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EVE General Discussion

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Broadcast For Reps (Talk to someone before you hurt yourself)

First post First post
Kyoko Sakoda
Achura-Waschi Exchange
Monyusaiya Industry Trade Group
#21 - 2015-10-04 22:53:29 UTC
This is the Eve community I know. <3333
Trajan Unknown
State War Academy
Caldari State
#22 - 2015-10-05 21:28:37 UTC
This community is really awesome! You have the "ingame part" where people are acting in every possible way and sometimes you really think it´s unbearable but outside of space, so to say, the community is there and it´s simply amazing what this small community, small compared to other big gaming communities, is able to achieve in so many different areas.
Coffee Rocks
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#23 - 2015-10-06 22:19:51 UTC
Amyclas Amatin wrote:
Knowing how extreme our EVE activities can extend to our real lives, this needs some no-metagaming rules to work and keep everyone safe.

That was a concern early on, but we've had very, very little trouble from trolling or meta-bs in the 1+ years of its life. Considering that channel has moderators from just about every bloc in the game - from Brave to Jita gankers, HS Carebears to PL, Goons to Provi - the message of the channel appears to stay constant. Neutral ground for each of us to reach each other and step out of that meta.

That said, of course it's always in the back of my mind. But, I figure if someone wants to elaborately troll me in that channel in order to waste 2 hours of my evening, oh well. It's not going to give me pause, nor am I going to be suspicious of your intentions. That's not what this channel is for.

If you come to that channel looking to chat, or vent, or for help, you will have friendly ears and willing friends. Hands down.
lilol' me
Comply Or Die
Pandemic Horde
#24 - 2015-10-27 12:57:03 UTC  |  Edited by: lilol' me
I am actually appalled and disgusted at this video. CCP promotes bullying, and quite frankly nasty behaviour, many players in eve are all about making peoples lives a misery, and your so called community thinks this is cool and funny, especially when people get emotionally upset. All you lot say is HTFU or this is eve etc etc. Eve community is a collection of probably the worse type of people in gaming, sorry it is.

Im shocked that people like Elise Randolph are even on this video, when in fact as one of the leader of PL, which is probably the worst place for treating people like utter sh*t, and bullying people.

You as a community as the people that cause distress, hurt and more to these gamers, and you come out with a video like this (cringeworthy) as it is. CCP are bad enough for promoting this behaviour because for some reason its cool! its not cool at all.

How do you know how many people you have emotionally affected, how do you know that they haven't committed suicide? You only know of people who are known in the game, but what about all those people you have scammed, or bullied ingame, that are unknowns? What may have happened to them...
There is no great community in eve its just full of people that want to inflict as much crap on someone as they can.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves especially CCP for promoting such behaviour, it makes me sick, especially the people in this video because your the ones causing the problems!!!. rant over..!
Coffee Rocks
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#25 - 2015-10-28 00:45:40 UTC
lilol' me wrote:
I am actually appalled and disgusted at this video. etc etc

I pride myself with the title "carebear". I choose not to scam, bully, or grief anyone in the games I play - including EVE. It's why I choose to be in Brave, so I can help newbies and have a place free from racism, sexism and the like.

I'm still human, and will roll my eyes when someone is a bit... over the top... or appears misinformed. Much like your post here (if you'll allow me a moment to be honest).

Are there bad people in EVE? You bet. But, I've seen just as nasty ones in any other MMO. However, some of the best and nicest people I've ever met are in EVE Online. Sindel Pellion, who graciously agreed to be in the video, is a perfect example. She's the exact opposite of everything you just described - in game and out of game.

Yes, Elise is a figurehead in PL. And PL are known to have a few rotten apples in the bunch that go overboard on trolling and griefing. I can assure you that Elise is not one of those. He still plays a game just like any other gamer, and will laugh after blowing up a ship and cheer when he gets a win. But, he'll also go out of his way to try and help anyone willing to take his sincere advice. It's also why he agreed to help with this video.

CCP gave us a sandbox. We are the ones that fill that sandbox with content we create. If a few horrible people get in, CCP is not at fault. They've proven time and again that there are lines that one does not cross when interacting with each other, and that actions have consequences. They also try to balance that intervention with allowing a wide range of behavior in order to provide for us a world as close to a "real" dystopian, science fiction universe as we could ever hope to have. I can't imagine the mind-boggling struggle it is to provide both a wonderfully unique game, and the safety of their players. The fact that, as far as I know, the first mental health and suicide prevention community born from and within a video game was not only given the mechanics to flourish, but was actually encouraged due to the help it provides us all, is ground breaking in gaming. I have never known another game company to stand alongside it's players with the message "We love you, and are here for you."

I truly am saddened that this is the EVE you've seen as it's just not what I see and enjoy every time I log in. That said, I'm not ashamed -- far from it, I'm damn proud to call myself a capsuleer. And I'm extremely proud to have shared my screen with the people in the video.

I hope you find something that caters to your unique view of social gaming. Sincerely. Regardless where you end up, we'll still be here should you need a friendly ear or if you need to find resources for mental health care. I promise that.

Fly Safe,
Coffee Rocks
lilol' me
Comply Or Die
Pandemic Horde
#26 - 2015-10-28 08:24:56 UTC
Coffee Rocks wrote:
lilol' me wrote:
I am actually appalled and disgusted at this video. etc etc

I pride myself with the title "carebear". I choose not to scam, bully, or grief anyone in the games I play - including EVE. It's why I choose to be in Brave, so I can help newbies and have a place free from racism, sexism and the like.

I'm still human, and will roll my eyes when someone is a bit... over the top... or appears misinformed. Much like your post here (if you'll allow me a moment to be honest).

Are there bad people in EVE? You bet. But, I've seen just as nasty ones in any other MMO. However, some of the best and nicest people I've ever met are in EVE Online. Sindel Pellion, who graciously agreed to be in the video, is a perfect example. She's the exact opposite of everything you just described - in game and out of game.

Yes, Elise is a figurehead in PL. And PL are known to have a few rotten apples in the bunch that go overboard on trolling and griefing. I can assure you that Elise is not one of those. He still plays a game just like any other gamer, and will laugh after blowing up a ship and cheer when he gets a win. But, he'll also go out of his way to try and help anyone willing to take his sincere advice. It's also why he agreed to help with this video.

CCP gave us a sandbox. We are the ones that fill that sandbox with content we create. If a few horrible people get in, CCP is not at fault. They've proven time and again that there are lines that one does not cross when interacting with each other, and that actions have consequences. They also try to balance that intervention with allowing a wide range of behavior in order to provide for us a world as close to a "real" dystopian, science fiction universe as we could ever hope to have. I can't imagine the mind-boggling struggle it is to provide both a wonderfully unique game, and the safety of their players. The fact that, as far as I know, the first mental health and suicide prevention community born from and within a video game was not only given the mechanics to flourish, but was actually encouraged due to the help it provides us all, is ground breaking in gaming. I have never known another game company to stand alongside it's players with the message "We love you, and are here for you."

I truly am saddened that this is the EVE you've seen as it's just not what I see and enjoy every time I log in. That said, I'm not ashamed -- far from it, I'm damn proud to call myself a capsuleer. And I'm extremely proud to have shared my screen with the people in the video.

I hope you find something that caters to your unique view of social gaming. Sincerely. Regardless where you end up, we'll still be here should you need a friendly ear or if you need to find resources for mental health care. I promise that.

Fly Safe,
Coffee Rocks

I think firstly I have played this game far far longer than yourself, only playing the game for a year and well not been in the major corps or alliances where this stuff happens (for example in PL) but also seen the history of how eve is, doesnt really give you the insight or knowledge to really respond. However I am actualy glad you havent seen this, because youre still here and thats what we need more people staying the game.

Again youre a carebear as you say, you havent even begun to get involved in this type of stuff.
Im sorry but Elise is one of those, and has been, he as a leader of PL have and do act this way, its ingrained in every single PL player. Sorry but i have been in PL i have been in many of those alliances. Actually unless youre that way inclined you simply dont get into PL. So no its not a few rotten apples at all.

Elise maybe a nice guy outside of game but thats completely irrelevant inside of game, where you react with RL life players and what you do and say to them in game still has a profund effect on them in RL. So no im sorry that is not acceptable excuse. Dont make decisions on something you have completely no idea or experience of or about.

and stop with the sandbox BS im sick of hearing this sandbox for an excuse for peoples terrible behavior in this game. It no excuse. and yes CCP is at fault because they openly encourage that behaviour because they market eve in a way that says scamming etc is good and you should be bad more than you should be good. So no i don't agree.
Saccming for example has gone to extremes where people will openly steal from another person. Its not a corp heist or something cool its blant stealing. For them its fun but what about the person on the other end whose probably worked hard for that ISK and its suddenly gone and then even worse he gets laughed at. Way to go on keeping players!

eve is like an open market for the criminal activity and bad behaviour.

These people in this video are the people that cause the distress to the people in eve and are guilty and how dare they stand up in the video and try to excuse their behaviour its disgusting.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#27 - 2015-10-28 11:17:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
lilol' me wrote:
These people in this video are the people that cause the distress to the people in eve and are guilty and how dare they stand up in the video and try to excuse their behaviour its disgusting.
What's disgusting is your dismissal of this initiative which provides players who are in need of someone to talk to with support, simply because some of the people who are promoting it play the bad guy in an unscripted universe.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

lilol' me
Comply Or Die
Pandemic Horde
#28 - 2015-10-28 11:26:58 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
lilol' me wrote:
These people in this video are the people that cause the distress to the people in eve and are guilty and how dare they stand up in the video and try to excuse their behaviour its disgusting.
What's disgusting is your dismissal of this initiative to provide players, who are in need of someone to talk to, with support, simply because some of the people who are promoting it play the bad guy in an unscripted universe.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Are you having a joke with that statement. Its like a murderer doing a video saying dont murder people. How dare you even defend this.. people who defend it are just as bad as the people doing it. Therefore that is you and explains everything that is wrong with thoa community and you dont like it because i.have the balls to call it out. Its people like you that troll people to a point into submission so they dont have a voice. Sorry wont happen here..
Kia Corallis
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#29 - 2015-10-29 10:13:16 UTC
Maybe someone needs to back off attacking someone who is giving their support to this.

Admittedly I have no idea what Elise is like in game but on the other hand he has given his support to this so well done for that.

I am one of those people who have seen and done things that I wish I hadn't, I have been shot at and shelled, I have held a mans head together, shoveled up and picked up by hand, parts of human corpses.

I now use a wheelchair and have a daily struggle to control my emotions, my mood swings can be worse than a woman who doesn't get her own way.

EVE helped me cope when I was medically discharged by giving me an escape from the pressure of real life, I was that mining/mission running carebear.

I won't speak to so called 'Professionals' as the simply have no idea what I have gone through, Veterans do, they are capable of empathizing.

I like to be a good guy in space, I don't smacktalk or use profanities, I give isk to 'new' players, I have however occasionally shot people in the face, does that make me a bad guy ?

I now life in my own home with my family in a nice area, The majority of my neighbors are Military or Veterans with various problems or disabilities, we have a nice community to help each other.

I fully endorse this service and if I start actively playing again I may pop into the channel for a chat.

Thank You for starting and promoting this service.

Azn Empire
#30 - 2015-10-29 10:21:10 UTC
lilol' me wrote:
Its like a murderer doing a video saying dont murder people.
Wait, did you just compare people playing a video game, to murderers? I think you need to step back, take a break and have a word with yourself.

To the OP.
Great initiative guys. <3

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Kwisatz' Haderach
Rote Kapelle
#31 - 2015-10-29 10:27:51 UTC
lilol' me, I'm sorry you're unable to see the forest through the trees. I understand the point you're trying to make, but don't agree with most of your conclusions. I also feel you're detracting from what is, at its core, a brave (no pun intended) and admirable undertaking. When it comes right down to it, your opinions about the game and its players are irrelevant here. The fact is, this project, even if it saves just one person from crisis, is more important. Starting a new thread about how you feel would probably be the best idea, so as not to take away from what could be a lifeline for someone. I'd love to have a heated debate about the points you make, but this is not the place.

You seem to be very concerned about how people treat each other. Take a step back as Mag's suggested and you may see that you're acting like one of the people you're railing against.
Black Pedro
#32 - 2015-10-29 10:41:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Pedro
lilol' me wrote:

and stop with the sandbox BS im sick of hearing this sandbox for an excuse for peoples terrible behavior in this game. It no excuse. and yes CCP is at fault because they openly encourage that behaviour because they market eve in a way that says scamming etc is good and you should be bad more than you should be good. So no i don't agree.
Saccming for example has gone to extremes where people will openly steal from another person. Its not a corp heist or something cool its blant stealing. For them its fun but what about the person on the other end whose probably worked hard for that ISK and its suddenly gone and then even worse he gets laughed at. Way to go on keeping players!

eve is like an open market for the criminal activity and bad behaviour.

These people in this video are the people that cause the distress to the people in eve and are guilty and how dare they stand up in the video and try to excuse their behaviour its disgusting.
Your ranting about the sandbox, complete with its villains and indended criminal behaviour is not especially productive. This is how Eve was originally designed, built and is continuing to be developed and how it has been for over 12 years. If you do not wish to be part of such a unique game/experiment, then you should take a step back and consider whether being part of this universe you seem to detest so much is the best use of your time. You are detracting from a serious real-life issue with your continued railing about how Eve is not the game you want it to be.

Eve is just a video game. Suicide has real and permanent consequences for living people and their friends and families, unlike say if I explode your space pixels or scam some imaginary currency from your wallet. I applaud Coffee Rocks and everyone else involved for not just raising awareness of this issue, but putting in place mechanisms where the real people behind the keyboards can reach out for help.

Eternal Darkness.
The Initiative.
#33 - 2015-10-29 13:02:13 UTC
i wasn't going to reply it has taken me over a day just to type this up i'm putting alot of my self in this post.

To the people that are saying this is disgusting the people in the video are bad people I’m sorry no they are not they are playing apart much like Vin Diesel or Samuel L. Jackson play there parts in a movie.

The members of our community are some of the most supportive out there plex for good charity work and supporting our members.

I know personally that our members will go out of their way to help, I suffer from depression and i self-harm. I have said good bye to my corp mates and alliance mates only to have them spend hours talking me down a few even offered to travel hundreds of mile just to come see me I did refuse them but I’m still here due to all of them.

I love this game and when I’m not up to playing it, I love playing with the deck of card (caldari) I got from one of the meeting I went too I hope to get the other 3 races once I’m up to going to another meeting or 3.

So to the people helping player like me a big thank you, to players like me talk it might help it might not but you won’t know unless you try.
Jarod Garamonde
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#34 - 2015-10-29 17:40:23 UTC
That video brought tears to my eyes, during the presentation.

I don't talk about RL very much with you guys, nor even with my corp. But, I am a suicide survivor. I was having a really difficult transition period when I first came off of Active Duty. I had just kicked my wife of 9 years out, I was in a new place, was suffering from severe and untreated PTSD, and I was getting the crappy end of the stick from society for being a single dad.
I made a nearly-fatal choice one night... thank the gods for a bad primer.
Nobody deserves to die like that. Nobody.

I will be joining the channel. I will be there for people when I can. Red, Neut, Blue... I don't care. Just like the players in that video, I will shoot you in the face, in-game, but that does NOT mean I don't care about you, IRL. Just because I'm a villain, doesn't mean I'm a jerk.
Don't be a lossmail, IRL.

That moment when you realize the crazy lady with all the cats was right...

Kerensky Initiatives
#35 - 2015-10-29 20:17:54 UTC
cpu939 wrote:
To the people that are saying this is disgusting the people in the video are bad people I’m sorry no they are not they are playing apart much like Vin Diesel or Samuel L. Jackson play there parts in a movie.

I hope you're not suggesting that those unpleasant individuals who act unpleasantly in local are merely actors following a script, rather than being individuals accountable for their actions. If you're simply referring to the video, well, then, ok. :)

Perfection is a dish best served like wasabi .

Bumble's Space Log

Eternal Darkness.
The Initiative.
#36 - 2015-10-29 22:24:38 UTC
Bumblefck wrote:
cpu939 wrote:
To the people that are saying this is disgusting the people in the video are bad people I’m sorry no they are not they are playing apart much like Vin Diesel or Samuel L. Jackson play there parts in a movie.

I hope you're not suggesting that those unpleasant individuals who act unpleasantly in local are merely actors following a script, rather than being individuals accountable for their actions. If you're simply referring to the video, well, then, ok. :)

more of an ad libitum style of acting, i'm basically say these people are not like this in the real world. well some will be but most aren't
Coffee Rocks
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#37 - 2015-10-30 06:25:30 UTC
Kia Corallis wrote:

Thank You for starting and promoting this service.

As a fellow veteran, thank you for service. I just wanted to make you aware (if you aren't already) of the in-game channel "Best of Us" (I have them listed on OP), the veteran and active duty military (of all nations) channel. I can't recommend this one enough - I lurk in there as well! Great group, who have actual US VA reps in the channel. Seriously a fun group to hang out with who understand the struggles only veterans will know.
Coffee Rocks
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#38 - 2015-10-30 06:37:38 UTC
cpu939 wrote:
i wasn't going to reply it has taken me over a day just to type this up i'm putting alot of my self in this post.

To the people that are saying this is disgusting the people in the video are bad people I’m sorry no they are not they are playing apart much like Vin Diesel or Samuel L. Jackson play there parts in a movie.

The members of our community are some of the most supportive out there plex for good charity work and supporting our members.

I know personally that our members will go out of their way to help, I suffer from depression and i self-harm. I have said good bye to my corp mates and alliance mates only to have them spend hours talking me down a few even offered to travel hundreds of mile just to come see me I did refuse them but I’m still here due to all of them.

I love this game and when I’m not up to playing it, I love playing with the deck of card (caldari) I got from one of the meeting I went too I hope to get the other 3 races once I’m up to going to another meeting or 3.

So to the people helping player like me a big thank you, to players like me talk it might help it might not but you won’t know unless you try.

This guy gets it. I'm so glad your corpies and alliance have had your back in your time of need. Don't be afraid to hit up the channels if they aren't online or you can't reach them, seriously. We love you bud. If you haven't already, I highly recommend reaching out and getting professional help. I have a lot of scars under my tattoos from when I was young, and I've let the black dog catch me, so I'm speaking from a place of understanding. Seeing a GOOD counselor, over an extended period of time so they can get the right medications figured out (which, unfortunately, isn't a quick and easy process), is life changing once you reach the other side.

Until then you have us to lean on. Give your corpmates my thanks for being there for you - they sound like outstanding people.

P.S. I'm jealous. I keep meaning to get the cards, but I never do. I can never bring myself to spend the money, but I know if I don't snag them up someday people will stop selling them :)

Coffee Rocks
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#39 - 2015-10-30 06:51:24 UTC
Jarod Garamonde wrote:
That video brought tears to my eyes, during the presentation.

I don't talk about RL very much with you guys, nor even with my corp. But, I am a suicide survivor. I was having a really difficult transition period when I first came off of Active Duty. I had just kicked my wife of 9 years out, I was in a new place, was suffering from severe and untreated PTSD, and I was getting the crappy end of the stick from society for being a single dad.
I made a nearly-fatal choice one night... thank the gods for a bad primer.
Nobody deserves to die like that. Nobody.

Thank you for sharing, bud. I just said it in another reply, but veterans like you and I have an additional, wonderful channel available called "Best of Us", the veteran and active duty military group. Broadcast 4 Reps works with Best of Us anytime a fellow grunt, sailor or airman (or yes, even jetty jumping Coast Guard like myself) needs a hand. Absolutely awesome group in that channel.

I will be joining the channel. I will be there for people when I can. Red, Neut, Blue... I don't care. Just like the players in that video, I will shoot you in the face, in-game, but that does NOT mean I don't care about you, IRL. Just because I'm a villain, doesn't mean I'm a jerk.

Exactly. When people contact me saying they want to help, I tell them that I only ask that you leave the space-grudges and space-politics at the door. That channel is about the greater community coming together to help each other in our darkest moments.

I'm rarely surprised in this game, but in this instance, I am humbled at how quickly that mission is accomplished for the good of the fellow player with everyone that joins.

Jarod Garamonde
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2015-10-30 22:59:31 UTC
Coffee Rocks wrote:

Exactly. When people contact me saying they want to help, I tell them that I only ask that you leave the space-grudges and space-politics at the door. That channel is about the greater community coming together to help each other in our darkest moments.

I'm rarely surprised in this game, but in this instance, I am humbled at how quickly that mission is accomplished for the good of the fellow player with everyone that joins.

We're playing a video game. A video game about immortal spaceship captains killing eachother for the LOLs because nobody can actually die.
It is silly to think that people who are just having fun shooting eachother in meaningless fights are actually terrible people, IRL.

I just got done laughing and cavorting and partying with both allies and enemies, last weekend. Basically, the closest thing I'll ever get to Valhalla.
Been in this community since almost the beginning. EVE is just one of my social circles, and I care about everyone who plays the game. Yes, even DNSBlack :p

That moment when you realize the crazy lady with all the cats was right...
