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Bluescreen Only in Eve

Saul Tiegh
#1 - 2011-12-22 02:53:18 UTC

I get Bluescreen stop x 000000124 only when i play Eve Online.

Random, more im missions i ting. 1-2 Hours then BSOD.

All other games, like SWTOR, BF2 with MODS, BF3, Skyrim and such stuff are fine even after 5 hours gameplay.

Win764 bit with all latest updates.

No antivir Runnning.

E2500k, gtx470, 8GB RAM, Latest Drivers.

Creative Xfi Gamer, Latest Drivers.

Any Idea? Any Help?

Federated Holdings
#2 - 2011-12-22 03:16:22 UTC
I'm not sure if this applies but many years ago I use to suffer from blue screens when playing in Eve and only Eve. I traced it down to that I had 2 different makes of ram in my machine and using memtest it found the tiniest of memory holes and caused Eve to bluescreen.

I had other games and software that never suffered from the prob and used more ram and processor then Eve. Eve has always been the pickiest and fussiest software I have ever run. I dont know if this will help but doesnt hurt to check.
Saul Tiegh
#3 - 2011-12-22 13:33:05 UTC
OK thanks, first i will check my temps, hardware, prime and ramtesting.