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[Citadels] Carriers

First post
Blood ofGODS
Psychotic Tendencies.
#841 - 2016-05-29 21:28:02 UTC
Basically, it goes like this - No capital ship has ever been able to kill smaller ships this easily. Pre-citadel, you could apply damage about 50% ish to a cruiser, of 2.2k (dps fit), about 1k dps. Now you can easily apply 75-80% of ~4k dps, say 3k dps for easy rounding. Note the first estimate is with a target painter, second is with no webs/tp.

You should need additional support to apply damage fully to smaller ships. The DPS potential isn't the issue. The fact that a carrier can volley a 10MN AB confessor with no effort moving 50% max speed (~13k ehp) is an issue. It comes down to the carrier being a solowtfpwnmobile to literally every single ship. It allows some mongoloid to just trash everything and think that he's just really good at the game, and think that there's nothing wrong (i.e. most of the carrier fruitloops posting).
Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#842 - 2016-05-29 22:10:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Morrigan LeSante
Minibren wrote:
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
And pray tell what the NSA does for the fighters lock time?

Fighters have almost the same scan res as a carrier with an NSA turned on.

Right. So the carrier locks. Then on the next tick, the fighters start locking. THEN the tick after they finish locking, they fire.

If you can't get a frigate or nano cruiser out in that time, you're bad.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#843 - 2016-05-30 00:06:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Lugh Crow-Slave
Blood ofGODS wrote:
Basically, it goes like this - No capital ship has ever been able to kill smaller ships this easily. Pre-citadel, you could apply damage about 50% ish to a cruiser, of 2.2k (dps fit), about 1k dps. Now you can easily apply 75-80% of ~4k dps, say 3k dps for easy rounding. Note the first estimate is with a target painter, second is with no webs/tp.

You should need additional support to apply damage fully to smaller ships. The DPS potential isn't the issue. The fact that a carrier can volley a 10MN AB confessor with no effort moving 50% max speed (~13k ehp) is an issue. It comes down to the carrier being a solowtfpwnmobile to literally every single ship. It allows some mongoloid to just trash everything and think that he's just really good at the game, and think that there's nothing wrong (i.e. most of the carrier fruitloops posting).

No carrier is applying 75% damage even to a bake 2 cruiser without support. Just doing the basic math will show even with an omni you only apply about 60. Unless they have no prop mods or are using enough extenders to blow their sig nearly 40%.

Carriers do need support to apply full damage. We couldn't even kill a logi cruiser with three salvos from two carriers without it.

Besides pre citadel no capital ship was built to kill sub caps so that argument is moot. Even with that carriers used to be far more effective against sub caps than they ate now and have you forgotten about the Phoenix? That thing would eat sub caps and had no need of support to do it.

Also again ccp put in a direct counter to carriers by giving fighters such low sensor strength

And if you think application is the biggest threat then being weapon disruptors. Fighter lock speed to high? Bring damps. Stop looking at fighters as drones and start looking at them like ships.
Blood ofGODS
Psychotic Tendencies.
#844 - 2016-05-30 02:16:36 UTC
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Blood ofGODS wrote:
Basically, it goes like this - No capital ship has ever been able to kill smaller ships this easily. Pre-citadel, you could apply damage about 50% ish to a cruiser, of 2.2k (dps fit), about 1k dps. Now you can easily apply 75-80% of ~4k dps, say 3k dps for easy rounding. Note the first estimate is with a target painter, second is with no webs/tp.

You should need additional support to apply damage fully to smaller ships. The DPS potential isn't the issue. The fact that a carrier can volley a 10MN AB confessor with no effort moving 50% max speed (~13k ehp) is an issue. It comes down to the carrier being a solowtfpwnmobile to literally every single ship. It allows some mongoloid to just trash everything and think that he's just really good at the game, and think that there's nothing wrong (i.e. most of the carrier fruitloops posting).

No carrier is applying 75% damage even to a bake 2 cruiser without support. Just doing the basic math will show even with an omni you only apply about 60. Unless they have no prop mods or are using enough extenders to blow their sig nearly 40%.

Carriers do need support to apply full damage. We couldn't even kill a logi cruiser with three salvos from two carriers without it.

Besides pre citadel no capital ship was built to kill sub caps so that argument is moot. Even with that carriers used to be far more effective against sub caps than they ate now and have you forgotten about the Phoenix? That thing would eat sub caps and had no need of support to do it.

Also again ccp put in a direct counter to carriers by giving fighters such low sensor strength

And if you think application is the biggest threat then being weapon disruptors. Fighter lock speed to high? Bring damps. Stop looking at fighters as drones and start looking at them like ships.

I'm not saying they are hard to counter. Their base application is too high. And a Guardian, btw, has a low sig, usually AB, and can have upwards of 100k ehp. So yes, it will take a lot to kill it. I'm saying that it should instablap dessies/frigs and cripple cruisers with single volleys.
The blap phoenix was perfectly fine. You apply 30% damage to a cruiser. It was enough considering 100k volley.

And lets do the basic math. Heavy rocket salvo is 100 radius. Most cruisers have 100 sig or over. The salvo is 60% of the dps. So 60% right off the top. The weapon has base 240 radius, so about 40% damage with 40% of the dps. This is 76% of the dps is applied to a cruiser. I ignore the velocity factor because it is overcome with 2x omni links or 1 web, easily supplied by a carrier.

And weapon disrupting/jamming will not help you prevent the volley damage that will instablap your face because fighter recalling. Maybe you should learn more about PvP mechanics before commenting.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#845 - 2016-05-30 02:39:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Lugh Crow-Slave
Blood ofGODS wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Blood ofGODS wrote:
Basically, it goes like this - No capital ship has ever been able to kill smaller ships this easily. Pre-citadel, you could apply damage about 50% ish to a cruiser, of 2.2k (dps fit), about 1k dps. Now you can easily apply 75-80% of ~4k dps, say 3k dps for easy rounding. Note the first estimate is with a target painter, second is with no webs/tp.

You should need additional support to apply damage fully to smaller ships. The DPS potential isn't the issue. The fact that a carrier can volley a 10MN AB confessor with no effort moving 50% max speed (~13k ehp) is an issue. It comes down to the carrier being a solowtfpwnmobile to literally every single ship. It allows some mongoloid to just trash everything and think that he's just really good at the game, and think that there's nothing wrong (i.e. most of the carrier fruitloops posting).

No carrier is applying 75% damage even to a bake 2 cruiser without support. Just doing the basic math will show even with an omni you only apply about 60. Unless they have no prop mods or are using enough extenders to blow their sig nearly 40%.

Carriers do need support to apply full damage. We couldn't even kill a logi cruiser with three salvos from two carriers without it.

Besides pre citadel no capital ship was built to kill sub caps so that argument is moot. Even with that carriers used to be far more effective against sub caps than they ate now and have you forgotten about the Phoenix? That thing would eat sub caps and had no need of support to do it.

Also again ccp put in a direct counter to carriers by giving fighters such low sensor strength

And if you think application is the biggest threat then being weapon disruptors. Fighter lock speed to high? Bring damps. Stop looking at fighters as drones and start looking at them like ships.

I'm not saying they are hard to counter. Their base application is too high. And a Guardian, btw, has a low sig, usually AB, and can have upwards of 100k ehp. So yes, it will take a lot to kill it. I'm saying that it should instablap dessies/frigs and cripple cruisers with single volleys.
The blap phoenix was perfectly fine. You apply 30% damage to a cruiser. It was enough considering 100k volley.

And lets do the basic math. Heavy rocket salvo is 100 radius. Most cruisers have 100 sig or over. The salvo is 60% of the dps. So 60% right off the top. The weapon has base 240 radius, so about 40% damage with 40% of the dps. This is 76% of the dps is applied to a cruiser. I ignore the velocity factor because it is overcome with 2x omni links or 1 web, easily supplied by a carrier.

And weapon disrupting/jamming will not help you prevent the volley damage that will instablap your face because fighter recalling. Maybe you should learn more about PvP mechanics before commenting.

Except unless you are sitting right on top of the carrier recalling isn't an issue for 1-2 griffins to keep it looked down. Toss in some damps and no way those fighters are continuing to lock.

Same thing with avoiding a carriers web

Fighters are also very easy to kill and will not one shot a frig unless it is holding still. The logistics that took 2 carriers over three volleys each was a cap fit t1 minmatar abs the only reason it eventually popped was because the dumb ass flew into a friendly ship and got bumped.

Ignoring the vollosity in the calculation is just lazy as even with two omnis toy are still not doing full dps to an ab cruiser unless it is plate fit

Carriers right now have less damage application and about the same dps they did before the change. Only difference is a chunk of that dps comes all at once meaning at any point if your logistics starts to fall behind your in trouble.

I think the reason these things can be so devastating to cruiser gangs is intentional to break up that over saturated meta but even buffer cruisers with logi can shrug of the blow from the fighters.

Can a carrier be killed by a small gang of sub caps anymore? Not easily no particularly if your in a group who refuses to fly anything bigger than a cruiser. But carriers are far from OP.broken in some situations maybe but I have yet to see a solution to the areas it is broken workout completely eliminating them from any use inv a fleet fight.

I do understand the mechanics and I know you're smart enough to figure them out too if you would just break out of your little box
Blood ofGODS
Psychotic Tendencies.
#846 - 2016-05-30 07:25:48 UTC
Are you mental? "Less application than before the change". Have you even flown a fighter carrier before AND after the change against subcaps? You can instablap sabres right now. You couldn't even touch anything below a cruiser before the change. The new fighters use missile calculation now, not tracking. I just broke down the damage calculation for you.

If it took your 2 carriers 3 volleys, to kill a T1 cruiser, then you must have garbage skills/trash fits. It's like you play the forums more than you play the game.

Ignoring the velocity to compensate for a single web/ 2 omnis is reasonable in any sense, considering explosion velocity is 160 m/s, base cruiser speeds are around 200-250 m/s. Easily compensated with one of the above

My issue isn't with being able to kill them. Because I can and have. My issue is with the damage application. It's ridiculous. Two shots to a 10mn AB phantasm with 30k ehp going 2500 m/s. A blap phoenix that dual webs and dual TPs that wouldn't kill it that quickly (pre-citadel).

Carriers should need support to be able to do most of it's damage potential. As of right now, it doesn't need any support to apply most damage to cruisers and ~40-50% to dessies. That is broken.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#847 - 2016-05-30 07:48:02 UTC
My god your right silly me i was under the impretion the old carriers could use more than fighters must be my age. (memory is not what it used to be)

it took two carriers 3 vollies because each one only got it down to about 30% shield where it was then quickly repped back up by logistics b4 the next salvo could come through

yes the base speed of a cruiser is 200-250 good thing ABs exist then

if you lost a phantasm going 2.5k either you didn't have logistics (in witch case yeah 3kdps will do that) or they were asleep at the wheel

they do need support either from friendlies or brain dead targets orbiting at 6k with no prop mod.

no way a fighter is applying 50% of its dps to an untackled desi.
Blood ofGODS
Psychotic Tendencies.
#848 - 2016-05-30 08:28:50 UTC
Lets do some basic math again. Let's say your target is a thrasher, 56m base sig, 340 m/s base velocity. That's 56% application with 60% of the dps (missiles, 100m radius). Again, ignoring velocity in part due to a dual omnidirectional setup on a carrier. Now the turret attack will apply approximately 24% of it's damage (240m radius), which is 40% of dps. That comes to approximately 43% damage total applied.

This is assuming the Thrasher is not AB fit (mwd sig bloom counters your velocity damage reduction), and the carrier has either 2 omnis or 1 60% web on the thrasher. Now say its a max dps fit carrier, 43% of 4k is about 1.7k dps, to a dessie with approx 6-8k ehp. One shot - dead.

That is broken. Things get even more stupid should it be shield rigged/extender fit, or we're talking interdictors, which have 70 base sig (sabre).
Lugh Crow-Slave
#849 - 2016-05-30 08:33:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Lugh Crow-Slave
except if its MWD fit it can out run the fighters all you would need for that is a hic or a hyena...

yes a solo carrier will rock a solo sub caps would but even a competent gang of 4-5 will have no issue against an unsupported carrier.

what is nice is the same things needed to counter a carrier don't hinder a small gang doing its day to day thing.

want to know what can take on even a med sized gang with no support now? a nag that thing is a nightmare for sub caps
Blood ofGODS
Psychotic Tendencies.
#850 - 2016-05-30 09:04:06 UTC
Yeah, good luck outrunning 20k m/s fighters. Or the 2.1 km/sec base speed of Templar IIs with one navi computer on a carrier that's not an Archon.

And no, you need a specific setup in gangs of under 8 or so to kill carriers, assuming you're not going to face tank them with 4 guardians, or face tank with a marauder. You would need to run a triple point hictor with a triple web rapier for 1 carrier, and be able to kite or kill fighters quickly (oracle support would work) to not die, in your example. This is not a common fleet setup, and goodbye your entire gang once a second carrier gets dropped.

Again this digresses with the main issue - Carriers are broken in application to smaller targets (cruisers and below).

And by Naglfars, I assume you mean Big Miker's new video. When flown by a competent pilot against incompetent players, yes, it is powerful. But if you watch there was plenty of things he could not track/kill. That and dreadnoughts in general will tank around 15-20k dps, and no one in their right mind would take a fight against one where they did not have overwhelming numbers, dps comparable to the tank with neuts, and/or overwhelming dps.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#851 - 2016-05-30 09:08:29 UTC
or again just some ECM and don't sit on top of the carrier
Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#852 - 2016-05-30 09:15:46 UTC
Blood ofGODS wrote:
1 web, easily supplied by a carrier.

Uh huh.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#853 - 2016-05-30 09:20:42 UTC
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
Blood ofGODS wrote:
1 web, easily supplied by a carrier.

Uh huh.

now now to be fair this guy keeps sitting right on the carrier
Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#854 - 2016-05-30 09:25:05 UTC
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
Blood ofGODS wrote:
1 web, easily supplied by a carrier.

Uh huh.

now now to be fair this guy keeps sitting right on the carrier

Doesn't matter unless you can shoehorn half a million capacitor onto the thing.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#855 - 2016-05-30 09:34:32 UTC
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
Blood ofGODS wrote:
1 web, easily supplied by a carrier.

Uh huh.

now now to be fair this guy keeps sitting right on the carrier

Doesn't matter unless you can shoehorn half a million capacitor onto the thing.

well you should not be cycling your NSA more than you need. to make the e-war penalty actually matter the NSA cycle time may need to be upped
Lugh Crow-Slave
#856 - 2016-05-30 09:37:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Lugh Crow-Slave
also you keep talking about how the omnis make up for the speed part but just one disruptor (unscripted un-bonused) would more than null two omnis.....

i mean it man just bring some e-war
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#857 - 2016-05-30 09:39:33 UTC
Blood ofGODS wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Blood ofGODS wrote:
Basically, it goes like this - No capital ship has ever been able to kill smaller ships this easily. Pre-citadel, you could apply damage about 50% ish to a cruiser, of 2.2k (dps fit), about 1k dps. Now you can easily apply 75-80% of ~4k dps, say 3k dps for easy rounding. Note the first estimate is with a target painter, second is with no webs/tp.

You should need additional support to apply damage fully to smaller ships. The DPS potential isn't the issue. The fact that a carrier can volley a 10MN AB confessor with no effort moving 50% max speed (~13k ehp) is an issue. It comes down to the carrier being a solowtfpwnmobile to literally every single ship. It allows some mongoloid to just trash everything and think that he's just really good at the game, and think that there's nothing wrong (i.e. most of the carrier fruitloops posting).

No carrier is applying 75% damage even to a bake 2 cruiser without support. Just doing the basic math will show even with an omni you only apply about 60. Unless they have no prop mods or are using enough extenders to blow their sig nearly 40%.

Carriers do need support to apply full damage. We couldn't even kill a logi cruiser with three salvos from two carriers without it.

Besides pre citadel no capital ship was built to kill sub caps so that argument is moot. Even with that carriers used to be far more effective against sub caps than they ate now and have you forgotten about the Phoenix? That thing would eat sub caps and had no need of support to do it.

Also again ccp put in a direct counter to carriers by giving fighters such low sensor strength

And if you think application is the biggest threat then being weapon disruptors. Fighter lock speed to high? Bring damps. Stop looking at fighters as drones and start looking at them like ships.

I'm not saying they are hard to counter. Their base application is too high. And a Guardian, btw, has a low sig, usually AB, and can have upwards of 100k ehp. So yes, it will take a lot to kill it. I'm saying that it should instablap dessies/frigs and cripple cruisers with single volleys.
The blap phoenix was perfectly fine. You apply 30% damage to a cruiser. It was enough considering 100k volley.

And lets do the basic math. Heavy rocket salvo is 100 radius. Most cruisers have 100 sig or over. The salvo is 60% of the dps. So 60% right off the top. The weapon has base 240 radius, so about 40% damage with 40% of the dps. This is 76% of the dps is applied to a cruiser. I ignore the velocity factor because it is overcome with 2x omni links or 1 web, easily supplied by a carrier.

And weapon disrupting/jamming will not help you prevent the volley damage that will instablap your face because fighter recalling. Maybe you should learn more about PvP mechanics before commenting.

You intentionally leaving out much of the abilities of Light Fighters or just arguing for the sake of it?

Yes the base weapon has an explosion radius of 240, it also has an explosion velocity of 120 m/s i If you can't outrun that by enough to minimize damage, your doing something wrong.

Rocket salvo, again 100m explosion radius - 120m/s explosion velocity - all you need is to be doing 130m/s or more and you are reducing the alpha.

Then to top this all off, light fighters can only apply any damage inside 10k, if your smart and fly your ship accordingly - Light Fighters would never hit you for enough damage to kill you. Always have Logi.....

Carriers are far from OP and those who say they are, just haven't tried.
You want easy capital kills vs a capital ship specifically designed to fight subcaps - Adapt, try new things, don't try to kill a carrier with just frigates and destroyers (i've seen it tried, was so funny I peed).
The carrier was not doing so well (he says his T2 max skill fighters couldn't keep up with the fast orbiting frigs), until his support fleet landed at which time those frigs and dessies not quick enough to warp out, died horribly - 2 web lokies a lachesis and a scimi was all it took.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Blood ofGODS
Psychotic Tendencies.
#858 - 2016-05-30 17:34:19 UTC
Sgt Ocker wrote:
Blood ofGODS wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Blood ofGODS wrote:
Basically, it goes like this - No capital ship has ever been able to kill smaller ships this easily. Pre-citadel, you could apply damage about 50% ish to a cruiser, of 2.2k (dps fit), about 1k dps. Now you can easily apply 75-80% of ~4k dps, say 3k dps for easy rounding. Note the first estimate is with a target painter, second is with no webs/tp.

You should need additional support to apply damage fully to smaller ships. The DPS potential isn't the issue. The fact that a carrier can volley a 10MN AB confessor with no effort moving 50% max speed (~13k ehp) is an issue. It comes down to the carrier being a solowtfpwnmobile to literally every single ship. It allows some mongoloid to just trash everything and think that he's just really good at the game, and think that there's nothing wrong (i.e. most of the carrier fruitloops posting).

No carrier is applying 75% damage even to a bake 2 cruiser without support. Just doing the basic math will show even with an omni you only apply about 60. Unless they have no prop mods or are using enough extenders to blow their sig nearly 40%.

Carriers do need support to apply full damage. We couldn't even kill a logi cruiser with three salvos from two carriers without it.

Besides pre citadel no capital ship was built to kill sub caps so that argument is moot. Even with that carriers used to be far more effective against sub caps than they ate now and have you forgotten about the Phoenix? That thing would eat sub caps and had no need of support to do it.

Also again ccp put in a direct counter to carriers by giving fighters such low sensor strength

And if you think application is the biggest threat then being weapon disruptors. Fighter lock speed to high? Bring damps. Stop looking at fighters as drones and start looking at them like ships.

I'm not saying they are hard to counter. Their base application is too high. And a Guardian, btw, has a low sig, usually AB, and can have upwards of 100k ehp. So yes, it will take a lot to kill it. I'm saying that it should instablap dessies/frigs and cripple cruisers with single volleys.
The blap phoenix was perfectly fine. You apply 30% damage to a cruiser. It was enough considering 100k volley.

And lets do the basic math. Heavy rocket salvo is 100 radius. Most cruisers have 100 sig or over. The salvo is 60% of the dps. So 60% right off the top. The weapon has base 240 radius, so about 40% damage with 40% of the dps. This is 76% of the dps is applied to a cruiser. I ignore the velocity factor because it is overcome with 2x omni links or 1 web, easily supplied by a carrier.

And weapon disrupting/jamming will not help you prevent the volley damage that will instablap your face because fighter recalling. Maybe you should learn more about PvP mechanics before commenting.

You intentionally leaving out much of the abilities of Light Fighters or just arguing for the sake of it?

Yes the base weapon has an explosion radius of 240, it also has an explosion velocity of 120 m/s i If you can't outrun that by enough to minimize damage, your doing something wrong.

Rocket salvo, again 100m explosion radius - 120m/s explosion velocity - all you need is to be doing 130m/s or more and you are reducing the alpha.

Then to top this all off, light fighters can only apply any damage inside 10k, if your smart and fly your ship accordingly - Light Fighters would never hit you for enough damage to kill you. Always have Logi.....

Carriers are far from OP and those who say they are, just haven't tried.
You want easy capital kills vs a capital ship specifically designed to fight subcaps - Adapt, try new things, don't try to kill a carrier with just frigates and destroyers (i've seen it tried, was so funny I peed).
The carrier was not doing so well (he says his T2 max skill fighters couldn't keep up with the fast orbiting frigs), until his support fleet landed at which time those frigs and dessies not quick enough to warp out, died horribly - 2 web lokies a lachesis and a scimi was all it took.

Hey fruitloop. Let's use that math skill you didn't learn in whatever school you went to. Let's start with the Missile Damage equation, so I can show you why I ignore velocity.

Damage = Base_Damage * MIN(MIN(sig/Er,1) , (Ev/Er * sig/vel)^(log(drf) / log(5.5)) )

Since the explosion stats of the heavy rocket salvo are similar to a heavy missile, lets use the damage reduction factor (drf) of 3.
Now our target stats. A thrasher has a signature of 56. Under 1 60% web, the base velocity is 136 m/s.
Our missile stats, as indicated above (no omnidirectionals), is 100m sig, and 120 m/s explosion velocity. For easy rounding, let's use 100 damage.
Plug in the values (I used a helpful calculator, ),
And the volley damage is 56. From 100. 56% Damage applied. Dang, that's just like velocity can be ignored. But wait, there's more!
Plug in the same values, and dang, look at that. 23.33% for the turret attack (240m sig this time). This is literally the application that is in game, and would be in most situations should a carrier pilot know what they're doing.
Also, for a cruiser moving at 250 m/s, 110 signature, the salvo applies 66.26% assuming no omnis or a web. Take into account 1 web, salvo applies 100%, and beam attack applies 46%.

This is with ONE WEB. Damage applies 43% to a thrasher, and 76% to a cruiser, assuming BASE STATS ONLY. Are you people daft or something? That is broken when you are talking 4k dps. It becomes a solowtfpwnallmobile.

Blood ofGODS
Psychotic Tendencies.
#859 - 2016-05-30 17:37:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Blood ofGODS
And additional note with, for example, 2 omnidirectionals. You can expect both a 30% increase in explosion velocity, and a 30% reduction in radius. This makes the beam attack 168 radius, and velocity 156 m/s. This bumps the beam attack application, using the previous formula, to 56% from 46%, assuming new target velocity is 250m/s because no web. Now the Missile attack, with 2 omnis, will do 98.74% damage applied, instead of 100.

So yes, I can ignore velocity of a cruiser or dessie if you are using either ONE web OR TWO omnidirectionals.

Also, fighter base speed with 1 navi comp on T2 templars is 2.16k m/s. With MWD, it goes around 13k m/s, optimal range (beam attack) 11km + 12 km. Good luck avoiding that. By the time the web effectively slows the squad down you've been instablapped. And yes, I have done this and been on receiving end. Like I said before, learn game mechanics before posting.
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#860 - 2016-05-30 22:37:55 UTC
Blood ofGODS wrote:

Hey fruitloop. Let's use that math skill you didn't learn in whatever school you went to. Let's start with the Missile Damage equation, so I can show you why I ignore velocity.

Damage = Base_Damage * MIN(MIN(sig/Er,1) , (Ev/Er * sig/vel)^(log(drf) / log(5.5)) )

Since the explosion stats of the heavy rocket salvo are similar to a heavy missile, lets use the damage reduction factor (drf) of 3.
Now our target stats. A thrasher has a signature of 56. Under 1 60% web, the base velocity is 136 m/s.
Our missile stats, as indicated above (no omnidirectionals), is 100m sig, and 120 m/s explosion velocity. For easy rounding, let's use 100 damage.
Plug in the values (I used a helpful calculator, ),
And the volley damage is 56. From 100. 56% Damage applied. Dang, that's just like velocity can be ignored. But wait, there's more!
Plug in the same values, and dang, look at that. 23.33% for the turret attack (240m sig this time). This is literally the application that is in game, and would be in most situations should a carrier pilot know what they're doing.
Also, for a cruiser moving at 250 m/s, 110 signature, the salvo applies 66.26% assuming no omnis or a web. Take into account 1 web, salvo applies 100%, and beam attack applies 46%.

This is with ONE WEB. Damage applies 43% to a thrasher, and 76% to a cruiser, assuming BASE STATS ONLY. Are you people daft or something? That is broken when you are talking 4k dps. It becomes a solowtfpwnallmobile.

I'm not going to dispute your numbers BUT will dispute their relevance here - They have absolutely nothing to do with the post I was responding to. While yes a carrier with support (as I stated in my response) will have the ability to alpha smaller stuff, if they don't take precautions, a lone carrier sitting "thousands of K's" off a station undock - DOESN'T

I will add - A capital ship designed to kill small ships should be able to kill small ships with all but impunity - That is after all what they are designed for. If your poor T1 dessie gets alpha'd by a carrier and it is a problem for you, don't blame the carrier - It is doing exactly what it is designed for - Adapt or Die, this is Eve.
Shite, my arty cane will alpha thrashers - Are they OP too, or just working as intended?

And on top of all your stats you leave out the most rudimentary part of pvp - USE LOGI. Logi will save even a lowly thrasher but then that destroys your whole point - Doesn't it? I mean the carrier has to have support which is needed to kill his targets but his attackers shouldn't also need support to kill said carrier?
Apply logi reps to your missile calculations, then come back and print the results, T1 logi will suffice but make your point meaningful - Otherwise it is just meaningless statistics and everyone knows - EFT doesn't = win. Better still, just post the numbers Without the web, which actually applies to the scenario of this discussion.

I don't know of a lone carrier that from "several thousand K's can apply a web - Do you?
Go back, read the post I was responding to - Then go ask mum to clean your soother because it just fell in the toilet (along with your not so relevant reply).

And really - You need to resort to name calling? How immature...

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.