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New camera now in opt-in Beta on TQ

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Crab Labs
Premium Quality Ohio River Crabs
#241 - 2016-02-12 20:24:56 UTC


Tactical Narcotics Team
#242 - 2016-02-12 22:05:33 UTC
New camera warps the view really bad across 2 screens





"i will pop your wreck with faction loot"

Trajan Unknown
State War Academy
Caldari State
#243 - 2016-02-12 22:35:39 UTC
So I tried this new cam for several hours today and read through the whole thread and a lot of valid concerns are pointed out already so I will just keep it short.

Please consider keeping things simple. The more you add to something the worse it can become. The new camera has some pretty neat features but I would really like to have options to actually simplify it or be able to adapt it to what I need.
Look at and tracking are two key features that should be kept easy as well as rotate the whole thing and adjust angles. Currently it feels a bit messy to use the things as you are used to and with more features in the pipe I fear it wont get better. What needs to be cleared is, how heavily I am allowed to macro all the things? Pressing more than two buttons is a no-go for me so if possible I will macro most of the things if it doesn´t break any rules.
Another thing that was mentioned in this thread already is the overall behaviour of the camera. It is way to smooth? so to say. I reduced camera speed to minimum and still it feels like it is swimming. This plus the right click to "unlock" the camera makes it difficult to properly control it. I felt like I have no real control over my FoV with the new camera and that the cam "slips/swims" away all the time. All in all it feels not good to fly with it let alone fight anyone using it.
Miss 'Assassination' Cayman
Intergalactic Space Hobos
#244 - 2016-02-13 03:24:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Miss 'Assassination' Cayman
Every time I see something about the camera in patch notes I try it for a while, but every time so far it has given me a headache after about 10 minutes. The laggy feeling when rotating or zooming the camera seems to be the biggest issue. Even after turning off dynamic field of view and setting the camera speed to max it still feels uncomfortable to rotate or zoom the camera. Almost like setting the camera speed to max still doesn't completely get rid of the inertia effect and it remains just strong enough to be noticeable.

So here's the list of issues I've noticed, starting with orbit mode:
1. Even at max camera speed, panning and zooming the camera still have too much of that inertia feeling. Perhaps a 16x or 32x camera speed setting would be responsive enough, but completely removing the inertia effect would be ideal.
2. Adjusting the camera vertically is far too slow. The same amount of input should result in the same change in angle both horizontally and vertically.
3. When tracking an object in orbit mode the ship moves off to the side. That's very bad because that almost always means my ship is behind a window and I can't see what's hitting me. How about letting us chose the position of the tracked item and leave our ship where it belongs?
3a. When starting to track something, the ship can snap to its new position so quickly that it's hard to keep any sense of direction, especially since the camera is rotating at the same time.
3b. When looking at a large object like a station and tracking something, the camera glitches out horribly. Effects range from looking in a random direction when tracking a distant object, to the camera spinning uncontrollably or repeatedly zooming in and snapping back out when tracking a closer object. This behavior is because of moving the "Look At" object to the side when tracking is activated.
4. As everyone else has said, having to manually track each new object is really awkward compared to toggling a mode and having it track whatever is selected.
5. Why is there a Look At option as well as a Track option on the right click menu for distant objects? Both options seem to do the exact same thing.

More issues with tactical mode:
6. The zoom in and out when toggling tactical view feels really uncontrolled and laggy. Please stop with this bouncy, drifty stuff!
6a. It also seems to assume that the camera is zoomed in closer in orbit view than in tactical view, so if you're zoomed out farther the camera seems to zoom the wrong way for a moment then quickly snap to the right distance.
7. Tactical view doesn't save your zoom distance, unlike orbit view. So every time activating tactical view it goes to the default zoom level.
8. When tracking an object in tactical view the camera rotates around the camera position, not the rotation point when controlled manually. That moves the focal point, and if done while warping results in some crazy zooming out and back in as it tries to stay with your ship.
9. Tracking an object in tactical view while not warping causes the camera to stop following whatever it was looking at (like your ship). It would be much more intuitive if the camera would continue to move with whatever it's looking at while pointing in the direction of the object it's tracking.
10. Free moving the camera is awkward since it can only be moved perpendicular to the direction of view. There needs to be some way to move the focal point directly toward or away from the camera. Perhaps alt+zoom like for field of view in orbit mode?
11. It's very hard to tell where the camera's focal point is after zooming. Some kind of visual indicator of where exactly you're looking could be very helpful. Adding the option to move the focal point towards or away from the camera would help overcome this issue though.

And first person mode:
12. First person mode seems to have a very strange field of view. I can't tell if it's too narrow or too wide, but there's some weird fisheye effects going on and it's hard to judge distance.
13. The tactical overlay in first person mode is useless since the plane cuts right through the middle of the camera. Perhaps offsetting the shaded plane and distances to a bit below the ship could help, but that would be a little odd coming from third person views. In any case, the overlay is useless without some perspective to judge distances.

Despite all these issues, I see a vast improvement in the last couple months, so keep up the good work!
Helena Shun
Straight Jacket Bears
#245 - 2016-02-13 09:01:17 UTC
What's missing from the new camera:

- No custom tracking position; When multi-screening, it is usually optimal to put the tracked target up in the corner of the "safe area" of the screen.
- No automatic tracking toggle.
- Speed of movement is different than old camera.
Sayod Physulem
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#246 - 2016-02-13 11:45:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Sayod Physulem
Orbiting Camera
When I tried the new orbiting camera for the first time it felt weird and gave me a sick feeling (motion sickness?). So I tried to find out what caused it and noticed that the ship was not truly centred all the time. Later I found out that this was this "Feature"
Ship position on screen is offset based on the speed vector of your ship, giving a much improved sense of speed and movement.

So I deactivated that "Feature" I disabled other options like camera bobbing and so on on the old camera already. After removing that FOV thing aswell the camera felt somewhat okay (so after I disabled all cinematic features)

Increasing the camera speed to 2.5-3 times made it feel somewhat sharp (still a little bit washy though) and responsive and fast (this is actually better than the old camera in my opinion - when I switched back to the old camera later I missed the the faster scrolling and movement)

Anyway with all those settings disabled the camera actually felt good, and I thought I could get used to it. Then I scouted the chain saw a couple of active towers on d-scan, so I wanted to scan them down.
"Oh damnit, there is no tracking camera - well I guess I'll have to click C every single time I want to try a different moon, that is anoying - oh well." *Clicks C* Camera moves around, like usual the ship moves in front of the moon, ...
... but the camera doesn't stop there and the ship drifts to the side of the sceen.Shocked
This is already odd enough - I mean I disabled this stupid "Feature" that the ship position gets offset already, so I don't want it to be different for the tracking camera. But the worst thing is still coming:
It does not show the tower at 5°.
But the moon I am looking at, is the only moon that is at the correct range. So I warp there anyway and find the POS.

At this point the new camera died for me.
- Longer look at range
- Faster Movement (even though it could maybe be a little bit more precise)
- Multilock is nice
All those features don't matter if there is no working tracking camera. Please bring that camera back and fix that ship offset - or at least give the option to disable that aswell Roll.

I always thought of EVEs UI as one of the best game UIs because it doesn't have any unnecessary gimmicks that "are cool" but an artless tool you can modify, which helps you against your enemy. I don't want to have to fight the UI first, so that I can fight the enemy after that. Like a doctor doesn't want a sword instead of a scalpel just because some people think that would be cool. I want a UI that feels empowering not annoying.

Tactical Camera
Generally very nice. A single key to center the camera position back on your own ship without searching it in space and clicking "look at" would probably help a lot. I didn't experiment too much with it yet. Still have to try if manual piloting works in that. Probably not as good as in orbit camera, but will see.

First Person Camera
Nice Gimmick.
That is about it.
Miss 'Assassination' Cayman
Intergalactic Space Hobos
#247 - 2016-02-13 13:11:19 UTC
Sayod Physulem wrote:
A single key to center the camera position back on your own ship without searching it in space and clicking "look at" would probably help a lot.

I know it's not a single key, but you can right click your capacitor and there's an option to look at your ship. Better than looking around in space at least.
Mr Floydy
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#248 - 2016-02-13 13:25:52 UTC
So, turned off all the extra camera options and set the camera speed to as fast as possible and it becomes usable. Why have you removed the ability to right click to look around, with this back the orbit camera would end up being pretty close to what we have now and imagine most would get used to it.

I've noticed an issue though, when looking at my ship in the orbit camera, if the ship turns it appears to go blurry. Is there some weird motion blur / depth of field going on here?
Trajan Unknown
State War Academy
Caldari State
#249 - 2016-02-13 13:38:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Trajan Unknown
So I realised the new camera seems to be the only option now, at least I wasn´t able to find the old one anymore. On the pro side, it seems to be working waaay better now. But I realised one thing that is pretty annoying. In the "selected object" window the symbols are dynamic in seize. If the selected object has a bounty the symbols are small as I am used to but if the pilot has no bounty the symbols are way too big. This happened in the past sometimes but it was "fixable" now it´s not anymore and it became worse. Please fix this. I´ve posted it here because it appeared with the new camera.

edit: I am dumb, had the wrong tab opened. So you can switch back but the dynamic window bugs me out to no end!
Sean Crees
Sean's Safe Haven
#250 - 2016-02-13 18:36:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Sean Crees
Can you PLEASE PLEASE make it so the tactical camera view is not linked to the Tactical overlay? Every time i go through a gate to a new system or undock it auto turns tactical overlay on and i have to keep turning it off.
Akballah Kassan
Flames Of Chaos
Out of the Blue.
#251 - 2016-02-13 18:50:45 UTC
Why on earth have you decided to do away with the old tracking camera?

What was wrong with just clicking on an object in space and tracking towards it? Why now do I have to press 'c'?

Goonswarm Federation
#252 - 2016-02-13 20:07:25 UTC
If you're going to disconnect the camera from the player's ship, you need these indicators.
Goonswarm Federation
#253 - 2016-02-13 20:09:32 UTC
If you would just play I think you would understand how disconnected the camera makes things. It's a very distinct feeling you get of, "wait, where the **** is my ship"
Scotsman Howard
S0utherN Comfort
#254 - 2016-02-13 22:50:11 UTC

The tracking camera is a must. This is not a question of want, it is needed.

With the tracking camera, it is easy to tell if you are aligned, where a ship went, etc.

Most importantly if gives you some since what were you are in space. If I need to know where the sun is, it is easy. Where is a station in relation to me, easy.

The tracking camera is a required. Without it, I will ignore the new camera for as long as I can.
Clover Axion
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#255 - 2016-02-14 03:51:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Clover Axion
The New Camera is really nice, I love how smooth it feels. But to not have the ship centered in the screen feels terrible, if we could have the mechanics of the camera in place but center the ship once again that would be pristine.

Other notes:

• When using the Orbit Camera & Ctrl + Zooming, the entire background of the EVE Universe will also zoom in or out to extreme values.

:: Edit :: The speed offset is already a feature, gotcha.

::Edit:: The Ctrl + Zoom bug does not just effect the backgrounds, it zooms literally everything in. Stars, nebulae, stations, the stars of the system you're in, etc. The camera can also be zoomed out slightly further than the default setting when switching back to the Orbit, implying that it is already zoomed in to a value it should not be at.
Balaur Venatores
#256 - 2016-02-14 09:14:14 UTC
Automatic tracking really makes a difference for me when playing with mouse only.
Genos Occidere
#257 - 2016-02-14 14:55:42 UTC
After toying around with the new camera some more:

I hotkeyed 'Track' to a mouse button so I could easily click side button + left click to track a target for d-scanning. This worked pretty well... except when the time came to stop tracking.

Left clicking in space and trying to drag the camera away and unlock it instead resulted in a target selection box. The only way to restore the camera back to manual was to right click and "Show my ship". (Why is "Show my ship" not hotkeyable?) I do not have the time to fiddle with context menus in order to bring back the camera to a usable state.

I also miss the ability to right-click in space and swivel the camera around.

The x-axis has a different camera spin speed than the y-axis. ???

Finally, the rapid speed at which the camera centers when jumping using a gate is rather disorienting.

Things I like about the new camera: 'Look at' from any distance, snappy when tracking to a new target, and faster zooming.
Shade Millith
Tactical Farmers.
Pandemic Horde
#258 - 2016-02-15 02:10:33 UTC
Kirzath wrote:
The x-axis has a different camera spin speed than the y-axis. ???

Yes, it does.

And I'd like to take this moment to complain about it again to CCP. It's annoying, and has no place in a game that controls the camera with a mouse, nor a game that has full 3 Degrees of movement.

Get rid of it, make the X and Y axis speed equal.
Isil Rahsen
Black Phoenyx
#259 - 2016-02-15 03:25:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Isil Rahsen
Okay so the new camera still needs a lot of work before becoming the default. These are the first things I've noticed after a short break from EVE.

- Custom Tracking position is a must, at anything other than zoomed way out tracking most things puts my ship completely off the screen.
- Tracking needs to keep the tracked object inline with my ship not way offset massively to the side.
- Auto tracking selected items needs to return.
Tannhauser C-Beam
#260 - 2016-02-15 16:48:13 UTC
I turned this off, it is messy and all over the place, I seem to have to use multiple buttons to look at things, wtf? and you say it is going to be removed in a month... sad day. it is just not easy or intuitive to use.