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Wine support for Mac

First post First post
Johny Rambo
Eastern Windmill
#261 - 2016-06-11 06:39:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Johny Rambo
Rather than spamming this thread with "I'm leaving, byeeeeee" posts, it would be more helpful if you would give example of what exactly you are trying to do, how and which bit does not work.
This way you may get some reasonable response.
Try to describe your problem in more details.

EDIT: Just checked and for my wine setup, both command and control work same way.
If neither of these work for you, you must be doing something wrong.
Therefore - examples please.
Kyriacou Kansene
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#262 - 2016-06-11 09:25:01 UTC
I had similar experience as some other users setting up the new wine wrapper and am happy with the switch over and improvements to graphic quality.

A couple of minor things bug me, first when the Eve game window first opens (windowed mode) it's not quite at 0,0, and I have to drag it a few pixels over to the edge. I'm guessing a quick line of script could be inserted to get it to open at 0,0 or I could wright it myself...

Other thing I have noticed is the count stepper in the industry window has buggy functionality, in that I can only manualy use it with the up and down arrows, and the mouse wheel no longer automaticaly dose this and when I move my mouse pointer off the steppers it seems to wind back any progress if i wiggle my mouse around to much. [I'll file a bug report...].
Coyote DelSur
Elysian Technologies Enclave
#263 - 2016-06-11 14:12:40 UTC
Johny Rambo wrote:
Rather than spamming this thread with "I'm leaving, byeeeeee" posts, it would be more helpful if you would give example of what exactly you are trying to do, how and which bit does not work.
This way you may get some reasonable response.
Try to describe your problem in more details.

EDIT: Just checked and for my wine setup, both command and control work same way.
If neither of these work for you, you must be doing something wrong.
Therefore - examples please.

I did describe the problem--the Command-Click no longer works. I tried the Control-Click and that doesn't work. I tried a number of other combinations, and nothing did what the old Command-Click used to do. That means I can't select groups of any kind and access the little menus that Command-Click used to bring up.

I switched back to Cider and everything worked fine.

But if Cider is what is being discontinued on June 30, I have no idea what to do next.
Khazdurak Kor
Singularity Expedition Services
Singularity Syndicate
#264 - 2016-06-11 16:18:27 UTC
Ian Tucenghi wrote:
Hi All,

Does switching to wine helps in lowering the heat that is generated by Mac while playing EVE? Further, it is now worth the switch? I would love to hear your guidance and advise on this matter.

Thank you, and Fly safe o7

I have a 2011 iMac. With cider and the osx version, it used to get very very hot, occasional crashes. With wine, it's probably half as hot, runs much smoother with all high settings and no crashes.
To be perfectly honest, it's not a straight forward process to get wine, macports etc. properly installed if you're not too familiar with the console; and the instructions are sometimes vague, but once it's setup, it's absolutely worth it.
Johny Rambo
Eastern Windmill
#265 - 2016-06-11 17:48:08 UTC
Coyote DelSur wrote:

I did describe the problem--the Command-Click no longer works. I tried the Control-Click and that doesn't work. I tried a number of other combinations, and nothing did what the old Command-Click used to do. That means I can't select groups of any kind and access the little menus that Command-Click used to bring up.

So the PC-right-click functionality no longer works?
You're using Macbook or standalone Mac?
On Macbook double tap (as in 2 fingers on touchpad) does that.
With Mac and standard Mac mouse, probably someone can advise what is the correct way to do it (I asm using MBA).

Coyote DelSur
Elysian Technologies Enclave
#266 - 2016-06-11 19:42:32 UTC
Johny Rambo wrote:
Coyote DelSur wrote:

I did describe the problem--the Command-Click no longer works. I tried the Control-Click and that doesn't work. I tried a number of other combinations, and nothing did what the old Command-Click used to do. That means I can't select groups of any kind and access the little menus that Command-Click used to bring up.

So the PC-right-click functionality no longer works?
You're using Macbook or standalone Mac?
On Macbook double tap (as in 2 fingers on touchpad) does that.
With Mac and standard Mac mouse, probably someone can advise what is the correct way to do it (I asm using MBA).

I'm using a standard iMac and mouse.
Vimalakirti Bassui
It Cannont Be Named
#267 - 2016-06-11 19:54:55 UTC
Hi guys. I have been running Eve via Wine on my mac for a couple of years now. I usually run the latest version of wine-devel (currently 1.9.12). So I have a process to keep it up to date and some other windows applications installed that I run.

I've tried the newest Mac launcher and once I worked out the settings issues everything seems to work well. But, is it possible to have the new Mac launcher run Eve via my already installed version of wine? Or does it only work with the launchers pre-packaged versions of wine? Maybe some way to point the launcher (via a config file) at my own version of wine?

Tribal Mist
#268 - 2016-06-12 10:40:56 UTC
Just a quick note, I had a crash on startup due to incompatibility with


Luckily I don't have any razor audio stuff so I just deleted that and the now EVE starts under wine.

If you have this problem you exefile.exe crashing in source/RzAudioSettings/TwinkleMac/NahimicAPO_Mac/NahimicAPO_Mac
Tribal Mist
#269 - 2016-06-12 10:59:05 UTC
Another note, copy profile did work except for window / full mode which defaulted to full screen. Apart from that all the other settings were there.
Johny Rambo
Eastern Windmill
#270 - 2016-06-12 11:57:50 UTC
Coyote DelSur wrote:

I'm using a standard iMac and mouse.

I just checked - double tap on mouse should work same way as on touchpad.
Did you use gestures on Mac before?
More on Mac gestures here:

Mad Mabata
Sturmgrenadier Inc
Pandemic Horde
#271 - 2016-06-12 14:52:43 UTC
CCP Snorlax wrote:
I'm working on the SSL issue, hope to have to resolved soon.

I'd love to see logs from crashes when jumping gates. If you run with LogLite (enable 'Run clients with logging' in launcher settings), then save the log and attach it to a bug report. Put my name in the title or send me the report id so I get it right away.

Hey, thanks for your support!

I was just checking back on wine and only now saw your answer, I apologize.

The SSL issue seems resolved, great work!!! I will keep you posted about the jumping gates issue in HS. I had it recently again and again in when jumping gates in highest on Cider. We will see if it occurs in wine.

I stick to wine now again. I keep you posted how it goes!
Mad Mabata
Sturmgrenadier Inc
Pandemic Horde
#272 - 2016-06-12 18:02:17 UTC
Mad Mabata wrote:
CCP Snorlax wrote:
I'm working on the SSL issue, hope to have to resolved soon.

I'd love to see logs from crashes when jumping gates. If you run with LogLite (enable 'Run clients with logging' in launcher settings), then save the log and attach it to a bug report. Put my name in the title or send me the report id so I get it right away.

Hey, thanks for your support!

I was just checking back on wine and only now saw your answer, I apologize.

The SSL issue seems resolved, great work!!! I will keep you posted about the jumping gates issue in HS. I had it recently again and again in when jumping gates in highest on Cider. We will see if it occurs in wine.

I stick to wine now again. I keep you posted how it goes!

Hello again, I can report the following things:

  1. The bookmarks appear in a different order than to Cider / Windows EVE versions.
  2. See
    The # should be before . and it would be tremendous if we could make this improvement happen!

  3. I cannot paste signatures into Tripwire. It works under Cider but not Wine. See Dev post here:
  4. This again seems like a deal breaker bug for folks that live in w-space and relay on mappers like tripwire.

  5. Finally, referring to the quoted posts, I can report that after several hours of high-sec jumping I have not experienced any crashes.
Krassus Mena
Abusive Authority Act
#273 - 2016-06-12 20:07:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Krassus Mena
CCP Snorlax wrote:
Vincent Athena wrote:
Limyh Oteo wrote:
- one additional minus - can't use mac keyboard shortcuts -command + c and command +v or command + q. I can live without them, but if at all possible - those would be nice. Still totally worth it.
+ addtional plus - IGB does not get stuck on the black screen. At least it has not for me.

Do the PC versions work, where you use control instead of command?

Control key ought to work. I'll see what I can do about enabling Command key as well.

Neither works inside IGB, also Tripwire in my case.

EDIT: Issue already replied to.
Tass Caffington
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#274 - 2016-06-13 09:46:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Tass Caffington
Wine looks pretty neat and it performes better than the cider wrapper.

However, I cannot get the CTRL- ALT- CMD-keys running. I can't
even cmd-Tab out of eve.

Did I miss some setting or option? Is there a workaround?


Ok, the keys are working now after I switched back to cider and then
back again to wine.
the only thing that does not work is the ALT-key in text-input, e.g. I
cannot type a @ or € or any other character which does need the
any suggestions on that?


WiNGSPAN Delivery Services

"We're not happy until you're content!"

Coyote DelSur
Elysian Technologies Enclave
#275 - 2016-06-14 02:20:06 UTC
Tass Caffington wrote:
Wine looks pretty neat and it performes better than the cider wrapper.

However, I cannot get the CTRL- ALT- CMD-keys running. I can't
even cmd-Tab out of eve.

Did I miss some setting or option? Is there a workaround?


Ok, the keys are working now after I switched back to cider and then
back again to wine.
the only thing that does not work is the ALT-key in text-input, e.g. I
cannot type a @ or € or any other character which does need the
any suggestions on that?


I switched from Cider back to Wine, but my missing Command-Click keys didn't come back. Nor any of the other combinations.
Tass Caffington
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#276 - 2016-06-14 06:39:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Tass Caffington
deleted double post

WiNGSPAN Delivery Services

"We're not happy until you're content!"

Tass Caffington
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#277 - 2016-06-14 06:40:35 UTC
Coyote DelSur wrote:
Tass Caffington wrote:
Ok, the keys are working now after I switched back to cider and then
back again to wine.
the only thing that does not work is the ALT-key in text-input, e.g. I
cannot type a @ or € or any other character which does need the
any suggestions on that?


I switched from Cider back to Wine, but my missing Command-Click keys didn't come back. Nor any of the other combinations.

Hmm, cmd-click works here. But I have a german keyboard. Maybe that's why.

What I also found:
When remapping shortcuts on cider the "<>"-key maps correctly while on wine
the same key maps to "ö". Looks like we have some sort of Babylon going on


WiNGSPAN Delivery Services

"We're not happy until you're content!"

Mad Mabata
Sturmgrenadier Inc
Pandemic Horde
#278 - 2016-06-15 04:07:52 UTC
I just noticed that if I switch the audio source under

mac system preferences --> sound --> input / output

while being ingame it doesn't switch the game sound, e.g. from the speakers to the headphones.

Would be cool if this could be addressed as well!
Tass Caffington
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#279 - 2016-06-17 11:27:38 UTC
I have another one:

Radial Menu:

When pulling the mouse from center outwards the mousepointer does not
move but stays in the center of the menu ring. one can actually select
a function but the visual response is broken. the mousepointer does
flash quickly and the circular meter does not move.


WiNGSPAN Delivery Services

"We're not happy until you're content!"

Alicia Dnari
Dnari Mining and Manufacturing
#280 - 2016-06-19 15:36:23 UTC
WINE still doesn't work for me. Started the launcher, downloaded the last patch (and there was a launcher update), clicked the go button, and it failed to load. Eventually wine spits out "the program exefile.exe has encountered a serious error and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." There was a button in the WINE wrapper window that is supposed to "show details" but when it didn't do anything after 5 minutes, I quit WINE, which generated an "application (WINE) crashed" line in loglite. So I quit the launcher and restarted it. Same problem.

When WINE launches, the following lines appear in loglite:

info 2016-06-19T11:23:07 8 C:\tq\bin\exefile.exe iMacs-iMac svc viewState Service viewState required 0.000 seconds to startup
error 2016-06-19T11:23:07 11063 /Applications/EVE iMacs-iMac.local evelauncher wine "err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {5a508685-a254-4fba-9b82-9a24b00306af} not registered"
error 2016-06-19T11:23:07 11063 /Applications/EVE iMacs-iMac.local evelauncher wine "err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {5a508685-a254-4fba-9b82-9a24b00306af} could be created for context 0x1"
error 2016-06-19T11:23:07 11063 /Applications/EVE iMacs-iMac.local evelauncher wine "err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded"

So now what? Cider at least lets me get into the game, but I would like to get WINE working if possible.