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EVE General Discussion

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Can we all please stop being apathetic?

Serene Repose
#61 - 2016-08-14 23:04:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Serene Repose
Solecist Project wrote:
It's all pearls before swine anyway.
At last! Now no one has to take my word for it.

Okay, I'll parse it out for the readers so they aren't fooled by your tactics, or "method". (Why some forum posters just have to be the know-all be-all at the expense of everyone else...that is a psychological problem best left to professionals.)

Arch Age - The first name in bot disruption in gaming. Released at the back end of history, two years after the end of the Golden Age of MMOs - which proved to be its own demise owing largely to the amount of trolls it attracted who actually believed the game was the answer to the demise of the classic MMO....that "Archage?" I'm sure your method of forum went over big over there - knowing some of the players as I do.

So, you claim this community is toxic? You were gone, then you come back, and the first forum bible you regale us with after our long respite from this habit of yours is to indict us as not being worth being with 'cause we're doing it wrong, don't know it, but thank the gaming gods you're here to bring it to our I getting this right?

On behalf of myself and my fellow poisonous-community members, thanks. Thanks so much for trying to save us. And, may I apologize for our chronic failure to rise to your standards. Just keep leading by example and hope for the best.

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Kaely Tanniss
Black Lotus Society.
#62 - 2016-08-14 23:23:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaely Tanniss
Solecist Project wrote:
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
the bears spirit broke, there are no great pro/antagonists (depending on how you look at it) right now ,
no movements aside from code. and the mercs internal drama .


It's horrible!

We live in a time of mediocracy! Everyone is only caring about himself and gaining personal wealth!
And when they reach that wealth, what happens?

They bore themselves and leave ...
... OR WORSE, they stay and worsen the shituation!

Just as CONCORD wills it!

You are right to a degree Sol..Merc internal drama stems from that very thing you mention; "Everyone is only caring about himself and gaining personal wealth!". It is not, unfortunately, an issue only to carebears. Eve has become passive, complacent, and caters to the few over themany.

In the end, CCP is a business. They know this 13 year old game will someday die..they aren't concerned with keeping the vets happy, they are concerned with making as much money as they can while the cash cow is still grazing. After all, it IS a business. That doesn't make it right, no. They want new subs..someone to come into the game, pay for a year sub..and it doesn't matter if they quit 2 months later. IMO, focus should be on content and the players who have stuck it out with the game over the years. But, unfortunately, that is not their goal.

Something will give one way or another soon enough. I'm sure there's only so much people will tolerate before it's too much. Until then, enjoy the ride..because you never know when the last stop is. Smile

If I had a nickel for every time someone said women don't play eve, I'd have a bag of nickels to whack the next person who said it..

Serene Repose
#63 - 2016-08-15 00:04:26 UTC
I understand this is the conventional wisdom held by those who aren't very long-term in their own thinking - claim CCP is only milking the game for cash as it folds as a business enterprise. However, recent events which require their own long-term commitment speak for themselves.

I wonder if this "view" isn't part of this toxicity that seems to be running rampant! Shocked

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Kaely Tanniss
Black Lotus Society.
#64 - 2016-08-15 00:30:30 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
I understand this is the conventional wisdom held by those who aren't very long-term in their own thinking - claim CCP is only milking the game for cash as it folds as a business enterprise. However, recent events which require their own long-term commitment speak for themselves.

I wonder if this "view" isn't part of this toxicity that seems to be running rampant! Shocked

It really just depends on where you stand and how you see it. After all, it's not so much what something really is, rather a matter of interpretation. It doesn't matter if something is green if all views on it are that it's red. Such interpretation is the basis of all things, be it true or not.

Long term goals are there to keep the appearance things are moving forward. After all, if they announced nothing was planned, how many would stick with something that was sitting in place and not moving? Work will be done regardless until the day the servers shut down. What that work is, and what it means, is again a matter of interpretation. Twisted

If I had a nickel for every time someone said women don't play eve, I'd have a bag of nickels to whack the next person who said it..

Solecist Project
#65 - 2016-08-15 09:46:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Solecist Project
Kaely, i know that you're probably right, but if ccps goal is to get subs i don't see why they keep shooting themselves in the foot unless they had a long term agenda that started a long, long time ago.

And regarding serene i really wonder if she ever notices her own toxicity or if it's just everyone else.
I mean holy ****, one just needs to look at her posts in this very thread to know the answer.
Someone buy him a mirror. Inb4 predictable, irrational hateresponse.

Oh hey you're back in the alliance!

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Kaely Tanniss
Black Lotus Society.
#66 - 2016-08-15 10:35:00 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:
Kaely, i know that you're probably right, but if ccps goal is to get subs i don't see why they keep shooting themselves in the foot unless they had a long term agenda that started a long, long time ago.

And regarding serene i really wonder if she ever notices her own toxicity or if it's just everyone else.
I mean holy ****, one just needs to look at her posts in this very thread to know the answer.
Someone buy him a mirror. Inb4 predictable, irrational hateresponse.

Oh hey you're back in the alliance!

Yeah. We have dealt with the issues and new leadership will be moving alliance forward. Smile

If I had a nickel for every time someone said women don't play eve, I'd have a bag of nickels to whack the next person who said it..

Project Fruit House
#67 - 2016-08-15 11:52:25 UTC
I like the discussion here, but there's too much mixed in together, like PVE vs PVP stuff and CONCORD mechanics and lore. I see why they should get discussed together, but it's difficult to win momentum for your voice when other baggages get attached to it.

I would definitely support uprising against CONCORD, be it RP orientated or game mechanic focused. In the EVE fiction before the Templar one (forgot the name...) Minmatar attacks CONCORD directly to achieve their factional goals. I like the idea of players having means to do something about CONCORD. But as things stand, and have been for some time now, avoiding CONCORD consequence is not even a valid game mechanic now, it's considered exploit.

CONCORD is putely an arbitrary game mechanic now, doesn't make much sense and no way to engage/interact with them in a meaningful way. A game mechanic change about CONCORD backed by good lore would be awesome.

Cheers Love! The cavalry's here!

Serene Repose
#68 - 2016-08-15 22:45:07 UTC
CONCORD is there to if not prevent illegal and unruly activity by the threat of consequence, to apply a consequence which makes such activity costly in some fashion. I think CONCORD's reaction is a bit on the light side for suicide gankers (claiming to be pirates, who by the way were summarily executed without trial.) Such unruly behavior can be conducted in areas where there is no CONCORD presence.

People advocating removal of CONCORD, or ways to circumvent this do it for a reason and they never say what that reason actually is. That's why these threads get so long. They billow with the tortured logic these people must invent in order to hide their true intentions, which are simply to do like they did in WOW. Descend upon lesser players with their uber gear and "gank" them. "Gank" is a term invented in WOW for just this practice.

You're in a game where we don't like that sort of thing. We like fair fights. We like people pitting themselves against those who can fight back. We know there are those who can figure out how to game a system, as has been done here. Sadly, management's reaction to this has been less than helpful. Even the gankers aren't happy that CCP doesn't make the game like WOW - an open PVP arena. You walk up the middle of the road, you're sure to be run over.

The upshot is always - play like me or get lost, for the gankers who pretend they have something to do with PvP. But, they don't. They play MvMV (Me vs My Victim), and they can't help but think, "Gee. If that CONCORD thing weren't there, I'd get away with this (behavior akin to pulling off flies' wings and laughing at them)."

These people have a psychological problem. Naturally, they don't want to admit that. They spend time at their shrink's convincing him/her that they're normal and everybody else is "risk averse". They spend the same time here doing that, too. What a big surprise! Naturally, their hope is to bully and over run the "risk averse", and get their own way - always in the interest of "fair play."

What we have going for us is, these people also have short attention spans and never stay long. It just seems like more 'cause EVE attracts them. They hear EVE lets you do whatever you want to anybody, and they come running. They get CONCORDED once and it's, "Heeeeey. Waytamminnit....I thought...." Then the wheels start spinning. They run in here and presto, another "line of logic" amounting to a vast digital wasteland chewing up as much bandwidth as a CODE Mining Permit.

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

#69 - 2016-08-15 22:54:18 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
We like fair fights.

That has to be the joke of the month.
Lex Gabinia
Res Repetundae
#70 - 2016-08-15 22:58:50 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
CONCORD is there to if not prevent illegal and unruly activity by the threat of consequence, to apply a consequence which makes such activity costly in some fashion. I think CONCORD's reaction is a bit on the light side for suicide gankers (claiming to be pirates, who by the way were summarily executed without trial.) Such unruly behavior can be conducted in areas where there is no CONCORD presence.

People advocating removal of CONCORD, or ways to circumvent this do it for a reason and they never say what that reason actually is. That's why these threads get so long. They billow with the tortured logic these people must invent in order to hide their true intentions, which are simply to do like they did in WOW. Descend upon lesser players with their uber gear and "gank" them. "Gank" is a term invented in WOW for just this practice.

You're in a game where we don't like that sort of thing. We like fair fights. We like people pitting themselves against those who can fight back. We know there are those who can figure out how to game a system, as has been done here. Sadly, management's reaction to this has been less than helpful. Even the gankers aren't happy that CCP doesn't make the game like WOW - an open PVP arena. You walk up the middle of the road, you're sure to be run over.

The upshot is always - play like me or get lost, for the gankers who pretend they have something to do with PvP. But, they don't. They play MvMV (Me vs My Victim), and they can't help but think, "Gee. If that CONCORD thing weren't there, I'd get away with this (behavior akin to pulling off flies' wings and laughing at them)."

These people have a psychological problem. Naturally, they don't want to admit that. They spend time at their shrink's convincing him/her that they're normal and everybody else is "risk averse". They spend the same time here doing that, too. What a big surprise! Naturally, their hope is to bully and over run the "risk averse", and get their own way - always in the interest of "fair play."

What we have going for us is, these people also have short attention spans and never stay long. It just seems like more 'cause EVE attracts them. They hear EVE lets you do whatever you want to anybody, and they come running. They get CONCORDED once and it's, "Heeeeey. Waytamminnit....I thought...." Then the wheels start spinning. They run in here and presto, another "line of logic" amounting to a vast digital wasteland chewing up as much bandwidth as a CODE Mining Permit.

Whoa...lots of stuff here.

"I think CONCORD's reaction is a bit on the light side for suicide gankers." They blew up the ship which is far from light. Also, should CONCORD react differently to non-suicide gankers? How would CONCROD tell the difference?

"We like fair fights." Are we playing the same game? If you are in a fair fight then you've had an intelligence failure.

"Even the gankers aren't happy that CCP doesn't make the game like WOW - an open PVP arena." PvP is possible anywhere so I guess it might be described as an open PvP arena but that term has a particular meaning that doesn't apply to EVE.

"The upshot is always - play like me or get lost, for the gankers who pretend they have something to do with PvP." I think the overwhelming majority of requests for changes is by those being ganked. The gankees wish to play in peace and not be subject to others and change the entire basis of the game to fit their playstyle. PvP is player vs. player. If a ganker shoots another player then that meets the definition.

"These people have a psychological problem." Seems a bit of an unprovable statement and a bit over the top as well.

P.S. I never played WoW so I've brought no ideas from that game into this one.
Kaldi Tsukaya
Deveron Shipyards and Technology
Citizen's Star Republic
#71 - 2016-08-15 23:00:49 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
CONCORD is there to if not prevent illegal and unruly activity by the threat of consequence, to apply a consequence which makes such activity costly in some fashion. I think CONCORD's reaction is a bit on the light side for suicide gankers (claiming to be pirates, who by the way were summarily executed without trial.) Such unruly behavior can be conducted in areas where there is no CONCORD presence.

People advocating removal of CONCORD, or ways to circumvent this do it for a reason and they never say what that reason actually is. That's why these threads get so long. They billow with the tortured logic these people must invent in order to hide their true intentions, which are simply to do like they did in WOW. Descend upon lesser players with their uber gear and "gank" them. "Gank" is a term invented in WOW for just this practice.

You're in a game where we don't like that sort of thing. We like fair fights. We like people pitting themselves against those who can fight back. We know there are those who can figure out how to game a system, as has been done here. Sadly, management's reaction to this has been less than helpful. Even the gankers aren't happy that CCP doesn't make the game like WOW - an open PVP arena. You walk up the middle of the road, you're sure to be run over.

The upshot is always - play like me or get lost, for the gankers who pretend they have something to do with PvP. But, they don't. They play MvMV (Me vs My Victim), and they can't help but think, "Gee. If that CONCORD thing weren't there, I'd get away with this (behavior akin to pulling off flies' wings and laughing at them)."

These people have a psychological problem. Naturally, they don't want to admit that. They spend time at their shrink's convincing him/her that they're normal and everybody else is "risk averse". They spend the same time here doing that, too. What a big surprise! Naturally, their hope is to bully and over run the "risk averse", and get their own way - always in the interest of "fair play."

What we have going for us is, these people also have short attention spans and never stay long. It just seems like more 'cause EVE attracts them. They hear EVE lets you do whatever you want to anybody, and they come running. They get CONCORDED once and it's, "Heeeeey. Waytamminnit....I thought...." Then the wheels start spinning. They run in here and presto, another "line of logic" amounting to a vast digital wasteland chewing up as much bandwidth as a CODE Mining Permit.

I am an industialist, and I would love to see Concord virtually eliminated from highsec. It would fit the narrative for the Empires to call an end to the omnipotent expansion of Concord and reduce their support and funding for it.

Funny, this would result in the largest single nerf to both gankers and wardec corps. But I don't suppose you would see that...
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#72 - 2016-08-15 23:03:31 UTC
Kaldi Tsukaya wrote:

I am an industialist, and I would love to see Concord virtually eliminated from highsec.

You don't want that.
Project Fruit House
#73 - 2016-08-15 23:11:28 UTC
For now, I do not wish to get deep into ganker vs 'victim' argument, there are many play styles that CCP needs to carter for and it's big can of worms.

But then there is the fact that CONCORD is omni-present and omni-potent in high-sec, defies all other game mechanics that are applied to capsulers and other faction forces, can one-shot anything and cannot be destroyed, and avoiding them (if you find a way) using whatever game mechanic is immediately deemed an exploit and patched.

That may or may not be 'necessary'' for game balance. But the way CONCORD defies all othergame mechanics of EVE is a tad strange for sure...

Cheers Love! The cavalry's here!

Serene Repose
#74 - 2016-08-15 23:16:11 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Kaldi Tsukaya wrote:

I am an industialist, and I would love to see Concord virtually eliminated from highsec.
You don't want that.
Well. Not so fast with regard to the storyline. I advocate capital criminal status for pirates. No using gates. No using stations, and an NPC generated bounty....a fine can be discussed...a crippling know, like the good old days. You may think you want to be Blackbeard, but nobody wants to be Blackbeard the day they caught up with him.

Anyhoo. Beef up the faction's capacities. Replace CONCORD with Minmatar in Minmatar space. Same capability. Different logo. Min's enforce Min. Caldari/Caldari and so on. These areas like "Interbus" has a sovereignty over? Weird. It's like states. Interbus is a private company, not a state. This is where things are more than muddled. Maybe it was some long ago fiction writer imagining what future government organization would look like. I don't know. But, this present condition doesn't permit the natural logic that flows from actual behavior - not what we'd expect to see, with no logical explanation why it's the way it is.

Stop uber players from playing in the shallow end of the pool? Always. If they're that good, they know where to go. They know they're where they are to find people they can run over. And they know who to run from. Let's stop kidding ourselves.

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#75 - 2016-08-15 23:25:59 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Kaldi Tsukaya wrote:

I am an industialist, and I would love to see Concord virtually eliminated from highsec.
You don't want that.
Well. Not so fast with regard to the storyline. I advocate capital criminal status for pirates. No using gates. No using stations, and an NPC generated bounty....a fine can be discussed...a crippling know, like the good old days. You may think you want to be Blackbeard, but nobody wants to be Blackbeard the day they caught up with him.

Anyhoo. Beef up the faction's capacities. Replace CONCORD with Minmatar in Minmatar space. Same capability. Different logo. Min's enforce Min. Caldari/Caldari and so on. These areas like "Interbus" has a sovereignty over? Weird. It's like states. Interbus is a private company, not a state. This is where things are more than muddled. Maybe it was some long ago fiction writer imagining what future government organization would look like. I don't know. But, this present condition doesn't permit the natural logic that flows from actual behavior - not what we'd expect to see, with no logical explanation why it's the way it is.

Stop uber players from playing in the shallow end of the pool? Always. If they're that good, they know where to go. They know they're where they are to find people they can run over. And they know who to run from. Let's stop kidding ourselves.

I don't recall Blackbeard being able to pull into any port and get rest and repairs either. Good call.

This is the kind of balance that Dracvlad keeps bringing up. And I will bet that many a new player has left the game wondering "why are these people allowed to be here where I'm still trying to learn the game"?

Sadly, driving people out of the game IS their game, and the community management of CCP has people who know this and are a part of it. Until this internal rot is addressed the game will not go forward and all these feature bandaids, fake live events, and skins won't save it.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Kaldi Tsukaya
Deveron Shipyards and Technology
Citizen's Star Republic
#76 - 2016-08-15 23:31:45 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Kaldi Tsukaya wrote:

I am an industialist, and I would love to see Concord virtually eliminated from highsec.
You don't want that.
Well. Not so fast with regard to the storyline. I advocate capital criminal status for pirates. No using gates. No using stations, and an NPC generated bounty....a fine can be discussed...a crippling know, like the good old days. You may think you want to be Blackbeard, but nobody wants to be Blackbeard the day they caught up with him.

Anyhoo. Beef up the faction's capacities. Replace CONCORD with Minmatar in Minmatar space. Same capability. Different logo. Min's enforce Min. Caldari/Caldari and so on. These areas like "Interbus" has a sovereignty over? Weird. It's like states. Interbus is a private company, not a state. This is where things are more than muddled. Maybe it was some long ago fiction writer imagining what future government organization would look like. I don't know. But, this present condition doesn't permit the natural logic that flows from actual behavior - not what we'd expect to see, with no logical explanation why it's the way it is.

Stop uber players from playing in the shallow end of the pool? Always. If they're that good, they know where to go. They know they're where they are to find people they can run over. And they know who to run from. Let's stop kidding ourselves.

The most logical post you've made, and you didn't bash anyone. Well done.

The Empires should control their own space. Not some omnipotent oligarchy bestowed by some afflicted reclusive race.
Lex Gabinia
Res Repetundae
#77 - 2016-08-15 23:37:05 UTC
Kaldi Tsukaya wrote:

The Empires should control their own space. Not some omnipotent oligarchy bestowed by some afflicted reclusive race.

CONCORD was founded and funded by the empires.

Lex Gabinia
Res Repetundae
#78 - 2016-08-15 23:41:52 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
Stop uber players from playing in the shallow end of the pool? Always. If they're that good, they know where to go. They know they're where they are to find people they can run over. And they know who to run from. Let's stop kidding ourselves.

So you want to separate people. On a single shard system created so that anyone can interact with anyone else anywhere and at anytime, you want to segregate players based on your like or dislike of their playstyle? To use your analogy, there is but one pool and one depth and we are all in it together - even that guy that likes to pee in the pool.

If people don't like being run over they will figure out how to get out of the way or become harder to run over.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#79 - 2016-08-15 23:47:53 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Kaldi Tsukaya wrote:

I am an industialist, and I would love to see Concord virtually eliminated from highsec.
You don't want that.
Well. Not so fast with regard to the storyline. I advocate capital criminal status for pirates. No using gates. No using stations, and an NPC generated bounty....a fine can be discussed...a crippling know, like the good old days. You may think you want to be Blackbeard, but nobody wants to be Blackbeard the day they caught up with him.

Anyhoo. Beef up the faction's capacities. Replace CONCORD with Minmatar in Minmatar space. Same capability. Different logo. Min's enforce Min. Caldari/Caldari and so on. These areas like "Interbus" has a sovereignty over? Weird. It's like states. Interbus is a private company, not a state. This is where things are more than muddled. Maybe it was some long ago fiction writer imagining what future government organization would look like. I don't know. But, this present condition doesn't permit the natural logic that flows from actual behavior - not what we'd expect to see, with no logical explanation why it's the way it is.

Stop uber players from playing in the shallow end of the pool? Always. If they're that good, they know where to go. They know they're where they are to find people they can run over. And they know who to run from. Let's stop kidding ourselves.

What you want is not EVE.
Serene Repose
#80 - 2016-08-15 23:48:17 UTC
Lex Gabinia wrote:
Serene Repose wrote:
Stop uber players from playing in the shallow end of the pool? Always. If they're that good, they know where to go. They know they're where they are to find people they can run over. And they know who to run from. Let's stop kidding ourselves.

So you want to separate people. On a single shard system created so that anyone can interact with anyone else anywhere and at anytime, you want to segregate players based on your like or dislike of their playstyle? To use your analogy, there is but one pool and one depth and we are all in it together - even that guy that likes to pee in the pool.

If people don't like being run over they will figure out how to get out of the way or become harder to run over.
Rationalizations fomented by the above mentioned carriers. Mischaracterizes and leaves most of the story out. There is no end to these, so stop trying to design a game to suit them. Temps generalize generalize generalize

We must accommodate the idiocracy.