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Character Bazaar

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

WTS Tengu Booster Max Boosts

Tal Isu
Liga Freier Crabs
Memento Moriendo
#1 - 2016-01-18 18:58:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Tal Isu

Starting Bid 1bil
Buyout - offers considered

Located in high sec, jita
No Kill rights
Positive wallet
Fyt 284
Requiem Eternal Holdings
#2 - 2016-01-18 19:13:15 UTC
Viktor Andven
Liga Freier Terraner
Northern Coalition.
#3 - 2016-01-18 21:15:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Viktor Andven
Axion NightBringer
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2016-01-18 21:21:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Axion NightBringer
removed as person above changed to 12b
Tal Isu
Liga Freier Crabs
Memento Moriendo
#5 - 2016-01-18 21:28:09 UTC
Viktor Andven wrote:

accepted, transfer pending to allow buyer to clear slot.