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What's with the obsession with highsec'ers!!

Atomic Core Industries and Science
#81 - 2011-12-10 21:40:45 UTC
Wow dumbfuck is actually not in the swear filter. Now THAT is a discovery worth noting.

However I do wish for a more friendly communication. I predict this game would be very boring and downright dead if there were no more highsecers, scammers, brokers, industrials, producers, wormholers etc. I say it again, its a sandbox and every playstyle contributes to the overall experience of Eve Online. And every subscriber deserves some love and sympathy from the Devs, because every subscriber pays an equal monthly fee.

If 0.0 think they deserve better and more than anybody else, I have a proposal:
Make a premium membership for people who want to join 0.0 which costs twice the amount of fees or Plexes. If you dont have your shiny gold membership you cant jump into 0.0
In that case I might understand why CCP does so much for 0.0 and boosts their income at every opportunity.

How is that for starters?

And seriously I have played enough games in my time and know every role in an MMO, I credit big corp and alliance leaders as well as great fleet commanders for their work and expertize, but the normal 0.0 player who rolls with the crowd certainly doesnt play this game better or more fully (who came up with that term anyway?) than the average highsecer.
Its just a DIFFERENT playstyle, nothing more nothing less.
Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#82 - 2011-12-10 21:42:44 UTC
Zevina wrote:
If 0.0 think they deserve better and more than anybody else, I have a proposal:
Make a premium membership for people who want to join 0.0 which costs twice the amount of fees or Plexes. If you dont have your shiny gold membership you cant jump into 0.0
In that case I might understand why CCP does so much for 0.0 and boosts their income at every opportunity.

How is that for starters?.
lol wut
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#83 - 2011-12-10 21:45:56 UTC
I'm curious as to what the OP means by "you people".
The League of Extraordinary Assholes
#84 - 2011-12-10 21:48:45 UTC

Highsecers are the forbidden fruit of eve.

Don't eat that apple.....
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#85 - 2011-12-10 21:57:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Lord Zim
Zevina wrote:
And every subscriber deserves some love and sympathy from the Devs, because every subscriber pays an equal monthly fee.

While this is a nice thought, and something which I would've been in agreement with just 2 years ago, sometimes something just needs much more attention for a period of time because it has either been neglected for too long, or it's just gone down the completely wrong path, and is in danger of ruining a whole part of the game. See FW as an example which isn't nullsec.

Zevina wrote:
If 0.0 think they deserve better and more than anybody else, I have a proposal:
Make a premium membership for people who want to join 0.0 which costs twice the amount of fees or Plexes. If you dont have your shiny gold membership you cant jump into 0.0
In that case I might understand why CCP does so much for 0.0 and boosts their income at every opportunity.

How is that for starters?

I'm going to just go with "this is a dumb idea and it should die in a fire".

Zevina wrote:
And seriously I have played enough games in my time and know every role in an MMO, I credit big corp and alliance leaders as well as great fleet commanders for their work and expertize, but the normal 0.0 player who rolls with the crowd certainly doesnt play this game better or more fully (who came up with that term anyway?) than the average highsecer.
Its just a DIFFERENT playstyle, nothing more nothing less.

Whomever says nullsec people "play this game better" than whoever stays in hisec, is either dumb as rocks, or an elitist overentitled prick who thinks he's better just because he's in nullsec, which is a hideous fallacious assumption.

As you say, it's just a different playstyle. EVE is a sandbox, whichever way someone decides to play, as long as it is within the rules, is fair game. Scamming, hunting someone down like a dog, mining, it's all part of the sandbox, and literally everything you do in EVE is PVP, and everything is interconnected.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Atomic Core Industries and Science
#86 - 2011-12-10 23:00:35 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
Zevina wrote:
And every subscriber deserves some love and sympathy from the Devs, because every subscriber pays an equal monthly fee.

While this is a nice thought, and something which I would've been in agreement with just 2 years ago, sometimes something just needs much more attention for a period of time because it has either been neglected for too long, or it's just gone down the completely wrong path, and is in danger of ruining a whole part of the game. See FW as an example which isn't nullsec.

Hell yes of course, but there is also a difference between improving one part of the game to make its unique playstyle more attractive and interesting and just rediculously boosting rewards and income of one part of the game and at the same time taking features away from other parts of the game that benefit a different playstyle. For me thats not improving the game overall but cutting away from the sandbox.

To make PvP more interesting I would also like to see real improvements to FW (which people have been crying for for years) and an overhauled bounty system. Not because I would enjoy these things so much, but because I believe real improvements in these parts will benefit the game as a whole and thus make it interesting for the years to come.
Surfin's PlunderBunny
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#87 - 2011-12-10 23:02:45 UTC
We are hungry! We must feed!

yeah I totally didn't read the thread but I assume this about highsec ganking? Big smile

"Little ginger moron" ~David Hasselhoff 

Want to see what Surf is training or how little isk Surf has?

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#88 - 2011-12-10 23:06:16 UTC
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
Zevina wrote:
If 0.0 think they deserve better and more than anybody else, I have a proposal:
Make a premium membership for people who want to join 0.0 which costs twice the amount of fees or Plexes. If you dont have your shiny gold membership you cant jump into 0.0
In that case I might understand why CCP does so much for 0.0 and boosts their income at every opportunity.

How is that for starters?.
lol wut

I hate low and nullsec as it is now, and even I think this idea is ********. Pay more for the opportunity of getting a nullsec setup if you have the patience and setup for it to do what the game advertises???

people who can get into nullsec despite the giant roadblocks in place deserve to get more income from stuff. Most of my problem stems from the massive powerblocs that make it hard at best to get in and do anything. if you have the patience to build a setup and kiss the ass of the major powerblocs enough to get left alone? Go for it. More power to you, make ****-tons of ISK and ships with my blessing (which is worth about nothing).

Not all of us have buddies who can blue us before we make the attempt, and I've no damned grudges against someone who manages to succeed in a place I suck at. Just don't get pissed when I decline to come and play in that particular pool.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#89 - 2011-12-10 23:46:10 UTC
remove warp off after agression, deagrro then warp

This post sums up why the 'best' work with DCM inc.

WARP DRIVE makes eve boring

really - add warping align time 300% on gun aggression and eve becomes great again

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#90 - 2011-12-11 00:00:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaylyis
Surfin's PlunderBunny wrote:
We are hungry! We must feed!

yeah I totally didn't read the thread but I assume this about highsec ganking? Big smile

Edit- Whoops, wrong thread. the OP is a self-proclaimed nullsec bandit who doesn't understand the mad-on for pathetically easy kills in highsec. Read his post. makes more sense.
Elson Tamar
Gallente Federation
#91 - 2011-12-11 00:55:56 UTC
Um i'm in highsec and go to lowsec to blow up (plenty of PVP there thankyou) and i really dont care about null alliances, high sec griefers etc etc. I was bothered, but now i just dont give a ****. It's like me trying to complain 'its not fair theres a recession' guess what it's there live with it.

I've tried NPC null as a nuet, i blew up and have come to th econclusion that now is not the time. Not becasue of SP or evil null bears, but becasue my head isn't in that space yet, i need more time practicing the dscan, learning about perches, researching where i will live, making contacts.

So theres some people with lots of money who get more money becasue they have lost already, who really gives a monkeys backside? There are griefers who suicide gank so what?

maybe 25% of of eve is in the forums, everyone else is happy becasue they arn't. The forums are part of the problem people + internet = anger /angst/ ****ing contests.

Also if you want some action in high sec, real PVP to show off your elite PVP skills in high wardec someone scary and huge and hit and run em.
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#92 - 2011-12-11 02:13:49 UTC
Zevina wrote:
Hell yes of course, but there is also a difference between improving one part of the game to make its unique playstyle more attractive and interesting and just rediculously boosting rewards and income of one part of the game and at the same time taking features away from other parts of the game that benefit a different playstyle. For me thats not improving the game overall but cutting away from the sandbox.

Oh, you mean like implementing incursions, then whacking the **** out of anoms and jumpbridges?

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Nullbeard Rager
#93 - 2011-12-12 21:30:19 UTC
Pavel Bidermann wrote:
High sec ganking has been there all along. Its just advertised right now. Null has gotten so boring that they have nothing else to do. Null sec pilots seem to be grossly misinformed about high sec dwellers too since they think high sec is so easy. I'm thinking these pilots actually have little experience outside of the pvp game play they currently do. They can't seem to get their heads around the idea that people may play EVE differently than they do. They am afeered o anything they aint seen b'fore.

Null has gotten boring because its been split between 2 big monopolies that decided botting is more fun. They don't want any actual wars because they're too busy wallet stuffing, so they send their members to fight miners because thats fun. Sure it is. Soon enough the southern end of the map will be closed off and that would effectively end EVE since the bulk of the map will no longer be accessable unless you like servitude to the 2 blocks.

That's why they're killing miners.

Sure seems that way sometimes to be sure.

Field of Trolls:  "If you chum it, they will come."

Dorian Tormak
RBON United
#94 - 2011-12-12 21:42:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Dorian Tormak
Zevina wrote:
Wow dumbfuck is actually not in the swear filter. Now THAT is a discovery worth noting.

Haha, I giggled.

IIIAsharakIII wrote:
Highsecers are the forbidden fruit of eve.
Don't eat that apple.....

The forbidden fruit wasn't an apple.

Guys, the solution to all this bullshit is simple: Come to low-sec and do some solo pvp.

Holy Satanic Christ! This is a Goddamn Signature!

Nullbeard Rager
#95 - 2011-12-12 21:45:02 UTC
Embrace My Hate wrote:
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
Seriously what is up with you people, I am not an highsec person, mainly low sec and 0.0, so I just do get it, why your obsessed, it's almost becoming like a witch hunt .

You play your game let them play theirs for god sake. Everyone in low, high, o.o exploit the game mechanics to fulfil their sandbox!
People who are obsessed with being able to shoot high sec ppl is because of 2 reasons, 1) you fail badly at pvp and can't shoot proper papers in low sec and nullsec 2) the game itself is lacking other ways to pvp. Go learn to pvp proper instead of trying to get lame easy kills!

If you want to complain, then blame ccp they develop the mechanics, ppl shouldn't be forced to go into low sec or null sec, however they should only have access to the very basic items. The prob is null sec is control wholly by blob alliances, normal ppl don't have a chance to make it in nullsec, so why go? Eve has become totally saturated, and some drastic and massive changes need to be made to the game before anyone will move out of highsec. The problem is tis one world scenario it's all good. But when the games is 8 years old and the old players and alliance s have a massive advantage over newer players, it's a serious problem.
For example

Recruitment is impossible now
You Can't live in nullsec unless you outrageous rental fees or become a pet
You will never ever own another expensive moon becusse the powerbloc alliances know where every single one is and defend it with massive numbers with theirs. Allies.
you can't live in nullsec because you just get your stuff blown up immediately
Alliances own every station, and even control thenpc regions, so they live in npc, but control the sov, and actually don't bother living in the region they own wtf!!!

Until ccp takes a serious look at the game, and make big game changes, and resolve the massive imbalance then ppl won't go anywhere, and I don't blame then

You are a perfect example of everything wrong with this game. Nothing in EVE should be changed to accommodate lazy people. Every powerbloc alliance in this game started with 1 guy (or a few) who decided to (against all odds) take initiative and make things happen. It has taken several years of playing, developing contacts, learning, and fighting to get where they are let alone keep it from falling like a house of cards. CCP should not change ANYTHING to unjustly undo all the years of hard work the powerblocs put in just to appease idiots like yourself. Get over it.

This makes me giggle. I believe the OP posits the idea that null-sec isn't as much fun as it is touted to be and that is one of the reasons for all the interest in high-sec ganking. He then says is there is little or no incentive for most high-seccers to go to null-sec and then provides reasons to support it. He makes no game-breaking suggestions other than to suggest that, almost certainly correctly, that if CCP continues to treat high-sec space and high-sec dwellers as not particularly relevant to EVE despite the huge potential customer base that would create a more target rich environment for everyone...why they will continue to have problems getting people into low and null-sec.

I think you are a perfect example of everything wrong with every online forum: You are so ready to get annoyed and bash people and call them names so you can feel better about yourself, (in a GAME?Roll), that you can't be bothered to read and comprehend a simple post.

That's so sad.Cry

Field of Trolls:  "If you chum it, they will come."

Nullbeard Rager
#96 - 2011-12-12 21:51:58 UTC
Surge Roth wrote:
My venting like a douchebag makes me feel better about myself. So **** off!

Field of Trolls:  "If you chum it, they will come."

Nullbeard Rager
#97 - 2011-12-12 21:54:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Nullbeard Rager
Surge Roth wrote:
My name is Surge...would you like an espresso...with a twist of lemon?

Big smileLolCoolP

Field of Trolls:  "If you chum it, they will come."

#98 - 2011-12-12 21:55:47 UTC
Senshi Hawk wrote:
Comparing null to highsec is like comparing the autobahn to an American freeway. On the autobahn you can drive as fast as you want, but you cannot let yourself get complacent because others will drive just as fast. If you make a mistake you will likely pay for it. On a freeway there is a preset, regulatory speed limit. Most drivers, which we will call "carebears", will adhere to this law. That does not mean it isn't possible to drive faster.

In fact, those who do drive faster without getting caught by police will have a relatively easy trip as they work their way around the slower cars. This defines two different methods of "playing it smart" - the autobahn driver or nullsec dweller, who only has to worry about those around him and his own capabilities - and the Freeway driver or carebear, who has to assess the risk and push himself appropriately.

The point of this reply is that both people, the null players and the highsec players, have to pick their battles. No battle is more justified than the other. It depends on your preference in gameplay and you have to take what you can get.

Until the ******* weaving in and out of traffic makes a mistake and kills a few people.

Ziranda Hakuli
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#99 - 2011-12-13 06:04:00 UTC
So you just started a brand new toon and you only have Empire Space to learn tofly and make some money. learn the game get raped by Goons or Orphanage and their pets in empire.

You want new blood in 0.0 try teaching some of them kids how t fly what to train and you just might get some new blood out in 0.0 but i know this has been played out to the point no one wants to deal with new players due to GOONs of Orphanage playing like idiot newbs to the point it gives new players a bad rep starting out,

Many true new players do not know what it is really like in 0.0 other then its a dark place and you die quickly. As for the power blocks.they come an go as sand trickles out from the hour glass.
Aggressive Nutmeg
#100 - 2011-12-13 06:51:47 UTC
There's no way I'd join one of those big fuckwit clubs in nullsec.

And I don't see anyone organised enough to disrupt their circle jerking.

Hence I live in highsec/lowsec.

But maybe terrorism could give some satisfaction? Might do some reconaissance. Sneak a few jumps into null and blow their stuff up where they think it's safe.

Never make eye contact with someone while eating a banana.