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God i hate this game

Aria Sebacen
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2011-12-10 02:36:21 UTC
and you might be asking yourself why? well its because i am back.

so i gave up two or so years ago and decided to resub as a gift to myself this year, biomassed my old toon, highsec bear, and sent myself 100 mil to start over with.

i have been reading over the changes for the last couple days and notice things have changed a lot, so i am more or less considering myself a new player.

to make this more enjoyable, what every should i do? no contacts, little money, and going to let the wind carry me.

PS new forums and font....odd, still on the fence about it
Tore Vest
#2 - 2011-12-10 02:38:27 UTC
Welcome back

No troll.

Herping yourDerp
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2011-12-10 02:40:27 UTC
run missions make some money
then find something u want to do for fun.
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#4 - 2011-12-10 02:49:31 UTC
Why would you biomass a character?

To enjoy training the same skills all over again?

Because you didn't want the ISK from selling the character in the bazaar?
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5 - 2011-12-10 02:52:28 UTC
incursions give massive isk, thats where the high sec farming is these days, theres faction warfare in low, which is kind of like a crappy low sec sov thing, um...wormholes are pretty awesome, either for ninjaing other ppls sites or you can get setup with a pos in there, though that usually ends in flames, as always, the world is your oyster
Aria Sebacen
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2011-12-10 02:53:35 UTC
Tau Cabalander wrote:
Why would you biomass a character?

To enjoy training the same skills all over again?

Because you didn't want the ISK from selling the character in the bazaar?

i could have sold it, but what was the point?

i decided that 100 mil was enough to start new and not go through the money pains of a new character. training skills happen all the time so does it matter what i am training at the time? not so much.

i am looking for a fresh start in eve, old ties would get in the way if i still had access to a high SP toon.

i am really happy that i dont have to train learning skills this time. if i did, i probably would not have started a new character
Aria Sebacen
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2011-12-10 03:06:34 UTC
Loot All??!!!


i think i will just make this into a thread of all the new things i find :P
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2011-12-10 03:24:02 UTC
Aria Sebacen wrote:

i am looking for a fresh start in eve, old ties would get in the way if i still had access to a high SP toon.

There's an awful lot of us that have a great many "old ties" that get along just fine, I'd go on a recruiting spiel right now, except.... how much did you theif and did you get the corp wallet too? Lol
Aria Sebacen
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2011-12-10 03:28:50 UTC
Alski wrote:
Aria Sebacen wrote:

i am looking for a fresh start in eve, old ties would get in the way if i still had access to a high SP toon.

There's an awful lot of us that have a great many "old ties" that get along just fine, I'd go on a recruiting spiel right now, except.... how much did you theif and did you get the corp wallet too? Lol

lol. none. but i like how you came out and ask right away.

i really just got tired of eve and walked away. looking back on my old toon there just isnt anything i wanted to save about him. plus with the ability to walk around station i wanted to look at a woman's ass instead of a dudes :P
Cipher Jones
The Thomas Edwards Taco Tuesday All Stars
#10 - 2011-12-10 03:51:43 UTC
ninja hisec wormholes. Its fun and easy.

internet spaceships

are serious business sir.

and don't forget it

Gallente Federation
#11 - 2011-12-10 03:55:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Alski
Aria Sebacen wrote:
Alski wrote:
Aria Sebacen wrote:

i am looking for a fresh start in eve, old ties would get in the way if i still had access to a high SP toon.

There's an awful lot of us that have a great many "old ties" that get along just fine, I'd go on a recruiting spiel right now, except.... how much did you theif and did you get the corp wallet too? Lol

lol. none. but i like how you came out and ask right away.

i really just got tired of eve and walked away. looking back on my old toon there just isnt anything i wanted to save about him. plus with the ability to walk around station i wanted to look at a woman's ass instead of a dudes :P

Well... thats fair enouth. Smile

I've only ever seen mails from two chars biomassed in my time, one had RL issues, the other a corp theif that we repeatedly podded without clone so many times he was better off anyway Lol

If and I mean IF you've gotten bored of the regular highsec mission running tedium bullc**p, I recommend training for exploration/covops/probing, get in a frigate/thrasher/assault frigate, speed tank and run low-population highsec/lowsec exploration(Cosmic anomalys/Cosmic Signatures) until you get your random big win faction loot, instant no-isk worrys for a while but with a big risk that might keep your hairs standing up. fun. risky. not easy. your choice.

while your doing that, go for a tier2/3 BS with a balance between max EHP (resistance, 1600 plate) and DPS and try to get in on incursions, easy 80m an hour at a "random fleet" level. baddon is good for armour gangs, maelstrom for shield, megathron does ok for both, skip caldari.
oop... Edit: Tempest also good for incursions. and but as a side note you need to be omni-tanked to around 100k EHP as EFT shows it. also: tracking is evvvvvvverything. 30km optimal is secondary. autocannons ftw. don't fit 1400mm's.

Industry: don't ask me... but invention of large T2 turrets has a absolutely redicuous profit margin on em right now due to the new Ti3 BC's. might take an age to train for, but I dunno about such things. buy low and sell high if you like that sorta thing.

Nullsec: dull imho. I wouldn't bother, although ninja ratting in a stealth bomber is very doable, but again... skills...

There may well be many other highsec possabilitys... but this is my 6th year in Eve and my 1st solely in highsec so i'll leave that to others to advise Blink

hit me up in game if you like but i'm usely on a lot earlier on than this and a lot less drunk P
Apollo Gabriel
Kill'em all. Let Bob sort'em out.
#12 - 2011-12-10 04:12:18 UTC
Aria Sebacen wrote:
Loot All??!!!


i think i will just make this into a thread of all the new things i find :P

Always ... Never ... Forget to check your references.   Peace out Zulu! Hope you land well!
General Lightfinger
Asset Relocation
#13 - 2011-12-10 04:44:00 UTC
Interested in stealing things? If so, contact me. We could always use more agents.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#14 - 2011-12-10 05:02:41 UTC
Aria Sebacen wrote:
Tau Cabalander wrote:
Why would you biomass a character?

To enjoy training the same skills all over again?

Because you didn't want the ISK from selling the character in the bazaar?

i could have sold it, but what was the point?

i decided that 100 mil was enough to start new and not go through the money pains of a new character. training skills happen all the time so does it matter what i am training at the time? not so much.

i am looking for a fresh start in eve, old ties would get in the way if i still had access to a high SP toon.

i am really happy that i dont have to train learning skills this time. if i did, i probably would not have started a new character

While I keep Ranger and a couple of others around for various purposes, I have done exactly what you did with other characters before. Sometimes it's nice to start fresh, and enjoy the challenges (that are easy to forget about) that a new character faces.

Sometimes it's nice to leave the baggage behind and see about carving a new reputation for yourself... and not all players are overly concerned about wealth or skill point acquisition. It's more about using your wits and dealing with obstacles using a more limited tool set.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Aria Sebacen
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2011-12-10 05:08:12 UTC
Alski wrote:
Aria Sebacen wrote:

lol. none. but i like how you came out and ask right away.

i really just got tired of eve and walked away. looking back on my old toon there just isnt anything i wanted to save about him. plus with the ability to walk around station i wanted to look at a woman's ass instead of a dudes :P

Well... thats fair enouth. Smile

I've only ever seen mails from two chars biomassed in my time, one had RL issues, the other a corp theif that we repeatedly podded without clone so many times he was better off anyway Lol

If and I mean IF you've gotten bored of the regular highsec mission running tedium bullc**p, I recommend training for exploration/covops/probing, get in a frigate/thrasher/assault frigate, speed tank and run low-population highsec/lowsec exploration(Cosmic anomalys/Cosmic Signatures) until you get your random big win faction loot, instant no-isk worrys for a while but with a big risk that might keep your hairs standing up. fun. risky. not easy. your choice.

while your doing that, go for a tier2/3 BS with a balance between max EHP (resistance, 1600 plate) and DPS and try to get in on incursions, easy 80m an hour at a "random fleet" level. baddon is good for armour gangs, maelstrom for shield, megathron does ok for both, skip caldari.
oop... Edit: Tempest also good for incursions. and but as a side note you need to be omni-tanked to around 100k EHP as EFT shows it. also: tracking is evvvvvvverything. 30km optimal is secondary. autocannons ftw. don't fit 1400mm's.

Industry: don't ask me... but invention of large T2 turrets has a absolutely redicuous profit margin on em right now due to the new Ti3 BC's. might take an age to train for, but I dunno about such things. buy low and sell high if you like that sorta thing.

Nullsec: dull imho. I wouldn't bother, although ninja ratting in a stealth bomber is very doable, but again... skills...

There may well be many other highsec possabilitys... but this is my 6th year in Eve and my 1st solely in highsec so i'll leave that to others to advise Blink

hit me up in game if you like but i'm usely on a lot earlier on than this and a lot less drunk P

thank ya, the lowsec thing sounds fun i might have to try it out, highsec work i think i will try and avoid, i am pretty sure they is why i didnt have to much worry in boimassing my old one, most of my work was in highsec. need something different.

General Lightfinger wrote:

Interested in stealing things? If so, contact me. We could always use more agents.

i am good, thanks
Henry Haphorn
Killer Yankee
#16 - 2011-12-10 05:12:01 UTC
If I wanted to start my life over in Eve (post-biomassed), then I would still prefer to train for a profession that allows me to redistribute ISK (market trading or selling manufactured goods) rather than go around and turn on yet another ISK faucet (missions or incursions).

Adapt or Die

Aria Sebacen
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#17 - 2011-12-10 06:53:05 UTC
Things I have found in my first full day playing and 1 million isk made

these are the changes I have noticed and liked in this time frame

1) Tutorials are a lot better
2) New backgrounds that move with you as you gate around sets dimension to the universe
3) Full motion turrets that retract and are articulated is such a small thing, but really is a nice add-on
4) Ships are looking great, haven’t looked through them all, but they are a lot better
5) The people are the same, already been talked to like I am a crook, makes me feel like I have returned
6) Weapon previews are also cool
7) No more learning skills, thank god all mighty
8) Loot all. Finally
9) Auto jump, auto can approach and open, auto acceleration gate approach and activate.
10) More noob tutorials.

Things that I am disappointed with

1) Engine trails don’t seem to work for my little Minnie frigs. I might have some box unchecked but I don’t think so
2) Just one room per station? I was really hopping for more. It looks good, but just seems tacked on

All in all, It is looking good. Just going to have to see where it takes me. Being an old highsec bear I will be looking to get out in low and a lot more.

but one thing that I am really enjoying is doing these tutorials missions in a ship that I have to micro-manage. Not having the cap to run reps all the time, and not being fully tanked is making the 10 starter missions strangely enjoyable. I know I will win the fights, but I have to constantly turn off and on modules or my cap dies and my shields fail.
Well I think I will play a little more tonight and then pack it in.
Anyone looking for a 2 day old pilot for low sec? I can fly a rifter :P
Darth A30NZ
Deep Axion
Honorable Third Party
#18 - 2011-12-10 08:50:17 UTC
Welcome back to New Eden, Things have changed a lot for the better. just wait till you see the things you haven't noticed you're in for a bit of mind blowing. Hold onto your mouse and don't let go.

New Eden Spotlight full episode list.

Atomic Core Industries and Science
#19 - 2011-12-10 09:09:08 UTC
Lol biomassed your char. Thats about the worst thing I could imagine to do after all the time and effort I put into my chars. Why havent you just sent yourself a trial invite and let the old char/account run out? :D
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#20 - 2011-12-10 09:12:35 UTC
Engine trails should work for all ships over a certain speed. Best previewed when coming out of warp :)

There is a lot more in-station things planned. How did you find the character creator?

Gallente and Caldari sub capital ships have just recently been worked over and look especially nice.

Many changes since 2 years ago

Australian Fanfest Event

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