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Oasis Needs YOU! Donate Today! [30bil ISK MINIMUM GOAL SURPASSED!]
"There is only one authority in this game, and that my friend is violence. The supreme authority upon which all other authority is derived." ISD Max Trix
Fix the Prospect!
"Frauenversteher wissen, was Frauen wollen. Aber Frauen wollen keine Frauenversteher. Weil Frauenversteher wissen, was Frauen wollen." (Ein Single)
"Wirklich coolen Leuten ist es egal, ob sie cool sind." (Einer, dem es egal ist)
"The Crowd Is Untruth" - Kierkegaard
ISD Max Trix
Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)
Interstellar Services Department
I do not respond to EVE mails about forum moderation.
I was found guilty of Nitshe by the CoCaP
Mail me if you'd like some marketing advice or advice in general
Perfection is a dish best served like wasabi .
Bumble's Space Log
Actual Link free and scout free solo PvP'er
Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel
Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*
Interested Party (TM)