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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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No battle plan survives contact with EVE

Nemesis Banzai
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2016-07-01 04:47:27 UTC
I'm a six day old character. I finished the Sisters of Eve Arc yesterday and today I found and hacked my first Relic site. My plan was to concentrate on combat and exploration but after today I'm not so sure about the later. First it took hours to find my first Signature that wasn't either a wormhole or a combat site. Then it took about 10 scans to reveal enough percentage of each site to even figure out what it was. The last straw was when I found out I can't buy a cloak with my trail account. I've got all the exploration skills to level 3 and read about or watched videos on scanning. I'm flying an Imicus:

Core Probe Launcher l

Scan Rangenfinding Array l
Data Analyzer l
Relic Analyzer l

Nanofiber Internal Structure l x2
Warp Core Stabilizer l

Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade l x3

5 Hobgoblins
16 Core Scanner Probe l

So am I doing something wrong? Do I just need more practice? Should I go into LowSec without a cloakShocked??? I don't know what to do for isk if Exploring doesn't pan out. My war ship is an Algos, so any way for me to make isk through combat? Also, what I got from the Relic site was trash, but when I went to sell it, it wasn't an option on the menu. How do you cash in on what you find?

No matter where you go...there you are.

Roenok Baalnorn
Baalnorn Heavy Industries
#2 - 2016-07-01 05:13:06 UTC
Nemesis Banzai wrote:
I'm a six day old character. I finished the Sisters of Eve Arc yesterday and today I found and hacked my first Relic site. My plan was to concentrate on combat and exploration but after today I'm not so sure about the later. First it took hours to find my first Signature that wasn't either a wormhole or a combat site. Then it took about 10 scans to reveal enough percentage of each site to even figure out what it was. The last straw was when I found out I can't buy a cloak with my trail account. I've got all the exploration skills to level 3 and read about or watched videos on scanning. I'm flying an Imicus:

Core Probe Launcher l

Scan Rangenfinding Array l
Data Analyzer l
Relic Analyzer l

Nanofiber Internal Structure l x2
Warp Core Stabilizer l

Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade l x3

5 Hobgoblins
16 Core Scanner Probe l

So am I doing something wrong? Do I just need more practice? Should I go into LowSec without a cloakShocked??? I don't know what to do for isk if Exploring doesn't pan out. My war ship is an Algos, so any way for me to make isk through combat? Also, what I got from the Relic site was trash, but when I went to sell it, it wasn't an option on the menu. How do you cash in on what you find?

I wouldnt recommend running lowsec sites in a non covert ship( one that cannot use a covert cloak. While you maybe able to hide stationary the mostly likely place you will get caught is at gates or actually in the site, making a non covert cloak of very limited use. Also one warp core stab is nearly useless. Pvpers often run at least 2 points and many times 3 points of warp scram. So one stab will not save you most of the time.

I would stick to high sec sites until you get better equipped and skilled. Also low sec sites will be slightly harder to scan down than high sec sites( they have a bit weaker signal strength). This is what my newbie uses:

[Astero, New Setup 1]
Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste
IFFA Compact Damage Control
Inertial Stabilizers II
Inertial Stabilizers II

Data Analyzer I
Relic Analyzer I
5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Small Cap Battery II

Sisters Core Probe Launcher, Core Scanner Probe I
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II

Small Polycarbon Engine Housing II
Small Low Friction Nozzle Joints II
Small Auxiliary Thrusters I

Its about a 100 mil isk setup, he has 1.5 mil Skill points. It has a 3 second warp and can warp cloaked. The sisters probe launcher and probes are better than the normal ones( though it will set you back about 35-40 mil alone with 16 probes)

Scan wise, its important you get the box centered on the dot ( or X) before each scan. Also train your various scanning skills will help.

Combat sites can pay very well. But they are also hit or miss. Ive made up to 250 million off a single high sec combat site. But most of the time they pay between 3-10 million, maybe a little more if you loot/salvage everything. When running combat sites its important to google them before entering them. and get information on them Eve university usually has good info on sites. You can do some combat sites in a frigate or destroyer that is speed tanked but most you will need a cruiser( and even then it can be struggle. I use a gila( pirate faction cruiser) on my newbie but that probably out of your budget at 500 million isk. A vexor is a decent cruiser( gallante drone boat) but you have to baby sit your drones to make sure the rats dont pop them. I like the gila because my drones have ridiculous HP ( it gets a bonus to drone HP) and can tank sites for me.

As for selling loot if there is no buy orders for the station you are trying to sell it in you will have that problem. I sell everything in jita, you can sell pretty much everything there and because of competition the prices are usually half decent. You can also put things on the market for how much you want to sell them for and wait and see if someone buys them for your price( you already have experience with this as the buyer such as for your ship and modules, you would then become the seller instead of the buyer.)

High sec exploration sites usually pay around 100k-1 mil per site averaging around 500k. Data pays slightly better in high sec than relic, though in low i think relic pays better and in null relic almost always pays better.
Swoop McFly
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2016-07-01 09:55:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Swoop McFly
Hi there,
I'm also flying the Imicus with very similar modules.
The scanning thing just takes a bit of practice. I go 8Au->2Au->1Au and center the probes on the red dot in all 3 dimensions before every scan. At 1Au I can see what type the signature is, sometimes already at 2 Au.

I've been doing exploration in nullsec and peeked into a few of those wormholes.
Not sure what I would need a cloak for - if someone shows up I just warp off. Worked twice so far, but maybe I was just lucky.

I've found about 200 million ISK worth of stuff on my first day here in null sec, so its definitely worth it. Just need to figure out how to get the loot to a trade hub - not being able to use contracts as a trial really sucks.

Oh, and find a corporation. I've joined Pandemic Horde Inc. and they have been extremely helpful to me.

EDIT: I've found the hardest part not to be the scanning, but the hacking of the containers here in null. Quite often they explode on me, but I think I'm starting to get better at it. Probably need to train the hacking skills more. Big smile
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#4 - 2016-07-01 11:15:57 UTC
You are hust suffering the woes of being new to (and thus being bad at) an overstaffed profession
No offence ment, we all suck at eve , just some of us less so with time and experiance.

With training and a little practice scanning will become trivial for you, i have no doubt you will catch the beats of it.
Learning where the good sigs are though will come with time, there are a lot of other explorers out there you are in direct competition with, figuring out where tjey dont go or when they operate should enable you to compete.

Also , combat sites can drop damn good loot if you can run them.
The con to this is anything capable of running them is also worth hunting so expect the locals to take intrest in you if you do start running them, cloaky ship would be mandatory here.
Roenok Baalnorn
Baalnorn Heavy Industries
#5 - 2016-07-01 12:23:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Roenok Baalnorn
I've been doing exploration in nullsec and peeked into a few of those wormholes.
Not sure what I would need a cloak for - if someone shows up I just warp off. Worked twice so far, but maybe I was just lucky.

If your doing it in friendly space its easier to get by without a cloak. However you have just been lucky.

EDIT: I've found the hardest part not to be the scanning, but the hacking of the containers here in null. Quite often they explode on me, but I think I'm starting to get better at it. Probably need to train the hacking skills more
Hacking is as much an art form as scanning is. Ill give you a hint. Those little numbers that appear in the circle for a few seconds when you click on a a node to hack mean something. They tell you how far away you are from a useful tool or the system core. Follow the numbers. With practice you can hack and only need to click 1/4 to 1/3 of the nodes. Also learn the system tools. They are critical in null hacks. Also you dont need to remove all defenses. You will learn what defenses need removed right away and which need to only be removed to remove a blocked path or nodes where you think the core may be nearby
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2016-07-01 12:28:47 UTC
It should not be that difficult to scan. Where are your skills at?

Early on the pinpointing skill helped reduce the frustration level for me since I would often go down a level in scan range on the probes and loose the signal and have to go back up and start over. The pinpointing skill not only helped stop that but got me to the point where I can often drop multiple levels down in scan range so things go faster by skipping steps. You will need to train Astrometrics to 4 just to train pinpointing.

Rangefinding is also helpful I'd say you want that to level 3 for now.

Your racial frigate skill can be useful for a lot of stuff so you don't want to ignore that but in this case the 7.5% boost to scan strength is very helpful.

Mostly you just need practice and to watch a few videos and maybe do some reading.

As far as having a cloak:

Cloaks can be very handy for exploration however they are in no way mandatory. They do make exploration much simpler and as a newbro that can be helpful however the stuff you need to learn to explore without one are things that you need to learn anyway.

You will need to learn how to make good safe spots and how to use D scan well. Also you can make a few safe spots with long warps and warp around and use your in-warp time to do your scanning. It is very difficult to the point of being near impossible to combat scan down someone that is warping from safe spot to safe spot.

In the end while hacking you are exposed so the cloak does not help much there. Your best defense while hacking is speed. Get in and out fast to reduce exposure time.

Low sec is dangerous to move around but intel is your best friend. Get to know an area in low sec in rookie ships. Fly around and find yourself a chain of systems that are deeper into low sec and not very busy. Then get your scan ship into there and move around staying clear of busy boarder systems and FW systems.

Null sec can be very safe if you are deep in blue territory. To operate safely in null sec requires making friends. You'll have to join a corp that grants you access to blue null sec with good intel channels. Or find a wormhole that leads deep into null sec and go there during a slow time for the owners. You can find null sec systems that are completely empty.

IMHO the only thing worth scanning for in high sec is wormholes to get you out of high sec. Wormholes to unknown space with high sec exits will tend to be busier. Going deeper into UK space can be helpful. Keep in mind that there are players that will sit cloaked on wormholes and let you come in and hack but wait until you are leaving to blow you up and take your loot.

The main thing is to fly cheap and shrug off the losses. You will learn from every encounter so when you do loose ships don't focus so much on the loss as the lessons learned. As you newbro you have a lot to learn and the lessons will be far more valuable than the loot.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Pandora Carrollon
Provi Rapid Response
#7 - 2016-07-01 15:39:15 UTC
I'm no longer a new player and I still struggle with the scan probes. I desperately want to get good at this but I just can't see those dark red's they use in all that bright blue. What's worse is I totally get the theory of the probes and how they work, but I'm just slow at the repositioning and scan range stuff because I have to keep highlighting the target just to see it.

So, if you can pull it off and be successful, that's awesome. Ralph KG's viewpoint is pretty spot on, very few of us are actually awesome at the game. I watch videos from seasoned pro's making mistakes all the time. So I wouldn't let your lack of experience dog you down.

As for where to explore, I think NullSec in an NRDS region like Providence would be better to be in instead of LoSec. LoSec just has a very high proportion of PvP'ers and if someone is in local, odds are they are looking for trouble to stir up. Explorer's and site runners need to avoid trouble to be successful as it's a waste of time and resources even if you do win.

A good EVE session in HiSec combat site running will net me as much if not a little more in ISK than a HiSec White Glaze mining experience would. It's more fun, but can still be a little monotonous. HiSec is slightly safer but not exciting at all.
Netan MalDoran
Shadow Cartel
#8 - 2016-07-01 15:59:05 UTC
Sounds like you just had bad luck, it doesnt usually take that long to find a good signature, as far as taking 10 scans to get it, RL skills and SP will help cut that time down. As far as frigs vs covops, you can do either, for a time I couldnt afford to lose covops, so i just used frigs in lowsec.

Mind you, cloaks are just a last moment defense, not a required module.

"Your security status has been lowered." - Hell yeah it was!

Falcon's truth

Triglavian Outlaws and Sobornost Troika
#9 - 2016-07-01 17:57:18 UTC
When I was new, I made my first billion by salvaging the wrecks that others made when they were out pirate-hunting.

I started with a destroyer hull, with ~4 tractor beams, and ~4 salvagers. You could do the same. It's cheap to start, and the skill requirements are low, just enough to fit those mods. Although, those pre-req skills are certainly un-related to combat or exploration.

You might seek out a common location to find people running missions, scan down their combat site while they're running it, bookmark it, and come back in a few minutes to salvage and loot the wrecks. Many people leave them, un-interested in them. Some people do want them, and you can decide whether to annoy them or not when you 'steal' those wrecks. Alternatively, when you join a corporation, you could simply ask an ally if you can feed off their wrecks so that you're 100% 'legitimate'.

As for me, over time, I expanded this operation to catalog data on all the loot I'd generate. With that data, I'd interact with the market to buy & sell salvage, modules, and minerals. I thought of it as running my personal junk yard. I eventually grew out further, and began building rigs with the salvage components I generated for even further profit.
So there's some ideas.

As an aside, you mentioned your contact with the market, saying that the option to sell some stuff wasn't there. This is a good time to mention that the market is staffed almost 100% by individual players. Almost all items cannot be sold, unless there is a specific player who's set up a "buy order," whereby they make a listing that allows other players to sell that particular item. The same is true of "sell orders," whereby you cannot buy an item, like a ship hull, unless a player has constructed the item and is listing it on the market. The price of goods is always what the buying or selling player sets, however those goods wont be bought or sold unless they're the 'best' price compared to the competition - you'd be farther down the queue of buy/sell orders.

Further, the markets are very local. If I were to sell my rigs in Amarr, then people would only be able to buy it in Amarr, and I would compete in price only with fellow players selling those specific rigs in Amarr.

In general, you will find that the single most populous, stocked, and healthy market is in the Jita system, planet 4, moon 4, Navy Assembly station. This is the economic capitol of Eve. You can buy or sell anything there, typically at the most competitive prices. Try out visiting Jita the next time you've got a full hold of loot, or need to buy supplies. You don't need to stay, or patronize it, but it's a good field trip to take.
Nemesis Banzai
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2016-07-01 21:11:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Nemesis Banzai
Thank you so much for all the replies. I'm going to grit my teeth and stick to Exploration. Replacing my Imicus would cost just under a million including the fittings. My Algos much more and I only have 8 mil to my name atm. Today I explored every system between Dodixie and the Caldari borderlands with no luck. I'll pick another random direction tonight.

@ergherhdfgh After reading your post I discovered I didn't even have the skill Astrometic Pinpointing so I bought the skill book but have to wait for Astrometric lV (2day6hrs), which I will start after I finish with Astrometric Aquisition lll (9hrs 45min to go).

@Ralph King-Griffin Lol, agreed bro. I do find the label Newbro quite expansive though. Some of you calling yourselves Newbies are light years ahead of someone with a few days. I guess a good signature for the forums would be "May you suck less tomorrow than you do today".Lol

@Roenok Baalnorn Thanks for the pointers bro.

@McFly @MalDoran Thanks for the encouragment.

@Solai Interesting career path, never heard of that. Thanks for the suggestions.

No matter where you go...there you are.

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2016-07-01 21:14:48 UTC
Solai wrote:

As an aside, you mentioned your contact with the market, saying that the option to sell some stuff wasn't there.

In exploration there are items that drop that can only be sold through the contract system or by direct trade between players. My understanding is that the OP is on a trial account and not able to make contracts. I believe this is what he/she is talking about.

I understand the OP's frustration but hacking is one of the rare professions in Eve which regularly drops valuable stuff that you can not sell via the in game market browser. OP outside of hacking very little in this game can not be sold via the market. Also once you sub you can use contracts.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Iria Ahrens
Space Perverts and Forum Pirates
#12 - 2016-07-01 22:05:40 UTC
Roenok Baalnorn wrote:
Ill give you a hint. Those little numbers that appear in the circle for a few seconds when you click on a a node to hack mean something. They tell you how far away you are from a useful tool or the system core. Follow the numbers. With practice you can hack and only need to click 1/4 to 1/3 of the nodes.

DAMMIT! Never noticed before. Gonna go hack some cans now.

My choice of pronouns is based on your avatar. Even if I know what is behind the avatar.

Iria Ahrens
Space Perverts and Forum Pirates
#13 - 2016-07-01 22:14:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Iria Ahrens
Nemesis Banzai wrote:
I'm a six day old character. I finished the Sisters of Eve Arc yesterday and today I found and hacked my first Relic site. My plan was to concentrate on combat and exploration but after today I'm not so sure about the later. First it took hours to find my first Signature that wasn't either a wormhole or a combat site. Then it took about 10 scans to reveal enough percentage of each site to even figure out what it was. The last straw was when I found out I can't buy a cloak with my trail account. I've got all the exploration skills to level 3 and read about or watched videos on scanning. I'm flying an Imicus:

Core Probe Launcher l

Scan Rangenfinding Array l
Data Analyzer l
Relic Analyzer l

Nanofiber Internal Structure l x2
Warp Core Stabilizer l

Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade l x3

5 Hobgoblins
16 Core Scanner Probe l

So am I doing something wrong? Do I just need more practice? Should I go into LowSec without a cloakShocked??? I don't know what to do for isk if Exploring doesn't pan out. My war ship is an Algos, so any way for me to make isk through combat? Also, what I got from the Relic site was trash, but when I went to sell it, it wasn't an option on the menu. How do you cash in on what you find?

Ok, I'm going to contradict some people in thread.

You don't need a covop cloak to fly LS. A prototype is good enough to get you past many gate camps. They are also cheaper and, I think, be used by a trial account. They do require more finesse to use and you are more vulnerable than with a covops, but again, they are cheaper so easier to lose and replace.

But you really shouldn't go into dangerous space until you get your technique down. I recommend getting a 2d map of your fly area, like dotlan, and using that as a guide while you fly around to keep better track of what systems you fly, and to find better routes. Specialize in eliminating sites you don't want quickly so you can move along. HS is crowded however, so there is a problem with sites being cleared quickly, and other players killing the overseer while you're dealing with the other ships. This is good because it forces you to be fast in a relatively safe area, so after you develop some skills using the scanning interface, you are ready to move to more dangerous space.

When you make some isk, upgrade to a sisters launcher even though it will cost more than your ship and all other mods combined. It will significantly improve your scanning time.

At your skill level, you are just not going to be able to pin some sites down, so you'll also have to learn to just move along when a site is too hard.

My choice of pronouns is based on your avatar. Even if I know what is behind the avatar.

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#14 - 2016-07-01 23:50:24 UTC
Nemesis Banzai wrote:
"May you suck less tomorrow than you do today".Lol

put it this way,
you only have to suck less than the other guy (particularly if hes trying to kill you) Blink
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#15 - 2016-07-02 11:30:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Roenok Baalnorn wrote:
Hacking is as much an art form as scanning is. Ill give you a hint. Those little numbers that appear in the circle for a few seconds when you click on a a node to hack mean something. They tell you how far away you are from a useful tool or the system core. Follow the numbers. With practice you can hack and only need to click 1/4 to 1/3 of the nodes. Also learn the system tools. They are critical in null hacks. Also you dont need to remove all defenses. You will learn what defenses need removed right away and which need to only be removed to remove a blocked path or nodes where you think the core may be nearby
Dammit, that's where I've been going wrong. I've had very little success with hacking ta muchly for the info.

Nemesis Banzai wrote:
Some of you calling yourselves Newbies are light years ahead of someone with a few days.
That's the thing with Eve, nobody knows everything.

Whilst many of us have been playing for years, a lot of us are newbies outside of our chosen specialisations; see above, been playing since 09, learnt something new today, in the New Citizens Q&A forum.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Swoop McFly
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2016-07-03 07:28:09 UTC
Iria Ahrens wrote:
You don't need a covop cloak to fly LS. A prototype is good enough to get you past many gate camps. They are also cheaper and, I think, be used by a trial account.

Nope, you can't inject the cloaking skill as a trial user.
Noah Reese
#17 - 2016-07-03 12:54:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Noah Reese
As I see it you're trying to do too many steps at once, assuming you're actually new it's probably best to learn the different parts of the trade on their own, isolated, rather than jumping in the deep and somehow expecting to be able to make it work. Scanning really is the easiest and safest part of the whole thing, it can be done at a safespot or even cloaked (would you not be trial) so I'd leave 0.0 for now and focus learning the different parts first also giving you the time to train your scanning & hacking skills some more, which are needed for the better 0.0 sites.

Learn to get GOOD at hacking, little tricks as described above, using hacking rigs, just try dozens of times optimizing every time and learning short cuts till you REALLY get the knack of it. The only time you're really in danger is when exposed in a site so it's all about being very good and efficient at hacking, if you can't get that done then it doesn't matter if you can scan a site or not.

Practice your scanning and hacking in high sec and get GOOD at it, you could try low sec but I'd probably want to have a cloak for that. Don't go to 0.0 or WH space without a cloak.

To do well in 0.0 you first need to have the knowledge on how not to die there, then you need a ship with fit and skills that can actually do the sites. Being a few days old true newbie and simply going to 0.0 doesn't make any sense no matter what others might tell you.
Caine Douglas
Caldari State
#18 - 2016-07-07 22:47:46 UTC

Meh, I fly around null sec sans cloak and I do just fine. 1 good site will pay for my cheap T1 frigate and all the fittings.

I ran into the same problem when I first started exploration: step 1 is to get the scanning down with the probes efficiently. I stick to data and relics so the moment I see combat or gas pop up, I ignore the result and move on. Then when hacking there's not much more I can add that hasn't been said already; follow the numbers and you don't have to clear all defenses, just enough to get to the core.

And get out of high sec. The competition for those sites is high. I started hitting paydirt once I got into low and null sec.

"Incoming fire has the right of way."

"The only unfair fight is the one you lose"

-The Combat Gospel according to Murphy