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CSM XI ???

First post
Craven More
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1 - 2016-01-01 21:06:20 UTC
I have some questions, please:

Can the current CSM please explain why they feel, there should be a CSM XI ?

Not to take away from work that CSM members have done, but there are members of the community out there, that feel, that the CSM doesn't represent their views adequately to CCP & would like to know, what's the point in keeping the CSM in its current form? Even some CSM members acknowledge the CSM's current structure & levels of interaction with CCP need to change inorder for it to be relevant.

With CCP using focus groups to get better feed back and advice from the community on upcoming changes than what the CSM can provide, why is keeping the CSM a good idea and if it is to continue, what will be done to stop the rot / turnover of elected members being removed, because they either decided to go AFK from the game, not live up to the promises they made to be elected or leaked information that they shouldn't of ?.

I'm not meaning to rain on anyone's parade, but I would like to know, why and how would a CSM XI will be relevant in 2016 and what will allow it to reconnect overall with a player base that doesn't think the CSM has any value to them & better serve our community?

I believe these things should be answered before we get into a bunch of campaigns by people, for something that most people don't care about or show interest in, until the lead up to Fanfest.
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#2 - 2016-01-04 13:51:06 UTC
some CSM members acknowledge

Loaded language there. Some CSM members believe. Not the same thing. The structure is fine. Levels of interaction need to change, yes, but conflating the two is invalid.

Focus groups are slower than using the CSM for feedback. Because you have to form them. And they will be filled with specialists, with a narrower view, than the more generalist CSM. That more general view is valuable.

As for the turn over of members being removed, That would be 2 removed, and one resigned. Hardly excessive.

Any CSM candidate making promises beyond "I'll represent this mind set" are at best mislead. That's all the CSM is for. It's valuable, but we're not game designers.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2016-01-04 17:54:01 UTC
If the CSM is not working ask the ones who are staying why they stay.

Even the most pessimistic have stayed on, doing what they can as they can.

And then there are we optimists who accept that no 'pseudo governmental body' is going to be efficient or perfect and work with what we have. As for there are 'members of the community that feel that we should be abolished? There are also members of the community that think that pvp should be only consensual and flagged, that there should be a multitude of servers and that you should start with all the skills including Titan V and make the game only about isk and possessions.

The community has a wealth of opinions and quoting them is easy to support any good or foolish idea.

Focus groups are all well and good and I think there is a place for them in this game although we have not yet found the right way to implement them. But there is no beating the personal face to face frank discussion of sitting down at a table in CCP headquarters or even a bar after hours and discussing things.

Accountability? Who did you vote for, what did you ask them to do, why did you vote for them? What did they promise to do? We sign an NDA so we cannot talk about a lot of things that cross the table but did you read the minutes? Did you look at attendance records for the people you think are 'yours'? Have you made an effort?

Another election is around the corner. Will you try to make the council one that does things or vote for some joke candidate in hopes of making this a self fulfilling prophecy that the CSM is dead?


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

Borat Guereen
#4 - 2016-01-04 19:38:50 UTC
CCP can decide to shut down the CSM at any time, if they believe it to not be useful to their purpose. Until they do, second guessing the role of the CSM to them is just rhetoric and agenda driven propaganda.

Like any other democratic process, it relies on people that believe in democracy to put their ideas for the game we all share forward, whatever they are, and other people to pay attention and vote. They can vote by blindly following orders, or they can educate themselves. The choice is up to each one of us. In the end, like for any democratic process, the voters get the representatives they deserve.

Candidate for CSM XII

So you want to be a Hero
#5 - 2016-02-18 08:57:58 UTC
Hey Mike, you were a great accountability buddy on the csm Cool
I'll repeat this again, since the Company is showing clear sign of Hubris
again by ignoring customer feedback on their own forums there is No
reason why we should have a player representative counsil anymore Ugh

Regards, a Freelancer

ps: tyvm Sugar, Steve and Mike for your time and effort, with respect o7

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A) mining simulator B) glorified chatroom C) spreadsheets online

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