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LS FW Frigate Solo PVP - What do you do against small gang?

dark Jim
#21 - 2016-05-10 20:28:02 UTC
Check enemys killboard if possible (solo, bait..) compare strong and weak points of
his favorite hulls
State War Academy
Caldari State
#22 - 2016-05-10 20:45:33 UTC
Trick them... pull the win, or kill or cheap loot

human beings are easy to fool ... brilliant initiative breaks preparation and setups.

Example - I jumped into low sec in a NAVY raven for a lvl 4 mission only to be met by pirate camping gang. I AB my way to safety... pirates are bored, leave one man on a gate. I fit a combat torp RAVEN, with passive tank and a scram, and jump back to low sec... pirates take the bait, I kill single camping Apocalypse... manage to wait the agro out with my EHP tank. I turn things my way, praising pirates for smart tactics and admitting being in pirate gang once myself. Good laughs, pirates seem entertained, they begin to like me. I go even further, telling them that no one can outsmart pirates of any kind, suggest that they join Alliance Tournament. They take my offer to participate, have tons of fun... (and after meeting best of 0.0 sec forces they get a defeat) But their pride is above all levels, and their assets are down couple billions. They give up camping, move on to elsewhere.

I outsmarted a Bait Dominix, by bringing a trap NEUT plated ECM drone Hurricane... take that thing apart, after his corp mates arrive.

I find a spy, who takes my bait, of a full navy fitted RAVEN in null belts as told in chat... spy gets booted. (that spy picked up my coordinates in covops to bring hostile vessel and I noted down his name) and ECMed my way out.

This post sums up why the 'best' work with DCM inc.

WARP DRIVE makes eve boring

really - add warping align time 300% on gun aggression and eve becomes great again

Maria Votls
Women's Club
#23 - 2016-05-13 21:22:28 UTC
Thanks everyone for your answers, much appreciated.

Perhaps I'll cross your path for a good 1:1 frigate fight.

Erszebeth Votls
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