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Jump drives

#21 - 2015-09-20 07:09:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Sigras
Leto Aramaus wrote:
ShahFluffers wrote:
Lan Wang wrote:

Not empty quoting.

Teleportation mechanics are cancerous for the game as a whole if liberally applied and with few restrictions.

Of anything, they should be removed entirely. Yes, yes.... it will massively increase tedium, but it would boost the requirement for actual teamwork rather than reliance on alts.

I couldn't disagree more on this particular stance.

Total removal of Jump Drives would be very disappointing in a space game, to me.

What I think EVE needs is a major re-thinking of how ships travel...

Warp drives:
- plottable warps of any distance (within the min-max), in any direction
- inter-stellar warping, ability to warp between stars, taking hours or even days
i.e. true, actual control of your ship and ability to actually travel through space without external factors like warp drives needing something to "lock on to", and requiring gates to travel between systems. I think gates should be conveniences that allow instant travel but are less common and have drawbacks (chokepoints)
This would of course require many other changes to warp mechanics, such as warp speed, and a cooldown period after warping, to allow, for example, a couple minutes or so for someone to probe your ship down in the system you land in.

Jump drives:
- max fatigue of 6 days (or 5, w/e, just agreeing with someones suggestion for "fatigue always gone by next weekend")
- maybe ability to jump to stars

I dont think you understand what makes Eve work... Did you know that Ultima Online had a very similar system to Eve back in the late 90s? They had open world PvP and free loot, They even had a "sec status" type system which allowed you to see who was more likely to kill you.

The thing is that it never had territory control; you could never form an alliance and control an area. Want to know why? because the game included no border control mechanic.

Without the ability to control borders, it is completely impossible to manage an area of space.
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