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Free-to-play F2P Scheme

7-2 Ronin
#21 - 2015-10-29 20:28:31 UTC
Rivr Luzade wrote:
EVE is "not doing great" because people like you exist. People like you who do not want to create something to do to make the experience worthwhile in EVE and instead only consume things others create. However, if no one wants to create something, there is nothing to consume and thus playing becomes "boring". This is the entire problem with EVE right now. And you want to bring even more people of that caliber into EVE, amplifying the problem even further.
Instead of asking for F2P P2W, you should suggest things that make playing EVE more worthwhile, augment the experience, make undocking and roaming around in space enjoyable and creating something a pleasure and not just a target to be destroyed by bored players. And no, Arenas or any form of Matchmaking does not achieve that; you can put that idea right out of your mind.

This is frankly just a bizarre make all these assumptions about me and how I play the game, claim that EVE would be fine if even fewer people played the game, then basically make an argument for why we should look into some form of f2p(to get more people playing, so that when we undock there is **** to do.)
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#22 - 2015-10-29 21:16:04 UTC
I only have so many brushes and I don't waste them on differentiating between different kinds of F2P supporters. So, you have to live under that one.

Please point out where I argued about fewer people or in support of free 2 play. In the meantime, I argued about that people should suggest things that make undocking and flying around in space more worthwhile, be it PVE things that you can camp or exploit or PVP things. You do not need F2P to get more people into the game. You need people willing to take on responsibilities and do things so that people have something to do and want to play. People that are interested in F2P are not suitable to fill the currently rapidly increasing number of vacancies in that field. Judging by your last comment, however, you are not interested in getting people into the game that can actually contribute to it, you only seem to be interested in victims/clay pigeons to shoot.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#23 - 2015-10-29 21:48:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Ugh more f2p crap.

Eve has never appealed to the majority of gamers; loss on death, open world PvP, the few rules and the complexity of the game has always meant that the potential customer base was small. Going f2p wouldn't change that, it's still not going to appeal to the majority of gamers.

For CCP to garner customers from outside their current demographic they had a couple of choices, develop additional games that do cater for a wider customer base, or kill off their main money maker by trying to change it to appeal to a wider customer base. I'm happy that they chose to expand their titles.

TL;DR No, going f2p on any scale is usually the dying gasp of a subscription MMO.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Angry Mustellid
#24 - 2015-10-29 23:00:16 UTC
All I see is free and easy:

1. Cyno alts

2. Scout alts

3. Gank alts

4. Trade alts

5. Hauling alts

6. Scam alts

7. Spy alts

What I don't see is something that would increase the actual number of players as opposed to alts in any meaningful way. The current trial account system already gives potential players a taste of the game without encouraging alt spam.

Not supported.

NBSI shall be the whole of the Law

Xavindo Sirober
Goonswarm Federation
#25 - 2015-10-29 23:08:41 UTC
average F2P person has the lifespan of 2 hours of playing, with some luck they get shot by some bored dude when they go to lowsec or start mining and quit the game instead..

which is going to happen to 99% of the players that will join said F2P.

I've had a couple of games which i really enjoyed till they went F2P. once that happened i quit playing because it become horrifying in a matter of weeks.

For my fav game i would def never wish to see that day come.
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