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[Citadel] Capital Escalations and Drifter Boss

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#201 - 2016-05-19 06:59:40 UTC
bahahha that's just ******!
Anthar Thebess
#202 - 2016-05-19 07:04:48 UTC
Fairfax Narmolaya wrote:
Hi there,

After killing 2nd drifter during a farm, 16 drifters landed at hole we came from..

For safety, we didnt continued farm (subcapital fleet).
After about 10 mins, drifters warped off into unknown space.
I did try to combat probe them, but no results.

My question is - I saw them on the overview/grid, but never on dscan. Also couldnt probe them later on.
Is that allright? How we gonna check before start farming if unleashed drifters are in the system and our fleet is safe? :P

And another question - will they disappear afer a while? Cause I cant see any solution to take them down without a loss :P

Fairfax Narmolaya

This is amazing.
WTB similar thing for nullsec anoms.
AlStorm Prime
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#203 - 2016-05-27 12:29:17 UTC  |  Edited by: AlStorm Prime
This post was cleared to not mislead. Since recent patch brought changes in discussed mechanics.
ISD Gallifreyan
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#204 - 2016-05-31 02:35:58 UTC
AlStorm Prime wrote:

p.s. I reached the maximum amount of allowed quotes

This is by Design to prevent Pyramid Quoting
14. Pyramid quoting is prohibited.

Pyramid quoting is a response to a forum thread that contains the quotes of four or more previous posters, sometimes with additional spaces added unnecessarily. This kind of posting often distorts the layout of the forums and can cause issues with readability for some users.

Since you are quoting the Same previous poster each time you may continue. Big smile

ISD Gallifreyan

Lt. Commander

Community Communication Liaisons (CCL)

Interstellar Services Department

Troubled Basterd
Island Life Capitalist Bastards
#205 - 2016-05-31 21:43:12 UTC
I cant seem to find aan stats/numerical data on Arithmos Tyrannos. Is it possible to find that info somewhere?

I like to check to EFT warrior a good ship/fit for killing him.

It takes a long time for 10k dps to take him down. But how much bloody HP does it have :P


Willi Walzwerk
Little Red Riding Hole
Wolves Amongst Strangers
#206 - 2016-06-14 22:20:44 UTC
Hello CCP, hello guys,

I have a question about the site respawning algorythm in wormhole space.

I live in a C5 wormhole and we really farmed our sites whenever we could. The point is, I dont really think your respawning system for the sites works, because its now a week we did not get any new sites like one or two in 6 to 7 days.

Its really frustrating because we really tested and tried to fly the new sites and we are now after many testing and praticing good at it but there is no real respawn. We farmed them, because you write in the devblog, that those sites in wh space will respawn faster, if we get more active and farm more of them. This doesnt work for us right now.

Dont know how the other pilots may have experienced this, this isnt a whine or something, i just want to ask you if there is some issues with the respawning code. I heard from some nullsec guys, that if they actively farm a system, they get a constant respawn of sites. Maybe u can make some adaption or check the code for wh space because we are pretty cut off on any income.

We have this problem now since about 2 weeks, but now its really bad for us because there is really no respwaning and we farm like every site actively.. At the moment we have 1 cosmic anomaly, and this is our static wh.

No whine, just a question.

#207 - 2016-06-15 03:48:54 UTC
Willi Walzwerk wrote:
Hello CCP, hello guys,

I have a question about the site respawning algorythm in wormhole space.

I live in a C5 wormhole and we really farmed our sites whenever we could. The point is, I dont really think your respawning system for the sites works, because its now a week we did not get any new sites like one or two in 6 to 7 days.

Its really frustrating because we really tested and tried to fly the new sites and we are now after many testing and praticing good at it but there is no real respawn. We farmed them, because you write in the devblog, that those sites in wh space will respawn faster, if we get more active and farm more of them. This doesnt work for us right now.

Dont know how the other pilots may have experienced this, this isnt a whine or something, i just want to ask you if there is some issues with the respawning code. I heard from some nullsec guys, that if they actively farm a system, they get a constant respawn of sites. Maybe u can make some adaption or check the code for wh space because we are pretty cut off on any income.

We have this problem now since about 2 weeks, but now its really bad for us because there is really no respwaning and we farm like every site actively.. At the moment we have 1 cosmic anomaly, and this is our static wh.

No whine, just a question.


It only works if most people in wormholes farm sites and complete them faster. Site spawns are region controlled, as far as i know.
But one of the major points of this update was also to encourage static farming more, so that is what ccp wants you to do. Farm in static when there are no home sites :)

A life is best lived, to not step into your grave in a well preserved body. Instead, to slide in side ways, all battered and bruised, screamming, "Holy SH**! What a ride!"

Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#208 - 2016-06-15 09:49:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Tsukino Stareine
So can we talk about how this change utterly failed to address the biggest problem with the old escalations?

Aka solo hero dread.

This is still extremely doable and all these changes have done is hurt the people who want/have no other choice to run in groups.

"We want you to farm your static more, so we changed the sites to take 5x longer with a very marginally increased payout"

Like right now it's probably more efficient to clear c5 sites without killing the drifter in a group as small as 3. The weight is completely out of balance.

Actually been doing c3s duo in gilas and it's better money than attempting home sites in capitals: this is just wrong and completely polar opposite of the risk = reward mindset.

We are risking multi-billions on field to run home sites in capitals and making less money than in a c3 with less than 1 billion fielded.

This also has the negative connotation of nobody being able to catch people running sites in capitals, something wormhole entities with high-class statics did as a common activity.

I see where you're trying to go by forcing people to go into their static to farm, this potentially creates more player interaction. However the player interaction you get these days with people who want to farm is yacht clubs and citadel spinning.

If you want meaningful player interaction to form you have to have the risk WORTH taking. People aren't going to use capitals or shiny things when there's no reward for it. This has the knock on effect of pvp in wormholes taking a dive because we don't have the ISK to support it.

Meanwhile in Null sec, you've not touched the income you get from site ratting and you radically decreased the risk of carriers doing this.

I just don't understand the design philosophy anymore honestly.
Jessie McPewpew
#209 - 2016-06-19 11:49:32 UTC
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
So can we talk about how this change utterly failed to address the biggest problem with the old escalations?

Aka solo hero dread.

This is still extremely doable and all these changes have done is hurt the people who want/have no other choice to run in groups.

I just don't understand the design philosophy anymore honestly.

Solo dread is not the issue here. It's CCP taking away 3/4 of what the old sites were worth in order to force people into their statics.
Delt0r Garsk
Shits N Giggles
#210 - 2016-06-20 21:51:31 UTC
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
So can we talk about how this change utterly failed to address the biggest problem with the old escalations?

I just don't understand the design philosophy anymore honestly.

That is because your use to insane payouts in WH space rather than something far more realistic. People in NS risk caps for far less per hour than the old escalations. Farming the old escalations was plain broken.

And if a hero dread is not "worth it" don't use it. I mean where is it written that CCP need to make a particular shinny fit ship "worth it". One of our old corpies would rat in null sec with Blops Battleships. At about 2-3B a piece. And Ratting doesn't make even close to the isk per hour of a C5.

Stop assuming that because you did get billions a week that you deserve billions a week.

AKA the scientist.

Death and Glory!

Well fun is also good.

Jessie McPewpew
#211 - 2016-06-20 23:12:02 UTC
Delt0r Garsk wrote:
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
So can we talk about how this change utterly failed to address the biggest problem with the old escalations?

I just don't understand the design philosophy anymore honestly.

That is because your use to insane payouts in WH space rather than something far more realistic. People in NS risk caps for far less per hour than the old escalations. Farming the old escalations was plain broken.

And if a hero dread is not "worth it" don't use it. I mean where is it written that CCP need to make a particular shinny fit ship "worth it". One of our old corpies would rat in null sec with Blops Battleships. At about 2-3B a piece. And Ratting doesn't make even close to the isk per hour of a C5.

Stop assuming that because you did get billions a week that you deserve billions a week.

Please, stop talking that nonsense. Risk caps with local and safe deep pockets aided with multiple system intel network? 1/10 did not lel.
Samsara Nolte
#212 - 2016-07-08 08:55:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Samsara Nolte
CCP Fozzie wrote:

  • We intend the Drifter to be probable with combat scanner probes, as well as visible on d-scan. Full disclosure: we've run into some technical roadblocks with the probing and d-scan part of the feature. We are confident that we can get it working and there's a good chance that it can be ready for the initial expansion release, but it's possible that it might slip to a point release.

  • Is there an ETA to this Feature ? - then honestly atm it is a pain to figure out if there are drifters present ... aka time consuming and therefore delaying a lot of activities.

    Will Data and Relic Sites spawn a Drifter, too in the foreseeable future ?
    Willi Walzwerk
    Little Red Riding Hole
    Wolves Amongst Strangers
    #213 - 2016-09-24 00:28:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Willi Walzwerk
    Sadly, this thread is dead. No response from CCP.

    Drifter Bosses are still not probeable and in general , wh space content is dead. If we roll c5 static, we only find empty holes. There are no other people living in c5 wormhole space. Expect the big ones with 200+ members that are evicting their whole content because there is nothing else to find.

    We wont find ratting dreads in c5 space,as we did before the update, because its not worth it bringing 6 billion isk for a site worth 600 millionen now. PVE corps lost their income, and in consequence, pvp corps lost their content. Improve higher grade wormholes for more content in wh space.. This system is just broken right now. Farm static ? For what risk to payout ? its just stupid and useless.

    Keep pushing nullsec carebearism with bots in their botting systems, harder to catch than normal people.. And keep killing wormhole space. As the player numbers for your game running pretty low, you may focus on what the game makes really great. PvP. And for pvp there are always 2 sides. People who farm and get killed, and people who kill and farm with killing...
    But who can we kill when farming is not worth the risk anymore?

    Just my sad thoughts..
    Troubled Basterd
    Island Life Capitalist Bastards
    #214 - 2016-10-28 15:29:47 UTC
    Totally agree with Willi Walzwerk. I used to farm in C5 with a big isk fleet (check killboard). Hard Kocks raped it and the income is just to low to try and rebuild. There aint that many of us left in C5 space so they can just wait with there dreads logged off lurking in the dark waiting for a new capital to ****. In the old escalation system i would work on a new fleet. Being one of the few means being one of the camped. But **** it, time for PI, rock shooting and looking for a new C3 or C4 wh.

    Olmeca Gold
    The Free Folk
    #215 - 2016-10-28 18:17:46 UTC
    We tried the drifter boss the other day.

    I mean it is not even worth doing ISK/EHP wise. If you farm on your static and (thus have limitless sites) you just do the sites and not the drifter, else it is lower ISK for your time.

    If it was worth doing maybe rageroll people still would catch some Rattlesnakes.

    Covert Cloaky FC. Sustainable Whaler.

    Youtube channel.

    Troubled Basterd
    Island Life Capitalist Bastards
    #216 - 2016-10-29 17:08:02 UTC
    Jep, you need a **** ton of deeps to make it worth it. But the 3 Avengers are even worse isk/hour. Make then combat scan-able so we can run a site with subcaps and just hunt the boss down!!!
    Christy Reborn
    #217 - 2016-11-02 22:13:58 UTC
    CCP, how do you intend to keep your players, when you continue to make it harder and harder to earn some damn isk?

    WH-space is already a very risky place to farm/live, yet you continue to make it harder for the solo players to make any decent amount of isk/hour vs the risk..

    I really dislike this change, and im guessing that even with a capital, you cant solo these "end bosses" correct?
    Brown Pathfinder
    Black Spot on Parchment
    #218 - 2016-11-03 09:56:15 UTC
    Christy Reborn wrote:
    CCP, how do you intend to keep your players, when you continue to make it harder and harder to earn some damn isk?

    WH-space is already a very risky place to farm/live, yet you continue to make it harder for the solo players to make any decent amount of isk/hour vs the risk..

    I really dislike this change, and im guessing that even with a capital, you cant solo these "end bosses" correct?

    Yo m8 drifter bosses are like incursions, gang / fleet content, just go to accept the hard facts sometimes P
    PRo tip startup the launcher and select sisi - test server and go nuts and test perhaps? Smile
    Maybe you can find the optimal way to run the content to wich degree its solo or non solo.
    Just bring probes and do the /moveme command to get started.
    Lis Aivo
    Caldari Provisions
    Caldari State
    #219 - 2016-12-25 11:08:03 UTC
    The problem with C5's is "decloaked transmitter array" spawn time. The structure that you need to shoot to trigger the Drifter Response Battleship.

    In "Core Stronghold"s that structure spawn at the end of the last wave. However in "Core Garrison"s it spawns right after the 3rd wave, and makes the group vulnerable to some cloaky ninja drifter spawners.

    Basicly a covert ops frig can sneak to site then spawn the drifter and gtfo and watch drifter battleship killing the fleet that is running site. For that reason I think it's a stupid game mechanic. In Strongholds at least its manageable. You can allign before killing the last BS and if someone tries to ninja spawn Drifter you can warp off imidiately.

    Just think how it would be if there is a same mechanic in incursions. Some random troll enters site and spawns mothership with a single hobgoblin. This is the same level bullshit.

    Please change spawning mechanics enterily or at least make Garrison's "decloaked array " spawning similar to Stronghold so we can take precautions in Garrisons too.
    Slap Fight Martial Artists
    #220 - 2016-12-26 21:51:15 UTC
    Delt0r Garsk wrote:
    People in NS risk caps

    That's my new favorite joke. Thanks man.