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[Citadels] Carriers

First post
Lugh Crow-Slave
#741 - 2016-05-13 11:11:55 UTC
Voodoch1ld wrote:
You need webs and painters to do that.
For a carriers you do not need either one.

Yes you do to apply damage to anything smaller than a BC

A cruiser going 500m/s is negating most of the carriers damage
Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#742 - 2016-05-13 11:12:39 UTC
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
It's remarkable how all the people crying bring only anecdotes, not a single piece of tangible evidence open to peer review or critique.

Funny that.

Even without that just looking at the raw numbers of 39k alpha with all V skills on a Thany or nid with 4 DDAs is less than the total ehp of most buffer tanked sub caps that would be at risk of taking the full amount.

The dps of a carrier is in the ball park of 3k and that's if you don't factor in reload or lost fighters this is not a lot of dps to be coming from a capital ship. The old blap dreads were magnitudes more effective than these carriers. The distance was people knew the capabilities and weaknesses of them woth carriers people are still trying to fight them like pre-citadel

And still use them like pre-citadel also.

Carriers are for mixed fleets. Their role is to support the ships around them. Just look at their bonuses. I don't understand why people think its so hard. I'd undock my carrier every day if I had a squad of 10 people to fly it with. I literally don't even care about align times or warp speed.
The Fork
Clever Use of Neutral Toons
#743 - 2016-05-13 11:14:15 UTC
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Voodoch1ld wrote:
You need webs and painters to do that.
For a carriers you do not need either one.

Yes you do to apply damage to anything smaller than a BC

A cruiser going 500m/s is negating most of the carriers damage

GL with that.
Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#744 - 2016-05-13 11:16:01 UTC
Voodoch1ld wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Voodoch1ld wrote:
You need webs and painters to do that.
For a carriers you do not need either one.

Yes you do to apply damage to anything smaller than a BC

A cruiser going 500m/s is negating most of the carriers damage

GL with that.

Apparently I need to relink it.

Stop shitfitting. Stop dying.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#745 - 2016-05-13 11:16:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Lugh Crow-Slave
Caleb Seremshur wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
It's remarkable how all the people crying bring only anecdotes, not a single piece of tangible evidence open to peer review or critique.

Funny that.

Even without that just looking at the raw numbers of 39k alpha with all V skills on a Thany or nid with 4 DDAs is less than the total ehp of most buffer tanked sub caps that would be at risk of taking the full amount.

The dps of a carrier is in the ball park of 3k and that's if you don't factor in reload or lost fighters this is not a lot of dps to be coming from a capital ship. The old blap dreads were magnitudes more effective than these carriers. The distance was people knew the capabilities and weaknesses of them woth carriers people are still trying to fight them like pre-citadel

And still use them like pre-citadel also.

Carriers are for mixed fleets. Their role is to support the ships around them. Just look at their bonuses. I don't understand why people think its so hard. I'd undock my carrier every day if I had a squad of 10 people to fly it with. I literally don't even care about align times or warp speed.

Aye as I have said before they are good ships so long as you have support

But uhh I would go with a cyno you say the warp speed doesn't bother you but try that after a few 50au+ systems :p
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#746 - 2016-05-13 12:22:03 UTC
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Ah I see what you mean and yes that works and is one of the reasons you need to pull them off the carrier with kiting and why you don't want to kill to many (making abandonment the obvious choice) I was unaware however that you could scoop to fighter bay with a weapons timer. That had to be an oversight right?

Also abandoning light fighters is a sure way to lose whatever is left of the squadron quite quickly - No bonuses from the carrier, just sitting in space = Dead fighters..... But hey, its not my isk being thrown away - Abandon all you like, I just hope I'm there to collect the KM's Blink

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

The Fork
Clever Use of Neutral Toons
#747 - 2016-05-13 12:35:01 UTC
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Caleb Seremshur wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
It's remarkable how all the people crying bring only anecdotes, not a single piece of tangible evidence open to peer review or critique.

Funny that.

Even without that just looking at the raw numbers of 39k alpha with all V skills on a Thany or nid with 4 DDAs is less than the total ehp of most buffer tanked sub caps that would be at risk of taking the full amount.

The dps of a carrier is in the ball park of 3k and that's if you don't factor in reload or lost fighters this is not a lot of dps to be coming from a capital ship. The old blap dreads were magnitudes more effective than these carriers. The distance was people knew the capabilities and weaknesses of them woth carriers people are still trying to fight them like pre-citadel

And still use them like pre-citadel also.

Carriers are for mixed fleets. Their role is to support the ships around them. Just look at their bonuses. I don't understand why people think its so hard. I'd undock my carrier every day if I had a squad of 10 people to fly it with. I literally don't even care about align times or warp speed.

Aye as I have said before they are good ships so long as you have support

But uhh I would go with a cyno you say the warp speed doesn't bother you but try that after a few 50au+ systems :p

Thank you for your solution. Now lets all go fit over tanked guardians and go tackle with those, do solo etc.
Thank you mate. You are our lord and savior!

Lugh Crow-Slave
#748 - 2016-05-13 12:38:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Lugh Crow-Slave
Voodoch1ld wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Caleb Seremshur wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
It's remarkable how all the people crying bring only anecdotes, not a single piece of tangible evidence open to peer review or critique.

Funny that.

Even without that just looking at the raw numbers of 39k alpha with all V skills on a Thany or nid with 4 DDAs is less than the total ehp of most buffer tanked sub caps that would be at risk of taking the full amount.

The dps of a carrier is in the ball park of 3k and that's if you don't factor in reload or lost fighters this is not a lot of dps to be coming from a capital ship. The old blap dreads were magnitudes more effective than these carriers. The distance was people knew the capabilities and weaknesses of them woth carriers people are still trying to fight them like pre-citadel

And still use them like pre-citadel also.

Carriers are for mixed fleets. Their role is to support the ships around them. Just look at their bonuses. I don't understand why people think its so hard. I'd undock my carrier every day if I had a squad of 10 people to fly it with. I literally don't even care about align times or warp speed.

Aye as I have said before they are good ships so long as you have support

But uhh I would go with a cyno you say the warp speed doesn't bother you but try that after a few 50au+ systems :p

Thank you for your solution. Now lets all go fit over tanked guardians and go tackle with those, do solo etc.
Thank you mate. You are our lord and savior!

... it was a t2 tank iirc

the largest reducing factor was sig and speed not the tank itself
Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#749 - 2016-05-13 12:40:02 UTC
The slower my warp the harder my murderboner is when I land.
Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#750 - 2016-05-13 12:52:46 UTC
Voodoch1ld wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Caleb Seremshur wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
It's remarkable how all the people crying bring only anecdotes, not a single piece of tangible evidence open to peer review or critique.

Funny that.

Even without that just looking at the raw numbers of 39k alpha with all V skills on a Thany or nid with 4 DDAs is less than the total ehp of most buffer tanked sub caps that would be at risk of taking the full amount.

The dps of a carrier is in the ball park of 3k and that's if you don't factor in reload or lost fighters this is not a lot of dps to be coming from a capital ship. The old blap dreads were magnitudes more effective than these carriers. The distance was people knew the capabilities and weaknesses of them woth carriers people are still trying to fight them like pre-citadel

And still use them like pre-citadel also.

Carriers are for mixed fleets. Their role is to support the ships around them. Just look at their bonuses. I don't understand why people think its so hard. I'd undock my carrier every day if I had a squad of 10 people to fly it with. I literally don't even care about align times or warp speed.

Aye as I have said before they are good ships so long as you have support

But uhh I would go with a cyno you say the warp speed doesn't bother you but try that after a few 50au+ systems :p

Thank you for your solution. Now lets all go fit over tanked guardians and go tackle with those, do solo etc.
Thank you mate. You are our lord and savior!

Or bring a couple with you.

Or learn how to fit at all and adapt to a changing meta.

Or you could continue to bawl on the forums. Up to you.
The Fork
Clever Use of Neutral Toons
#751 - 2016-05-13 12:59:51 UTC
So yea lets continue like this. So we can kill solo and small gang aspect of EVE totally.
Lets make it all about blobbing. Flying with falcons & logi. All about that gank baby.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#752 - 2016-05-13 13:01:24 UTC
Voodoch1ld wrote:
So yea lets continue like this. So we can kill solo and small gang aspect of EVE totally.
Lets make it all about blobbing. Flying with falcons & logi. All about that gank baby.

or just two griffins and engage 20km away..
Kayalia Noble
#753 - 2016-05-13 13:06:02 UTC
ECM is fun and interesting gameplay. /s
Maybe look at why something needs to be made to where it can't do anything in the first place before it's considered balanced.
Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#754 - 2016-05-13 13:07:57 UTC
Voodoch1ld wrote:
So yea lets continue like this. So we can kill solo and small gang aspect of EVE totally.
Lets make it all about blobbing. Flying with falcons & logi. All about that gank baby.

When the hell did bringing two or three logi become "blobbing"?

Or just don't engage capitals if you're not prepared to step up your game?

I mean, I realise that's an unreasonable burden what with their disgusting, interceptor like mobility and all Roll.

But oh...oh noes...the camps. FC what is a scout?

The problem here isn't carriers the problem here is people like you wanting to engage a capital solo and being mad when it doesn't end well for you.
Kayalia Noble
#755 - 2016-05-13 13:14:12 UTC
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
Voodoch1ld wrote:
So yea lets continue like this. So we can kill solo and small gang aspect of EVE totally.
Lets make it all about blobbing. Flying with falcons & logi. All about that gank baby.

When the hell did bringing two or three logi become "blobbing"?

Or just don't engage capitals if you're not prepared to step up your game?

I mean, I realise that's an unreasonable burden what with their disgusting, interceptor like mobility and all Roll.

But oh...oh noes...the camps. FC what is a scout?

The problem here isn't carriers the problem here is people like you wanting to engage a capital solo and being mad when it doesn't end well for you.

"Just don't engage if they bring a carrier and you're not setup for it!"
That's fine, but every fight I've gotten has ended with carriers or supers warping or cynoing in, so are we just not supposed to fight any gang and stick to ganking ratters and running away, because they can warp in 1 ship and press a button to kill an entire roaming gang?

So once again, the counter to carriers online is just don't undock.

Bringing 2-3 logi alone isn't blobbing, but you don't go out in 2-3 logi and nothing else, it's all the other stuff you bring with it when it becomes blobbing usually.

Nobody is saying a carrier should be solod by a guy in a frigate. But a carrier shouldn't be the answer to, "oh look a roaming gang, let me undock my 1 ship and kill them all with F3 before they can even warp off gate!"
Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#756 - 2016-05-13 13:30:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Morrigan LeSante
Kayalia Noble wrote:
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
Voodoch1ld wrote:
So yea lets continue like this. So we can kill solo and small gang aspect of EVE totally.
Lets make it all about blobbing. Flying with falcons & logi. All about that gank baby.

When the hell did bringing two or three logi become "blobbing"?

Or just don't engage capitals if you're not prepared to step up your game?

I mean, I realise that's an unreasonable burden what with their disgusting, interceptor like mobility and all Roll.

But oh...oh noes...the camps. FC what is a scout?

The problem here isn't carriers the problem here is people like you wanting to engage a capital solo and being mad when it doesn't end well for you.

"Just don't engage if they bring a carrier and you're not setup for it!"
That's fine, but every fight I've gotten has ended with carriers or supers warping or cynoing in, so are we just not supposed to fight any gang and stick to ganking ratters and running away, because they can warp in 1 ship and press a button to kill an entire roaming gang?

You need to set the hyperbole aside. " warp in 1 ship and press a button to kill an entire roaming gang" is obviously impossible and does nothing to address your issues.

Maybe you need to get to know the hotdroppers in your area better? If people are dropping supers on your face it is rarely on a whim.

Kayalia Noble wrote:
Bringing 2-3 logi alone isn't blobbing, but you don't go out in 2-3 logi and nothing else, it's all the other stuff you bring with it when it becomes blobbing usually.

Nobody is saying a carrier should be solod by a guy in a frigate. But a carrier shouldn't be the answer to, "oh look a roaming gang, let me undock my 1 ship and kill them all with F3 before they can even warp off gate!"

A few logi, a few DPS ships. It's not exactly rocket science.

There's no excuse for a carrier or super or even a group of them to wipe your gang. Why are you not watching for cynos going up and immediately egressing? If every last one of you is hard tackled you've already failed. Why are you not watching dscan? They are like freighters in warp. They're not "suddenly on grid, didn't have time to see that coming" fast.

The thing is, I and others have tested proper fits and they are - for the most part - not possible to alpha with a carrier. I've not seen a decent example of something being popped outrageously yet and I've extensively tested their power over and over on a variety of fits on sisi to find a use for carriers. If you have multiple capitals on grid, well, you're going to have a bad time.

I'll tell you right now what is punished hard are things relying on kiting and active tanks - those are absolutely hit very hard by carriers in the current meta but that's ok because there are still counters available. A lot of solo people are buttmad about this, because their one "go to" meta doesn't work for everything any more.

Finally carriers set up to hit small things well and hard are hilariously soft targets for even a small HAC gang, never mind someone planting another capital on field or a blops drop. They make their fitting trades for this. My guardian test had [n]ten[/b] slots dedicated to damage and application to get those numbers and I still wouldn't call them noteworthy. At some point when you're fitting ten freakin' mods to a ship to do ONE thing, it's got some huge weaknesses elsewhere.

I can't link them here but there are a lot of examples easily found on zkill of carriers dying to small gangs.
Kayalia Noble
#757 - 2016-05-13 13:43:21 UTC
Well why bother with exact numbers when you ignore them every other time I've posted them in response.
They can warp in a ship, and each time they press rocket salvo that's a kill, it's not a far fetched hyperbole.

We roam rather than join a fleet to shoot a POS after losing a ratting ishtar. We go to different regions every day. You learn who the hotdroppers are, but when a carrier is an easy counter to a fleet, everyone becomes the hotdropper.

The problem is when nobody is undocking to fight except in a carrier or super against your subcaps because it's the easy way to win a fight with little to no risk to themselves.

So once again your answer is if they bring a carrier just warp away. I get it. The issue is when people are doing NOTHING but bringing carriers, it completely kills small gang roaming content. It's not like we're getting shot at by a carrier once time and it's a major issue. It's every single time.

You keep saying how t1 cruisers, frigates, etc, can't be volleyed by a single carrier, then you post about a max tank ab guardian not getting alphad and that's your defense.
I've 1-shot tanked occators, t1 cruisers, frigates, decloaked cloaky ships and popped them before they could warp off gate all while sitting 1000km away aligned to a POS in complete safety.

You say people are mad about their one go to meta being dead, but you're defending your new one go to meta, so why shouldn't we?

I'm not arguing their ability at fighting other caps, that's a different issue.

I've said all that needs to be said about the issue so I'm done for now, you can go on defending it and coming up with reasons why it's not in need of further balancing, I know you will.
Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#758 - 2016-05-13 14:05:12 UTC
>Well why bother with exact numbers when you ignore them every other time I've posted them in response.

Where? What sample fits are being alphad? Carrier and target please.

You keep making audacious claims with absolutely zero evidence or samples posted but we're to simply take you at your word?

Yeah, I used a guardian because that was the topic at hand at that time. If you want to demonstrate that something isn't working as intended, you know where sisi it. It's easy to test and I'm not here to wipe your arse for you.

Surely it's not so hard to find a good example of a tanky thing that was one shot that shouldn't have been?

>You say people are mad about their one go to meta being dead, but you're defending your new one go to meta, so why shouldn't we?

I'm not defending it, I'm saying you're wrong. There is a difference.

And seriously, if you want to be a child and keep killboard stalking, at least have the good grace to do it with a character who has actually done the things you claim to have. Then we can easily see these feats you, or was it your alt, claim to have done and assess validly. But maybe you're not doing that, because that character doesn't exist. Lord knows your ignorance of basic mechanics tells me that is the most likely conclusion.
The Fork
Clever Use of Neutral Toons
#759 - 2016-05-13 14:45:55 UTC
Love how you talk down to everyone <3
You honestly think we have tried out stuff on SISI? Played around with fits?
Tried out what can get one shot and what cannot? Seriously dude think just a little
before you assume everyone else is dumb and you are not.
Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#760 - 2016-05-13 14:47:23 UTC
I'm not assuming anything. I'm just waiting to not be the only one to present actual evidence.