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Interest check, uncollateralized investment, citadel manufacturing

Ivona Branovich
#1 - 2016-03-31 21:51:25 UTC
Hi, I'm looking to get into citadel manufacturing. I have a few investors from within my corp (on my main) but I'm opening it up to outside investors too. Mail me if you want more details. I have manufacturing experience and this should be profitable. Will do a more in depth post once i gauge if there is any interest. Thanks
virm pasuul
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2016-03-31 22:45:03 UTC
That's it? Five sentences? That's all you can muster?
Would like to pledge 20B
Ivona Branovich
#3 - 2016-03-31 23:06:14 UTC
virm pasuul wrote:
That's it? Five sentences? That's all you can muster?
Would like to pledge 20B

lol well yeah I realize that, if your not being just totally sarcastic, im just gauging interest atm, will leave this thread running for a week or so if we have a few people interested i will do a full forum post with amount of investment we are looking for, interest, timescale, the full works etc. Just working out the details now.
Far Ranger
#4 - 2016-03-31 23:58:31 UTC
Ivona Branovich wrote:
Hi, I'm looking to get into citadel manufacturing. I have a few investors from within my corp (on my main) but I'm opening it up to outside investors too. Mail me if you want more details. I have manufacturing experience and this should be profitable. Will do a more in depth post once i gauge if there is any interest. Thanks
Ivona Branovich wrote:
[...] if we have a few people interested i will do a full forum post with amount of investment we are looking for, interest, timescale, the full works etc. Just working out the details now.

Here's an example business plan along similar lines, in case you want some help preparing your presentation: Hope that's some help!
Ivona Branovich
#5 - 2016-04-01 00:24:38 UTC
Thoraemond wrote:
Ivona Branovich wrote:
Hi, I'm looking to get into citadel manufacturing. I have a few investors from within my corp (on my main) but I'm opening it up to outside investors too. Mail me if you want more details. I have manufacturing experience and this should be profitable. Will do a more in depth post once i gauge if there is any interest. Thanks
Ivona Branovich wrote:
[...] if we have a few people interested i will do a full forum post with amount of investment we are looking for, interest, timescale, the full works etc. Just working out the details now.

Here's an example business plan along similar lines, in case you want some help preparing your presentation: Hope that's some help!

Thanks this is really helpful.
Far Ranger
#6 - 2016-04-01 00:46:29 UTC
Ivona Branovich wrote:
Thoraemond wrote:
Here's an example business plan along similar lines, in case you want some help preparing your presentation: Hope that's some help!

Thanks this is really helpful.

You're welcome!
virm pasuul
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2016-04-01 10:23:39 UTC  |  Edited by: virm pasuul
OK the sales pitch drums up the business.
That's why they actually run actual adverts on TV, not just a quick message saying "If anyone is interested in shampoo, ping us on twitter and we'll make a proper advert."

If you are serious about your business plan you should be selling it. Remember what you say and how you say it will reflect directly on how serious people take your plan. If you plop a half-hearted few lines of vague flim-flam potential investors are going to say to themselves "This dude is either clueless, or a lazy idiot, neither of which makes me want to invest in them."
If on the other hand you produce a good well thought out detailed post ezplaining your business plan investors will think "Hey this guy has a great plan that makes sense. He's obviously serious and know what's he's doing. If he ezecutes his business with the same amount of effort he's happening, he's going places. I want a piece of that!"
Your choice which path you take.

Citadels aren't cheap. They will require lots of ISK to produce. I am assuming you'd like a lot of investment. and yet the best you can do is poop out a few vague words?

You realise the really helpfull thread that got linked turned out to be a scam?
You also realise is was quite a successful scam?
Do you know why it was successful? That's a rhetorical question by the way, I'm assuming your answer is no. It was successful because he put the effort in to make it work.
Scamming does not mean low effort. A good scam requires a lot of effort. Otherwise it's just pointless crud. Up your game!