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An education in high sec ganking from Twitch - Thank you Jason Kusion

Leila Meurtrier
Why Am I Not Surprised
#41 - 2015-12-31 16:15:12 UTC
Kinete Jenius wrote:

You're not doing burners in a Machariel. Burners are where the real isk is due to the inflated LP values.

With the recent nerfs to popular burner ships I'm not sure you can rely on only a couple to complete all burners anymore.

I haven't told you that Machariel is for burners. Original post mentioned both "bling ships" for burners and "bling ships" for regular yet good l4s. Can't really call ship a bling one if it costs less than 500m to settle, let alone 80.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#42 - 2015-12-31 17:19:35 UTC
Syn Shi wrote:
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Brokeback Tim wrote:

You're ignoring my main point, though, in that it's risk-free for the ganker. The balance is all out of whack in that regard.

That's because it's not much of a point. They're risking their ships (guaranteeing their destruction, in fact). The fact that they've min/maxxed that to a pretty low cost is not as interesting as you would like to pretend.

Smart haulers optimize similarly to limit their risk. You're seeing a bunch of stupid people get blown up and are trying to make that about something other than the stupid risk the victims failed to plan for.

The fact that the ships are extremely cheap and easy to get has removed this as a risk. The ships are now an acceptable loss because its extremely easy to just buy more due to how easy it is to make isk.

So you're saying they didn't undock in something they couldn't afford to lose? Where have I heard that advice before?!?Lol

100% of my losses are acceptable, regardless of what I'm doing. Maybe everything is too easy?

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Kinete Jenius
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#43 - 2015-12-31 19:49:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Kinete Jenius
Leila Meurtrier wrote:
Kinete Jenius wrote:

You're not doing burners in a Machariel. Burners are where the real isk is due to the inflated LP values.

With the recent nerfs to popular burner ships I'm not sure you can rely on only a couple to complete all burners anymore.

I haven't told you that Machariel is for burners. Original post mentioned both "bling ships" for burners and "bling ships" for regular yet good l4s. Can't really call ship a bling one if it costs less than 500m to settle, let alone 80.

To do +200m an hour the primary mission ship will generally cost more than 500m on its own.

The burner ships cost a lot more than 80m.
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