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Noob Question – Benefits to Single person Corp

Soriano en Marland
KRAKN Industrial
#1 - 2016-05-01 20:19:07 UTC
Hi all,

I’m a returning player that’s focusing on trade / hauling. I just recently topped the 1.5 Billion ISK threshold and want to start planning for bigger investments.

Question – What are the pros / cons to starting your own single-person corporation?

I’ve heard several traders speak about going this route, but I’m not sure about what the long-term risk / rewards entail, aside from the ability to purchase and run your own Citadel or other structures.
#2 - 2016-05-01 21:17:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Mystri
++ You are your own boss and make your own decisions.
++ When you are rolling in it you can outsource stuff such as courier runs.
++ You have no obligations to anyone but yourself.

-- Unless you are Rambo, you will need ISK to hire mercs when things get hot. Otherwise make some friends...
-- You have to do a lot of work yourself, which can be a chore.
Naya Sky
Serra Industries
#3 - 2016-05-01 21:22:50 UTC
Purely for trading/hauling the only real benefit is that you can issue corporation contracts and thus go beyond the personal contract limit. Also you can use corporate wallet division which can be advantageous if you have many trading alts.
Troy Cintryx
Strategic Operations Inc.
#4 - 2016-05-02 15:29:55 UTC
Plus... Citadels.

Building empires in EVE for over 12 years.

Watch my EVE Corporation Management training videos here.

Johnathan Coffey
Niforce Triggers
#5 - 2016-05-02 15:51:57 UTC
There is value in being inconspicuous. You never know which of your corp mates will undercut you 10 seconds after you log off. Or hears you name drop your freighter alt and ganks her.

First rule of EVE UI: right click EVERYTHING.

Tulip Factory
#6 - 2016-05-02 18:20:42 UTC
Pros :
- Offices allow for great organization and asset sharing amongst alts
- Corp wallets allow for isk sharing across alts, and lower float requirements since alts can draw from a single wallet
- Corp contracts allow for massive increase in available contract slots for your courier and items for sale
- Can view wallet transaction history from all alts, from a single character
- Can cancel all corp courier and item contracts from any character
- Can share fits
- Can share messages and information more easily across alts (corp bulletins)
- Can share personal ships more easily (stationing interceptors, leopards etc in cheap corp offices)
- Third party tools can work off of a single corp api, instead of having to enter data on all your characters

Cons :
- Kinda lonely
- Occasional wardecs

The benefits of having a personal corp depend on what kind of trading you're doing.

If you're regional trading, you'll definitely want a corp for the offices and courier contracts. If you're involved in BPOs and BPCs, you'll need the extra item contract slots. If you have a lot of alts, you'll want a corp for the asset and isk sharing, and shared transaction history. If you're station trading from a single character, you don't need a personal corp. Etc.
Julia's Interstellar Trade Emperium
#7 - 2016-05-02 21:39:06 UTC  |  Edited by: TheSmokingHertog

- You can setup a POS
- You have access to corp hangers with all you alts
- You can share fits between alts
- You can share locations between alts
- You can corp insure ships
- You can use separate accounts in the corp wallet to manage buy and sell orders and keep an eye on isk flow
- You can share stuff between alts with the "corp" handle in mssgs
- You can invite alts of friends to accomplish tasks more easy within EVE
- You can set corp standings on people
- You can stack stuff in fleet bays based on corp access, so, when mining it gives more freedom on your realestate


- Wardecs
- Visibility between alts

"Dogma is kind of like quantum physics, observing the dogma state will change it." ~ CCP Prism X

"Schrödinger's Missile. I dig it." ~ Makari Aeron

-= "Brain in a Box on Singularity" - April 2015 =-

Lord Ra
#8 - 2016-05-02 22:58:15 UTC
Mystri wrote:
++ You are your own boss and make your own decisions.
++ When you are rolling in it you can outsource stuff such as courier runs.
++ You have no obligations to anyone but yourself.

-- Unless you are Rambo, you will need ISK to hire mercs when things get hot. Otherwise make some friends...
-- You have to do a lot of work yourself, which can be a chore.

This guy nailed it, I love EVE but cant stand the whole ordeal of being a slave to anyone, the games more focused around group activities and rightly so its an MMO but you can still have a really good time going at it solo no matter what you choose gl.