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[IPO] Akheteru Integrated Astrometrics - Sold Out; Trades Available

Charlinda Akheteru
Akheteru Integrated Astrometrics
#1 - 2016-01-21 05:02:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Charlinda Akheteru
August 26, YC117, I came to Market Discussion to offer a Bond - 5 Billion ISK at 10%, uncollateralized. Overnight, that Bond was filled and over the next several months, I took a fledgling drug production division and used it to grow Akheteru Integrated Astrometrics from a NAV of approximately 2.5 Billion ISK into an enterprise worth 14 Billion ISK today.

Over the last month or so, I have been poking at the idea of an Initial Public Offering to generate enough capital to further accelerate our growth. The idea was to offer 49,000 out of 100,000 shares of AIA stock at an opening price of 200,000 ISK per share. This would give Akheteru Integrated Astrometrics a valuation of 20 Billion ISK - the 14 Billion NAV (comprised of spacebourne infrastructure, materials and product on hand) plus intangible assets in the form of experience in our industry, connections and loyal clientele.

When the topic came up a few days ago in our public channel, however, one of our regular customers expressed interest in purchasing the lot! However, I had to wait and attempt to contact a few people whom I had promised would be notified should there ever be another opportunity to invest in Akheteru Integrated Astrometrics.

Several days have passed, and I have to think that I've received all of the replies I'm going to receive.

Today, I come to Market Discussion to announce the sale of 41.7% of Akheteru Integrated Astrometrics to TehEbil1 of The Tuskers. He purchases 41,700 shares of AIA stock at the opening price of 200,000 ISK per share. The remaining 6,300 shares were awarded to pilots Foogpin, who also holds 1,000 shares as my Partner in AIA, and Lulu Lunette, CEO of Savage Moon Society, in repayment of capital investments they had previously made in the corporation. The remaining 51,000 shares are owned by Havohej, whom was revealed to be my PvP 'main' in the AIA Pharmaceuticals Bond thread.

It is our intention to pay out a Dividend on these shares on the first of every month, beginning March 1st, equal to 25% of the corporation's total profit for the preceding month. For example, if in the month of February the corporation earns 3 Billion ISK in profit, each share will earn a Dividend of 7,500 ISK.

I humbly request that, should shares be traded after the fact, the seller post here detailing how much the shares were sold for and, if possible, to whom they were sold. Further, I request that the buyer of such shares also post to confirm their acquisition. While I will always be able to see exactly who owns how many shares via the corporation wallet's Shareholders tab, it is our sincere hope that Akheteru Integrated Astrometrics will continue to grow as an in-game entity and that its stock will stand as an example of what Eve Online's Corporate Stock system could be, if it were only given a little bit of support by CCP.

Further, this will give anyone who would have been interested in investing an idea of who they might contact to express an interest in purchasing shares in Akheteru Integrated Astrometrics. At this time, I cannot foresee a set of circumstances in which any further shares would be created.

TehEbil1 will post shortly to confirm his acquisition.

Thank you, and fly well.

YC118.03.01 Shareholder Briefing
Hole Control
#2 - 2016-01-21 05:05:37 UTC
Confirming will be grabbing the unspoken for part of the shares at 200k isk/share, ending up at 8 340 million isk, isk has been sent, shares received
Tauren Transit
#3 - 2016-01-21 05:43:10 UTC
I created a mailing list when I was running my bank for people to express interest in shares, or trading/selling their own. It worked out very well for us, as not all pilots partake in the forums.
EVE Museum
#4 - 2016-01-21 06:33:47 UTC

Btw 41,700 + 6,300 + 51,000 = 99,000.

My channel: "Signatures" -

Charlinda Akheteru
Akheteru Integrated Astrometrics
#5 - 2016-01-21 07:06:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Charlinda Akheteru
Cista2 wrote:

Btw 41,700 + 6,300 + 51,000 = 99,000.

Correct, there's a further 1,000 held by Foogpin as a benefit to the Partner title - forgot to mention those, thank you for pointing out the discrepancy.

And thanks :)
Switch Savage
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2016-01-21 10:50:03 UTC
Confirming i am purchasing 9200 shares at 200k p/u from Teh.
Hole Control
#7 - 2016-01-21 10:51:44 UTC
Moving some of the shares around at buyprice, originally bought the whole lot while giving corpies a chance to get in at the original price, keeping 20 000 shares myself and rest are moving as following

Nuke Cave 10 000

Switch Savage 9 200

Kirith Darkblade 2 500

All of the shares in question moving at the original 200k per share price, post confirming the transfer will be popping up soon'ish from the new owners
Kirith Darkblade
Brothers of Tyr
Goonswarm Federation
#8 - 2016-01-21 11:22:40 UTC
Confirm purchase of 2500 shares at 200k p/u fro TehEbil1
Nouva MacGyver
Jedrzejczyk Integrated Capital
Minerva Exalt Holdings
#9 - 2016-01-21 14:00:16 UTC
Ooooo... I got the email days ago for "pre-sale" of shares but I guess I'm too late. Been a little busy! All the best in your new venture!
Nuke Cave
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#10 - 2016-01-21 17:26:42 UTC
Confirming purchase of 10k shares from TehEbil1.

Charlinda Akheteru
Akheteru Integrated Astrometrics
#11 - 2016-01-21 17:39:41 UTC
Nouva MacGyver wrote:
Ooooo... I got the email days ago for "pre-sale" of shares but I guess I'm too late. Been a little busy! All the best in your new venture!

Sorry Nouva! :(
Charles Baker
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2016-01-25 06:42:59 UTC
Posting a general interest, anyone wanting to sell up i am willing to pay up to 250k per share for 1000 shares.
cw bh
#13 - 2016-02-17 09:46:17 UTC
3,500 have been sold to Galian Kile @ 350k per
Galian Kile
Pulling The Plug
#14 - 2016-02-17 09:47:53 UTC
cw bh wrote:
3,500 have been sold to Galian Kile @ 350k per

Confirming Purchase of Stocks. Thanks CW!
Nouva MacGyver
Jedrzejczyk Integrated Capital
Minerva Exalt Holdings
#15 - 2016-02-17 18:40:23 UTC
Posting my interest to buy any number of shares from any of the current shareholders. I will take any amount of shares (the more the better) andI will match the current high of 350k per share. Kindly feel free to evemail me if you are selling.
Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#16 - 2016-02-17 23:01:58 UTC
You should set up a private in game channel for you & your alts, a whole thread is a bit much


Charlinda Akheteru
Akheteru Integrated Astrometrics
#17 - 2016-03-01 15:49:47 UTC
After the purchase of an Orca, production materials and blueprint copies, the corporation's profit for the month of February was roughly 3.1 Billion ISK (rounded down). 25% of this is 775 Million ISK. This sum was paid out as a dividend to our shareholders at 15:39:25 today, on schedule.

The corporation has also been stockpiling minerals in preparation for the release of Citadels, expected within the next 30-60 days. As I have no idea what to expect BPC costs to look like, I'm warning the shareholders now that the dividend payout after the release of Citadels may be a bit thin.
Hole Control
#18 - 2016-03-01 16:00:28 UTC
Confirming that dividends were received
Switch Savage
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2016-03-15 22:50:00 UTC
Willing to part with shares for 400k each, 9,200 available.
Absolute Trading
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#20 - 2016-03-16 16:26:43 UTC
Buying the 9200 shares from switch
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