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Market Discussions

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Termerity Faceturn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2016-06-01 21:32:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Termerity Faceturn

Always strive to be the best version of yourself.

The universe deserves no less.

Karin Yang
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2016-06-01 21:46:55 UTC
Is there a TL;DR ?
Termerity Faceturn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3 - 2016-06-01 21:52:54 UTC
Karin Yang wrote:
Is there a TL;DR ?


I was a moron.

I'ma try to be less of a moron.

Citadel's still a go.

Why did they even bother holding the NHL playoffs without any Canadian teams in it?

Uh... hybrid turrets are boring...?

Always strive to be the best version of yourself.

The universe deserves no less.

Karin Yang
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2016-06-01 21:54:37 UTC
Termerity Faceturn wrote:
Karin Yang wrote:
Is there a TL;DR ?


I was a moron.

I'ma try to be less of a moron.

Citadel's still a go.

Why did they even bother holding the NHL playoffs without any Canadian teams in it?

Uh... hybrid turrets are boring...?

Thanks for the TL;DR. Anyway, good luck to your project.
#5 - 2016-06-01 22:15:13 UTC
Props for admitting your own mistakes.

Hopefully, this will mean a proper dialog can start and something constructive can come out of it.
Plleasure Hub
#6 - 2016-06-02 02:34:21 UTC
Apology accepted. :p I can sympathize with getting carried away by passion. It's a double-edged sword. At least you can acknowledge that. The only thing that personally offended me is that you implied that your critics were speaking out because they are bad people who don't help others. I don't need anyone to pat me on the back for my good deeds. I know how much I give or don't give to others in any given stretch of time. I just don't like to be told I'm a bad person by people who don't even know me or what I do in my personal life. Your post above doesn't directly apologize for that implication, but I'll assume you regret it and we can move on.

Now, does this change of heart mean that you are going to respond to some of the concerns brought up?

For example, what do you think about the threat to PLEX prices that a successful project like this could pose? What about the players who fund their subs by buying PLEX? If you successfully raise billions / trillions in fees and subsequently spend that ISK on PLEX, aren't you worried you could make it even harder for those folks to afford to earn their monthly PLEX by spiking the price?

What are your thoughts on the issue which I would like to name the "baby killer mindset"? That is - the potential influence that your citadel being charity-focused could have on in-game combatants. Would you be upset if a huge fleet tried to blow up your project? Would you consider some kind of counter-incentive to offset this problem? What if you promised that if you were attacked, you'd stream the battle on Twitch to raise funds for charity and do X for charity if the attackers succeed in destroying the citadel? Then, your cause wins regardless of what side pilots choose.

Your thoughts?

"There's no meaningful difference between a real and a virtual world. It's pointless to ask anyone who they really are. All you can do is accept and believe in them, because whoever they are in your mind, is their true identity." — Kazuto Kirigaya

Caleb Ayrania
Invisible Exchequer
#7 - 2016-06-02 15:56:46 UTC
You problem is still the general concepts viability..

How will you manage competition? If with Marketing and Goodwill, how would you expect that to actually work?

Are you sure that the concept of Charity is the best way to start? Why Not something like a Newbie Citadel, where you worked with say the Angel Project regarding special offers and "loss leaders".. Things like Low skill demand gear always at competitive pricing, and servicing say All skill books, etc..

When you say Charity you implied PLEX4GOOD.. Not sure that there is a real need to boost the demand for plex for such things, and thus it becomes more about whether you would support other types more..

How are you planing on financing the Citadel, with your own money, or via angel investors? Whats your hit by bus scenario plan, what is the plan if you get grief decked?

Managing structures is a bit of a potential "steady job" and I doubt Chribba will be doing that..

What about 3rd party audit, and access to the API, will you have Chribba make that public, or are we supposed to just trust that your paying the profits to the right things?

Regarding what the profit is used for, would you be creating a clear and concise list, with how much each group etc would get percentage wise, and will you maybe let shareholders be part of voting in case you wanted to change such things?

It might be a good idea to TOTALLY remove the idea of funding wars or ingame political sides, or you generally contradict the neutral and charity aspect of the project..

I was never opposing your idea, I just find it highly unlikely to succeed, because your only USP, (Unique selling point) is the Charity "brand".. Not something I believe a lot of people would chose your Citadel for over say a more used and seeded one..

Maybe a much better Idea would be to build the concept as a Marketing and event based concept you can collaborate with other Citadel owners, or Entities about?

You throwing 25b for a large, or 200b for an XL, will take a bit of time to break even.. So maybe at least come up with a rough estimate budget.. Without it you just risk throwing a lot of isk and time after a project that might never sail!

Using the names Chribba and Angelica is all good and well, but they may be successful as brands, but that does not make them experts in how new markets with Citadels work and will develop..

If nothing else make sure to show that you actually have considered practical operations and know enough about the risk and rewards of Citadels regarding Markets, because not even those following it closely are fully sure where things will end..
Invisible Exchequer
#8 - 2016-06-02 16:05:14 UTC
One comment I will make, is that there is no extra benefit for a trade citadel from being an XL vs an L.

The 200b+ difference is quite a lot of PLEX4GOOD
Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2016-06-02 18:51:17 UTC
Thanks for posting constructively. It's OK that you fight for your project, but my principle concerns regarding a charity citadel still stand.

Your citadel will enter the highly competitive area of in-game market PvP (and maybe combat PvP), with half a dozen of Fortizars already participating in the race to the bottom (fee). If your project wants to be successful, you need to grab a substantial share and generate a positive cash flow ... how you will do that, what is the value you can offer?

And right here I see the big problem, the only value you have to sell is out-of-game moral superiority. In your case, this means you have to create a permanent out-of-game moral shield around your citadel to rival your competition with lower fees and avoid eventual destruction. Not doing so means your project is pointless. Charity-driven activities should have an exceptional, very limited and carefully gated place in a video game like EvE.

The concept of a permanent charity citadel has IMO no place in EvE.

I'm my own NPC alt.

Areen Sassel
Dirac Angestun Gesept
#10 - 2016-06-02 23:13:52 UTC
Karin Yang wrote:
Is there a TL;DR ?

Termerity is sorry about the tantrum and will try to answer questions here and not just on Reddit.
Sasha Nemtsov
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2016-06-03 00:04:41 UTC
Hi Termerity,

Thanks for the update; I too hope we can now move forward, with purpose.

Perhaps you and your team would consider writing a full proposal in the form:

Known/acknowledged issues

That's very rough top-of-my-head, and could surely be improved upon, but I'm sure you see what I'm aiming at. If we're all reading the same 'document' (on EVE-O and on Reddit), there will be less uncertainty about what precisely is being proposed, and by whom.

The discussion in the threads will hopefully inform whatever debates you and your team have, and you can then update your proposal accordingly.

It's not a guarantee of success; I for one still have major reservations about the project - as it currently stands, but I'm willing to hold fire to give you all a chance to put out something with more flesh on the poor bones.

Many of us are rather passionate about this game of ours; sometimes it leads to high-octane forum PvP. The passion is just an indication of how much we care - as, of course, do you.

Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#12 - 2016-06-03 03:12:35 UTC
Tipa Riot wrote:
Thanks for posting constructively. It's OK that you fight for your project, but my principle concerns regarding a charity citadel still stand.

Your citadel will enter the highly competitive area of in-game market PvP (and maybe combat PvP), with half a dozen of Fortizars already participating in the race to the bottom (fee). If your project wants to be successful, you need to grab a substantial share and generate a positive cash flow ... how you will do that, what is the value you can offer?

And right here I see the big problem, the only value you have to sell is out-of-game moral superiority. In your case, this means you have to create a permanent out-of-game moral shield around your citadel to rival your competition with lower fees and avoid eventual destruction. Not doing so means your project is pointless. Charity-driven activities should have an exceptional, very limited and carefully gated place in a video game like EvE.

The concept of a permanent charity citadel has IMO no place in EvE.


Labeling it as a charity may differentiate it from the scattering of semi-anonymous 0% Fortizars around Jita, but making a profit in a 0% marketplace is going to be hard. Particularly if you're having to pay protection money to mercenaries, third party fees, service fuel and the cost of replacing the Citadel each time it goes pop.

Of course you could trade from the Citadel and easily make a profit, but then you might as well be in someone elses 0% Fortizar for free rather than owning your own at considerable cost.
Archibald Thistlewaite III
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Miners
#13 - 2016-06-04 11:33:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Archibald Thistlewaite III
Has anyone got a link to Chribba actually confirming his involvement?

All I've seen is the OP repeatedly making that claim without backing it up.

Nevermind found it.

User of 'Bumblefck's Luscious & Luminous Mustachio Wax'

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#14 - 2016-06-04 11:42:24 UTC
Archibald Thistlewaite III wrote:
Has anyone got a link to Chribba actually confirming his involvement?

All I've seen is the OP repeatedly making that claim without backing it up.

Nevermind found it.

i contacted chribba regarding this,
his response was similar to his post on the other thread.
Signal Cartel
EvE-Scout Enclave
#15 - 2016-06-20 22:20:20 UTC
Termerity Faceturn wrote:
Truth is, if anyone has any interest in giving me credit for this mea culpa, don't, for the credit actually belongs to my friend Mynxee, CEO of my old main's corp (and the place where my heart will continue to reside) Signal Cartel. She's one of those people who can give you a stern talking to without you even beginning to resent it for a single moment, because you know she's a better person than you and also only wants what's best for you. She took me aside and appealed to the better parts of me, and perhaps shockingly, they exist. So here I am, admitting my flaws.

They don't call me SpaceMom for nuthin'! Good on you for stepping up to look for a better way forward with everyone but especially those who are asking hard questions about the project. We all sometimes get in the way of our own good's how you recover the fumbles that matters.

Somewhere do I recall you were going to get in touch with CCP about the potential financial impacts on CCP related to potentially high levels of PLEX4GOOD donations that this project might conceivably cause? Have you connected with anyone there yet and has there been any feedback from them on the matter?

Lost in space, looking for sigs...

Blog: Cloaky Wanderer