This instead would be more like having a tent when hiking rather than building a cabin for every campsite.

Rather than trying to make life suck for every player, instead think of how something like this would make for a fairly easy kill if you bring 10-15 buddies.

Most platforms are designed as something far greater than what a POS is now, where as these would be more in line with the basic functionality of current POSes as forward staging points that can be removed just as easily as they are dropped. Though current POSes would actually be more powerful in combat than these are being proposed for.
Soridar Ravencroft
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2016-10-27 15:26:31 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:
I'm not seeing a gap when POS go away. What is this gap you speak of?

You say there will be a gap, but what does that actually mean?

At a glance, no - based on you're vulnerability window. I don't think a forward deployment structure should have a vulnerability window. I don't see why an invading force should get a quick assembly structure that gets an invulnerability period. That seems kind of OP to me.

On a practical level, if you can remember back - the whole of the north got rolled in under a month and there were no forward deployment platforms. If SOV on half the map can be erased in a month (proven fact - no speculation here) I don't think there is much of a gap in Fozzie SOV. I don't recall POS structures being at all pivotal in the steamrolling of the north.

With enough ships and dedication anyone can be dunked in short order under current mechanics. The 'best practice' currently is to not fight and have CCP space pixies deliver all you stuff to Lowsex so you can reform and go fight on your terms.

A platform to make incursions easier to run..... uugghhhhhh. Like that needs to be a thing.

The invul period actually is more helpful to smaller groups rather than larger ones that can fight in nearly all TZs. Though having it with a much larger window than is offered for other platforms means it is nearly always open to attack. Though if 2 smaller groups try to use them to fight each other, they don't get the option of taking 10 guys during off times to kill it. On the other hand if PL/NC/Condi/any other large force, tries to use these as fast ways to break into other large faction Sov, they will die as fast as they go up. These would be way to easy for larger groups to fend off, and would require fleets to protect them for basically the whole time.

As for saying, ugg incursions, that is a sorry retort for a portion of the game that will suffer from the loss of POSes. It is an aspect of the game, that has a limited time for players to react and prep for. Not to mention is often an area that offers PvP content to players who aren't scared to risk assest for fights.

Soridar Ravencroft
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2016-10-27 15:33:34 UTC
Ishido Attaka wrote:
Something like that. As you see in comments, local pro ellite PvP forum warriors gave this idea -1 because they are good and you are not ("mediums only cost 700m, just use an alt and stop pretending this game", " use a mobile depot", " the timing is not ideal" , "afraid of forward thinking and commitment", "you must take this risk", "Astrahus SPAM is already all over the place", "If you want one just buy one they are not that expensive" etc...)

Actually, what I am proposing, would have similar costs to most other platforms, rather than being cheaper, you pay for function. This is not personal, which is exactly what a mobile depot is for, but rather for an entire group. It is not a place to live free and clear solo, but rather something that offers limited protection and has much higher asset risk.

Honestly, for anything other than fast in and out (a week or less), they would be sub-optimal for any type of base function. The trade-off for speed is poor durability and limited function.
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#10 - 2016-10-27 16:24:13 UTC
It's interesting that a member of the largest player group in Eve is forwarding ideas for the little guys.

Wait, no it's funny.
Soridar Ravencroft
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2016-10-27 20:00:19 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:
It's interesting that a member of the largest player group in Eve is forwarding ideas for the little guys.

Wait, no it's funny.

Just because we are the largest group doesn't mean we don't have a ton of smaller groups. Most Goons spend 90% of their time in Eve only working with small groups of 50 or less. Thus we see not just the large scale battles but more so we see the micro levels.
El Expedicion
Flames of Exile
#12 - 2016-10-27 21:18:16 UTC
There doesn't need to be a more risk-averse way to quickly deploy forward positions.

You can access literally all of the functionality required for forward deployment in any space with tools that already exist. Those tools just happen to require you to defend them. Get bowheads, orcas, depots, etc.

Deploying hardened structures with shields, facility guns, or vuln timers should represent an investment of time and system occupancy to cover the setup risk.

What you're asking for is a way to move backward in efforts to curb unsustainable power projection and make blue donut bullshit that much easier to achieve.

One pilot shouldn't be able to go "OK GUYS INVINCIBLE SHIELD IS UP, spend tomorrow jumping stuff to bookmark, we attack before reinforcement is over"

If you want to stage a fleet far from existing assets, you should be required to properly form up the fleet in a safe place first.

The new structure mechanics do the job admirably. They present a much more reliable defensive position, but in return require a much more vulnerable setup period. They make holding ground less of a pain, but taking it require more effort, which naturally encourages people to focus on holding space they're actually prepared to have defense assets set up in in stead of "lets see how much of this stuff we can say we own because its in jump range"
Alanna Northstar
Goonswarm Federation
#13 - 2016-10-28 00:33:13 UTC

You can access literally all of the functionality required for forward deployment in any space with tools that already exist. Those tools just happen to require you to defend them. Get bowheads, orcas, depots, etc.

None of these tools are particularly viable outside of highsec. Anything that's not built to run away is easily intercepted and caught within lowsec, 0.0, and w-space. Seeing conventional freighters, orcas, and bowheads outside of highsec/near-highsec space is almost as rare as seeing a grandfathered capital ship in highsec space, and for good reason, these ships are utterly impossible to defend in space where they may be freely attacked.

The suggestion of Bowheads is particularly absurd and demonstrates utter ignorance of basic mechanics. Why would anyone whatsoever use a Bowhead, with only slightly more capacity than a capital Ship Maintenance Bay, nonexistent mobility, and no defenses when they could use a carrier or force auxiliary instead and have a cloaking device and jump drive?

I'm not a fan of POS mechanics, and at this point in the game's evolution, the disadvantages of them compared to a citadel are numerous - most importantly, a POS precludes cynos within a particular range of its forcefield., making complete safety impossible. However, what a POS lacks in safety, it makes up for in tactical utility - one can be erected, even if only temporarily within a period of time short enough to preserve the element of surprise, and used to provide secure cover for the movement and formation of fleets.

Citadels offer a much stronger degree of safety, mostly owing to the ability to route strategic movements along a chain of citadels, such that a capital ship moving along that chain is never vulnerable at any time. It could even be argued that this is too strong, but it comes at a high cost - citadel deployment takes long enough that any element of tactical surprise is long gone by the time they are ready to operate.

As of now, there's a void that will be left whenever POS are eventually retired, and that void affects all entities in lowsec, 0.0, and w-space. The only way to meaningfully contest strategic resources, be that conquerable nullsec, valuable moons, or even a wormhole system against an entrenched group in this game is to be able to assemble sufficient forces within striking distance of that group, and frequently to do so more rapidly than they can call in favors to tip the odds in their own favor.

As also mentioned, this affects some PvE activities too, particularly incursions in 0.0 and lowsec, which by their very nature are transient, and therefore, require movement across, and staging within space that's not necessarily all that friendly.

What you're asking for is a way to move backward in efforts to curb unsustainable power projection and make blue donut bullshit that much easier to achieve.

Citadels in their current incarnation already do far more than anything else to restore power projection. However, it's still pretty limited, because in order to project power across a citadel network, you still have to contend with jump fatigue. Operating within 1-2 cyno jumps of a staging system seems to be the upper limit of reasonable force projection under jump fatigue - any further than that, and you lose the ability to seed reinforcements into the battlefield.

As far as "blue donuts" go, its both inertia and survival. Sovereignty in this game is still impossible to meaningfully defend without the ability to bring a bigger blob to the fight than whoever is trying to take it that day. The mechanics of Aegis Sovereignty have managed to pack groups tighter together than before, and reduced sprawl, but this hasn't really made space for smaller groups as was intended.

I'm not sure this will ever be able to adequately be addressed, because ultimately, anything that helps a smaller entity will always help the largest groups of players more. Smaller groups can only survive in such a landscape by living in the shadow of, and being beholden to large entities. If you can't bring enough to the fight to outnumber and outclass your enemies, they win, period., and its this harsh reality that drives coalition building in the game.

El Expedicion
Flames of Exile
#14 - 2016-10-28 01:00:11 UTC  |  Edited by: PopeUrban
Since the crux of your argument is needing to deploy fleets for income, the bowhead was just thrown out there as a relatively cheap mobile SMA.

Your entire problem here is that what you desire, a way to stage fleets without simultaneously incurring significant risk to that fleet while in transit, is what created power projection problems in the first place.

Your argument is, basically "the POS has a shield, and goes up quickly so we can safely stage the fleet, and we need to be able to safely stage fleets quickly"

My argument is no, you don't need to be able to quickly stage fleets, it should require significant time and effort to be able to do it safely and cheaply. Simply having an incursion fleet in null does not mean you should have a corresponding ability to move far outside your home systems to do said incursions wherever you feel like.

Because the incentive for owning and defending said system should be, in part, the ability to use the sites that spawn there, including incursions.

What I'm saying to you is that the ability to safely stage fleets largely immune to interception IS the problem. It is a very large-sov-centric way of thinking that you should have unfettered ability to have your cake (developed systems with ready assets) and eat it too (the ability to project outward for economic, pve, or pvp activites quite far way from those systems while maintaining full operational capacity similar to a defender)

Citadels require measured expansion because of the inability to drop and immediately use them. They represent a healthy model of expansion that requires time, effort, and commitment of significant fleet assets for expansion.

The POS, specifically its low onlining time that allows it to be used as a too-effective forward deployment base, is a problem that needs to be rectified, not replicated.

What you call "the element of suprise" is actually "unfettered and lazy power projection"

Saying "incursions exist, and therefore we should be able to move to them safely, stage safely, and attempt them safely in hostile space" displays a level of entitlement similar to a hisec player asking "why can't we mine moons in hisec?"

Because the risk should absolutely be correspondant with the reward. Entring hostile space with an incursion fleet, to do "their" incursions should work like what it is, a hostile invasion on sovereign territory.

Not a field trip.

Sites are transient because you are supposed to miss out on them, be required to hold space to access them, or incur significant risk by attempting them against an significantly advantaged defender, not just to make you spend fuel.

It is both healthy and good for both small and large entities to limit the ability to safely project, and setting up practically invincible forward operating positions in the space of 15 minutes, using a single pilot, that can bubble an entire fleet is not healthy for ensuring that owning space also corresponds to being able to defend it.
Joe Barbarian
Back Street Boys With Capital Toys
#15 - 2016-10-28 01:36:28 UTC
PopeUrban wrote:

Because the risk should absolutely be correspondant with the reward. Entring hostile space with an incursion fleet, to do "their" incursions should work like what it is, a hostile invasion on sovereign territory.

Not a field trip.

Sites are transient because you are supposed to miss out on them, be required to hold space to access them, or incur significant risk by attempting them against an significantly advantaged defender, not just to make you spend fuel.

It is both healthy and good for both small and large entities to limit the ability to safely project, and setting up practically invincible forward operating positions in the space of 15 minutes, using a single pilot, that can bubble an entire fleet is not healthy for ensuring that owning space also corresponds to being able to defend it.

You slowly was making a valid argument and then tried to change the OP words into your own. Feel free to read the OP and the suggested times again.

After that maybe we can have a proper discussion.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#16 - 2016-10-28 01:47:45 UTC
Joe Barbarian wrote:
This idea was based off deploying for Null Sec Incursions. As recently we've ran an incursion that would take 6 days to deploy a citadel. If we didn't have a pos we'd have to stage around 6 jumps away from the system we'd like to run in.

Dont assume that every post to do with incursions is to do with highsec. We're asking for a high risk citadel that will allow us to stage closer so we open up more options of running incursions inside of hostile space. instead of just not deploying at all.

If you don't have a single base in the constellation, I believe the issue is your alliance being lazy. If you do, I question your 6 jumps as an average figure, possibly a worst case figure in the most elongated constellation in EVE if you are at one end and the HQ system is right at the far end.
Even high sec runners don't have a base in every single system and that doesn't stop them even slightly, they just stage at the nearest point and well, take gates & be organised.
Soridar Ravencroft
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2016-10-28 09:53:16 UTC
PopeUrban wrote:
Since the crux of your argument is needing to deploy fleets for income, the bowhead was just thrown out there as a relatively cheap mobile SMA.

Your entire problem here is that what you desire, a way to stage fleets without simultaneously incurring significant risk to that fleet while in transit, is what created power projection problems in the first place.

Your argument is, basically "the POS has a shield, and goes up quickly so we can safely stage the fleet, and we need to be able to safely stage fleets quickly"

My argument is no, you don't need to be able to quickly stage fleets, it should require significant time and effort to be able to do it safely and cheaply. Simply having an incursion fleet in null does not mean you should have a corresponding ability to move far outside your home systems to do said incursions wherever you feel like.

Because the incentive for owning and defending said system should be, in part, the ability to use the sites that spawn there, including incursions.

What I'm saying to you is that the ability to safely stage fleets largely immune to interception IS the problem. It is a very large-sov-centric way of thinking that you should have unfettered ability to have your cake (developed systems with ready assets) and eat it too (the ability to project outward for economic, pve, or pvp activites quite far way from those systems while maintaining full operational capacity similar to a defender)

Citadels require measured expansion because of the inability to drop and immediately use them. They represent a healthy model of expansion that requires time, effort, and commitment of significant fleet assets for expansion.

The POS, specifically its low onlining time that allows it to be used as a too-effective forward deployment base, is a problem that needs to be rectified, not replicated.

What you call "the element of suprise" is actually "unfettered and lazy power projection"

Saying "incursions exist, and therefore we should be able to move to them safely, stage safely, and attempt them safely in hostile space" displays a level of entitlement similar to a hisec player asking "why can't we mine moons in hisec?"

Because the risk should absolutely be correspondant with the reward. Entring hostile space with an incursion fleet, to do "their" incursions should work like what it is, a hostile invasion on sovereign territory.

Not a field trip.

Sites are transient because you are supposed to miss out on them, be required to hold space to access them, or incur significant risk by attempting them against an significantly advantaged defender, not just to make you spend fuel.

It is both healthy and good for both small and large entities to limit the ability to safely project, and setting up practically invincible forward operating positions in the space of 15 minutes, using a single pilot, that can bubble an entire fleet is not healthy for ensuring that owning space also corresponds to being able to defend it.

Too sum up your side, it is that if you owns space it is all yours and **** off. To sum up my side, I want what you have and want something fragile to log off in between attempts at taking it from you.

This is Eve, if you want to keep it, be willing to defend it. Don't sit there and hope complaining on here will keep you safe and secure. I am willing to risk ships that out value caps, with a proposed platform that is weak and fairly easy to assault. What are you willing to risk?
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#18 - 2016-10-28 11:03:04 UTC
Soridar Ravencroft wrote:
PopeUrban wrote:
Since the crux of your argument is needing to deploy fleets for income, the bowhead was just thrown out there as a relatively cheap mobile SMA.

Your entire problem here is that what you desire, a way to stage fleets without simultaneously incurring significant risk to that fleet while in transit, is what created power projection problems in the first place.

Your argument is, basically "the POS has a shield, and goes up quickly so we can safely stage the fleet, and we need to be able to safely stage fleets quickly"

My argument is no, you don't need to be able to quickly stage fleets, it should require significant time and effort to be able to do it safely and cheaply. Simply having an incursion fleet in null does not mean you should have a corresponding ability to move far outside your home systems to do said incursions wherever you feel like.

Because the incentive for owning and defending said system should be, in part, the ability to use the sites that spawn there, including incursions.

What I'm saying to you is that the ability to safely stage fleets largely immune to interception IS the problem. It is a very large-sov-centric way of thinking that you should have unfettered ability to have your cake (developed systems with ready assets) and eat it too (the ability to project outward for economic, pve, or pvp activites quite far way from those systems while maintaining full operational capacity similar to a defender)

Citadels require measured expansion because of the inability to drop and immediately use them. They represent a healthy model of expansion that requires time, effort, and commitment of significant fleet assets for expansion.

The POS, specifically its low onlining time that allows it to be used as a too-effective forward deployment base, is a problem that needs to be rectified, not replicated.

What you call "the element of suprise" is actually "unfettered and lazy power projection"

Saying "incursions exist, and therefore we should be able to move to them safely, stage safely, and attempt them safely in hostile space" displays a level of entitlement similar to a hisec player asking "why can't we mine moons in hisec?"

Because the risk should absolutely be correspondant with the reward. Entring hostile space with an incursion fleet, to do "their" incursions should work like what it is, a hostile invasion on sovereign territory.

Not a field trip.

Sites are transient because you are supposed to miss out on them, be required to hold space to access them, or incur significant risk by attempting them against an significantly advantaged defender, not just to make you spend fuel.

It is both healthy and good for both small and large entities to limit the ability to safely project, and setting up practically invincible forward operating positions in the space of 15 minutes, using a single pilot, that can bubble an entire fleet is not healthy for ensuring that owning space also corresponds to being able to defend it.

Too sum up your side, it is that if you owns space it is all yours and **** off. To sum up my side, I want what you have and want something fragile to log off in between attempts at taking it from you.

This is Eve, if you want to keep it, be willing to defend it. Don't sit there and hope complaining on here will keep you safe and secure. I am willing to risk ships that out value caps, with a proposed platform that is weak and fairly easy to assault. What are you willing to risk?

Aren't you a member of the 10k member alliance that didn't even attempt to defend their space? Aren't you a member of the 10k member alliance that ditched their pvp blue buddies the second a reasonable adversary approached the front door?? Aren't you a member of the 10k member alliance that is (for the first time in 7 or so years) going flatassed in game broke because you chose NOT to defend your space (coincident w/ Eve pulling the plug on gambling)?

Most of Eve doesn't see goonswarm as a pvp entity anymore. Sure you can 10k up and roll anyone w/ inferior numbers, but when it comes down to a reasonable fight with the expectation of losses - fold up like a cheap suit is more the order of the day for you folks. WWB should have been awesome - your alliance let itself, its blues, most of Eve's residents and the game in general down when you chose to not fight. You can spin that embarrassment any way you like, but you'll never get the stink of risk aversion off - that stuff doesn't really ever go away.


"This is Eve, if you want to keep it, be willing to defend it. Don't sit there and hope complaining on here will keep you safe and secure. I am willing to risk ships that out value caps, with a proposed platform that is weak and fairly easy to assault. What are you willing to risk?"

You forfeited the street cred needed to make these kind of statements anymore. Talk to your leadership, clean out the risk averse corporate yahoos, get back to playing Eve the way it should be played and then.... then come on the forums and talk the talk. "What are you willing to risk?" HAHHAAAHAHHAAHHHAAA

To the idea:

-1 to a cheap disposable incursion platform. -1 to a cheap disposable staging platform with any form of invulnerability.

Soridar Ravencroft
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2016-10-28 11:12:37 UTC
Rather than trying to be a hater, instead why not debate the actual merits and flaws of the idea proposed. This forum is to propose ideas that enrich the game, not to just hate for the sake of hate. Keep that in game.

I have been civil and only stated points to validate the idea, and as such would ask you to have the same civility.

I personally have zero care for this idea as a member of Goons, but rather as an idea for the whole of Eve. I am not asking for something stupid like a cloaking platform that is basically immune to enemies, nor something powerful and fast deploying.

So please stay on topic and discuss how this idea can benefit the game or how it might be flawed please.
Soridar Ravencroft
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2016-10-28 11:23:13 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:
"What are you willing to risk?" HAHHAAAHAHHAAHHHAAA

To the idea:

-1 to a cheap disposable incursion platform. -1 to a cheap disposable staging platform with any form of invulnerability.

To this part, I just want to point out the fact that we just finished an incursion, with an avg cost of say 3.5B per ship.

On top of that I am proposing a platform with a cost of likely 7B+. This being that we would not be using the cheapest one as incursions are commonly run with BS, which wouldn't be able to dock in the med size platform that was proposed.

Please think past the point of who posted something and instead look at the idea and how it would be used.

What you are failing to see is this is weaker than a POS with costs of approx

med = 700M
LG = 7B
XL = 300B

This would not be something you just toss around willy nilly, but rather something that is very temporary and done with significant risk.
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