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I'm worried for the future of CODE and EVE online.

First post
Salvos Rhoska
#141 - 2015-10-12 10:43:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Divine Entervention wrote:
TIL salvos supports westboro baptist church.

The comparison is not meant to be complete.

Its just to highlight how sometimes very small organisations (especially when overtly provocative) can have a completely disproportionate media/awareness footprint, totally out of whack to how much activity they are actually involved in.

CODE ofc, (as does Westboro) relish and luxuriate in this attention. And why not.
But their actual effect on ingame reality is much smaller than their reputation suggests.

Having said that, CODE branches have ranked very high in 2014 efficiency ratings, which is quite hilarious, well deserved, but again indicative of the peculiar and ingenious meta they are involved in, as well as supporting my suggestion regarding sec status malus, so as to open up more PvP vs known persistant HS criminals from a PvP perspective, rather than CONCORD (as PvE).

I by no means want to stamp out CODE, or even to mechanically impair their meta.
I fully and readily understand what their game is, and that it is legit (especially in EVE).

Im just suggesting an increase to sec status malus for illegal acts in HS, so as to open up more PvP in HS, as gankers go red sooner. It takes a bit to wrap ones head around it, but my intent genuinely is for win/win/win for everyone involved, not to impair any on play/meta type more or over than another.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#142 - 2015-10-12 10:49:52 UTC
Divine Entervention wrote:
Vlad Vladimir Vladinovsky wrote:
Aehren Armitage wrote:

Solo HS Income in T1 ships is really not that great, and saving up for a T1 cruiser and modules takes a few hours unless you get lucky with faction loot anoms

what are you kidding me? 2-3 level 4 missions and you've got your fully fit T1 cruiser.

hell highsec income is ridiculously high with incursions. I know you said solo but if people really walk around solo all day then maybe they should go back to The Old Republic where the game is so dead you can turn off chat and **** and play the best single player MMO.

Can't orchestrate a high value gank against the guy when he's playing KotOR, short-sighted noob.

Expend a modicum of mental effort in a manner that'd result in not losing a potential target please.

SOME L4 missions are alright. Most of them are a waste of time you blitz through hoping to get the handful of desirable ones.

With L4 missions being randomly assigned, the overall value of their payouts compared to the "i pick exactly what I want via specific anomalies here in my null-sec system", the disparity is actual.

You will net 50 mil/hr in a month old character using a shitfit mach in level 3 missions. By month two you will be earning more than an afk isktar will running anoms.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#143 - 2015-10-12 10:56:32 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Im just suggesting an increase to sec status malus for illegal acts in HS, so as to open up more PvP in HS, as gankers go red sooner. It takes a bit to wrap ones head around it, but my intent genuinely is for win/win/win for everyone involved, not to impair any on play/meta type more or over than another.

I don't see how this would change anything tbh.

loyalanon: sec status -10.0
holdmybeer: sec status -10.0
lillie naari: sec status -10.0
Aaaarrgg: sec status -10.0
Zula Terra: sec status -10.0
Eva Mavas: sec status -10.0
PV Rock: sec status -10.0

Go and look at their killboards. No one is pvping them in highsec other than CONCORD and other gankers they work with (for bounty payments I assume).

Anyone is highsec interested in pvp won't bother because they agree with what CODE. does and everyone else prefers to just winge in the forum.

You could make them go -10.0 on the first gank they ever do and it wouldn't change one single thing about pvp in highsec.
Salvos Rhoska
#144 - 2015-10-12 11:05:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Im just suggesting an increase to sec status malus for illegal acts in HS, so as to open up more PvP in HS, as gankers go red sooner. It takes a bit to wrap ones head around it, but my intent genuinely is for win/win/win for everyone involved, not to impair any on play/meta type more or over than another.

I don't see how this would change anything tbh.

loyalanon: sec status -10.0
holdmybeer: sec status -10.0
lillie naari: sec status -10.0
Aaaarrgg: sec status -10.0
Zula Terra: sec status -10.0
Eva Mavas: sec status -10.0
PV Rock: sec status -10.0

Go and look at their killboards. No one is pvping them in highsec other than CONCORD and other gankers they work with (for bounty payments I assume).

Anyone is highsec interested in pvp won't bother because they agree with what CODE. does and everyone else prefers to just winge in the forum.

You could make them go -10.0 on the first gank they ever do and it wouldn't change one single thing about pvp in highsec.

Fair point insofar as "why" people are not aggressing reds in HS, despite opportunity to do so.
I dont have a certain explanation for that, except general HS population risk aversion, people being completely unfamiliar with engagement mechanics, and perhaps being worried about being baited into a fight they cant win (especially in their ubiquitous PvE fits they fly around HS in).

Theres also the phenomenon familiar from real life, where many/most people generally prefer to look away and continue on their daily errands, rather than involve themselves in crimes they are witness to, or in apprehending criminals.

Nonetheless, this is no argument against my suggestion.
If anything, your point suggests that my proposal is actually not severe enough, and that stronger more invasive measures are required inorder to achieve the same ends. (such as additionally dropping the sec standing/red flag marker throughout HS from -5.0, to -2.0 for example, which Im not suggesting nor advocating).

That it doesnt effect -10 characters, is already obvious and moot, since they cant drop in sec standing any further anyways.

That people do not already aggress -10 toons, again, is not relevant to my suggestion, and is a matter for persons themselves to decide in the sandbox, for whichever reasons or motives.

My intent is to increase HS PvP, through criminal flags, back into player hands, rather than CONCORD (as PvE).

I get what you are saying. Do you get what Im saying and driving towards?

If you have better solutions, Im all ears!
Mine is just a proposal. Not set in concrete nor something Id stake my life on.
Hra Neuvosto
Party Cat Enterprises
#145 - 2015-10-12 11:11:52 UTC
Shallanna Yassavi
qwertz corp
#146 - 2015-10-12 11:16:56 UTC
Caleb Seremshur wrote:
Shallanna Yassavi wrote:

So where does that leave me?
I personally won't hand out a full API key to anybody. Ever. partly because I've how creative people get when they want to harass someone in another game, and exactly how nasty they can be. This account has all my characters on it, and handing over a full API key is pretty much a prerequisite for a lot of null corps. I know I'm not the only one who's learned to be careful what to expose to other players.

Would be grounds for a bannable offence under the EULA of *both* games. They're required by law to keep you free from personal threats and leaked personal info (or anything that could be colluded as a leak of personal info) comes back on the company and the individual doing the harassment.

Entirely true.

Took a while to get it dealt with in the other game. Maybe time to leave there, anyway.

A signature :o

Tisiphone Dira
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#147 - 2015-10-12 11:21:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Tisiphone Dira
It wont result in more reds, it will result in less as it gives newbie gankers less time to learn the ropes before being thrown in the deep end, being chased by faction faction police. I'm a recruiter for CODE. I walk people through their first steps of this stuff. If you make it so that grazing a pod in a .5, rather than taking you from 0.0 to -1.3, instead drops you to -2.4 or something, we're going to have problems.The sec status hit is more dramatic in a higher sec system btw.

I AM actually advocating that the threshold for being engageable by players bring raised from -5 to -2. I think that's the way to go. Players should be the first responders in the game, always. The NPC's should be a last resort for the real problem outlaws. Having NPC's respond before players can goes against the spirit of this game.

Have outlaws be engagable by all players from -2 and below. Have faction police repond at -5 and below.

Bam, you've just created a 'content window', a range of sec status where good fights happen. I'd voluntarily hover between -5 and -2 if this were the case, even out of my own wallet, because it would be fun.

There once was a ganker named tisi

A stunningly beautiful missy

To gank a gross miner

There is nothing finer, cept when they get all pissy

Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#148 - 2015-10-12 11:27:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Tisiphone Dira wrote:
I AM actually advocating that the threshold for being engageable by players bring raised from -5 to -2.

I like this.

Get rid of faction police and allow capsuleers to police each other for low sec status. Making outlaws engageable at -2.0 would be great, especially once the changes to FW plexes kick in where entering a FW plex will cause a short suspect timer.

That will mean people purely in lowsec for consensual pvp won't have to worry about anything, but those of us that shoot at everything will be open season for other players rather than NPCs.
Salvos Rhoska
#149 - 2015-10-12 11:27:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Shallanna Yassavi wrote:
Caleb Seremshur wrote:
Shallanna Yassavi wrote:

So where does that leave me?
I personally won't hand out a full API key to anybody. Ever. partly because I've how creative people get when they want to harass someone in another game, and exactly how nasty they can be. This account has all my characters on it, and handing over a full API key is pretty much a prerequisite for a lot of null corps. I know I'm not the only one who's learned to be careful what to expose to other players.

Would be grounds for a bannable offence under the EULA of *both* games. They're required by law to keep you free from personal threats and leaked personal info (or anything that could be colluded as a leak of personal info) comes back on the company and the individual doing the harassment.

Entirely true.

Took a while to get it dealt with in the other game. Maybe time to leave there, anyway.

Not entirely related, but Ive never liked how open information in EVE is.
To my mind API was intended as a personal tool to allow information into 3rd party systems, for the players own benefit.
Not as a means (or requirement) of full disclosure to other parties (ingenious application that that is, nonetheless).

This kind of openness and availability of information detracts from the inherent risks and gritty darkness I had thought central to EVE.

Full API disclosure is counterproductive. Though it helps insure the corp against beligerents, it also commensurately reduces risk and removes a substantial part of the dangerous nature of EVE (as Everyone vs Everyone).

Its also the case in dotlan, eve market, eveappraisal etc.

All this available information reduces risk ingame. You can readily find out whats what, without ever having to go there yourself, or ask someone else whos there (barring them lying to you for selfish reasons ofc).

Its too late to do anything about it, but honestly I would prefer an EVE where these crutches were not available, and which have therafter become more or less a necessity inorder to intelligently compete.

Yes, a player can choose not to use them. But its stupid in a competetive game, where everyone else does.
I die a little inside everytime I use evemarket to see universe wide market stats, or peruse dotlan for traffic figures, but I have to, cos everyone else is. Feels like cheating, a bit.

Maybe its because I played the X-space sims that I got the penchant and preference for always being quite in the dark for whats happening in markets/systems far away from you. Risk was higher, the universe, darker and more foreboding. Uncertainty and the unknown always, inherently, inspires this kind of apprehension and integral risk.

I miss that kind of visceral feeling of uncertainty here. Im sure other players who know how to appreciate that a game experience is made better by this, even though it makes it harder and more dangerous. The risk, uncertainty, is everything. Thats where the excitement, commitment and immersion is. Otherwise wed all be playing Minecraft.
Salvos Rhoska
#150 - 2015-10-12 11:31:56 UTC
Tisiphone Dira wrote:

I AM actually advocating that the threshold for being engageable by players bring raised from -5 to -2. I think that's the way to go. Players should be the first responders in the game, always. The NPC's should be a last resort for the real problem outlaws. Having NPC's respond before players can goes against the spirit of this game.

Im glad we have found common ground towards a mutual goal, although our proposals are different in specifics.

Whats important, is returning HS aggression mechanics back into player hands as PvP, rather than NPC as PvE.

Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#151 - 2015-10-12 11:49:50 UTC
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Tisiphone Dira wrote:
I AM actually advocating that the threshold for being engageable by players bring raised from -5 to -2.

I like this.

Get rid of faction police and allow capsuleers to police each other for low sec status. Making outlaws engageable at -2.0 would be great, especially once the changes to FW plexes kick in where entering a FW plex will cause a short suspect timer.

That will mean people purely in lowsec for consensual pvp won't have to worry about anything, but those of us that shoot at everything will be open season for other players rather than NPCs.

I have proposed a scaling security system before myself - where you go red earlier the higher the sec status of the system you're entering. It provides scaling against what Tisiphone has said, where you could be in high as a technical KOS but due to shenanigans you get left alone.
La Rynx
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#152 - 2015-10-12 11:55:15 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
La Rynx wrote:

There is not much in code.
There are no more codies in ALLIANCE then there in an average nullsec CORP.
However, codie players in average have for more alts than the average in eve. thread.

This. CODE is a bit like the Westboro Church.

Few people seem to realize this, but the Westboro Church, as a registered organisation, only has about 40 registered members. Fun fact, eh?

This is absolutely tiny and disproportionate to the scale of media attention and collective outrage they inspire as a result of actually very tiny groups of members picketing whatever occassional events. Hundreds of millions of people know about them, even though there is only some 40ish +nonregistered members, and all they've really done is hold placards considered offensive by most, nearby sensitive events.

That sums up what i meant.
The fate of a little pathetic group of social slightly missaligned ppl and the fate of EvE have nothing in common. There are already other gankers, far less pathetic.
Code leaves? So what?
Would i cry over that? No!

What i got from the hints of CCP is, that hisec will be changed and as far as i see, i wan't be nerfed. In fact CCP did many smarter changes than those suggested in the forums.

Atomic Virulent : "You can't spell DOUCHE. without CODE."

Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#153 - 2015-10-12 12:04:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Sibyyl
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Go and look at their killboards. No one is pvping [gankers] in highsec other than CONCORD and other gankers they work with (for bounty payments I assume).

Anyone is highsec interested in pvp won't bother because they agree with what CODE. does and everyone else prefers to just winge in the forum.

You could make them go -10.0 on the first gank they ever do and it wouldn't change one single thing about pvp in highsec.

Fair point insofar as "why" people are not aggressing reds in HS, despite opportunity to do so.
I dont have a certain explanation for that, except general HS population risk aversion, people being completely unfamiliar with engagement mechanics, and perhaps being worried about being baited into a fight they cant win (especially in their ubiquitous PvE fits they fly around HS in).

Every single discussion we have on this topic boils down to people remaining in un-wardeccable NPC Corps. Every single one. Every single NPC Corp player who comes into GD will eventually assent and admit that being un-wardeccable is why they stay in the NPC Corp.

This game grew when it fostered the attitude of EVE being harsh and dangerous. It shrinks when CCP attempts to cater to the sort of hisec population that everyone knows will eventually quit the game out of boredom anyway. We have developers from CCP Rise to Falcon insisting with statistics that people don't quit the game over griefing, then instituting policies just to protect the very same fickle-minded playerbase from activities perceived (but not actually responsible) for making them quit.

  1. If you are into PVP, then you know what harsh and dangerous is. I don't think this discussion has anything to do with risk-averseness as far as picking PVP engagements go. That is a completely separate (but important) discussion.
  2. If you are not a PVP player, but you're the kind of player who is perfect for EVE, then you will continue to play EVE even when it becomes super dangerous
  3. If you are not a PVP player and danger is upsetting to you, then EVE isn't the game for you and you would have quit anyway.

When we choose to cater to #3, we lose subscriptions from #1, #2, and #3 because EVE becomes boring. It's as simple as that.

Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

roberts dragon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#154 - 2015-10-12 12:14:28 UTC
yes the future of seal clubbing oh my how will you lot cope , and with the future of the game that's a no brainer .

the future of code reminds me of runescape when they stopped the gankers seal clubbing players , the player base did shrink a lot but game was is still going strong today moral there .

for the future of the game will of course will have to change , rather than give what I would like I give you this get quickbaby and jingles from world of tanks to play eve then you be talking if they was seal clubbing then code would be the biggest and baddest period what ever they charge it be worth it .

finally if the ganking/seal clubbing does go then go for lets call it bobs day 1 day a week/month everyone be allowed to kill anything no concord no kill rights now that be your reward .
Salvos Rhoska
#155 - 2015-10-12 12:23:43 UTC
Caleb Seremshur wrote:
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Tisiphone Dira wrote:
I AM actually advocating that the threshold for being engageable by players bring raised from -5 to -2.

I like this.

Get rid of faction police and allow capsuleers to police each other for low sec status. Making outlaws engageable at -2.0 would be great, especially once the changes to FW plexes kick in where entering a FW plex will cause a short suspect timer.

That will mean people purely in lowsec for consensual pvp won't have to worry about anything, but those of us that shoot at everything will be open season for other players rather than NPCs.

I have proposed a scaling security system before myself - where you go red earlier the higher the sec status of the system you're entering. It provides scaling against what Tisiphone has said, where you could be in high as a technical KOS but due to shenanigans you get left alone.

I hadnt looked into it before this thread, but the formula for sec standing loss, is very interesting, involves many many elements, and offers a lot of opportunity for adjustements towards specific goals.

I was surprised what a good groundwork there already is in the formula, and how many factors it includes.

For instance, it includes the sec status of your target as a modifier for what penalty you receive, as weighed against your own.
This is currently a negative modifier. It could, perhaps, be changed so that you instead get an increase in sec standing against someone more illegal than you, although Im unsure of the repercussions of that. Just an example of how the existing formula has many opportunities for adjustement.

Though it is the first reflex reaction, I am opposed to FacPo changes in relation to security status.
Its counterproductive, towards the ends of returning HS aggression to player hands, rather than NPC.

FacPo is a bit of a dead fish. Its very tempting to just propose buffing this obviously inefficient NPC so that its a real threat, but it goes against our mutual intent, of more PvP, not more PvE. Having said that, its a peripheral option, such as in reducing FacPo security standing reactions parameters,or increasing FacPo amounts of ships and their aptitude. I just dont see really how that helps anything at the moment, as things stand now.

An interesting option, perhaps, would be turning engaging FacPo into a real PvE type activity in HS, as a kind of HS "illegal" ratting, with potential of HS player aggression involvement, but thats perhaps an idea and topic for another thread.

Im also against CONCORD reaction timer modifications. If there are some hulls (if CCP sees it in their metrics) which are over effective as weighed against that response timer, they can be balanced independantly, without upsetting the entire system by a rote CONCORD change.

Eagle's Talon's
#156 - 2015-10-12 12:25:27 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Go and look at their killboards. No one is pvping [gankers] in highsec other than CONCORD and other gankers they work with (for bounty payments I assume).

Anyone is highsec interested in pvp won't bother because they agree with what CODE. does and everyone else prefers to just winge in the forum.

You could make them go -10.0 on the first gank they ever do and it wouldn't change one single thing about pvp in highsec.

Fair point insofar as "why" people are not aggressing reds in HS, despite opportunity to do so.
I dont have a certain explanation for that, except general HS population risk aversion, people being completely unfamiliar with engagement mechanics, and perhaps being worried about being baited into a fight they cant win (especially in their ubiquitous PvE fits they fly around HS in).

Every single discussion we have on this topic boils down to people remaining in un-wardeccable NPC Corps. Every single one. Every single NPC Corp player who comes into GD will eventually assent and admit that being un-wardeccable is why they stay in the NPC Corp.

This game grew when it fostered the attitude of EVE being harsh and dangerous. It shrinks when CCP attempts to cater to the sort of hisec population that everyone knows will eventually quit the game out of boredom anyway. We have developers from CCP Rise and Falcon insisting with statistics that people don't quit the game over griefing, then instituting policies just to protect the very same fickle-minded playerbase from activities perceived (but not actually responsible) for making them quit.

  1. If you are into PVP, then you know what harsh and dangerous is. I don't think this discussion has anything to do with risk-averseness as far as picking PVP engagements go. That is a completely separate (but important) discussion.
  2. If you are not a PVP player, but you're the kind of player who is perfect for EVE, then you will continue to play EVE even when it becomes super dangerous
  3. If you are not a PVP player and danger is upsetting to you, then EVE isn't the game for you and you would have quit anyway.

When we choose to cater to #3, we lose subscriptions from #1, #2, and #3 because EVE becomes boring. It's as simple as that.

I tried dealing with CODE and had a rather good team of Anti-Code pilots going against them in High Sec.

The thing with CODE is they follow the freighter traffic around so countering them by best done by altering the flight paths of freighters through bottleneck areas.

Another solution would be to use Jump Bridges where CODE normally operates at. Since a Jump Bridge allows a ship to jump 5ly it would therefore be possible to establish a Jump Bridge network through High Sector to points across New Eden that the freighters could use for a price of course to avoid CODE altogether.

One network could be four POS in a system each have a Jump Bridge that are connected to other POS in adjacent systems. This means a Jump Bridge network could be established out of Jita, Uedama, Aufay etc. with local POS. The freighters would receive clearance through the POS shielding only after they have been established to not be CODE...I can see CODE right now setting up covert freighters not assigned to CODE to gain access. This network will have to have the upmost security involved and should only be operated by Corporations who have long known each other and their freighter pilots. Once the network had been established the freighter would Bridge over local CODE bottleneck points to the end point Bridge System POS where Freighter pilot would then ferry their goods to the selling station in smaller Industrials and then return to the POS with goods to be loaded into the freighter for the return haul. This might seem to be a daunting task but it would ensure freighters at least would make it through with their haul.

Barges on the other hand would then come under attack for a while until CODE lost more than they were making thus ending the CODE problem in New Eden forever.

This network would be very profitable for the builders as an empire would spring up around them that would include many miners who would be employed to provide the Bridge Network with the necessary fuel it needed to stay online.

CODE would not be able to attack these POS either because they do not have the strengths or numbers to do so as they would lose more ships and ISK in trying to defeat a Large POS than it would be worth to attack it.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#157 - 2015-10-12 12:25:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Sibyyl wrote:

This game grew when it fostered the attitude of EVE being harsh and dangerous. It shrinks when CCP attempts to cater to the sort of hisec population that everyone knows will eventually quit the game out of boredom anyway. We have developers from CCP Rise to Falcon insisting with statistics that people don't quit the game over griefing, then instituting policies just to protect the very same fickle-minded playerbase from activities perceived (but not actually responsible) for making them quit.

People whine about safety and about how the game will get so many more subs if CCP would only nerf the bad folks, subs go down instead of up. Sounds FamiliarTwisted

Myth 21 strikes again. Also myth 29.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#158 - 2015-10-12 12:26:15 UTC
roberts dragon wrote:

the future of code reminds me of runescape when they stopped the gankers seal clubbing players , the player base did shrink a lot but game was is still going strong today moral there .

The playerbase back then shrank 40% in a matter of weeks. In fact, Runescape is so desperate that they are opening a full time PvP server. Too little too late, of course.

So be honest. It killed the game.

Just like it killed Ultima Online too. Apparently that's what you people want to have happen to EVE Online, too. But I already knew that, carebears are like locusts, they kill a game then they move on and try to kill more games.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#159 - 2015-10-12 12:30:13 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
roberts dragon wrote:

the future of code reminds me of runescape when they stopped the gankers seal clubbing players , the player base did shrink a lot but game was is still going strong today moral there .

The playerbase back then shrank 40% in a matter of weeks. In fact, Runescape is so desperate that they are opening a full time PvP server. Too little too late, of course.

So be honest. It killed the game.

Just like it killed Ultima Online too. Apparently that's what you people want to have happen to EVE Online, too. But I already knew that, carebears are like locusts, they kill a game then they move on and try to kill more games.

lol Kaarous is being nice by saying locusts rather than Ebola Big smile
Anize Oramara
#160 - 2015-10-12 12:31:36 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Divine Entervention wrote:
Vlad Vladimir Vladinovsky wrote:
Aehren Armitage wrote:

Solo HS Income in T1 ships is really not that great, and saving up for a T1 cruiser and modules takes a few hours unless you get lucky with faction loot anoms

what are you kidding me? 2-3 level 4 missions and you've got your fully fit T1 cruiser.

hell highsec income is ridiculously high with incursions. I know you said solo but if people really walk around solo all day then maybe they should go back to The Old Republic where the game is so dead you can turn off chat and **** and play the best single player MMO.

Can't orchestrate a high value gank against the guy when he's playing KotOR, short-sighted noob.

Expend a modicum of mental effort in a manner that'd result in not losing a potential target please.

SOME L4 missions are alright. Most of them are a waste of time you blitz through hoping to get the handful of desirable ones.

With L4 missions being randomly assigned, the overall value of their payouts compared to the "i pick exactly what I want via specific anomalies here in my null-sec system", the disparity is actual.

You will net 50 mil/hr in a month old character using a shitfit mach in level 3 missions. By month two you will be earning more than an afk isktar will running anoms.

Ah, but therein lies the problem. How many afk isktars can you run at the same time, while how many shitfit machs running lv3 and lv4 missions can you run at the same time? how much *effort* and *attention* is required for either? How much of the afk isktar's income is pure isk and how much of the missionrunner's is LP that he needs to convert and sell, requiring either a trade alt, time or selling it at a much reduced rate?

I've lived in null, I've plexed with multiple characters and I'm currently making isk in HS blitzing (3y old character is pretty much required tho) and I've run the numbers. Go sell your propaganda elsewhere.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3