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Dumbest things you've done in EVE?

Buoytender Bob
Ronin Exploration Mission and Mining
#21 - 2015-08-28 03:06:51 UTC
My first PvP loss was when my mission agent sent me to lo-sec to deliver medical supplies early in my EVE career.I thought "well, I'm carrying medical supplies to combat a disease outbreak, who'd attack a ship on a mercy mission?"

The answer, I know now of course, is just about anyone.

Still get a laugh at my expense all these years later........

To buck the popular trend, I began to Rage Start instead of Rage Quit.

...and every time I get another piece of Carbon, I know exactly what CCP is getting this Christmas.

Hal Morsh
#22 - 2015-08-28 03:13:04 UTC
Reah tackled on gate.

There was no reah btw.

Oh, I perfectly understand, Hal Morsh — a mission like this requires courage, skill, and heroism… qualities you are clearly lacking. Have you forgotten you're one of the bloody immortals!?

The Church of Awesome
#23 - 2015-08-28 04:00:50 UTC
Dumbest thing I ever did in eve was start a trial account in 2009 just to see what EVE was all about.

I even remember saying to myself - 'PAY MONTHLY TO PLAY A GAME!!! - NEVER!!!'

Valkin Mordirc
#24 - 2015-08-28 04:37:30 UTC
I lost a Manticore to a Skiff once. =(
Warlock Assassins
#25 - 2015-08-28 04:55:20 UTC
This thread comes around every so often, and usually fun, but like Jenn, many people know my stories.

-Untanked hauler. 18 billion in BPs. Drunk. Autopilot in high sec. Dropped almost nothing. 😈

-Got into an argument with Tippia. 😎

-Posted in a Carrie Anne Moss thread.

I honestly feel like I just read fifty shades of dumb. --CCP Falcon

Falken Falcon
#26 - 2015-08-28 05:26:03 UTC
I'm planning on buying a phoenix

IbanezLaney wrote:
Dumbest thing I ever did in eve was start a trial account in 2009 just to see what EVE was all about.

I even remember saying to myself - 'PAY MONTHLY TO PLAY A GAME!!! - NEVER!!!'

This, but 2011 for me. I was half forced/half curious to see what eve is about and i told my self i would not be playing after trial due to the monthly subscription that i was funamentally against and eve didn't seem that good anyways.. Then the trial ended Big smile

4½ years later..

Aye, Sea Turtles

McChicken Combo HalfMayo
The Happy Meal
#27 - 2015-08-28 05:31:59 UTC
While hunting down a Hulk pilot during a wardec, 4-5 of his corp mates warp in before I even aggro. I bail successfully on both characters, using the "dock" command on a station. Warping back, I minimize my second client so I can look through the assets on the first and see what else I have prepared in station. Folks... never minimize a client before it docks.

I fit out a tankier ship with good resists on the first client. The plan is to play some docking games. I switch to my second client and suddenly I find myself thinking, "where the hell are all my logi ships?". Then I realize I'm in a pod. Then I realize I'm 18 jumps out in a different clone. Then I realize I just got wrecked and podded by my arch nemesis at the time, the CEO of the rival corp. Cry

Then I think I went for some Shwarma but I suppose that isn't relevant.

There are all our dominion

Gate camps: "Its like the lowsec watercooler, just with explosions and boose" - Ralph King-Griffin

Applied Anarchy
The Initiative.
#28 - 2015-08-28 06:35:39 UTC
Thinking I can make that one jump through lowsec in a +5 pod.

I didn't broadcast for reps in an incursion once because I had that much faith in our Logi (and we'd been at it for like 8 hours). They saved my ship in deep hull and yelled at me =(
Colman Dietmar
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#29 - 2015-08-28 06:54:12 UTC
Used killrights to kill a noobship for 1b. I think I also got his (empty) pod though. NO RAGRETS!!!1
Divine Entervention
#30 - 2015-08-28 07:01:36 UTC
Had a super tanked t2 industrial holding it down against 2 dudes.

Alt tabbed to log off my ratter and switch to my EWcentric pvp guy to jam at least 1 guy freeing up the BR.

I logged into the wrong account. I launched the game with the character that was getting attacked, so he gets d/c'd by proxy resulting in all his tanking modules going offline becoming an easy kill and ruining my chance at saving him.

Bagrat Skalski
Koinuun Kotei
#31 - 2015-08-28 07:08:57 UTC
Falken Falcon wrote:
I'm planning on buying a phoenix

IbanezLaney wrote:
Dumbest thing I ever did in eve was start a trial account in 2009 just to see what EVE was all about.

I even remember saying to myself - 'PAY MONTHLY TO PLAY A GAME!!! - NEVER!!!'

This, but 2011 for me. I was half forced/half curious to see what eve is about and i told my self i would not be playing after trial due to the monthly subscription that i was funamentally against and eve didn't seem that good anyways.. Then the trial ended Big smile

4½ years later..

Are you me or am I you?

Good thing PLEX was relatively cheap those days.
Daniela Doran
#32 - 2015-08-28 07:52:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Daniela Doran
First was getting starting and enduring the learning curve of this game, because Diablo 3 was right around the corner which I never got into playing thanks to this game.

Second was losing 2 Bill in the markets within minutes after putting in an extra digit by mistake when I put in buy orders for 2 deadspace ENAMs.

Third was quitting Eve midway when I biomassed all 8 of my characters (except one) back in early 2013 because of what CCP did to the Hurricane and Drake.

Fourth was ignoring missile boats and training all turret based ships when I returned to eve in mid 2014.

Fifth was losing 12+ Bill iskies when I put in buy orders to buy the CA-3/CA-4 Implants at 600 mill each during eve's anniversary (I wasn't aware of this) and ended up with 34 of them only to witness the market plummet within 24 hours thanks to CCP childish prank. Luckily I'm very good at managing funds so I've recovered from this.
Abiding Ormolus
#33 - 2015-08-28 09:01:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Starbuck05
When i was still a newbie and i did not know who goonswarm was, also just got my first tengu for which i was super excited . I wanted to go to null sec with my tengu to make isk so naturaly was looking for a corp.

Said goons scammed me out of my tengu and several other assets pretending he will JF all of it to my "new goon home"

I am and was forever grrr goons afterwards

Just because i am blond does not make me stoopid !

Deck Cadelanne
#34 - 2015-08-28 09:09:39 UTC
Dumb = started playing

Dumber = still playing

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn professional."

- Hunter S. Thompson

Divine Entervention
#35 - 2015-08-28 09:16:02 UTC
Starbuck05 wrote:
When i was still a newbie and i did not know who goonswarm was, also just got my first tengu for which i was super excited . I wanted to go to null sec with my tengu to make isk so naturaly was looking for a corp.

Said goons scammed me out of my tengu and several other assets pretending he will JF all of it to my "new goon home"

I am and was forever grrr goons afterwards

lol, you trust people
#36 - 2015-08-28 09:49:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Avvy
Learnt the industry skill to level 1
La Rynx
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#37 - 2015-08-28 10:15:08 UTC
Taking my Eyes from the monitor, cause i thought i am save...

Atomic Virulent : "You can't spell DOUCHE. without CODE."

The Executives
#38 - 2015-08-28 10:18:35 UTC
1) Undocked a carrier from a kick out station in low sec without checking local. I thought I was just going to undock and cyno out. The 30 man fleet camping the station thought otherwise.

2) "Discovered" the new freeform contracts (essentially the only feature of eve ever created with no purpose other than as a scamming device) the hard way.
Max Fubarticus
Raging Main
Bullets Bombs and Blondes
#39 - 2015-08-28 10:34:05 UTC

05 or 06 (?) got tired of the usual isk grinding. Used a "not much smarter than me" RMT service. CCP took all isk, assets, and temp banned for 2 weeks. CCP was very gracious and did not perma ban me. Lesson: Don't screw with the EULA or CCP.

and dumber...

war dec inactive corp, decide to kill POCO's, create warp in BM to enemy POCO's, warp Domi to BM and begin shooting, Concord taps me on shoulder and says "excuse me" (sirens in background, beee dooo beee doooo), Domi goes Pooof!
Alt character that created BM... Whoops! wrong POCO, my badBig smile

Civil discourse is uniquely human. After all, when is the last time a pride of lions and a herd of water buffalo negotiated SOV over a watering hole? Never. Someone either gets their ass kicked or eaten. At the end of the day someone holds SOV.

Faenir Antollare
For Ever And Ever
#40 - 2015-08-28 10:46:51 UTC
I hate to use the WoW clichés .. but I did play it for a year or so before I ever clicked on the EvE icon.

RiP BooBoo 26/7/1971 - 23/7/2014 My Lady My Love My Life My Wife