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Watchlist changes and you.

First post
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2016-03-07 11:00:44 UTC
So tomorrow brings new changes to the watchlist. now being called the buddy list with mutual consent needed to see if the other player is online or not.

What are the opinions of these changes with my fellow C&P dwellers?

Personally I think the changes will be interesting. not knowing the exact about of enemy players from one Corp/alliance that are currently online plus not being able to spot that log off trap stands out for myself.

Don't confuse kindness with weakness.

Beware the hand of Fybs.

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Smitty Uitra
Smitty's FUC n' Hauling
#2 - 2016-03-07 11:21:24 UTC
I just posted on the thread in general discussion. It kind of kills the hunting aspect of the game and pushed mercs to be more like ...fill in the blank... And sit in Jita and Amarr all day or just camp the pipes. Not real happy about it but I guess we will see.
Laphroaig Inc.
#3 - 2016-03-07 11:51:37 UTC
I hope we'll see a huge increase in capital &, especially, super-cap engagements with this change.

not being able to see that your enemy has logged in their supers means when they land, you're surprised and need to start calling in your own (or run like the wind).

I think this is a great change for the better all round. Sure, there'll be some whining and complaining by those who utilised the watchlist heavily. But, given some time, they'll find workarounds (SPAIS!).

Occasional Resident Newbie Correspondent for TMC:

This is my Forum Main. My Combat Alt is sambo Inkura

Valkin Mordirc
#4 - 2016-03-07 12:20:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Valkin Mordirc
For a hunter who uses the watchlist as a means of finding people and locating them, I find the change to be destructive to a point that I'm actually giving up that style of play. I've been pretty vocal about it in the GD threads. But it seems CCP rather commit a broad stroke to fix some the Nullbloc are whining about, rather than making an intelligent thought out nerf.

Which to be fair it's really their style. I am pretty upset about it, personally. There are some ways to uses the watchlist nerf to your advantage for wardecs, but largely it involves using it against Large merc corps. Which although would be fun. It completely annihilates all other aspects of the game style.
Republic Military School
#5 - 2016-03-07 12:26:18 UTC
First I was like, then I was like, but then we had a sit down with a nice cup of tea and talked it through, and we're all like.

Sometimes you hit the bar and sometimes the bar hits you...

Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#6 - 2016-03-07 12:36:18 UTC
Valkin Mordirc wrote:
For a hunter who uses the watchlist as a means of finding people and locating them, I find the change to be destructive to a point that I'm actually giving up that style of play. I've been pretty vocal about it in the GD threads. But it seems CCP rather commit a broad stroke to fix some the Nullbloc are whining about, rather than making an intelligent thought out nerf.

Which to be fair it's really their style. I am pretty upset about it, personally. There are some ways to uses the watchlist nerf to your advantage for wardecs, but largely it involves using it against Large merc corps. Which although would be fun. It completely annihilates all other aspects of the game style.

This I can agree with, if your your in null or low, and wormhole this won't effect you much, but being a highsec merc this effects us a ton, now we can no longer find those targets who people specifically ask us to kill, agents become completely useless and it's back to a guessing game. Thanks for ****ing us, where's the steak dinner.

MERC WITH A MOUTH, Send me DPS and my fleet will double it back! Special offer!

Ozzie Udan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#7 - 2016-03-07 12:37:58 UTC
Mortlake wrote:
First I was like, then I was like, but then we had a sit down with a nice cup of tea and talked it through, and we're all like.

Tea is indeed the answer, I'm sure code will give me mutual consent, lets all give it, why on the subject of change I say keep faction police, if you don't want them to shoot you don't be - 10, run missions or pay the isk Roll

A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head A painting of me

Abandoned Farm
#8 - 2016-03-07 12:38:33 UTC
I kinda like the idea

Only pot luck way around this I can think of now is perma alt flying around space and 2 others sitting in lvl4 agent station spamming locates.

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#9 - 2016-03-07 12:44:53 UTC
Mortlake wrote:
First I was like, then I was like, but then we had a sit down with a nice cup of tea and talked it through, and we're all like.

agreed, the longer i think about it the more im like
Mike Adoulin
Happys Happy Hamster Hunting Club
#10 - 2016-03-07 13:04:09 UTC
Since I didn't use it much anyway (a lot of wartargets stay logged on all the time......just to fish the watchlist....), I am very gleeful that now wartargets won't be aware of when I am online.....

And that should make them...very nervous...;)

Also, this opens up new careers in hisec....Professional Scout. Think about it.......for a reasonable fee I, Sam Spade, will fly down those mean stargates and find the scumbag you are looking for.

Also also, gives the newbros something to do.

Everything in EVE is a trap.

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Chribba is the Chuck Norris of EVE.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#11 - 2016-03-07 13:24:17 UTC
As a high sec merc who enjoys gathering intel on targets then watchlisting them to locate when online im beyond pissed off with the introduction of this mechanic.

With the amount of inactive characters and alts it would take a silly amount of man hours to locate a 200 man corp, send alts to the systems to see if they even online while during the mean time they could of moved and anyone who knows high sec wars knows targets hide in the most remote locations in high sec.

I know alot of mercenary groups including marmite have become hunters nowadays and this has just killed it.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#12 - 2016-03-07 13:24:42 UTC  |  Edited by: gnshadowninja
Yay for internet connection losses and double post.
Laphroaig Inc.
#13 - 2016-03-07 13:55:32 UTC
Saeger1737 wrote:
being a highsec merc

grow a pair and discover the wonders of leaving HiSec behind.

Occasional Resident Newbie Correspondent for TMC:

This is my Forum Main. My Combat Alt is sambo Inkura

Valkin Mordirc
#14 - 2016-03-07 14:28:44 UTC
Mephiztopheleze wrote:
Saeger1737 wrote:
being a highsec merc

grow a pair and discover the wonders of leaving HiSec behind.

Hey I like you, You a cool dude.

But don't tell me you're one those "The one true PVP is out Nullsec" Kinda dudes.
Sol epoch
#15 - 2016-03-07 14:50:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Sol epoch
Mephiztopheleze wrote:
Saeger1737 wrote:
being a highsec merc

grow a pair and discover the wonders of leaving HiSec behind.

Why would he want to become a carebear or cannon fodder? (Sheep spring to mind)

You should heed your own words and post on a real char!
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#16 - 2016-03-07 14:57:11 UTC
Mephiztopheleze wrote:
Saeger1737 wrote:
being a highsec merc

grow a pair and discover the wonders of leaving HiSec behind.

Get on your knees and show me love, I play the game how I want to.

MERC WITH A MOUTH, Send me DPS and my fleet will double it back! Special offer!

Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#17 - 2016-03-07 15:12:15 UTC
What this means for me: Spies. Spies everywhere. Never not have a spy in the target.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#18 - 2016-03-07 15:13:55 UTC
Mephiztopheleze wrote:
grow a pair and discover the wonders of leaving HiSec behind.

I have a recurring dream that some day people like you will realize that most of the highsec mercs have backgrounds that don't involve highsec. Until then, enjoy your delusions.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Dom Arkaral
Cuttlefish Collective
#19 - 2016-03-07 15:23:40 UTC
Mephiztopheleze wrote:
Saeger1737 wrote:
being a highsec merc

grow a pair and discover the wonders of leaving HiSec behind.

Post on your main or gtfo

Tear Gatherer. Quebecker. Has no Honer. Salt Harvester.

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Dom Arkaral
Cuttlefish Collective
#20 - 2016-03-07 15:30:22 UTC
I'm kinda pissed to know that if I go back to a small merc corp (where there are only 3-4 active hunters),
I'll have to spend more time looking for the guy (if he's online or not).

Sure the target doesn't know if you're online either, but most carebears don't know about the watchlist in the first place.

Sure it helps for the LS/NS titan pilots, but it leaves smaller mercs in the dust

Tear Gatherer. Quebecker. Has no Honer. Salt Harvester.

Broadcast 4 Reps -- YOU ARE NOT ALONE, EVER

Instigator of the First ISD Thunderdome

CCL Loyalist

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