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Wine support for Mac

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Scooter Nelson
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#221 - 2016-06-01 17:24:32 UTC
I have been using EVE Online on my i-Mac 17" - 2013, 2011 and 2012 MacBook Pro 15" and 2015 MacBook Pro 15" Retina. Ever since the ability was added use WINE through the new Launcher, it has been much better.

Dragging to re-size windows, running 2 accounts at the same time, no lockups when 1 of the 2 running accounts were running - these don't happen anymore.

There was one time, where I experience some corruption, but to remove all the variables, I blew out all the EVE files, in the library folder and everywhere else, to insure a clean install. This is often key, not just in EVE but in many apps. I had MS Office for Mac 2016 since the early betas last year, and wiping out all of it, and then a fresh install as cured any ills I have had with that product.

So when it doubt, clean it all out - and re-download the whole thing...its worth the time.

I use my iMac 2013 with 10.11.5 and always keep the OS up to date. Same with my 2015 MacBook Pro 15" w/Retina. Minimal problems, except high heat and fan speeds on the MB Pro.

I occasionally have a failure (once every 10-15 hours of play time - not all at once) but only when running dual accounts at same time.

Nice work CCP and keep it up. Big smile

#222 - 2016-06-01 19:14:55 UTC
Scooter Nelson wrote:
I have been using EVE Online on my i-Mac 17" - 2013, 2011 and 2012 MacBook Pro 15" and 2015 MacBook Pro 15" Retina. Ever since the ability was added use WINE through the new Launcher, it has been much better.

Dragging to re-size windows, running 2 accounts at the same time, no lockups when 1 of the 2 running accounts were running - these don't happen anymore.

There was one time, where I experience some corruption, but to remove all the variables, I blew out all the EVE files, in the library folder and everywhere else, to insure a clean install. This is often key, not just in EVE but in many apps. I had MS Office for Mac 2016 since the early betas last year, and wiping out all of it, and then a fresh install as cured any ills I have had with that product.

So when it doubt, clean it all out - and re-download the whole thing...its worth the time.

I use my iMac 2013 with 10.11.5 and always keep the OS up to date. Same with my 2015 MacBook Pro 15" w/Retina. Minimal problems, except high heat and fan speeds on the MB Pro.

I occasionally have a failure (once every 10-15 hours of play time - not all at once) but only when running dual accounts at same time.

Nice work CCP and keep it up. Big smile


Do you play in full screen?

What resolution can you play windowed on the MPBR?
Scooter Nelson
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#223 - 2016-06-02 00:15:12 UTC
Bodaaa wrote:
Scooter Nelson wrote:
I have been using EVE Online on my i-Mac 17" - 2013, 2011 and 2012 MacBook Pro 15" and 2015 MacBook Pro 15" Retina. Ever since the ability was added use WINE through the new Launcher, it has been much better.

Dragging to re-size windows, running 2 accounts at the same time, no lockups when 1 of the 2 running accounts were running - these don't happen anymore.

There was one time, where I experience some corruption, but to remove all the variables, I blew out all the EVE files, in the library folder and everywhere else, to insure a clean install. This is often key, not just in EVE but in many apps. I had MS Office for Mac 2016 since the early betas last year, and wiping out all of it, and then a fresh install as cured any ills I have had with that product.

So when it doubt, clean it all out - and re-download the whole thing...its worth the time.

I use my iMac 2013 with 10.11.5 and always keep the OS up to date. Same with my 2015 MacBook Pro 15" w/Retina. Minimal problems, except high heat and fan speeds on the MB Pro.

I occasionally have a failure (once every 10-15 hours of play time - not all at once) but only when running dual accounts at same time.

Nice work CCP and keep it up. Big smile


Do you play in full screen?

What resolution can you play windowed on the MPBR?

I play full screen or Windowed...running up to about 1800 x 1000? Not sure exactly...but no troubles. sometimes I also run 2 accounts at the same time, but the MBP gets very hot
Mavin Shaaderin
Gallente Federation
#224 - 2016-06-02 03:38:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Mavin Shaaderin
So far I'm finding the Wine port to be stable, but it is extremely slow to launch the client. Usually takes two minutes before it starts kicking the GPU into the graphics mode it expects to run in. While the Cider client was slow as well, this is much worse. I can't tell if it is even launching for over two minutes. Running on a 2010 iMac 27" with upgraded GPU (Radeon 6970M 1GB), 2.98GHz i7 with 8GB.
Scooter Nelson
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#225 - 2016-06-02 21:31:57 UTC
Mavin Shaaderin wrote:
So far I'm finding the Wine port to be stable, but it is extremely slow to launch the client. Usually takes two minutes before it starts kicking the GPU into the graphics mode it expects to run in. While the Cider client was slow as well, this is much worse. I can't tell if it is even launching for over two minutes. Running on a 2010 iMac 27" with upgraded GPU (Radeon 6970M 1GB), 2.98GHz i7 with 8GB.

Very strange. Never had this problem or anything even close. If you have the time, I would wipe it all out and re-install fresh.
Syrix Death
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#226 - 2016-06-03 13:39:47 UTC
CCP Snorlax wrote:
In an effort to offer more officially supported ways to play EVE on Mac we are now providing support for Wine in addition to Cider.

Could we please have a *.dmg-like launcher for debian too? It's really awsome you guys make such efforts for MAC users. But i think it is really important to give also debian users a launcher for EVE. Especially since DX9 support is going to phase out.
CCP Snorlax
C C P Alliance
#227 - 2016-06-03 13:45:26 UTC
Syrix Death wrote:
CCP Snorlax wrote:
In an effort to offer more officially supported ways to play EVE on Mac we are now providing support for Wine in addition to Cider.

Could we please have a *.dmg-like launcher for debian too? It's really awsome you guys make such efforts for MAC users. But i think it is really important to give also debian users a launcher for EVE. Especially since DX9 support is going to phase out.

Have you seen this post:

CCP Snorlax - Software Architect - Team RnB - @CCP_Snorlax -

Viliana Ovaert
Gallente Federation
#228 - 2016-06-05 03:38:51 UTC
Since switching to Wine, I noticed that the Mumble overlay no longer appears in the game client, but *does* appear on the launcher instead. Switching back to Cider fixes this.

Anyone else encounter this and/or know how to resolve?
brou Saissore
Knight's Cloning Company
#229 - 2016-06-05 22:42:33 UTC
Shock Lee wrote:
My launcher reports to be v.2.2.999545 - any idea how to get that updated to the newest version?

Ok - never mind... Figured it out...

Dear Bob, please tell us how! I have that exact launcher version.
Bro Saissore
Knight's Cloning Company
#230 - 2016-06-05 22:50:13 UTC
brou Saissore wrote:
Shock Lee wrote:
My launcher reports to be v.2.2.999545 - any idea how to get that updated to the newest version?

Ok - never mind... Figured it out...

Dear Bob, please tell us how! I have that exact launcher version.

For future reference, the solution is to grab the latest launcher from
After getting the new launcher, the settings for wine etc are accessed by going to the mac menu bar (usually at the top of the screen), click EVE launcher, select "Preferences....". HTH.
Pak Narhoo
Splinter Foundation
#231 - 2016-06-07 09:57:50 UTC
Bro Saissore wrote:
...the settings for wine etc are accessed by going to the mac menu bar....". HTH.

Holy mother.... Shocked

I've been looking at the launcher screen for ages (6 weeks) and couldn't find the options and brushed it off as me being dumb (probably true) and unlucky as per usual not getting the right launcher.

Jebus frkk... -.- Roll

Thanks bro! Big smile
Miss Scordite
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#232 - 2016-06-07 10:55:30 UTC
Mouse scrolling seems to be accelerated now, after moving from cider to wine. When i try to scroll with the two-finger gesture on a trackpad with the usual speed, the scrolling is so slow that a list almost doesn't move. I have to do a quick swing to make a list scroll and that makes it impossible to find specific entry in long lists. My environment is el captain on mac book pro with a force touch trackpad.
#233 - 2016-06-07 12:41:05 UTC
Seems to work fine on launch... command keys don't work, but you folks know that.
Graphics look a lot better.

iMac Retina 5K, OSX 10.11.5
#234 - 2016-06-07 13:00:09 UTC
Forgot to say I am running 3 clients... seems stable.

thanks CCP for support to Mac community.
Dan Ende
Royal Caldari Air Force
#235 - 2016-06-07 16:20:34 UTC
been running WINE for some time now. With Cider I was getting frequent freezes and lockups with my IMac Retina, running WINE fixed that.

The only thing I have to figure out is how to get the system to automatically accept the Wine Server. At the moment just after the character selection, the screen clears and shows me Wine wants to accept connection Allow or Deny -- I accept Allow and then have to select the WINE server from the dock to start

Its not a big issue, but one I would like to resolve.,
Maya DeReneau
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#236 - 2016-06-07 23:40:18 UTC
I was really hoping for the improved performance that others have been seeing running under WINE, but unfortunately for me it's just the opposite. WINE did clear up the problem of lagging for up to a minute after jumping through gates (which I haven't seen in Cider lately either), but in every other way the performance is far worse. Even with minimal graphics settings the client stutters and lags constantly and is pretty much unplayable for anything but station spinning. Maybe my 2007 iMac (2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro with a whopping 256 MB of video RAM) is getting too long in the tooth. It just seems strange that most seem to see a speed increase and I see a major performance hit. Could there be some setting that needs to be adjusted due to the low amount of video memory?
Utremi Fasolasi
La Dolce Vita
#237 - 2016-06-08 00:56:19 UTC
Wine version is working a lot better for me than Cider was but there seems to be a lot of missing graphics effects like active shield and armor mod effects and such.
Amarisen Gream
#238 - 2016-06-08 01:54:10 UTC
Maya DeReneau wrote:
I was really hoping for the improved performance that others have been seeing running under WINE, but unfortunately for me it's just the opposite. WINE did clear up the problem of lagging for up to a minute after jumping through gates (which I haven't seen in Cider lately either), but in every other way the performance is far worse. Even with minimal graphics settings the client stutters and lags constantly and is pretty much unplayable for anything but station spinning. Maybe my 2007 iMac (2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro with a whopping 256 MB of video RAM) is getting too long in the tooth. It just seems strange that most seem to see a speed increase and I see a major performance hit. Could there be some setting that needs to be adjusted due to the low amount of video memory?

With the age of your computer, I you won't see much. your running a core 2 duo (used to sell those babies). 64bit processor that is crippled by the OS to run 32 bit.

Most people who are seeing improvements are seeing them on 64bit processors (meaning the OS can do more), plus WINE has more room to breath. Now EVE is 32bit, but I have 4 64bit processors, and you have 2 32(64 bit cripples)...

So in all understanding. . . your computer is long in the tooth. I hope you can afford a new one.

"The Lord loosed upon them his fierce anger All of his fury and rage. He dispatched against them a band of Avenging Angels" - The Scriptures, Book II, Apocalypse 10:1

#NPCLivesMatter #Freetheboobs

Onimac Industries
#239 - 2016-06-08 05:40:14 UTC
I found the new Launcher option to use WINE worked brilliantly. I was using WINE via the shell before since the CIDER version has always been problematic for me, lock ups, and when I compared it recently to my WINE version I didn't like the CIDER look. My only complaint I had before was the market place, it looked like I was missing a font or two so the graph was missing some information.

Since using the new Launcher with WINE built in, it has fixed the market place, made it much easier to keep up to date and hasn't failed or even locked up once yet.. (I use the fixed window option that thankfully was still available which removed the only problem I knew of when switching back into the game).

I'm delighted with it.. Thank you CCP Devs.
Dan Ende
Royal Caldari Air Force
#240 - 2016-06-08 06:14:56 UTC
Dan Ende wrote:
been running WINE for some time now. With Cider I was getting frequent freezes and lockups with my IMac Retina, running WINE fixed that.

The only thing I have to figure out is how to get the system to automatically accept the Wine Server. At the moment just after the character selection, the screen clears and shows me Wine wants to accept connection Allow or Deny -- I accept Allow and then have to select the WINE server from the dock to start

Its not a big issue, but one I would like to resolve.,

this is not an issue now, thankyou cpp