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CSM Campaigns

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Erika Mizune (aka Yumene) Running for CSM XII ~

First post
OtroWillis Chancel
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#41 - 2017-02-13 02:35:42 UTC
I will say that I've flown with Erika through at least three different corps now. And she's pretty great. If you've never had a chance to be in a corp with consistently reliable and affordable logistics, you don't know what you are missing. She'll be getting my #1 vote, because she, more than almost anyone else in the game has made my eve experience better.

Now on to the meat:

Erika, I know your intention with the accessibility stuff is to make it easier for people with disabilities to play the game... but what about people with high resolution monitors? Will you make UI scaling great again in 2017? Asking for a friend.
Erika Mizune
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#42 - 2017-02-13 07:00:03 UTC
OtroWillis Chancel wrote:
I will say that I've flown with Erika through at least three different corps now. And she's pretty great. If you've never had a chance to be in a corp with consistently reliable and affordable logistics, you don't know what you are missing. She'll be getting my #1 vote, because she, more than almost anyone else in the game has made my eve experience better.

Now on to the meat:

Erika, I know your intention with the accessibility stuff is to make it easier for people with disabilities to play the game... but what about people with high resolution monitors? Will you make UI scaling great again in 2017? Asking for a friend.

Thank you Otro!

And yes I approve of #MakeTheUIGreatAgain

Former DJ & Manager of Eve Radio | Blog | Sounds of New Eden | Twitch | Twitter

Influence Powers
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#43 - 2017-02-16 01:06:20 UTC
Iam Influence Powers,
And I approve this run for CSM.

Wait... I was supposed to bring sexy back?!?!

Cayenne Amberwood
The Soul Society
#44 - 2017-02-16 02:16:31 UTC
Erika is a very knowledgeable Eve player! She knows about all different aspects of the game including but not limited to PvP, PVE, Indy, logistics, PI, and management! Erika also has an EXTENSIVE BPO collection!! :)

More than all that, she is a great friend and corpie! :)


Rex Stetille
Lucifer's Hammer
#45 - 2017-02-16 06:43:20 UTC
Erika knows how to get things done, Knows what is Best for the Players, and knows Whats in Demand :D

I am The Soul Society (TSSOC) Recruiter, Rex Stetille. Check out my very informative Forum recruitment post about my corporation The Soul Society Corporation.

Erika Mizune
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#46 - 2017-02-16 06:56:45 UTC
Influence Powers wrote:
Iam Influence Powers,
And I approve this run for CSM.

Thank you for the support! :) Really appreciate it!

Former DJ & Manager of Eve Radio | Blog | Sounds of New Eden | Twitch | Twitter

Erika Mizune
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#47 - 2017-02-16 06:57:35 UTC
Cayenne Amberwood wrote:
Erika is a very knowledgeable Eve player! She knows about all different aspects of the game including but not limited to PvP, PVE, Indy, logistics, PI, and management! Erika also has an EXTENSIVE BPO collection!! :)

More than all that, she is a great friend and corpie! :)



Thank you, Cay <3

Must collect all the BPO's!

Former DJ & Manager of Eve Radio | Blog | Sounds of New Eden | Twitch | Twitter

Erika Mizune
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#48 - 2017-02-16 06:58:27 UTC
Rex Stetille wrote:
Erika knows how to get things done, Knows what is Best for the Players, and knows Whats in Demand :D

Thank you Rex!

Former DJ & Manager of Eve Radio | Blog | Sounds of New Eden | Twitch | Twitter

Unus ex Plures
Vae. Victis.
#49 - 2017-02-16 10:26:56 UTC
I voted for Erika Mizune last year on her platform for accessibility for disabled gamer's. CSM needs representation on that one. Erika is more than capable to assume that role.

Erika for CSM!
Erika Mizune
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#50 - 2017-02-17 11:21:33 UTC
Wakkachu wrote:
I voted for Erika Mizune last year on her platform for accessibility for disabled gamer's. CSM needs representation on that one. Erika is more than capable to assume that role.

Erika for CSM!

Thank you! I really appreciate it!

Former DJ & Manager of Eve Radio | Blog | Sounds of New Eden | Twitch | Twitter

Erika Mizune
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#51 - 2017-02-22 01:28:51 UTC
Still open for questions/comments :)

Former DJ & Manager of Eve Radio | Blog | Sounds of New Eden | Twitch | Twitter

Signal Cartel
EvE-Scout Enclave
#52 - 2017-02-23 03:00:57 UTC
Erika is smart, thoughtful, knowledgable and enthusiastic about EVE. I believe she would be positive and productive CSM member. I'm planning to give her a vote from all my accounts.

Lost in space, looking for sigs...

Blog: Cloaky Wanderer

Erika Mizune
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#53 - 2017-02-24 08:33:25 UTC
Mynxee wrote:
Erika is smart, thoughtful, knowledgable and enthusiastic about EVE. I believe she would be positive and productive CSM member. I'm planning to give her a vote from all my accounts.

Thank you so much Mynxee, that means a lot to me!

Former DJ & Manager of Eve Radio | Blog | Sounds of New Eden | Twitch | Twitter

Fancy Looking Ganker
Death Stalkers United
#54 - 2017-02-28 12:31:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Fancy Looking Ganker
After listening to you on podcasts and interviews I have a few questions.

On podcasts you seem to be a bit of a wall flower. From what I've seen you have often been unable to follow a continuous train of thought and have hearing issues (I'm aware you're disabled). Do you think you would you be able overcome this in a business setting? You haven't had much to say and fall back on the 'gamer girl' act a lot. The cutesy act only gets you so far.

Looking back at your past candidacies I also noticed a few things. One of those being that you had to record your CSM Watch interview for csm 10 twice due to having a panic attack in the middle of the interview. Is your nervousness and awkwardness around people something that would be an issue working with the community and ccp being that this is a very public position?

I also noticed you are part of b4r as a moderator. I asked around since I don't spend a lot of time in those communities and was told that you love virtual hugs, kisses and cookies. I also heard of more than one instance that you have banned people from there for using 'bad words'. Is this something you stand by given eve is such a dark game?

You said in your talking in stations interview that you want to give back to the community since people have been so nice and helpful to you. You mention 'you feel you'd be good at it'. Do you think that is enough of a reason? It feels like you could have done other things with the time you've put into your csm candidacies that would have been more useful than running over and over. I'm trying to work out why you keep running.

What are you going to be able to effect on ccps road map since they never change the whole road map because a csm asks for it?

I'm not a hater and I'm sorry if this came off as that. I'm just piecing things together and not seeing a very good picture at the moment as someone who did vote for you last year. I'd like to hear your answers. I'd probably be more interested to hear your reasoning with these questions in voice rather than in text which you have said you would rather people use primarily, which mainly gives you time to think and rethink your answers.

-edit to be more friendly
Erika Mizune
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#55 - 2017-02-28 17:06:44 UTC
Fancy Looking Ganker wrote:

Thank you for your questions!

To first point out about the 'gamer girl' bit. I want to clear this: I do not like the term 'gamer girl' - and when you hear my Talking in Stations interview, I actually cringed when Materall brought it up asking how me being a girl effected me - but I answered anyways because I'm not wanting to turn down a question, I also mentioned in the interview how I dislike the term. To me, it doesn't matter if you are male of female, we all play together as a whole. I do admit that during interviews I do get a little bit 'giggly' but that is also my nervousness and anxiety kicking in. This happens to me IRL as well - it is a hurdle that I have to try to overcome - but I can assure that once I am over that hurdle of interviews - It's a whole other ballgame and I am a very hard worker and focused.

This is the same for the CSM watch interviews - anxiety and panic came over me on top of hearing difficulties - it was pretty much a disaster and I wish it would have went better. So I have nothing really much to say on that bit other than jumping over that hurdle to overcome this. Despite the anxiety and panic ridden interviews, I am 100% confident that once I can get past the interviews/debates/ect, I will have no issues working with CCP and doing the job at hand. I am hearing impaired, however, I do not feel that will hinder me from being able to still do the work - I just may have to ask someone to repeat sometimes if I don't catch something.

I am a moderator for B4R, yes, but I also do a lot more than just virtual hugs and cookies - a lot of my time on there is also spent listening to people and just being there for people who need it. There is a lot more to that. In regards to banning, I first have to say on the note of B4R, it is a channel that is held to a higher standard because of the nature of the community. But with that said however, it takes a lot more than a few 'bad words' for me to actually ban someone - and anyone who knows me can vouch for me on that regards.

The reason I keep running? Because this is something that I want to do. Yes I want to give back to the community. Being a part of the community has helped me so much - from when I first joined and having people taking the time to help me out, to being able to actually open up more. Before I came to Eve, I was basically a hermit - I would never talk on voice unless absolutely needed because I used to get anxious just at the idea of speaking - but being with this community has dome something for me - it's changed me for the better. I can't explain it. I went from being a quiet fly on the wall to being someone that sometimes my own corp mates have to tell me to shut up. So yes, I want to give back to the community that has done so much for me - and having this opportunity to be able to do this as a voice for the community that I love would mean a lot to me. So this is why I will keep running and won't give up despite the hurdles that I have to go through.

I also feel that my reason is good enough - I feel that I am knowledgeable about the game to be able to provide the feedback to CCP. I also look at things differently, and by that, meaning accessibility. I go over in my head how things can be improved or worked on to better be accessible to other players of other walks of life. I feel that this type of mindset would be very valuable - it's also a area that has never had any real representation. I also feel this answer goes over how I would be able to provide constructive feedback for CCP as they progress through the road-map.

I am also more than willing to talk on voice and I also frequent Eve Radio's public TS at if you wish to join to get to know me a little bit more.

Thank you!

Former DJ & Manager of Eve Radio | Blog | Sounds of New Eden | Twitch | Twitter

Erika Mizune
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#56 - 2017-03-02 10:27:44 UTC
Still open for questions/comments.

Thank you so much for the support so far from everyone! Voting is just a few days away and I hope to be considered to be on your ballot!

Former DJ & Manager of Eve Radio | Blog | Sounds of New Eden | Twitch | Twitter

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#57 - 2017-03-02 10:47:01 UTC

My question - what is your viewpoint regarding Faction standings and as a CSM member, what changes will you propose to CCP pertaining to game mechanics for Faction standings ?

Good luck to you in the upcoming CSM election.

Erika Mizune
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#58 - 2017-03-02 11:37:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Erika Mizune
DeMichael Crimson wrote:

My question - what is your viewpoint regarding Faction standings and as a CSM member, what changes will you propose to CCP pertaining to game mechanics for Faction standings ?

Good luck to you in the upcoming CSM election.


I think it's a hit and miss with regards to faction standings. In my time with mission running I have always personally avoided missions that would result in standing loss - as someone who does logistics around the map in high sec I am very careful in that respects with what would happen if I were to dip my status with a faction too low and end up getting shot. Risk vs. reward.

It's a pretty steep consequence to have standing hits from missions - but at the same time, there has to be some risk involved with shooting other factions - Obviously if you shoot at Caldari NPC's, it's only natural that your standings would get messed up, I mean, you shot their friends!

I also remember back when standings effected if you could make jump clones or not and how I busted by butt in missions to get the standings needed for NPC corps to make those clones in high sec only to have them not matter later on - don't get me wrong, I love that you can make jump clones anywhere now regardless - but there was also this rewarding feeling when you finally get to that point where you have reached your goal past from what you could get in the LP store.

The rewards you seem to only get now that matter are the LP store credits and less of the feeling of accomplishment like how I felt when I got my standings for the clones, or even a corp working together to place a POS up in HS. But if you loose enough standings you become a target. I would like to see there be a easier way to regain those standings.

Former DJ & Manager of Eve Radio | Blog | Sounds of New Eden | Twitch | Twitter

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#59 - 2017-03-02 11:51:54 UTC
Thanks for the reply but you didn't really give an answer to my question, other than you think it's a hit and miss situation which needs an easier way to repair negative Faction standings.

This game was founded with the premise of having a balance on 'Risk vs Reward' and 'Actions vs Consequences'. It takes time for players to ruin their Faction standings and as such it should also take time for players to repair those standings. In the past Characters were accountable for their actions in-game, now most everything has been dumbed down and turned into easy mode for the instant gratification crowd.

Now I agree there was a time long ago when having negative Faction standings prohibited players from enjoying all aspects of the game. That myth was due to players just accepting that consequence as fact instead of actually searching for a remedy to correct that situation. Course the process of standings repair should have been implemented to be more intuitive within the game instead of being so obscure.

Unfortunately CCP doesn't like to present things in Black & White. They prefer various shades of Gray and enjoy seeing the player base figure things out on their own. CCP distributes the content throughout the game for players to find and put the pieces together. Players then share that info with the community. That's what makes this game great.

I know because I use to be one of those players who felt victimized by negative Faction standings until I decided to do something about it. After 3 months of research in 2010, I created and shared the 'Faction Standing Repair Plan' ('The Plan') with the Eve Online community. Time and time again it proved itself to the playerbase that it not only easily and quickly repaired negative Faction standings, it also helped boost positive Faction standings as well.

One of the main points for having high Faction standings was the ability to anchor POS in High Security systems. Granted that aspect of Faction standing game mechanic was removed by CCP which in my opinion was a huge mistake. Another point for having high Faction standing is reduced Broker fees as well as reduced Refining fees in NPC stations.

Anyway, I'm sure we can all agree there's a few game mechanics that definitely need to be revised, including the one pertaining to Faction standings. I just wanted to know what your stance is on Faction standings and what changes you'd propose to CCP.

Thanks again for the reply and good luck to you.

Erika Mizune
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#60 - 2017-03-02 12:47:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Erika Mizune
I'm slightly confused at your response, you brought up things that I did talk about. Tho I noticed that you are copy and pasting the same response around. That aside, I did talk about the consequence that you face and how I do feel that the feeling of reward isn't the same as it used to be. That's my viewpoint.

What changes I would bring up? To make it easier to regain standings (perhaps simular to tags like we have for sec. status?) or/and to bring back a way to have that feeling of reward again someway (ie. having standings matter - bringing back a sense of reward when you work up your standings). How exactly - well I'm not sure how to 100% answer that. CSM aren't mini-developers, and to try to 'promise' something isn't right. What I can do provide the feedback to CCP on the topic.

Thanks :)

*Edited for clarification

Former DJ & Manager of Eve Radio | Blog | Sounds of New Eden | Twitch | Twitter