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EVE General Discussion

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CCP Management Meetings

First post
Hiasa Kite
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#81 - 2015-10-22 13:23:04 UTC
Meykud Khamsi wrote:
So, one of these people has $15 per month to spend on a game. They can either spend it on a game that's really challenging, but doable, and enjoy themselves, feel a sense of hard-earned accomplishment, and slowly accomplish interesting things in the company of good people.

I know you weren't trying to, but you've just described EVE and why I play it instead of other MMOs.

And this isn't even taking into account that every possible occupation in EVE takes at least five hours of research just to understand and do.

That would be the infamous learning cliff. Difficult things aren't bad, but I can see how the sheer amount of time needed to learn about unfamiliar parts of the game might dissuade newer players.

"Playing an MMO by yourself is like masturbating in the middle of an orgy." -Jonah Gravenstein

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#82 - 2015-10-22 14:14:19 UTC
Hiasa Kite wrote:
Meykud Khamsi wrote:
So, one of these people has $15 per month to spend on a game. They can either spend it on a game that's really challenging, but doable, and enjoy themselves, feel a sense of hard-earned accomplishment, and slowly accomplish interesting things in the company of good people.

I know you weren't trying to, but you've just described EVE and why I play it instead of other MMOs.

I noticed that too, But I couldn't help but notice the "good people" part. With folks like the OP, the definition of 'good people' is different from mine.

To me, 'good people' (in this context) means "people who play a game within that game's rule set" regardless of whether I like how they do that or what they do. I'm personally 100% against ganking, scamming, awoxxing and killing ships that aren't trying to kill me 1st (with the expectation of roaming in null sec when we kill ratting ships, that's just us culling the competition lol). I've been in low sec and wormhole situations where I landed in an anom and someone was already in the site and i just warped off, if you ain't a rat or actively trying to kill me, you have nothing to fear from me.

But the above standard applies to me and me only, I'm actually happy that 'bad people' exist as long as they stay within EVE's (wonderfully loose) EULA. The people (like the op) who think 'good people' = 'people nice enough to not kill them even though the game says that's ok' think of everyone else as bad people and always have problems with the game. It's a grave mistake to extend one's own personal moral judgements onto another person, and doubly so in a video game that needs 'bad people' to make the game interesting.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#83 - 2015-10-22 14:26:24 UTC
"If everyone you meet is an *******, you might want to consider the possibility that the ******* is you"

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Esrevid Nekkeg
Justified and Ancient
#84 - 2015-10-22 17:39:07 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
... , if you ain't a rat or actively trying to kill me, you have nothing to fear from me.

But the above standard applies to me and me only ...
Eh, no. We might not all play at the same level as you do, but our entire corporation lives by that same standard. Even at our 'home base' in W-space.
And as you, we do not apply that standard to others. I personally would not dream of telling others how to play this game.

Here I used to have a sig of our old Camper in space. Now it is disregarded as being the wrong format. Looking out the window I see one thing: Nothing wrong with the format of our Camper! Silly CCP......

Warlock Assassins
#85 - 2015-10-30 17:30:21 UTC
Marsha Mallow wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
I know it's an over-used analogy, but this guy is a vegan, and walked into a steak house, and is appalled (appalled I tell you) at all the meat consumption going on here.

The bolded part is the big tell here. This person has come to this game (whether it was yesterday or 12 years ago) with a really faulty expectation, and when the game doesn't live up to that expectation, he doesn't like it.

Anyone wanna link him the post where CCP suggests that there is no evidence that any of the stuff he complains about hurts retention?

Why not use something real. Woman comes on comms to say hello. Is dogpiled. Eventually chats to some onliner they like, exchanges photos, rl info, flirts - then rejects said person, or just decides to move. They accrue a horde of nasty little followers whose only weapon, is that they can attack a woman in full view of a load of other forevervirgins. So any woman who steps up is crucified, in public, by nasty little online virgins. At some point. I've been monitoring these campaigns all the time I've been here, so try it with me - and I'll cut you, without remorse, because you deserve it. SJWs are newbies with no teeth. I'm 36 years old and I will eviscerate anyone who really pushes it. With me, or with my friends.

So what happens when thousands of professional women with money and no time to grind walk into this game, ready to pay to play? And start doing the ingame narrative thing with real passion? They're going to annihilate you lot, in all of the ways you deserve. And all of the existing men (I mean real men) and women will cheer. We're not talking teeny-bopper 'I R 14 here's a pic of my ****, please violate me on reddit'. Actual women will nail you to the wall, for sport. We just need more of them.


You culled my people from this game with your nastiness, and I've been watching you do it. If they come back in en masse they're going to very quickly bring the lash you deserve.

I think this is a far more interesting topic than the one originally posted, so I think we should just go with this.

I have never been able to understand why chauvinism exists. What kind of a guy wants to just be around guys all the time? I love being around women. I love working with them, I love hanging out with them. This idea of picking on someone just because has always seemed incredibly self-defeating to me. Hello! Do you want to spend the rest of your life hanging around a sausage party?

I like your style, Marsha. You make a good point without coming across as an entitled SJW brat.

Then there's the whole thing about SXSW cancelling a few panel discussions and presentations about harassment in entertainment and technology industries . . . because people threatened to harass the presenters.

What. The. F***.

I honestly feel like I just read fifty shades of dumb. --CCP Falcon

Marsha Mallow
#86 - 2015-10-30 17:51:49 UTC
Glathull wrote:
I think this is a far more interesting topic than the one originally posted, so I think we should just go with this.

I have never been able to understand why chauvinism exists. What kind of a guy wants to just be around guys all the time? I love being around women. I love working with them, I love hanging out with them. This idea of picking on someone just because has always seemed incredibly self-defeating to me. Hello! Do you want to spend the rest of your life hanging around a sausage party?

I like your style, Marsha. You make a good point without coming across as an entitled SJW brat.

Then there's the whole thing about SXSW cancelling a few panel discussions and presentations about harassment in entertainment and technology industries . . . because people threatened to harass the presenters.

What. The. F***.

Thanks ;) It's deliberately thematic though - not my normal writing style - partly to encourage people to engage in it a bit more in GD, and to deliver the message. The SJW stuff looks a bit juvenile to me, it's not appropriate for a more mature community anyway.

People remarking they aren't seeing this behaviour probably haven't gone looking for it. What might be best is to point out this is a subsurface trend so the next time there is some sort of witch-hunt the wider playerbase smack it down themselves.

I saw this comment a few months ago on an ingame leadership forum wrt a discussion about a potential (female) 'problem member' - 'Well, as we all know, women cause all sorts of problems ingame' and it went completely unchallenged. Was a bit of a WTF moment, but it was an old remark so I just left it alone. That's the mentality that needs poking, but it's hard to work out in what way. Sometimes just throwing it out into the public arena can get an idea moving.

Prolly not worth continuing this one on this topic though, they tend to go downhill very fast on forums :P

Ripard Teg > For the morons in the room:

Sweets > U can dd my face any day

Warlock Assassins
#87 - 2015-10-30 17:58:32 UTC
Fair enough. I've seen it before, and I'm always just "Dude! I get it! You don't like women. That's totally okay with me. But can you at least objectify them? Pretend you want to have sex with them? If you can't be decent because you're an awful person, can you at least be pragmatic?"

I honestly feel like I just read fifty shades of dumb. --CCP Falcon

Marsha Mallow
#88 - 2015-10-30 18:32:04 UTC
Glathull wrote:
Fair enough. I've seen it before, and I'm always just "Dude! I get it! You don't like women. That's totally okay with me. But can you at least objectify them? Pretend you want to have sex with them? If you can't be decent because you're an awful person, can you at least be pragmatic?"

Or, 'run, the women are coming'. Fair warning, I've been sending loads EvE material for years to friends/family and discussing ingame stuff. A few weeks ago my mother announced she will play upon her full retirement (in a couple of years). Then her friends started talking about it. Now I'm scared >.>

Ripard Teg > For the morons in the room:

Sweets > U can dd my face any day

Galactic Rangers
#89 - 2015-10-30 19:06:48 UTC
Meykud Khamsi wrote:
Scipio Artelius wrote:
[quote=Meykud Khamsi]

You're clearly emotional right now and lashing out. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. It happens to everyone at different times.

I hope after you calm down though that you are able to see that it wasn't the games fault. The responsibility for loss, especially to scams, is individual. Not the games fault. Your responsibility.

That for many people is the beauty of Eve. It doesn't hold anyone's hand.

A couple of things:

1. As I'm sure you people already know (as any time anyone mentions a problem with EVE the first thing you do is check the killboards and then bash them for losing a ship and call them stupid) I have not lost anything. I'm entirely not emotional right now. I'm just pointing out what's obvious to anybody who doesn't invest a large amount of his or her wellbeing in their ability to grief people in EVE.

2. The lectures on the EVE mindset, etc... are pretty humorous to me. I won't bother telling you what I do in real life, because it'll just spawn more flaming and disbelief. But it's much harder, much more unforgiving, and much more rewarding than anything that happens in EVE, I promise you. So, I get what you're saying -- I really do. But, see, EVE is a game. And somewhere in the definition of a game is some sort of enjoyable experience. And EVE, compared to many other games that are equal parts hard and fulfilling, has a pretty poor fun:difficulty ratio. And it's mostly related to the awful sorts of people who play it the most, like it the most, and lawyer the rules against less experienced players.



please feck off as fast as you can and don't come back. your job is to play the game numbnuts, not make it. so whatever game you came from please go back. your 15$ a month isn't worth the shite you bring to this fine community.
I'm getting sick of whining fecks like you, nothing better to do but QQ about something you'll never change.
so yea,, good bye,, I don't want your shite and please please biomass your toon. ,,!,, Evil

Seven Koskanaiken
Shadow Legions.
#90 - 2015-10-30 19:37:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Seven Koskanaiken
EVE's problem today is that it doesn't have enough psychopaths and degenerate arseholes.

If I have to hear the words the best ship friendship one more time I swear I'll do murder.
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#91 - 2015-10-30 19:41:06 UTC
Honestly, Isn't this the way EvE was/is marketed? Cuthroat universe, sandbox and all the mumbo jumbo of the MMORPG marketing nowadays.

It's a market alright, not everyone has the same taste for MMO's. Who wouldn't want a bigger slice of a huge market? But with the way eve is/was marketed, it backed itself into a niche, although a very strong niche that still stands strong compared to other titles.

I do admit that easing a beginner into the game is a lot easier nowadays, but at the end of the way, it really is up to the person if he/she decides to like the game, most, if not all, like eve as an acquired taste, rather than liking it from day 1.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#92 - 2015-10-30 19:48:42 UTC
GANK is the only option for combat - to me this is unfun .

I expect that when someone takes a fight, he sticks to the fight. LOG off, dock up, warp off, switch to another alt - all this discourages me.

Every time the weaker party runs - this does not promote competitive environment.

Blame eve for lack of consequences. And local smack talk is not all that satisfactory.

This post sums up why the 'best' work with DCM inc.

WARP DRIVE makes eve boring

really - add warping align time 300% on gun aggression and eve becomes great again

State Protectorate
Caldari State
#93 - 2015-10-30 19:58:10 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
Meykud Khamsi wrote:
Wouldn't it be fun to sit in a management meeting at CCP? Do they actually sit and wonder why they can't get more players while running a game wherein scamming people is a legitimate in-game occupation?

Well, that's stupid. Scamming has always been allowed in Eve and, for much of its life, it has enjoyed growth not commonly seen in MMOs, which typically have an at-launch spike and then decline until death.

The scamming rules haven't changed, so why would they suddenly be responsible for the downturn in subscriber numbers when they clearly presented no such barrier in the past?

"Let's take a look at what new users do. They get suicide ganked. Then somebody scams them. Then they get flamed in local chat.

If they're new, how are they worth suicide ganking? I routinely autopilot through high sec. I never get suicide ganked. What gives? And how does this newbie have anything worth scamming for?

Then the few who do hold on can either run missions or mine asteroids for weeks on end until they can afford a better ship at prices that are hyper-inflated by our selling PLEX that gets turned into ISK...,

Plex aren't turned into ISK by magic - they're transferred to another player in return for that player's ISK. How does that cause inflation?

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#94 - 2015-10-30 19:58:46 UTC
Opertone wrote:
GANK is the only option for combat - to me this is unfun .

I expect that when someone takes a fight, he sticks to the fight. LOG off, dock up, warp off, switch to another alt - all this discourages me.

Every time the weaker party runs - this does not promote competitive environment.

Blame eve for lack of consequences. And local smack talk is not all that satisfactory.

I think its more in the lines of Full offgrid booster + GANK that discourages people, I'm all in for a 'eurgh' ''fair'' fight in eve but throwing yourself into PvP with 0 chance of winning is not fun for anyone, A normal person will take any chances to GTFO when the fan hits the ****, who wants to lose time and money in a fruitless effort?

Moon Moon Burdy
New Eden Tech Support
#95 - 2015-10-30 23:49:01 UTC
This thread is great. What the OP dislikes about Eve is what I love about Eve.

I started playing in August of this year (2015). I had/am having an awesome New Player Experience.

Someone said the Career Agents were good for ships, isk and skillbooks. They totally were. I'm still confused as to how people have a hard time with them. I try not to judge, but for me it was super easy, taught me a few things about New Eden and getting around. I finished those armed with a few ideas about what to do next.

Someone invited me to join their Industry corp, offering help understanding the game and people to hang out with. They totally did. Sadly, I developed an allergy to veldspar.

Someone suggested I try RvB to learn something about pvp. I totally did. Also, I completely lost my emotional attachment to my ship.

Someone invited me to join this mercenary alliance I am proudly a part of, promising much fun. I am totally having all the fun promised to me.

Eve is the game for me. Eve may not be the game for you, OP. But for the love of all that is right and true, please don't try to change Eve to be "approachable" like the drunk-off-her-ass cougar at the local bar. Don't make it "easy on the new guys" like the shallow end of a swimming pool. CCP, please keep it harsh, unforgiving, and challenging.

I am Eve's target demographic. Sounds like maybe you're not, OP.

...and that's ok, cuz for your gaming time you have a choice between so many other options to fill your gaming needs.

Eve is the only thing that satisfies my gaming needs. The Only Thing. I'm not alone in this, or I'd be alone in New Eden, and I am entirely not alone. There seem to be quite a few of us. We belong here. Do you?

Things that went boom

Storytime with Moon Moon New stories semi frequently-ish!

Promising Young Murderer, Education Appreciated.

Aquilan Aideron
Wardecs go here
#96 - 2015-10-31 01:27:11 UTC
Seven Koskanaiken wrote:
EVE's problem today is that it doesn't have enough psychopaths and degenerate arseholes

Mayhaps they deem the EvE community a bunch of trite poseurs?
Thonys Visser
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#97 - 2015-10-31 02:20:38 UTC
every post above misses the point

(first post) the man is only saying to you ....that HS has a problem and ccp is ingoring it....

i also believe that every comment made here are comments from people below 0.5 (and i have read them.... some of them are very insulting and rude (but it seems allowed)

owh just a reminder if i kill a rat in a belt in HS i get 2500 isk (i bet you wont come out of your pos for that )


Zahara Cody
Imperial Corrections Service.
#98 - 2015-10-31 02:57:28 UTC
You can make trillions, have a hangar full of rare, "never to be released again" ships and still end up f*cked by poor CCP management and decisions. Whatever you do, don't believe this game is a sandbox. It's a waste of your time. This game will linger around for a few more years as CCP squeezes the remaining morons into oblivion.

Hating is free, that's why poor people do it the best.

Marsha Mallow
#99 - 2015-10-31 03:05:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Marsha Mallow
Zahara Cody wrote:
You can make trillions, have a hangar full of rare, "never to be released again" ships and still end up f*cked by poor CCP management and decisions. Whatever you do, don't believe this game is a sandbox. It's a waste of your time. This game will linger around for a few more years as CCP squeezes the remaining morons into oblivion.

With all due respect, your fingerbanging isn't likely to be missed, given you never even found a hole of note


bet you wear burberry too, don't lie

ed. or hilfiger Evil

Ripard Teg > For the morons in the room:

Sweets > U can dd my face any day

Zahara Cody
Imperial Corrections Service.
#100 - 2015-10-31 03:13:49 UTC
Marsha Mallow wrote:
Zahara Cody wrote:
You can make trillions, have a hangar full of rare, "never to be released again" ships and still end up f*cked by poor CCP management and decisions. Whatever you do, don't believe this game is a sandbox. It's a waste of your time. This game will linger around for a few more years as CCP squeezes the remaining morons into oblivion.

With all due respect, your fingerbanging isn't likely to be missed, given you never even found a hole of note


bet you wear burberry too, don't lie

ed. or hilfiger Evil

Here's a prime example of why CCP is still in business.

Hating is free, that's why poor people do it the best.