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Carrier suggestion!

Celthric Kanerian
Amarr Empire
#21 - 2015-09-16 18:46:58 UTC
So basicly the idea is making a safe heaven for capitals? How about no?
Mai Khumm
#22 - 2015-09-17 10:20:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Mai Khumm
Bronson Hughes wrote:

I got that, I just assumed that you wanted to make these changes now instead of waiting.

These suggestions would be stupid with the current iteration of Capitals.

Bronson Hughes wrote:

If you want these changes to go along with the upcoming capital re-balance...why ask for them now?

Also, why ask for this when you have no idea what the capital re-balance will hold?

Let's wait and see what CCP has in store for capitals before we try inserting any other changes.

I'm throwing these out there now because it's the best time to do so. Instead of waiting until the final pass is announced and it'll be too much of a hassle to rework what was already done. This way potential ideas could be added during the design phase...

It's akin to changing the layout of a house when you just finished the foundation.
Barrogh Habalu
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#23 - 2015-09-17 10:31:50 UTC
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Then what is the point of them in High sec?

To use them to haul stuff instead of freighters, obviously.

There was another suggestion on the matter btw, which was allow capitals into hisec, but make them auto-suspect upon entry...

But the main question is still, why? Especially when it comes to this particular suggestion.

Unless it is, like I said, another not so stealth "buff hauling" thread.
Angry Mustellid
#24 - 2015-09-17 11:32:36 UTC
As far as I can see these proposals would not only allow capitals to be stored safely in HiSec but to use HiSec as a short cut.

Not supported.

NBSI shall be the whole of the Law

Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#25 - 2015-09-17 11:40:16 UTC
Barrogh Habalu wrote:
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Then what is the point of them in High sec?

To use them to haul stuff instead of freighters, obviously.

There was another suggestion on the matter btw, which was allow capitals into hisec, but make them auto-suspect upon entry...

But the main question is still, why? Especially when it comes to this particular suggestion.

Unless it is, like I said, another not so stealth "buff hauling" thread.

I have no problems with buffing of hauling, it's in a problematic enough position anyways. Carriers and Dreads, however, are not hauling ships. They are combat ships, and as such, Combat capitals have no place in High sec. Whatsoever. If people do want to see capitals in action, they go join Low sec and Null sec. Period. If they do not do that, they will not see capitals in action outside some lore events. Period.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

#26 - 2015-09-17 11:40:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Trobax
Unless of course we restrict high sec even more. Allow more low sec pockets. Or even allow 0.5 system to turn 0.4 , then requiring a certain module to be installed by high sec bears and reclaim that space as High sec . Once that happens. lvl4 agents become lvl5 (added bonus) and vice versa (detriment). Not sure on that though, but it creates additional options, less static, more fluidic environment. Also if you dont do **** after a certain period of time, system turns 0.5 again. So unless you participate in keeping the system as low sec, you lose it. And all your caps go to the closest low sec available, till cancerous high sec takes everything :D .

More risk , more volatility, more low sec == more caps.

There you go.

Soon the dream will be realized, and jita shall turn into low sec. WE SHALL PREVAIL !!!
Mai Khumm
#27 - 2015-09-17 11:59:10 UTC
Samillian wrote:
As far as I can see these proposals would not only allow capitals to be stored safely in HiSec but to use HiSec as a short cut.

Not supported.

Suggestion was for Carriers only...
Carriers can dock at stations already, already safe...
Carriers already exist in highsec...

...and what exactly is wrong with Carriers using Highsec as a shortcut? Since it'll add more content by comedy killmails and increased PVP. Since every Low/Nullsec Alliance worth their salt has multiple wardecs active, the potential content would be worth it!
#28 - 2015-09-17 12:02:22 UTC
Mai Khumm wrote:
Samillian wrote:
As far as I can see these proposals would not only allow capitals to be stored safely in HiSec but to use HiSec as a short cut.

Not supported.

Suggestion was for Carriers only...
Carriers can dock at stations already, already safe...
Carriers already exist in highsec...

...and what exactly is wrong with Carriers using Highsec as a shortcut? Since it'll add more content by comedy killmails and increased PVP. Since every Low/Nullsec Alliance worth their salt has multiple wardecs active, the potential content would be worth it!

Why not Dreads only? At least that will speed up pos bashing which happens a lot in high sec
Mai Khumm
#29 - 2015-09-17 12:06:28 UTC
slumbers wrote:
Mai Khumm wrote:
Samillian wrote:
As far as I can see these proposals would not only allow capitals to be stored safely in HiSec but to use HiSec as a short cut.

Not supported.

Suggestion was for Carriers only...
Carriers can dock at stations already, already safe...
Carriers already exist in highsec...

...and what exactly is wrong with Carriers using Highsec as a shortcut? Since it'll add more content by comedy killmails and increased PVP. Since every Low/Nullsec Alliance worth their salt has multiple wardecs active, the potential content would be worth it!

Why not Dreads only? At least that will speed up pos bashing which happens a lot in high sec

Dreads would blitz through missions and incursions. Thus step on the toes of several ship classes, unless you put Highsec restrictions on them too so they're not OP...
#30 - 2015-09-17 12:18:33 UTC  |  Edited by: slumbers
Mai Khumm wrote:
slumbers wrote:
Mai Khumm wrote:
Samillian wrote:
As far as I can see these proposals would not only allow capitals to be stored safely in HiSec but to use HiSec as a short cut.

Not supported.

Suggestion was for Carriers only...
Carriers can dock at stations already, already safe...
Carriers already exist in highsec...

...and what exactly is wrong with Carriers using Highsec as a shortcut? Since it'll add more content by comedy killmails and increased PVP. Since every Low/Nullsec Alliance worth their salt has multiple wardecs active, the potential content would be worth it!

Why not Dreads only? At least that will speed up pos bashing which happens a lot in high sec

Dreads would blitz through missions and incursions. Thus step on the toes of several ship classes, unless you put Highsec restrictions on them too so they're not OP...

Well you could deny entry to missions and incursions. Case closed.

For some reason, you want to allow capitals (specifically Carriers) in high sec, but with restriction? That was exactly the point of restricting Caps in high sec, and also you avoid implementing specific restrictions depending on sec system ( helps with coding the ships and environment too).

Can you please tell us what role Carriers would have in high sec and why would people use those vessels without their capital modules and Drones (defunct skillpoints) ? Please provide examples
Angry Mustellid
#31 - 2015-09-17 13:04:09 UTC
Mai Khumm wrote:
Samillian wrote:
As far as I can see these proposals would not only allow capitals to be stored safely in HiSec but to use HiSec as a short cut.

Not supported.

Suggestion was for Carriers only...
Carriers can dock at stations already, already safe...
Carriers already exist in highsec...

...and what exactly is wrong with Carriers using Highsec as a shortcut? Since it'll add more content by comedy killmails and increased PVP. Since every Low/Nullsec Alliance worth their salt has multiple wardecs active, the potential content would be worth it!

Have you heard of this thing called power projection?

Being able to use HiSec as a short cut allows a greater area of influence. In addition it would take very little effort to use out of corp or alliance alts to move carriers to an appropriate system while the active combat pilots use taxi ceptors to move clones to the jump off point. I would think that the benefits of being able to store carriers and clones in HiSec near contested regions should be obvious.

NBSI shall be the whole of the Law

Icarus fall
What Shall We Call It
#32 - 2015-09-17 13:49:02 UTC
Mai Khumm wrote:
slumbers wrote:
Mai Khumm wrote:
Samillian wrote:
As far as I can see these proposals would not only allow capitals to be stored safely in HiSec but to use HiSec as a short cut.

Not supported.

Suggestion was for Carriers only...
Carriers can dock at stations already, already safe...
Carriers already exist in highsec...

...and what exactly is wrong with Carriers using Highsec as a shortcut? Since it'll add more content by comedy killmails and increased PVP. Since every Low/Nullsec Alliance worth their salt has multiple wardecs active, the potential content would be worth it!

Why not Dreads only? At least that will speed up pos bashing which happens a lot in high sec

Dreads would blitz through missions and incursions. Thus step on the toes of several ship classes, unless you put Highsec restrictions on them too so they're not OP...

what mission currently allows a dread or carrier? none they cant take gates. so they would already be restricted from doing high sec pve.
Cardcaptor Sakura
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#33 - 2015-09-17 15:27:07 UTC
Mai Khumm wrote:
Day 1 Page 16

Allow Carriers (and Carriers only) into Highsec. .

Arrow Prevent any Capital module from being activated.
Arrow Prevent the use of Fighters.
Arrow Restrict the amount of drones deployed to 5.


Point 2 and 3 are fine. Point 1 is also ok....

*ciugh* equips full rack of officer class smartbombs *cough*
^you didn't think of a way to stop that, did you? It's not capital class module...
#34 - 2015-09-17 15:33:16 UTC
Cardcaptor Sakura wrote:

*ciugh* equips full rack of officer class smartbombs *cough*
^you didn't think of a way to stop that, did you? It's not capital class module...

Well he doesn't have to ...
Icarus fall
What Shall We Call It
#35 - 2015-09-17 16:56:07 UTC
Cardcaptor Sakura wrote:
Mai Khumm wrote:
Day 1 Page 16

Allow Carriers (and Carriers only) into Highsec. .

Arrow Prevent any Capital module from being activated.
Arrow Prevent the use of Fighters.
Arrow Restrict the amount of drones deployed to 5.


Point 2 and 3 are fine. Point 1 is also ok....

*ciugh* equips full rack of officer class smartbombs *cough*
^you didn't think of a way to stop that, did you? It's not capital class module...

you hit anything you aren't legal to shoot and you get to test your carrier vs concord (my money is on they can still one shot you even in a capital)
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