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With the end of Gambling, what about CCP bring it back with WIS

El Expedicion
Flames of Exile
#21 - 2016-10-25 18:59:51 UTC  |  Edited by: PopeUrban
Teckos Pech wrote:
PopeUrban wrote:

Loot drops are gambling with an extra couple of buttons.


Did you wager anything? No? Then not gambling. Are the results completely dependent on the RNG or also on your knowledge and understanding of the game? If yes, then quite possibly game of skill.

Point here is that, from a legal standpoint, ducking and running because of stuff like the CSGO scandal doesn't seem to be preventing valve or blizzard from selling RNG loot boxes.

Allowing players to profit, directly, with actual money, is the legal issue here. Not having a game of chance. Sure, RMT was technically illegal before, but the steps taken these days are being taken BECAUSE of an RMT grey market, not because gambling fake money for fake goods was legally problematic.

Games of chance are not strictly the problem and it is a bit unfortunate CCP used that language.

Gambling is a game of chance.
Games of chance may or may not be gambling.

Since games of chance are rarely illegal using the broader category may result in things that are not a major problem being bannable offenses...but on the other hand using the broader language will ensure no edge cases sneak by and bite CCP on the buttocks.

It has nothing do do with the act of gambling/games of chance and everything to do with being able to convert fake currency in to real currency.


Somer and IWI were gambling sites. It only makes sense they be shut down. Gambling as one of a number of activites within EVE itself is not remotely the same from a legal or even ethical standpoint simply because it isn't the core focus of the simulation, just like the RNG that controls the drop rate of an officer module isn't the core focus of the activity of ratting.

You appear to be contradicting yourself here...

How am I contradicting myself?

Somer and IWI were entities specifically devoted to gambling. They used EVE like a real casino uses the treasury. EVE itself is NOT an entity solely devoted to gambling. As in, gambling is not the core focus of the simulation. Those are not contradictory statements.

Also, in the case of RNG loot drops in EVE, yeah, you're wagering your ship. Not so in many other games, but doing PVE is EVE is a lot closer to what you could conceivably legally call gambling. It just happens to create psudeocurrency from nowhere, and be heavily slanted in the odds of the player because it's a component system of a larger simulation, and because it's a simulation the house doesn't actually LOSE anything by letting the player win.

Because its fake money that is generated by a fake system of fake internet spaceships exploding.

And that's my point here.

Not that we have some desparate need for blackjack tables within the EVE client, I couldn't be ****** if we have gambling or not. My point is that there's no legal boogeyman that prevents it because it is completely unlike giving license to third parties to operate gambling sites that may skirt around ACTUAL gambling law as a result of ACTUAL money being used as rewards in the form of RMT.

Those sites are problematic because the people that run and use them, not CCP, place a very real cash value on very fake ISK and have the ability to do so beyond the administrative eye of CCP. You know, the same problem that RMT sites have had since the beginning of MMOs.

All CCP does is sell plex and subscriptions and tell you you're not actually allowed to turn your fake spaceship money in to real money, so it absolutely doesn't enter a legal grey area of have forms of gambling within the game administrated as the "only game in town" by the people who actually control the odds for the rest of the existing gambles already.

Looking for sites is a game of chance. Blowing up spaceships, including player spaceships is a game of chance. Hacking a can is a game of chance. Turning on a salvager or ECM is a game of chance. The fact that there are mitigating factors in terms of player knowledge or avatar skills doesn't change the fact that many activities in the game boil down to "do action, cross fingers"

The legal waffling over games of skill versus chance are largely pointless in the context of how the rules work within the EVE simulation and only have any merit for consideration when it comes to separating real people from their real money with a promise that they can actually win money in the process.

EVE is ALREADY separating you from your real money and offering zero chance to recoup that investment, so no amount of ****** odds is going to matter in terms of legality.
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#22 - 2016-10-26 09:17:32 UTC
Zan Shiro wrote:
PopeUrban wrote:

Ingame methods, however, they have complete control over.

There's no good legal argument against ingame gambling with ingame currency, run by CCP, as that's part of literally every RPG with loot tables.

No...loot drops are loot drops.

Betting 5 billion on a roulette table (even in game) is gambling.

This the kind of stuff CCP would in time need to bring up in court, whenever some DA in the states or a Barrister in England is looking for some fame...and added tax revenue for their district. Why I said CCP is leaving this area of gaming. They want to pay devs, not international legal teams.

This is what I mean by not worth their money. Your little slot machine in game if some DA's in NYC, LA and Dallas care enough, find the legal precedence and start the process now 3 separate legal cases. With 3 legal teams since in the US you have to pass the State exam to practice law in a state. I'll be nice and give CCP a legal team that covers Cali and NY. Still paying them ....and the Texas legal team.

I'd rather ccp headhunt and poach devs with their cash, not lawyers.

And yes CCP would have complete control of this. That the issue. Country X does't even have to work hard to subpoena.

CCP is being proactive here. I know some of you are going whats the big deal. The deal is with recent events like CS GO and such online game gambling has been skylined. Uncle Sam, whatever others have to refer to their countries just realized they have people making some income no taxes. Selling $1000 skins after gambling to get them? where the hell is our cut?

They won't be having that. Do you think the government(s) give a crap about illegal poker games in seedy illegal gambling dens. Nope. They care about the money made they can't grab. Why in the US, online gambling getting the evil eye. And pokers sites have been shut down. For the young bloods who aren't old enough to hit a casino. When you win big and go to the cashier you get your money....and a tax form. And yes you will fill it out, that casino is reporting your streak of luck.

CCP is ditching this before local and international laws make them more firm if not draconian. Its called proactive. Not sure about other countries success', the US has had a fair amount of success cracking down on online sites for poker and such already. CCP is reading the writing on the wall, Its not done yet but...I see a trend, do you?.

Cease and De........

So in say a year from when we have concrete laws CCP can sit back, laugh and they will have some fun for a bit as they watch other games with forms of gambling scrambling to comply with new laws.

Put up 5 million for a dessie. Go to space where spawn happens. Click buttons. Roll for rewards. Loot objects. Sell for isk.

Put down 5 million for some chips. Go to space where wheel is. Click buttons. Roll for rewards. Get isk directly.

Don't kid yourselves. Even the dirtiest pirates from the birth of EVE have been carebears. They use alts to bring them goods at cheap prices and safely, rather than live with consequences of their in game actions on their main, from concord to prices

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#23 - 2016-10-26 10:33:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Kronos
I cannot see why there would be a huge leagal system that would have to get involved.

In game money which is not real money and cannot be traded for real money makes it a virtual asset always owned by CCP according to their terms and conditions.

Iceland does not have to answer to UK or US or international law on this matter. Look how many gambling apps are on phones and tablets and free to play. you think they have a whole backing legal team ??

Walking on stations would be a great idea with casinos and bars. CCP could easily make a fair system where an game item is the rewarded item. Once the game has ben started nothing can be touched or changed until the game is won. This way games can be created very easily with no ways of cheating or able to remove the winning item(s). they could also add in a % for tax on winnings over a X ammount like they do with taxes for mission rewards to corporation taxes.

These would be used by players who are waiting on a station for a fleet to form or waiting for a delivery of goods. Or during times of war safely inside a station you can hide and play.

This also would be good since Starcitizen is progressing quite well and having something like this to please players would put quite a few smiles on players faces.

Other games like startrek online already have walking on stations but CCP already have the answer for the silly stand still spawn numbers. once they go offline they unspawn. Or X ammount of time.

Once this has been achived, other spin offs like missions with walking on sites could potentally be a game changer as in something diffrent to the game mixing ships and FPS.
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