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Moon landing conspiracy theories

First post
Akita T
Caldari Navy Volunteer Task Force
#41 - 2011-12-19 20:06:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Akita T
Rana Ash wrote:
So lets say, just as a thought experiment that the conspiracy theorists where proven right.
The moon was a hoax, then what?. What will they try and prove a hoax next?, that elvis and michael jackson are'nt dead?. They are with kennedy on some island playing poker all day?..

We all know Elvis is not dead. He just went home. They even admitted it in MiB !

P.S. I love it when the original poster goes all of a sudden silent in his thread as soon as he's basically proven wrong beyond any REASONABLE doubt, but keeps being active in other threads.
Sidus Isaacs
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#42 - 2011-12-20 09:21:18 UTC
I never understood why people want to belive it was fake. It is kind of like a religion I guess.
Atticus Fynch
#43 - 2011-12-20 09:24:42 UTC
Sidus Isaacs wrote:
I never understood why people want to belive it was fake. It is kind of like a religion I guess.

It's not that people want ot believe it's fake. It's just that a lot of little things abut the whole Apollo program dont add up.

[b]★★★Cargo Pilots Unite!!!★★★[/b]

VKhaun Vex
Amarr Empire
#44 - 2011-12-20 10:54:27 UTC
Atticus Fynch wrote:
Sidus Isaacs wrote:
I never understood why people want to belive it was fake. It is kind of like a religion I guess.

It's not that people want ot believe it's fake. It's just that a lot of little things abut the whole Apollo program dont add up.

Yeah like all the people who spend so much time convincing themselves things don't add up, but spend zero time trying to add them up.

Charges Twilight fans with Ka-bar -Surfin's PlunderBunny LIIIIIIIIIIINNEEEEE PIIIEEEECCCCEEE!!!!!!! -Taedrin Using relativity to irrational numbers is smart -rodyas I no longer believe we landed on the moon. -Atticus Fynch

Akita T
Caldari Navy Volunteer Task Force
#45 - 2011-12-20 17:30:00 UTC
Atticus Fynch wrote:
Sidus Isaacs wrote:
I never understood why people want to belive it was fake. It is kind of like a religion I guess.

It's not that people want ot believe it's fake. It's just that a lot of little things abut the whole Apollo program dont add up.

Have you tried using all the little things as opposed to some cherry-picked ones only ?
And have you tried using the plus sign for a change ? Twisted
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#46 - 2011-12-20 17:50:47 UTC
Akita T wrote:
Atticus Fynch wrote:
Sidus Isaacs wrote:
I never understood why people want to belive it was fake. It is kind of like a religion I guess.

It's not that people want ot believe it's fake. It's just that a lot of little things abut the whole Apollo program dont add up.

Have you tried using all the little things as opposed to some cherry-picked ones only ?
And have you tried using the plus sign for a change ? Twisted

A plus is simply two negetives stuck together. Or four depending on the size.
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#47 - 2011-12-20 18:21:31 UTC
Quoting from the sites:

"On the moon, there is only one light source, the sun." Learn what parallax is.

"This is a famous picture labeled "Man on the Moon" Know what moonlight is? Light from the sun, reflected to earth. It's bright enough to see by on earth. I'm thinking that near-white moon dust might reflect enough sunlight to provide what idiots would misinterpret as secondary light sources. Also, given how washed-out the background is, this is obviously a longer exposure.

"you will notice there are no stars in the sky." When the sun is shining, you don't see stars? NEWS AT 11! Also, learn how camera film works: if they'd exposed the shot long enough to catch the dimly-lit stars, the who sun-lit foreground while just be white.

" If the camera was attached to Conrad's chest, the top of Bean's helmet L should not be in this picture." I never knew the moon was perfectly flat, that people couldn't lean back, or that the camera couldn't possibly be at a slight angle from perfectly level. OBVIOUSLY it's a fake.

"Well, the fact is, you need a mixture of a compound, and water, to make such defined lines." No, this is not a fact at all. There are plenty of terrestrial materials which can display these properties without water.

"you can see the Lunar Rover is in front of the cross hairs. " So how do you think they got that cross hair in the picture? It's hanging in the middle of the studio? Wouldn't it make more sense that they used the camera exactly as described, even if they did it on a set? This goes back to exposure: the white of the rover washed out the thin black line of the marker. The author clearly fails to grasp how photography works.

"An average days temperature on the moon ranges from 260° F to 280° F, too much for film to survive. At those temperatures, film crinkles up into a ball." Normal film in normal cameras, yes.

"About 20 miles about the Earth, there is a radiation belt named the Van Allen belt. No human can get through this belt. If you try than you get hit with 300+ rads of radiation. Unless they are surrounded on each side by 4 feet on lead."

I'm just going to quote wikipedia:

The Apollo astronauts traveled through the Van Allen radiation belts on the way to the moon; however, exposure was minimized by following a trajectory along the edge of the belts that avoided the strongest areas of radiation.[18] The total radiation exposure to astronauts was estimated to be much less than the five (5) rem set by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission for people who work with radioactivity

"There are millions of micro-meteors traveling at speeds up to 6000 MPH, which would tear the ship to pieces." Because all those deep space probes we've sent out for YEARS have been torn to pieces. NEXT!

"If you look at the pictures/video of people on the moon, you will never see more than 3 stars." Not this again.

"When the LEM set down on the Lunar surface, it gave out 3000 lb. worth of thrust. This would have created a massive hole underneath the Lunar Module, but in pictures of the Lunar Module, the ground underneath is untouched. " Lack of atmosphere means it doesn't behave the same way there as it does here. This is repeatable in a lab environment, all you need is air pressure and a vacuum chamber.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Dibblah San
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#48 - 2011-12-20 18:27:47 UTC
Atticus Fynch wrote:
Sidus Isaacs wrote:
I never understood why people want to belive it was fake. It is kind of like a religion I guess.

It's not that people want ot believe it's fake. It's just that a lot of little things abut the whole Apollo program dont add up.

Why don't you take all the things that don't add up, then take all the things that do add up and see what you get.

It's very important that you realize that "facts" which have already been debunked don't become facts again because people without expertise keep saying they are true over and over again, odd when you call yourself a science nerd.

Btw that first link is comedy gold, already added it to my favourites, I'm a bit surprised you can't see how many things don't add up about all the bullsh1t he's talking, especially his design of the lunar lander and how he runs out of space for the crew then follows up with this line "I'm no rocket scientist" the guy is wasted trying to convince people we didn't go to the moon, he could make a fortune writing comedy.
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#49 - 2011-12-20 18:29:04 UTC
Atticus Fynch wrote:
Keep in mind it is current techology that is slowly exposing this via the internet.

No, this is the same drivel that was passed around in bad newsletters and on BBSs in the 80s and early 90s. I learned about the moon landing conspiracies when I was in middle school in 1993...before the internet was called the internet.

Clearly you know less about your own conspiracy theories than you think.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Eternum Praetorian
#50 - 2011-12-21 01:02:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Eternum Praetorian
The best proof of all that man landed on the moon...

Why don't you google what happens to people when they try to sell pieces of moon rocks? I have never read such ridiculous and bias prosecution of otherwise ordinary people in my entire life.

Maybe people are just angry that there is an American flag planted there?

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Astrid Stjerna
Sebiestor Tribe
#51 - 2011-12-23 18:22:37 UTC
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:

"There are millions of micro-meteors traveling at speeds up to 6000 MPH, which would tear the ship to pieces." Because all those deep space probes we've sent out for YEARS have been torn to pieces. NEXT!

I also want to point out that 'micro' in astronomical terms is a grand of sand. The distance between any of our inner-system planets planets is several million miles.

Put a million grains of sand in a million-mile-long olympic swimming pool and see how likely it is that a swimmer will run into a particular grain.

I can't get rid of my darn signature!  Oh, wait....

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#52 - 2011-12-23 18:29:05 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Astrid Stjerna wrote:
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:

"There are millions of micro-meteors traveling at speeds up to 6000 MPH, which would tear the ship to pieces." Because all those deep space probes we've sent out for YEARS have been torn to pieces. NEXT!

I also want to point out that 'micro' in astronomical terms is a grand of sand. The distance between any of our inner-system planets planets is several million miles.

Put a million grains of sand in a million-mile-long olympic swimming pool and see how likely it is that a swimmer will run into a particular grain.

They also ignore the fact that we have has space stations in orbit for close to 50 years and never had an inpactBlink

Oh and all of the deep space probes that went through the asteroid belt. If anything was going to get hit it would be then!
Arctur Vallfar
Knights Adamant
#53 - 2011-12-23 21:24:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Arctur Vallfar
I'm all about people questioning assumed truth, as it helps people maintain the truth, but as we've easily learned thus far in this thread most conspiracy theorists are very poorly educated people with absolutely no grasp on the depth of which they choose to criticize. One gross misconception + psuedoscience = tin foil hat.

Getting a few people, alive, all the way to the Moon and back again is certainly a monumental feat for our species considering our technological and political limitations. Such an extraordinarily complicated thing is just asking for people become overloaded and attempt to snuff out what they cannot understand. There are motives that could make sense in regards to the Moon missions being faked, most prominent of that would be the USA's drive to 'beat' the Russians in the space race. Yet proof of a hoax has yet to be brought to light.
Arctur Vallfar
Knights Adamant
#54 - 2011-12-23 21:30:17 UTC
Sorry about the double post. My pet rat took over the keyboard for a second.
Metal Icarus
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#55 - 2011-12-23 21:49:11 UTC
Op seems one of those people who could be convinced that they are gay for a night.

Brujo Loco
Brujeria Teologica
#56 - 2011-12-23 22:10:00 UTC
Posting in a moon conspiracy thread ... in OOPE ...

I bask in the Chaos of this thread!

Bang , Bang ...

Inner Sayings of BrujoLoco:

Froz3nEcho Sarain
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#57 - 2011-12-23 22:13:45 UTC
Guys you do know that asteroid belts are not like the ones in Star Wars but have like 100km or more space between eachother?

And for the love of god don't use Wikipedia as a source. Especially with conspiracy theories like this one. Read real literature or your information is just as accurate as the bible or Harry Potter for what I care.

And why the hell are we talking about the moon landing? DIDN"T YOU HEAR ALIENS ATTACKED THE TWINTOWERS???

[i]~ When everything fades away, an echo is the only sound that will remain ~   ~ Chaos is a name for any order that produces confusion in our minds ~[/i]

Arctur Vallfar
Knights Adamant
#58 - 2011-12-23 23:05:29 UTC
The aliens attacked the WTC? You're sadly mistaken, my friend. A bunch of Human teenagers flying X-Wing and Y-Wing starfighters fired a proton torpedo in to a thermal exhaust port that was only two-meters wide.

I have to admit, though, that a lot of those conspiracy theories out there are interesting reads if you approach them in a sci-fi kind of way. Like those Lunar/Martian 'towers' and other suggestions of ruins dotting the surface. One elaborate hoax in regards to that was a 'secret' film reel from cosmonauts on the moon as they explored a vast network of ancient structures. A quick Google search should bring up plenty of hits for those interested in checking it out.
Alara IonStorm
#59 - 2011-12-23 23:27:54 UTC
I still think the best evidence is that if the signals from the broadcast were coming from anywhere but the moon they would have been called on it like that. /snaps fingers

There was another Superpower that was highly invested in proving this was a hoax. They had the equipment and intelligence network to do it too if it was.
Surfin's PlunderBunny
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#60 - 2011-12-24 02:57:14 UTC
Alara IonStorm wrote:

There was another Superpower that was highly invested in proving this was a hoax. They had the equipment and intelligence network to do it too if it was.

Must've been Haiti, that's why we made that earthquake there.... to shut them up

"Little ginger moron" ~David Hasselhoff 

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