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Jita Park Speakers Corner

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

Confused by JSC

Codie Rin
Comply Or Die
#1 - 2016-03-08 11:50:28 UTC
Im not sure exactly what Jita Speakers Corner is for? Why are people posting ideas when we have Players Ideas Section already in the forums? Whats the difference?
Nitshe Razvedka
#2 - 2016-05-21 19:24:54 UTC
Codie Rin wrote:
Im not sure exactly what Jita Speakers Corner is for? Why are people posting ideas when we have Players Ideas Section already in the forums? Whats the difference?

Management takes even less notice of our posts here.

The only way one can post relevant posts are if they effect revenue. ( the flow of filthy lucre )

Example: "Code on their external website have no effective moderator, even though the website is external to Eve the participants hold accounts here and the same character names. Their offensive posts such as making jokes about child **** bring the Eve community into disrepute. Attracting attention from the authorities and adverse publicity. It is suggested the Code Alliance player accounts are cancelled or the website shutdown. Happy to mail management the offending link before the child protection authorities. I also have a screen shot if the posts are removed. I am also prepared to supply a Statutory Declaration to support this post."Straight

Thieving pirates discuss INTEGRITY; Anarchist gankers give us LAWS; and Whoring merc's cry then blow off clients with INSULTS.

Up is down and down is up in the C&P Forum.