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Show info window position-size reset - again

The Ares project
#1 - 2011-12-14 13:20:40 UTC
And after this patch the damn (show info) window still cant remember its position. Always returns to top left and in small size, pinned or not.
Cache deleted as usual before noticing it...again.

Funny thing really, since it was fixed on SiSi, and window coloring not giving a damn about system colors that was reported on SiSi made it again on TQ despite all.

P.S. - thank you for resetting our UI...again.

Cmmon CCP - for gods sake stop this terror with UI.
Marvel Emerald
Carmen de statura feritate ac venatione bisontis
#2 - 2011-12-14 16:24:48 UTC
UI reset is annoiyng. I have to reconfigure windows over and over, sometimes in combat.