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My petition to make Novice Plex access restricted to T1 frigates only

Lucy Lollipops
State War Academy
Caldari State
#41 - 2016-05-01 13:16:07 UTC
After many useful and intelligent answers maybe some gankers/arrogant players noticed the post and decided to insult, lookink at the last answers.

Well, I'm patient, there are intelligent players and not so intelligent ones, it's life Big smile
Hahnide Kragomn
Iota Piscium
#42 - 2016-05-01 15:25:06 UTC
You might try pick-up fleets. T1 ships do better in groups than solo. Sometimes they even offer free replacement ships.

Sometimes fleets are advertised in the Militia chat. You can also see fleets in the Fleet Finder tool.

To bring up the Fleet Finder tool, from the Neocom menu in the upper left corner select Social - Fleet.

If you have not seen the "Ship Tree", I would take some time to browse that. It's the square icon on the left, marked with the letter "A" (or is it an arrow). It will give you an idea of what ships you might want to fly, how much they might cost, and how long it will take to train for.

As far as training and ships go, if you want to do solo PVP, focus on depth rather than breadth. For example, train and save for T2/T3/Pirate frigates instead of cruisers/battlecruisers/battleships. I don't think it really matters exactly which branch of the "Ship Tree" you focus on, but remember that training into advanced battleships takes a lot longer than training into advanced frigates or destroyers.

If you want to fight solo, you might try being a little more aggressive and actively look for fights in enemy Plexes instead of waiting for someone to fight you. If you sit and wait you will get people who are confident they can defeat you. If you force the issue you are more likely to catch someone unprepared or asleep.
Lucy Lollipops
State War Academy
Caldari State
#43 - 2016-05-01 15:32:42 UTC
Hahnide Kragomn wrote:
You might try pick-up fleets. T1 ships do better in groups than solo. Sometimes they even offer free replacement ships.

Sometimes fleets are advertised in the Militia chat. You can also see fleets in the Fleet Finder tool.

To bring up the Fleet Finder tool, from the Neocom menu in the upper left corner select Social - Fleet.

If you have not seen the "Ship Tree", I would take some time to browse that. It's the square icon on the left, marked with the letter "A" (or is it an arrow). It will give you an idea of what ships you might want to fly, how much they might cost, and how long it will take to train for.

As far as training and ships go, if you want to do solo PVP, focus on depth rather than breadth. For example, train and save for T2/T3/Pirate frigates instead of cruisers/battlecruisers/battleships. I don't think it really matters exactly which branch of the "Ship Tree" you focus on, but remember that training into advanced battleships takes a lot longer than training into advanced frigates or destroyers.

If you want to fight solo, you might try being a little more aggressive and actively look for fights in enemy Plexes instead of waiting for someone to fight you. If you sit and wait you will get people who are confident they can defeat you. If you force the issue you are more likely to catch someone unprepared or asleep.

Yes, those are very good suggestions, I perfectly agree with the little ships faster to train and I love frigates so far ( and destroyers for the future) so I'll stick to them for sure.

About offensive plexing, yes, this I think is another good suggestion, I was able to down all shield and big part of armor on a navy comet so I'm improving a bit, but surely doing defensive plex I am attacked by veterans, I never had a fight from a new player like me so far...
relocation LLC.
#44 - 2016-05-01 18:21:13 UTC
Op, look at my KB. I have lost garmurs to atrons. Sabre to Nereus.....yes Nereus.

You just need to get your feet wet and stop taking every fight. Taking every fight means you will lose.....a lot.
Johng Kahn
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#45 - 2016-05-01 22:21:20 UTC
Seems like you have a very good attitude about the entire experience so that will take you far. There have been many good suggestions in this thread so far but one of the best especially when it comes to low sec is to find some people that are experienced to fly with.

If you do that you will start to learn some new combat techniques while you skill your toon.
Also they may be able to advise you on the best skill training for your character to get the most out of it the quickest.

I find low sec frustrating myself. Usually i'm the one warping to a plex to have them either run or come back with a blob.

Usually the only thing fair about a fight in eve is when a pilot gives a fight instead of docking or running. Outside of that it's pretty much 90% 2 to 1 odds at min.

Keep up that good attitude and you will improve !
Kaska Iskalar
#46 - 2016-05-04 02:02:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaska Iskalar
You really shouldn't be getting podded unless you're in a bubble in 0.0. When you hit structure spam the warp button. You'll get away 99% of the time. Pods warp pretty much instantly. You should find a newbie friendly corp to fly with. It's easier in a fleet and they'll be able to teach you too.

Oreb Wing wrote:
I agree that Eve is a very non -intuitive game to learn, but out has come a long way from where it was when I chose to try to learn, when the only option you had was train 1 month+ to get into a t2 hull.

There was never a time like that.
Oreb Wing
Last Rites.
#47 - 2016-05-04 03:08:09 UTC
Kaska Iskalar wrote:
You really shouldn't be getting podded unless you're in a bubble in 0.0. When you hit structure spam the warp button. You'll get away 99% of the time. Pods warp pretty much instantly. You should find a newbie friendly corp to fly with. It's easier in a fleet and they'll be able to teach you too.

Oreb Wing wrote:
I agree that Eve is a very non -intuitive game to learn, but out has come a long way from where it was when I chose to try to learn, when the only option you had was train 1 month+ to get into a t2 hull.

There was never a time like that.

There was for me. That was my view of it. If a t1 hull did not have some sort of damage bonus, it was laughed at in pvp. I do not include navy ships when I say t1. Remember that tracking on almost everything was awful during this time.

We'll only be able to debate this if you can say anything good about t1 ships prior to, or during, Apocrypha.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#48 - 2016-05-04 15:01:27 UTC
Is anyone actually reading the whole point of the post? It's suggesting a smaller plex for t1 frigs only. Specifically non-faction, so someone with barely any SP at least has a fighting chance vs. bling/links/vastly more SP anyway.

Leave the plex, you say? Same said pirate will hunt for the kill and just run him down at a nearby plex. And lowsec has plenty of hunter-killer type players which will do just that.

It's not an unreasonable suggestion, jeez.

"git gud" is just dumb when we're considering the raw #'s of someone with vastly more SP just wrecking you, regardless of skill. It drives new players away trying to "git gud" but have absolutely no chance over 90% of the time.

+1 to the suggestion, or at least making a new plex EXCLUSIVELY for t1 frigs, not faction. You can't deal with the links though without a change to "on-grid only for boosts" which they're working on....eventually.
Lucy Lollipops
State War Academy
Caldari State
#49 - 2016-05-04 15:27:52 UTC
labrat001 wrote:
Is anyone actually reading the whole point of the post? It's suggesting a smaller plex for t1 frigs only. Specifically non-faction, so someone with barely any SP at least has a fighting chance vs. bling/links/vastly more SP anyway.

Leave the plex, you say? Same said pirate will hunt for the kill and just run him down at a nearby plex. And lowsec has plenty of hunter-killer type players which will do just that.

It's not an unreasonable suggestion, jeez.

"git gud" is just dumb when we're considering the raw #'s of someone with vastly more SP just wrecking you, regardless of skill. It drives new players away trying to "git gud" but have absolutely no chance over 90% of the time.

+1 to the suggestion, or at least making a new plex EXCLUSIVELY for t1 frigs, not faction. You can't deal with the links though without a change to "on-grid only for boosts" which they're working on....eventually.

I really appreciate someone thinking it's a good idea.

The idea is still there and it's to allow a total newbie to enjoy some fair fights giving him/her the chance to practice what everyone says it's the best part of this game, pilot combat.

I keep thinking many many many new players are frustrated by the difficulty of this game at the beginning and leave it and quit much longer before understanding how deep and interesting it can be.

Developers should really think about it and do everything to keep new players ingame, to let them understand Eve.

My petition is not for myself, I already love this game very much, I will not leave it for sure, it's more for the many new players quitting because of the game difficulty....
Blade Darth
Room for Improvement
Good Sax
#50 - 2016-05-05 07:35:33 UTC
There are a lot of great FW tutorials on youtube, including low-sp kestrel and rifter.
click info on ship if you see something on overview or d-scan, check what bonuses that ship has and make a plan how to engage (or not)
check pilot age, how many pilots of same alliance are in local, if enemy has a bonus ship (its like 30-50% boost to tank and dmg mitigation, don't fight linked ships 1v1), killboards are useful to check for traps (if pilot has 0 solo kills for exampls)
try to get pod out.... shortcuts or radial menu allow to warp off in 1 second, way faster than a regular pvp frig can lock a pod. if ur too slow or have too much lag maybe try cruiser, in frig combat each second matters a lot

t1 hull and fit can cost 1m (or 5-10 for full t2 modules) while faction frigs cost 20-70 for the ship itself. And no the ship is not 7 times better, 20-50% ish, if it's properly fit and piloted ofc, which is not always the case.
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#51 - 2016-05-05 13:22:58 UTC
The OP is right. If you are going to have a novice plex for beginner type ships it should be a plex for beginner type ships.


The next level up can be for destroyers etc.
sklep monopolowy247
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#52 - 2016-05-05 22:33:50 UTC  |  Edited by: sklep monopolowy247
Lucy Lollipops wrote:

After some weeks of gameplay as a "carebear" I decided to do pvp, everywhere everyone says this game is pvp based, only pvp is core to this game, you will be bored with this game if you don't do pvp and so on....

I joined FW and began to do pvp, mainly inside novices plexes in my faction owned systems.

Then jumped again....killed...podded...

Basically I was in my 2/3 Mils frigate with my less than one mil sp char and 99.9% of time I was killed...webbed..podded by 50 mils faction frigate piloted by long time veterans pirates!

So my question and petition at the same time is:

If novice plexes are supposed to be used by novices, would not be better to be accessible to t1 frigates only?

A t1 frigate with t2 modules piloted by a veteran can be let's say 200% 300% more effective than mine?

At least I have a little chance to win or to go near a winning.

With this situation of faction frigates, the difference is so big I have almost zero chance to win a fight so I am not encouraged to go into novice plexes to learn basic pvp.

What I learned so far is only to use dscan to see who is coming and because 99.9% it's a draemiel, a navy comet or another faction ship, I need to flee out of the plex, so no pvp and no learning at all...

So please CCP developers, think about restricting novice plex to T1 frigates only, or make a even little plex ( with less LP so pirates cannot say I farm big money LP as their excuse to gank me inside the plex), or lowering LP gains from novice plex making this restriction, giving me the chance to learn basic pvp.

I'm in a very similar situation as you except i have been in game for a total active time of 9 years and have pretty much maxed ship fitting. drones and ship skills. Over the years i have done the industry, Mission running and trading. I've also spent a lot of time with exploration, and lived in a WH for a couple of months. I like to think i excelled in what i have done with above apart from WH's where you need some PVP experience. So decided to try my hand at PVP in T1 frigates so at least i can get a grasp of it and not have to worry about the loss of isk, I know for a fact i will lose alot of ships and bulked bought Tristan's/Breacher's and Merlin's, with fits so i can hop right back in and go again. Advice on the forums leaned towards R V B or FW to which i opted for.

After 2 weeks in FW and loads and loads of losses and 1 kill (and that was due to him having a non fitted ship in a large plex (Farming LP apparently)) So what you say is so familiar and frustrating how can you learn from what happened??? Its a crazy 20 or so seconds. Unless you fraps it as someone has said +1 to them (I'll try this). Also don't get hooked up in the SP side of things 150 mill SP sub cap pilot here and i cant do shite.

The idea about having novice plex's T1 frigates only, i agree it think needs it. Also I have lost a few ships to 2 or more ships camping inside a plex which is also disappointing. I would like to see a T1 'frigate novice' which can only do 1 on 1's and just rename the current novice 'small' and the other tiers move up a band).

So what's helped me so far????

Reading the forums, if you have the patience to cut past the trolls.

By far the most valuable is setting up your over view, you can install one from a link in-game' sarashawa' i think it is or if you want to understand every aspect of eve like i do i found these invaluable.

Un-phuck your overview

Your D-Scan - but your getting to grips with that by the sounds of things.

Doing a runner number of times does help, but this is whats always frustrated me with EVE, to get in to PVP its so difficult if you have 30 mins to an hour of online play time i don't have the time to wait to fleet up or for someone to be online or to scan someone down or to wait for an unsuspecting tragte to come through a gate. I just wanna log on a PEW PEW for what little time i have. From what i have read FW does this and it kinda does which is why i sihgned up but the learning curve is so steep at the beginning and it's not being made easier by faction/pirate frigates and garmur's whipping your ass or multiple enemies on warp in.
Blade Darth
Room for Improvement
Good Sax
#53 - 2016-05-06 11:41:26 UTC
Warping into a site with 2 enemies on short scan is not mandatory, checking scan/ local while fighting 1v1 is, unless it's an arranged fight. And even then some randoms might 3'rd party haha.

As for the "faction garmur whipping a$$"- why warp in at all? You know he is faster and probably has a defensive scram too, get an ab frig and wait for him at warp in point- scram, web, ab mitigates over 50% of missile dmg, he won't be able to kite or do dmg and will die in 5 seconds wondering what happened. Yes it probably requires more time and effort than just yolo into a trap.
Crimson Serpent Syndicate
#54 - 2016-05-13 14:31:54 UTC
If your looking for "safer" more winnable fights try joining RVB.

No podding rule and arranged fights are honoured so you can set up 1v1 t1 frig fights. All the fighting is in Hi-Sec so no nasty pirates.

It makes a good environment to learn the basics.
Netan MalDoran
Shadow Cartel
#55 - 2016-05-13 15:18:39 UTC
BOFH2 wrote:
If your looking for "safer" more winnable fights try joining RVB.

No podding rule and arranged fights are honoured so you can set up 1v1 t1 frig fights. All the fighting is in Hi-Sec so no nasty pirates.

It makes a good environment to learn the basics.

Did RvB regroup or something?

"Your security status has been lowered." - Hell yeah it was!

Falcon's truth

Crimson Serpent Syndicate
#56 - 2016-05-13 15:44:36 UTC
Never actually closed down.

There was an announcement they would be closing, but some of the leadership took over and its still going now. Lots of lovely explosions! :)

Details about the rules and to join here
Brokk Witgenstein
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#57 - 2016-05-13 15:51:34 UTC
SeaSaw wrote:
The OP is right. If you are going to have a novice plex for beginner type ships it should be a plex for beginner type ships.


The next level up can be for destroyers etc.

...where he will face the exact same problem: getting stomped on by skilled players with bigger guns.
OP would do well to join a PvP corp and learn the ropes there -- get some pointers from the vets who are, contrary to popular belief, always willing to help a newbro out.
Calivess Avada
Nightlight Manufacturing
#58 - 2016-05-15 11:52:55 UTC
Bittervets forget what it's like to be new to things;
New to the game, new to PvP, new to everything.

95% of their answers are going to consist of "lern2X" or "Google it".

When I was pretty new, I got recruited into some hardcore PvP null-sec corp, and I spent the next 2 weeks sitting in-station, waiting for skills to train up (the queue was 2 months to be able to fly with them). After that, I said "screw it", and flew back to high-sec space.

Check the characters who give you crappy feedback. Either they'll be over 2 years old, or they'll be in some corp that spoon-feeds them everything they need.

First off: There's nothing wrong with hanging around in High-Sec, killing NPC ships. It's going to be quite some time before you can outfit a ship (and have the reflexes/knowledge to use it) to be able to handle the hard stuff. And not the WoW version of a long time (like a month) but more like a few months (or maybe even a year).

Those newbie frigates all cover the basic roles that you'll have later on, so if I were in your shoes, I'd experiment with flying those few T1 frigates, and paying attention to their roles. Skill up into a certain role that interest you. Don't go into tough encounters (or PvP) until you're not only flying a fully T2 equipped T2 ship, but you have the resources/funds to replace it at least twice.

PvP isn't going to be a good experience for you until you're able to survive getting Alpha-Striked by some guy in a battleship.

"Great job shooting things that cant shoot back. You're a regular scourge of New Eden"

-Lament von Gankenheim from CODE. in response to someone destroying their POCOs.

State Protectorate
Caldari State
#59 - 2016-05-16 07:55:18 UTC
Here's my counter-petition:

Stop Being a Whiny Pussy

T1 frigs can be fit to hard counter certain faction frigs. You can fit out a navy frig for 25m.
Nat Silverguard
Aideron Robotics
Aideron Robotics.
#60 - 2016-05-16 08:11:55 UTC
imho, OPs suggestion to increase PLEX type and add 1 more size type is not good.

in the event of actual defense or seige of a system, the only thing i like the least is reshipping. even if your base of operation is 1 jump away, warping to and back, sorting out ships to everyone, changing links if you are changing tanks. it's kinda tedious.

Just Add Water