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Dante Graydon
Phoenix Connection
Lack of Judgement.
#1 - 2016-08-08 20:55:55 UTC
Hello fellow capsuleers, I seek your advise.

I have 4 x Curse in the oven and in 2 days they will be delivered and I would like to solo PVP in them, I have never flown a curse before and seek decent (not faction/deadspace) fits and also some advise on how I should fly them, and probably advise on how not to fly them too)

Any advise is grratfully received.

Thanks D
Kerensky Initiatives
#2 - 2016-08-08 21:08:43 UTC
I predict four (4) hilarious lossmails in the pipeline, soon

On a serious note, put the Curses aside until you've had a chance to play with the Arbitrator (the T1 version). It's obviously not as powerful or specialised, but it's a great wee ship and will give you a good taste of what to expect. A fitting will probably look something like this:

Highs: Neuts

Mids: Tackle, Tracking Disruptors, Shield buffer (maybe? don't have EFT handy)

Lows: drone damage mods

A mix of drones

Something like that, presumably, or along it's general lines, as I haven't taken them out for a spin more than once or twice. Hopefully other more experienced pilots can chime in :)

Perfection is a dish best served like wasabi .

Bumble's Space Log

Dante Graydon
Phoenix Connection
Lack of Judgement.
#3 - 2016-08-08 21:15:05 UTC
Bumblefck wrote:
I predict four (4) hilarious lossmails in the pipeline, soon

On a serious note, put the Curses aside until you've had a chance to play with the Arbitrator (the T1 version). It's obviously not as powerful or specialised, but it's a great wee ship and will give you a good taste of what to expect. A fitting will probably look something like this:

Highs: Neuts

Mids: Tackle, Tracking Disruptors, Shield buffer (maybe? don't have EFT handy)

Lows: drone damage mods

A mix of drones

Something like that, presumably, or along it's general lines, as I haven't taken them out for a spin more than once or twice. Hopefully other more experienced pilots can chime in :)

I suspect you may be right on the lossmails, I will set up 4 arbies initially to get a feel for it, that is a good idea.
Zoltan Lazar
#4 - 2016-08-08 22:58:18 UTC
I take it this is your indie alt? Doesn't look like you can even fly them.

Curse isn't that great for solo unless you're really good with it and are specifically hunting people where the dscan immunity comes in handy. For that hull price you could fly a hac, or a faction cruiser.

The most important thing is going to be picking your fights. Anything that uses cap for its guns is a good target. Balanced legion ships (garmur, orthrus) will ruin your day. Good neuting can drive off or kill frigates, which can be a pest against other cruisers.

[Arbitrator, test]

Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Medium Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste
Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II

Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800
50MN Microwarpdrive II
Stasis Webifier II
Warp Scrambler II

Medium Energy Neutralizer II
Small Energy Neutralizer II
Small Energy Neutralizer II
Small Energy Neutralizer II

Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Medium Egress Port Maximizer I

Hammerhead II x5

Very basic fit but a good starting point to get better.
Substantia Nigra
Polaris Rising
Goonswarm Federation
#5 - 2016-08-09 01:29:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Substantia Nigra
I've flown the Pilgrim extensively [1] - but not the Arbitrator at all, and the Curse just a little - and I just love, love, love that ship. There are some significant commonalities between the three ships, so my Pilgrim-based experience is not entirely irrelevant to your question. The Curse is usually slower and tankier than the Pilgrim, but I've also seen some nasty fast Curses out there.

This series of ships offers eve a major public-good. They are cytotoxic and very effective in an anti-cancer role ... they're superb at killing Svipuls! All the same, as in any PvP, it's critical to carefully choose your targets when flying any of this line of ships. More on good / indifferent / bad target choices later.

The Curse's bonuses and strengths, which is what you will be wanting to play to, are:
- D-scan invisibility;
- Drone hitpoints and damage;
- Weapon Disruption effectiveness;
- Neut' / Nos' effectiveness and range.

Given their module setup and bonuses these ships, Curse and Pilgrim, are fairly adaptable and offer:
- Decent drone-based damage delivery, running a 5-mediums flight of drones;
- Phenomenal neuting power and range to disable targets;
- Ok, but not awesome, tanking potential;
- Faster shield or slower tankier armor fitting options;
- Tracking Disruption option for armor fit.

Shield fit gives you speed but less tank, and reduces the capacity for TD use.
Armor provides more tank, is slower, but lets you brings TDs into play.

Fitting options, in general terms -
Highslots: Energy Neutralizers, cloak for Pilgrim.
Midslots: Tackle and propulsion modules (I use MWD but have toyed with the idea of an AB-fit), Tracking Disruptors for armor tanked setups, Shield tank, Cap booster.
Lowslots: Armor tank, speed / manoeuvrability mods for shield tankers, DCU-always, drone damage mods.
Rigslots: Tank assistance rigs.
Drones: Depending on what you're doing and what you like. In my Pilgrim I usually carry 5 Hammerhead IIs, 5 Infiltrator IIs, 5 Warrior IIs, and 5 EC-300s. The Hammerheads are the workhorses, and the ones I lose most often. The warriors are great for little things and have managed to kill ships that have escaped tackle, before they get into warp. The ECs seem like a good idea although I don’t think I've used them at all. I can usually escape any 1 , 2, or 3 enemies so when I am actually caught it's usually a larger gang and a flight of ECs is of little use there.

Fight style
I use a shield-tanked kiter fit (plenty of killboard losses if you want to check my fit), but I have also played with the armor fit TD option. My view, certainly not shared by all, is that the added utility of the TDs is inadequate benefit against the downside of the ship being slower.
My approach is to tackle, neut-to-oblivion, and then apply death-by-drones. Capacitor management can be an issue.
These ships have superb escapability when you start getting outnumbered, up to a point. One neut cycle turns 'ceptors off and leaves them wallowing in your wake. Similarly heavier tackle lose their hold on you when they run out of cap. The shield-tanked setup also moves at a reasonable speed so can pull some distance away from hostiles.

Tough targets. The main major target-type challenges for the solo Arbitrator / Curse / Pilgrim are:
- Bonused Drone and Missile ships. They keep on delivering their DPS when neuted to oblivion.
- MJD fit ships. No amount of pointing and neuting stops these beggars from jumping away, but they do make nice targets when they're not MJD fit.
- Anything that can out-neut you. You are critically dependent on your own cap. If a Stratios can get close they're very much in this category.
- Fast things that can hold you from outside of your neut range. I've avoided garmurs and orthruses partly for this reason.

Intermediate difficulty targets:
- Projectile bonused ships. Even neuted and immobilized these guys can apply damage to your drones and to your ship. Sometimes it's a DPS race, and sometimes just a few km of extra range seems to make a difference to their effective damage output. Killing your drones is also an effective defence, especially when they have friends on their way and want to stall. I managed to kill one particularly tenacious Svipul with my last surviving Warrior - he had killed all my Hammerheads and Infiltrators and four of my Warriors by then.
- Active capacitor ships. If your target is able to boost their capacitor, especially at crucial times, they can make your life difficult. A good pilot in such a ship is a joy to fight, they're slippery and nasty and very hard to pin down. Sometimes it's a stand-off between who has the most cap boosters available. Sometimes they just pop a booster and use that surge to get a MWD cycle off and pull range on you. Sometimes they do that to re-establish a scram or web on you.
- Non-bonused drones. A non-bonused flight of mediums or smalls is usually fine ... but once your target starts throwing Praetor IIs at you, or similar, you might want to get out of there.

Juicy targets:
- Hybrid and Laser bonused ships. They lose their DPS output when you've neuted them.
- Non-MJD non-drone/missile BCs and BSs. If you screw-up, as I have, they can kill you fairly easily but it's a joy to tackle and kill BCs and BSs in your cruiser.
- Small and defenseless things. Yeah, I know, but they *are* juicy targets.

I still prefer the Pilgrim over the Curse, but many people prefer the Curse.

I guess I am almost a 'vet' by now. Hopefully not too bitter and managing to help more than I hinder. I build and sell many things, including large collections of bookmarks.

Tung Yoggi
University of Caille
#6 - 2016-08-09 14:53:48 UTC
Curse is awesome, solo as well as for small gang. It has been buffed twice, however today's meta is a bit less forgiving than it used to be, so it kind of balances the buffs.

However, I don't fly it much these days because:

1. It really shines with deadspace & faction fitting (new DED neuts, among other things) and i'm poor
2. Heavy Dictors camps (see point 1.)

What i recommend for solo:

- Fly it without any weapon disruptors, go for full tank
- Fit for agility and speed, not RCUs, PDS and whatnot, you should aim for at least 1 speed mod.
- Make sure you have enough fitting for at least T2 neutralizers

A lot has been said here, however i really think you shouldn't go for the arbitrator since it doesn't have much control vs the curse, the piloting and fitting will therefore be different.

I havent' checked your killboard but if you are a newbie, quite rusty, or bad at the game (but willing to improve), get a kitey vexor instead as you will widen your engagement range by a lot.

Feel free to message me in game for specific fits and tactics.
Dante Graydon
Phoenix Connection
Lack of Judgement.
#7 - 2016-08-09 19:28:36 UTC
Tung Yoggi wrote:
Curse is awesome, solo as well as for small gang. It has been buffed twice, however today's meta is a bit less forgiving than it used to be, so it kind of balances the buffs.

However, I don't fly it much these days because:

1. It really shines with deadspace & faction fitting (new DED neuts, among other things) and i'm poor
2. Heavy Dictors camps (see point 1.)

What i recommend for solo:

- Fly it without any weapon disruptors, go for full tank
- Fit for agility and speed, not RCUs, PDS and whatnot, you should aim for at least 1 speed mod.
- Make sure you have enough fitting for at least T2 neutralizers

A lot has been said here, however i really think you shouldn't go for the arbitrator since it doesn't have much control vs the curse, the piloting and fitting will therefore be different.

I havent' checked your killboard but if you are a newbie, quite rusty, or bad at the game (but willing to improve), get a kitey vexor instead as you will widen your engagement range by a lot.

Feel free to message me in game for specific fits and tactics.

Thanks Tung, this toon is new, it will be my main flying it, Ill admit I pisted under this alt as I didnt want to get flamed lol, I have done PVP but I am not that great at it, Ill have a play and get a fit together and see where it takes me, the isk isnt really a concern but dont really want deadpace faction stuff as it will die, thanks for the suggestions though
Dante Graydon
Phoenix Connection
Lack of Judgement.
#8 - 2016-08-09 19:34:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Dante Graydon
Substantia Nigra wrote:
I've flown the Pilgrim extensively - but not the Arbitrator at all, and the Curse just a little - and I just love, love, love that ship. There are some significant commonalities between the three ships, so my Pilgrim-based experience is not entirely irrelevant to your question. The Curse is usually slower and tankier than the Pilgrim, but I've also seen some nasty fast Curses out there....

Wow, thanks for this very detailed. points noted - I checked one of your fits you had a cov ops cloak in a high, I didnt think that cov ops worked on these ships and they just slow down you lock time and speed? But I've based my fit party on your Pilgrim fit

EDIT, came up with this but still missing 1 high slot:

[Curse, Curse]

Damage Control II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II

10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Warp Disruptor II
Medium Capacitor Booster II, Navy Cap Booster 800
Tracking Disruptor II, Tracking Speed Disruption Script

Medium Energy Neutralizer II
Medium Energy Neutralizer II
Medium Energy Neutralizer II
Small Energy Neutralizer II

Medium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I

Infiltrator II x5
Hammerhead II x5
Warrior II x5
Hornet EC-300 x5

[Statistics - ************]

Effective HP: 27,831 (Eve: 19,488)
Tank Ability: 53.59 DPS
Damage Profile - (EM: 25.00%, Ex: 25.00%, Ki: 25.00%, Th: 25.00%)
Shield Resists - EM: 38.75%, Ex: 83.59%, Ki: 67.19%, Th: 51.00%
Armor Resists - EM: 57.50%, Ex: 74.50%, Ki: 60.16%, Th: 44.75%

Capacitor (Lasts 1m) - or 95% stable with cap booster 800s

Volley Damage: 1,324.75
DPS: 331.19 (Hammerhead II selected)
Silas Cooper
Goonswarm Federation
#9 - 2016-08-09 21:04:17 UTC
Dante Graydon wrote:
Bumblefck wrote:
I predict four (4) hilarious lossmails in the pipeline, soon

On a serious note, put the Curses aside until you've had a chance to play with the Arbitrator (the T1 version). It's obviously not as powerful or specialised, but it's a great wee ship and will give you a good taste of what to expect. A fitting will probably look something like this:

Highs: Neuts

Mids: Tackle, Tracking Disruptors, Shield buffer (maybe? don't have EFT handy)

Lows: drone damage mods

A mix of drones

Something like that, presumably, or along it's general lines, as I haven't taken them out for a spin more than once or twice. Hopefully other more experienced pilots can chime in :)

I suspect you may be right on the lossmails, I will set up 4 arbies initially to get a feel for it, that is a good idea.

Arbitrators fly nothing like the Curse.

For solo, you're looking at blinging a couple of things so that you can hold maximum range and still do enough damage to actually kill something. Tracking disruptors aren't incredibly useful always, but it's worth carrying a depot with one in cargo just in case. Ensure you train Recon to V before you bother getting in the ship or you're just going to die. Make sure to abuse faction large cap batteries so you can be cap stable with MWD/Neuts/Invuln/whatever.

If you're just starting out, it's best to fly the Curse with a gang and get experience with picking fights, judging ranges, and getting used to the very precise positioning required to not die instantly in your Recon. You can also get away with a much cheaper fitting with more utility this way.

G*d bless.
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#10 - 2016-08-09 22:16:55 UTC
The Arbitrator isn't a good substitute for the Curse any more than the Vexor is. However, a Dragoon and Sentinel may be.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Substantia Nigra
Polaris Rising
Goonswarm Federation
#11 - 2016-08-09 22:18:08 UTC
Dante Graydon wrote:

Wow, thanks for this very detailed. points noted - I checked one of your fits you had a cov ops cloak in a high, I didnt think that cov ops worked on these ships and they just slow down you lock time and speed? But I've based my fit party on your Pilgrim fit

Mine is a Pilgrim, not a Curse. The Pilgrim, being a Force Recon ship, is built to use a covops cloak. Where the Curse, along with all the Combat Recons, has its DS invisibility, the Pilgrim, and it's genre, has the covops cloak.

I'm not sure how well my fitting approach will cross-over tot he Curse, but the general principles should be similar enough ... subject to how you're wanting to fly it.

I guess I am almost a 'vet' by now. Hopefully not too bitter and managing to help more than I hinder. I build and sell many things, including large collections of bookmarks.

Malakye Appleton
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#12 - 2016-08-09 23:22:22 UTC
Pilgrim is a fun ship, but then I realized the Stratios does everything the Pilgrim does and most of it better.
Stratios is my favorite ship in the game.

The Curse can be a very lethal ship in the right hands for sure. I know the Russians love em. :P

Living the dream, one tear at a time...

Substantia Nigra
Polaris Rising
Goonswarm Federation
#13 - 2016-08-10 01:15:32 UTC
Malakye Appleton wrote:
Pilgrim is a fun ship, but then I realized the Stratios does everything the Pilgrim does and most of it better. Stratios is my favorite ship in the game.
The Curse can be a very lethal ship in the right hands for sure. I know the Russians love em.

The Stratios is also an awesome fun ship. It's a much better brawler than the Pilgrim but not as good a kiter - although the kiting variant is also awesome when flown by experts.

A kiter Stratios needs to operate in the 10 - 15km range zone if the neuts are to be used. A kiter Pilgrim works well in the 20 - 30km zone. A kiter Stratios has a similar tank to a kiter Pilgrim, but must operate at reduced distance to be fully effective.

A good Stratios is also much more expensive to setup than a good Pilgrim. Being bad at eve I have lost both and being a stingy beggar I much prefer to lose the occasional Pilgrim.

Stratios pros v Pilgrim:
- Ability to better tank;
- Higher drone-based DPS output;
- Better brawler.

Stratios cons v Pilgrim:
- Absence of neut bonuses, thereby reducing neut effectiveness and range.

I guess I am almost a 'vet' by now. Hopefully not too bitter and managing to help more than I hinder. I build and sell many things, including large collections of bookmarks.

Tung Yoggi
University of Caille
#14 - 2016-08-10 10:52:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Tung Yoggi
Dante Graydon wrote:
Substantia Nigra wrote:
I've flown the Pilgrim extensively - but not the Arbitrator at all, and the Curse just a little - and I just love, love, love that ship. There are some significant commonalities between the three ships, so my Pilgrim-based experience is not entirely irrelevant to your question. The Curse is usually slower and tankier than the Pilgrim, but I've also seen some nasty fast Curses out there....

Wow, thanks for this very detailed. points noted - I checked one of your fits you had a cov ops cloak in a high, I didnt think that cov ops worked on these ships and they just slow down you lock time and speed? But I've based my fit party on your Pilgrim fit

EDIT, came up with this but still missing 1 high slot:

[Curse, Curse]

Damage Control II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II

10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Warp Disruptor II
Medium Capacitor Booster II, Navy Cap Booster 800
Tracking Disruptor II, Tracking Speed Disruption Script

Medium Energy Neutralizer II
Medium Energy Neutralizer II
Medium Energy Neutralizer II
Small Energy Neutralizer II

Medium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I

Infiltrator II x5
Hammerhead II x5
Warrior II x5
Hornet EC-300 x5

[Statistics - ************]

Effective HP: 27,831 (Eve: 19,488)
Tank Ability: 53.59 DPS
Damage Profile - (EM: 25.00%, Ex: 25.00%, Ki: 25.00%, Th: 25.00%)
Shield Resists - EM: 38.75%, Ex: 83.59%, Ki: 67.19%, Th: 51.00%
Armor Resists - EM: 57.50%, Ex: 74.50%, Ki: 60.16%, Th: 44.75%

Capacitor (Lasts 1m) - or 95% stable with cap booster 800s

Volley Damage: 1,324.75
DPS: 331.19 (Hammerhead II selected)

You are on the right track, except you really really (really) want a microwarpdrive.

Curse is a kiting boat, you want to stay at disruptor range, apply your drone dps and control with your neutralizers.

Try to shove a small nosferatu in the last slot, it will help with your cap.

Liang Nuren wrote:
The Arbitrator isn't a good substitute for the Curse any more than the Vexor is. However, a Dragoon and Sentinel may be.


Here's the thing: there's no real substitute for it. I think people were trying to find a stepping stone, something cheaper that gives the general feeling of flying a curse.

Arbitrator was brought up, but the absence of neut bonuses sets is away from the curse. I brought up the kiting vexor since it's just a better arbitrator, and kiting in disruptor range while applying drone dps is a start when you want to fly the recon version later on.

Dragoon is the opposite of a curse, it is slow and has 2 midslots, it's most of the time a brawling T1 destroyer that neither flies like a curse, nor has a similar engagement profile.

The sentinel was a good idea though.
Dante Graydon
Phoenix Connection
Lack of Judgement.
#15 - 2016-08-10 12:54:43 UTC
OK, ill stick an MWD on and a small NOS and see where that leaves me. Thanks.
Project Fruit House
#16 - 2016-08-11 09:09:07 UTC
Lots of good comments here, so I'll just add some small extra bits

1. You really want Recon V. It's not like other PVP ships where what you lose from missing that V skill is a bit of DPS or tank. Recons ships live and die by ewar, and you really want to maximise their ewar bonus, especially for Curse where your neut range & amount are such crucial aspects of the ship.

2. You don't need to go for full blings, but I really recommend 30km range faction disruptor. Like people said here before, you want to keep range & kite and abuse that awesome neut range of Curse. It's silly you can neut to 30km+ but you need to stay below 24km to keep your target pointed. Stay as far away from the target as possible while keeping them pointed.

3. High slot configurations can be varied depending on what you do, and people do all sorts of things with them, including fitting some missile launchers. But this was more from old times where you couldn't increase Drone damage so people put missiles for added damage. Nowadays especially in a kitey shield Curse, you have room for Drone Damage Amplifiers so I prefer going all neuts on highs.

My own choice after flying Curse over long time (and losing lots of them lol) is 3 Medium Neuts and 2 Small Neuts. I like 2 small neuts because although 1 Medium Neut can neut out a tackling frig/inty and small stuff, if they have a small Nos fitted they can still keep you pointed because small Nos cycle is much faster than Medium Neut cycle. A medium Neut + 1 small neut is often good enough, but having 2 small neuts running on stutter cycles make it very hard for small ships to keep you pointed even with Nos fitted.

4. This is not a fitting advice, but Curse is generally a slow-killer that can kill much bigger things over long time. You can DPS fit it but it's not really a quick gank machine. Ideally you want to hunt in a quiet area where you can play with your target for long time with no back up/other pirates showing up. Curse works beautifully vs. heavy tanked pimped out PVE ships doing escalations and such. Roam in quiet low sec, preferably in a system with station to let them think you are just docked & AFK or something. If you have a probing alt to visit & bookmark the site, get him out of local and enter the system with some delay later, that works nicely. Look at the wrecks your target is creating. What is he tanked against? Also Valkyrie or Infiltrator can work better than Hammerheads vs. popular low-sec pve ships like Tengu, as Tengu has very good thermal resist even with all hardeners neuted out.

Of course, people who are really good with Curse can do other amazing things like take on a pvp gang solo and such. But start with the basics and traditional bear killer mode of Curse. It works beautifully and even better now with the D-Scan immunity.

Cheers Love! The cavalry's here!

Dante Graydon
Phoenix Connection
Lack of Judgement.
#17 - 2016-08-11 12:40:52 UTC
OK, on recon IV at the minute, I’ll slot that skill in next.but again lots of nice, good advise that makes sense to me, thanks

Substantia Nigra
Polaris Rising
Goonswarm Federation
#18 - 2016-08-11 23:43:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Substantia Nigra
Toobo wrote:
Lots of good comments here, so I'll just add some small extra bits

Good advice there, especially the bits about using a faction point ... my RF point is worth every cent ... and not being a fast-kill ganker. These two aspects of the Curse / Pilgrim are interlinked, because you do need to isolate your targets and keep them from departing the scene for quite a decent period of time. The faction point provides you with some extra room to move while neut-incapacitating fast targets and allows you to kite-and-kill from a safer distance.

Tankyish ships can take a while to kill (e.g. Zealot, Omen, & VNI), even a very long time in some cases (Mega). Scimitars and exhumers are curious beasties amongst the hard-to-kill collection. While they do not usually do much damage to you, they often seem to take forever to kill.
Also supercarriers are not recommended targets.
Badly managed BC engagements can end in tears, but when they go well they are a thing of joy.

As you will see I use a Sabre alt for the 'isolating' part, also to scram DSTs / BCs / BSs, and provide some additional DPS at times. Most of the targets I catch are fine for the Sabre-only, and I only bother uncloaking the Pilgrim and other assets when the catch is beyond a solo Sabre ... or my Sabre pilot is off having a beer or otherwise being inattentive.

I guess I am almost a 'vet' by now. Hopefully not too bitter and managing to help more than I hinder. I build and sell many things, including large collections of bookmarks.

Roenok Baalnorn
Baalnorn Heavy Industries
#19 - 2016-08-12 04:07:01 UTC
been a while since ive flown a curse solo. They arent as good as they use to be solo and even then they were limited in solo. Really for them to shine they need to be in a fleet with at least a tackle and DPS boat.

I run an ab fit with long point 1 disruptor shield buffer( you could use ancillary booster as well) 3 med neuts 2 med NOS. I hunted bigger targets with it, active tank ratting BCs and BS and of course various cruisers. Killed quite a few ratting caracals in mine in low sec back in the day.

Dante Graydon
Phoenix Connection
Lack of Judgement.
#20 - 2016-08-12 09:42:55 UTC
Substantia Nigra wrote:
Toobo wrote:
Lots of good comments here, so I'll just add some small extra bits

Good advice there, especially the bits about using a faction point ... my RF point is worth every cent ... and not being a fast-kill ganker. These two aspects of the Curse / Pilgrim are interlinked, because you do need to isolate your targets and keep them from departing the scene for quite a decent period of time. The faction point provides you with some extra room to move while neut-incapacitating fast targets and allows you to kite-and-kill from a safer distance.

Tankyish ships can take a while to kill (e.g. Zealot, Omen, & VNI), even a very long time in some cases (Mega). Scimitars and exhumers are curious beasties amongst the hard-to-kill collection. While they do not usually do much damage to you, they often seem to take forever to kill.
Also supercarriers are not recommended targets.
Badly managed BC engagements can end in tears, but when they go well they are a thing of joy.

As you will see I use a Sabre alt for the 'isolating' part, also to scram DSTs / BCs / BSs, and provide some additional DPS at times. Most of the targets I catch are fine for the Sabre-only, and I only bother uncloaking the Pilgrim and other assets when the catch is beyond a solo Sabre ... or my Sabre pilot is off having a beer or otherwise being inattentive.

I do have a second account so I may in the future use the option for a second character, but I dont think multi tasking an engagement over 2 accounts is something that I will be able to do well, plus i like the idea of true solo
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