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Christmas Comes Early with EVE Radio

#1 - 2011-12-17 18:27:14 UTC  |  Edited by: QGazQ
For a fourth consecutive year Eve Radio is playing host to a special Christmas Comes Early week of give-aways and events with the sole purpose of lightening our corporate wallet to the tune of approx 30 BILLION ISK.

We'll be kicking off with DJ Helix at 18:00 gmt Saturday the 17th of December and (As usual) we'll be doing this over the course of 7 days at various times and covering all time zones.

All you need to do to have a chance of winning one of the estimated sixty 500 MILLION ISK instant prizes is to periodically tune into Eve Radio via the website and listen out for an audio alert (you'll know our klaxon when you hear it) and be the nth (the current date gmt is the day's number) person to Evemail character ER Relay with the subject "Giveaway" to instantly win.

As an example, if you are tuned in on Monday the 19th of December and hear the klaxon and are the 19th person to Evemail ER Relay you will win 500 million ISK - It's as easy as that.

Beyond that, there's a host of other events and give-aways going on sponsored by individual Eve Radio DJ's day and night so there are even more chances to win. Keep your eyes peeled on the Eve Radio website for specific event info over the next few days and make sure you're tuned in and ready to pounce when that klaxon goes off.

We hope you have fun with this event and wish you the best of luck in winning some awesome instant prizes.

Make sure you have yourself a very merry Christmas!

QGazQ and all the ER Team
EVE Radio

Edit Additional rules / clarifications:

These are in order to try and make it fair for everyone

Additional rule: A single listener will only be allowed to win twice (so a total of 1Bil). After that the character will be disqualified.

Additional rule2: One entry per character per klaxon. You may only send 1 EVE Mail per klaxon. Currently I'm seeing some people sending tens of mails through which can't be good for the eve-mail system and feels unsporting. Therefore if there are duplicates only your first mail will count.
Along the same lines I see some people are sending mails at random times, who I assume aren't listening. Therefore if you have sent a mail through up to 30min before a klaxon that will count as your entry (and won't win because it was early) and the rest won't count. Now I will apply human logic to this, if a person does it once, and a few others do it at the same time I'll assume that the DJ happened to play a sfx and you just got confused and won't disqualify you. I noticed a few people responded when Helix played the low shields warning sound earlier for example (to clarify that is not the sound, the klaxon is not an EVE sound).
ER Relay
Eve Radio Corporation
#2 - 2011-12-17 18:35:04 UTC
I am the one the EVE Mails should go to when you hear the Klaxon sound.
#3 - 2011-12-17 19:53:10 UTC
And we've had the first one with the winner of 500Mil* being "tylor druden"

There are still many more chances to win so keep listening.


* Well it was 500Mil when I corrected my fail
I initially only sent 500k oops!
The Greater Goon
#4 - 2011-12-17 20:08:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Morganta
shouldn't this post be in events?

* I see now that no, it shouldn't, nevermind.*

congrats to the winners
#5 - 2011-12-17 20:59:00 UTC
And the second winner "Cybina Cybwinder" has had 500Mil sent.

Eve Radio Corporation
#6 - 2011-12-17 21:58:27 UTC
Capitalism Plus and Minus with DJwiggles Win a faction Cruiser of your choice OR "THE RANDOM PRIZE" closing at 23:30 Be ruthless and win full info

this is running RIGHT NOW tune in and win ... you know you want to :D

Live on Eve Radio Sundays 15:00 GMT with me & friends talking about Eve and stuff. Twitter, Facebook TotalEve

#7 - 2011-12-18 00:04:54 UTC
And the third winner is "Mooker Maulerant"
Happy Christmas

#8 - 2011-12-18 02:18:58 UTC
Fourth winner is "Nefetiti"

One thing to note, I am now going to sleep!
Klaxons are scheduled and so can go off while I'm not around.
However I can't check the eve mails and give out ISK while I'm asleep (or while I'm at work next week) so there may now be some delays between the sound going off and the winner being notified.
Don't worry you will still have won if you are the correct mailer, and the ISK will be with you within 24hrs (normally within about 8hrs)

#9 - 2011-12-18 14:05:49 UTC
And two more winner while I was asleep (after going through 253 evemails).
Merry Christmas "Taqai" and "John Lacey"

Also that there was someone who "lost" due to multiple entries, their first entry was below 18, and their second would have been 18 but wasn't allowed. I was going to be kind and let them have it anyway, but then I remember this is EVE and realised pilots need to HTFU so the rules stand.

Also just to point out the subject should be "Giveaway" (case not important and I'll except a space too) which most pilots are getting. However I'll share a few of the others which have come through:
"klaxon thingy"
"18th december"
"merry christmass" (yes it was spelt like that)

#10 - 2011-12-18 16:54:10 UTC
And another winner "Bar0th" receives 500Mil

Sorry for the delay I went out to buy some bread and got distracted trying to buy xmas presents in the pet food isle...

Arasaka Security Corporation
Arasaka Security Trust
#11 - 2011-12-18 17:33:49 UTC
QGazQ wrote:
And another winner "Bar0th" receives 500Mil

Sorry for the delay I went out to buy some bread and got distracted trying to buy xmas presents in the pet food isle...


TY, and Merry Christmas to everyone at ER Big smile
#12 - 2011-12-18 17:44:55 UTC
And another "memishua Skyvoltion"
Got 150 entries this time around.

#13 - 2011-12-18 19:36:30 UTC
This time is "zzyazoo"
And 219 eve mails in about 2 mins, are you trying to break the eve mail system? :P

#14 - 2011-12-19 00:23:54 UTC
Another winner this time is "Katreanna"

160 entries this time.

There should have been one about an hour ago, but I failed at setting it getting the minutes and hours mixed up, doh!

Well I'm off to bed again since I have work in the morning.
There maybe 1 or more scheduled to go off during the night (my night), as before you should still enter and will still win but the winners and prizes won't be announced and sent until I get up for work, between 8:30 and 9:00 GMT.

Then during the day there will be more, and again its unlikely any winners will be announced (unless I can get eve gate to work on my phone) until I get home, the prizes certainly won't be sent till then.

But still keep listening, good luck and Merry Christmas.

#15 - 2011-12-19 09:04:39 UTC
Quick update overnight there have been two winners "Duc Dodgers" and "ariivana".
I haven't had time to send the ISK yet I'm late for work (nothing new there).
I will send it as soon as I get in tonight along with the winners from during the day.

#16 - 2011-12-19 21:11:24 UTC
Sorry for the delay had some tech support to do for the folks.

Time to wade through 676 mails and get some winners and pay a few bil out.

Pak Narhoo
Splinter Foundation
#17 - 2011-12-19 21:17:25 UTC
I clicked on this topic and got a


Then I hit he back button to get back to the forums that worked fine prior to the


and gues wut?:


Seriosly, CCP, fix this....
#18 - 2011-12-19 21:50:28 UTC
Finally an empty mail box and 3 more winners:
Valerion Sadoc
Walken Voltak

I also got one mail:

Subject: Minmatar T3 answer
the Minmatar T3 battlecruiser is a Tornado
Happy Holidays

I'm assuming this was an entry to a DJs comp or something.
Maybe they just thought I needed to know

Keep listening I feel one might be coming soon ...

#19 - 2011-12-19 22:15:02 UTC
We have our first double CCE winner "Mooker Maulerant",
this is the second time of winning so they now have 1 Bil (2x500M) and will now not be eligible for any more wins

Congratulations MM

Jack Traynor
#20 - 2011-12-19 22:39:40 UTC
Way too much effort. Howzabout just shooting me 500mil for being awesomely disinclined to participate but still bored enough at work to post on the forum??
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