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How to fix eve for new players and increase eve population

First post
Lu Ziffer
Balanced Unity
Goonswarm Federation
#21 - 2015-08-13 07:54:58 UTC
EVEs learning curve is very difficult or very easy it is a point of view.
It can be difficult if you see the complexity and want it all at once but this is not possible I play this game for 8years and I do not know all of it and I definitely can not do everything even with 150mil SP.
Or EVE is easy you look for what you want and then make a decision to go forward to this goal or wait but if you only wait and doubt yourself you will never have fun.

To use CCP Manifest words "EVEs progression is like leaping of a cliff into the unknown".

This complexity can not be fixed with ISK or SP because EVE is not about powerskills and overpowerd equipment it is about a shared experience created by the players for the players.
Skills are only the beginning they are the training wheels for the most basic concept of EVE .
Your decision matter and this is the real complexity, you must make a decision:
"Do I skill amarr or caldari?"
"Do I take the fight or retreat?"
"Do I steal that stuff out of the corp hanger?"
"Do I betray my coaliltion and lead the fleet into a trap?"
"Am I the guy who kills newbies for fun?"
"Am I a leader?"
Skills are only about the player themself but everything else is in contact with othere players and they will remember your decision and there is not second server or any other safety net, only your decision and the consequences of it.
So be happy you have time to learn and HTFU .
Leto Aramaus
Frog Team Four
Of Essence
#22 - 2015-08-13 12:27:04 UTC
This is a troll right?

35m starter SP? You've got to be joking.

Celthric Kanerian
Amarr Empire
#23 - 2015-08-13 13:26:52 UTC
Allysa Nar wrote:

Simply it takes too long to skill up. There is no way too power level skills.

Back in line with this redundant ranting. EVE doesn't need it to change, otherwise the game will be full of impatient pricks.

Allysa Nar wrote:

mean starting around 35 million skill points or so..

35 million skill points? holy hell... I've been playing for 4 years and I got 43 million sp... So absolutely no to making it THAT easy for new players.
Sonya Corvinus
Grant Village
#24 - 2015-08-13 14:28:41 UTC
17 day old solo rifter PvP disagrees with you

20 day old solo executioner PvP disagrees with you

Less than 35 mil SP Sonya Corvinus who has lived in HS, LS, null (null less than a month into the game) and WHs so far disagrees with you.

Learn how to play. Don't blame the game for you not learning how to EVE.
Marauder Initiative
#25 - 2015-08-13 14:53:32 UTC
Sonya Corvinus wrote:
17 day old solo rifter PvP disagrees with you

20 day old solo executioner PvP disagrees with you

Less than 35 mil SP Sonya Corvinus who has lived in HS, LS, null (null less than a month into the game) and WHs so far disagrees with you.

Learn how to play. Don't blame the game for you not learning how to EVE.
Those guys you're linking are NOT newbros. Those are new characters indeed, but the guy playing is really experienced, and is able to bypass the low skills through experience. Real newbros won't. And that's the point of this thread: newbros are bad, because they lack experience, AND skills. We cannot give them experience easily, as it depend of how we play, but we can give them a little more starting skills. 35M is way too much and everybody will agree about that, but more starting skills (reasonable amount) can hardly be a bad thing.

French half-noob.

Non, je ne suis pas gentil.

Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2015-08-13 15:12:32 UTC
Allysa Nar wrote:
... more I mean starting around 35 million skill points or so.....

I have around 35 mil SP after 2 years, you are seriously recommending new players start at that point???

Given that my 35 mil allow me to very effectively mine, run PI, manufacture, invent, manufacture tech II and tech III goods and explore anywhere I wish I think that not only would that be stupidly excessive for a new player but it would also devalue each and every activity covered with a sudden influx of every player and his dog being able to accomplish those activities from the start.

Not to mention how overwhelming trying to learn how to do everything in one go would be. It would also be incredibly demoralizing for them to run into PvP and be splattered over the COSMOS in their shiny tech II or tech III ship because they simply don't know how to use it.

-1 from me.
Sonya Corvinus
Grant Village
#27 - 2015-08-13 15:25:31 UTC
Nyalnara wrote:
Those guys you're linking are NOT newbros. Those are new characters indeed, but the guy playing is really experienced, and is able to bypass the low skills through experience. Real newbros won't. And that's the point of this thread: newbros are bad, because they lack experience, AND skills. We cannot give them experience easily, as it depend of how we play, but we can give them a little more starting skills. 35M is way too much and everybody will agree about that, but more starting skills (reasonable amount) can hardly be a bad thing.

That's exactly the point. The experience a rookie needs to gain is how to play the game, not more skillpoints.
Marauder Initiative
#28 - 2015-08-13 16:10:57 UTC
Well, the current NPE does not give experience. How do you propose to solve that?

French half-noob.

Non, je ne suis pas gentil.

Sonya Corvinus
Grant Village
#29 - 2015-08-13 17:10:18 UTC
Nyalnara wrote:
Well, the current NPE does not give experience. How do you propose to solve that?

Join a corp, start asking questions and losing ships.
FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#30 - 2015-08-13 17:33:55 UTC
Allysa Nar wrote:
by way more I mean starting around 35 million skill points or so. Honestly I believe even more skill points would be better.

My perfectly skilled, mostly focused Titan pilot has 57m SP. She has about 7m SP more than she currently needs to fly the ship with maxed skills. And you want to start new characters with 35m SP? That would mean that I could train perfectly skilled Titan pilots in 7.5 months...

Violates Malcanis's Law - "Whenever a mechanics change is proposed on behalf of 'new players', that change is always to the overwhelming advantage of richer, older players." Therefore not supported.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#31 - 2015-08-13 17:35:01 UTC
Nyalnara wrote:
Well, the current NPE does not give experience. How do you propose to solve that?

Play the game. You'll learn. Your player cannot die or otherwise suffer irreparable loss.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2015-08-13 17:46:28 UTC
Nyalnara wrote:
Well, the current NPE does not give experience. How do you propose to solve that?

Low SP prevents corp entry in many cases. The NPE actually improving is an SP problem; and low retention and overall amounts of SP prevent the improvement of many areas of gampeplay:

  • Sov

  • Large groups of advanced ships are about the only way of instigating the larger corps in null. If null instigation is reduced, that's a content problem. So, the obvious methodology of improving even null gameplay is the availability of interesting and effective classes (frigs are relatively uninteresting in blobbing, for example). "N+1 is an SP problem."

  • Item availability beyond hubs

  • This is more than a QOL idea, but low industry SP has a snowball effect for the main trade stations. Obvious benefits come from seeding stations; so there's some reason that most stations are empty, and it's obviously not demand:

  • Literally everything else about a game being a sandbox

  • There are always niches of play, as is evident with mining. The availability of much is the availability of content. SP is an arbitrary limitation, because skill and counters exist. Yet what is gameplay, if those skills and possibilities for counters are undermined by time gating?

    "SP is helpful for the game?" Here's all of the research on motivation -- it says the opposite! What purpose does it serve, then? Starter corps are non-competitive. Sov is unchallenged. "Fix sov!" you say? Remove SP.

    Teckos Pech
    Goonswarm Federation
    #33 - 2015-08-13 18:07:42 UTC
    Nyalnara wrote:
    Sonya Corvinus wrote:
    17 day old solo rifter PvP disagrees with you

    20 day old solo executioner PvP disagrees with you

    Less than 35 mil SP Sonya Corvinus who has lived in HS, LS, null (null less than a month into the game) and WHs so far disagrees with you.

    Learn how to play. Don't blame the game for you not learning how to EVE.
    Those guys you're linking are NOT newbros. Those are new characters indeed, but the guy playing is really experienced, and is able to bypass the low skills through experience. Real newbros won't. And that's the point of this thread: newbros are bad, because they lack experience, AND skills. We cannot give them experience easily, as it depend of how we play, but we can give them a little more starting skills. 35M is way too much and everybody will agree about that, but more starting skills (reasonable amount) can hardly be a bad thing.

    Yes, but at the same time it highlights how skill points are NOT the be all and end all to this game. Simply whining about the lack of SP and "not being able to do anything because of same lack of SP" is in reality false.

    "The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

    8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

    Teckos Pech
    Goonswarm Federation
    #34 - 2015-08-13 18:08:42 UTC
    Nyalnara wrote:
    Well, the current NPE does not give experience. How do you propose to solve that?

    Fix the NPE, duh.


    "The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

    8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

    Teckos Pech
    Goonswarm Federation
    #35 - 2015-08-13 20:13:12 UTC
    I'll also point out that people may very well end even more frustrated if they are given 35 million SP.

    First off if we just give them 35 million SP they may not know where to put them. So if they put them in some skills and then later regret it we will get no end of the whine posts from all these players who were just flat out ignorant . You thought the AFK claoking threads were annoying....

    Second, building on the ignorance notion, suppose you have players do a bit of research and decide to put the SP in skills for something they really want to do. However, just because you can get in a ship, fit it, and undock it...does not mean you can use said ship to its best advantage. That will come with experience, or learning-by-doing. The more you play the game the more fine points of your preferred activities you'll understand that are completely unrelated to SP. This can be considered something like capital accumulation (not money, but capital as in plant and equipment) human capital--i.e. knowledge that exists inside the his head. So the 35 million SP player undocks, zips off to null and gets shot in the face and wakes up in his home station. How long before we have threads from these ignorant players whining and whining about how unfair the game is! Especially if they lost their advanced ship to a guy in a T1 ship who has taken the time to learn aspects of the game unrelated to SP? Especially if they fall into the "Bigger is Better" trap and die to a smaller class of ship?

    Third, are null sec alliances going to maintain their current SP requirements? No. If the current alliance threshold is say, 20 million SP, you change starting SP by giving new players 35 million SP then the NS alliance threshold will likely go to 55 million.

    So our new player SP warriors will be back here starting more threads whining about being turned away from NS alliances and how they need 55 million SP.

    "The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

    8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

    #36 - 2015-08-13 21:12:57 UTC
    Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
    A newbie with 35M SP is still a newbie, one that has no idea on how to leverage that SP effectively. The current SP system is designed around players learning the nuances of both the ships and the game as they progress.

    True, but it would be quicker to learn the game than to train skills to 35 mill from 50k sp.
    Zan Shiro
    #37 - 2015-08-13 23:14:45 UTC
    Avvy wrote:
    Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
    A newbie with 35M SP is still a newbie, one that has no idea on how to leverage that SP effectively. The current SP system is designed around players learning the nuances of both the ships and the game as they progress.

    True, but it would be quicker to learn the game than to train skills to 35 mill from 50k sp.

    Most of the stuff a noob needs to learn can be learned well under this amount. Like how to actually fly, Skills levels on char screen != actual playing skill.

    Broken record time.....if a noob can;'t fly a rifter worth a damn nothing magical happens in a jaguar/wolf. Fill in other racial ships to taste. Or higher stuff like HAC and its t1 base cruiser. The only magical effect techinically is the wallet drain really.

    I was in 0.0 and very productive like 3-4 months into game. take base attributes, put in +3 implants...calc the sp this would be (I cba to do it....needless to say its a bit under 35 mil sp lol).

    Scouting and tackling not glamourous jobs to some....but they need to check that damned ego imo. Low sp noob can be real vital real quick. Fly like ass what and your are scouting can have a bad night really fast.

    Eve is like are as useful as you think you are. Eagerness and ability to learn go a long way. If a player thinks they are useless for superficial crap like this it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy real fast. Will get some elitist tards you deal with ofc. But well...if you care about what those idiots think you got issues. Again this is like rl....try to find the chill people to roll with and avoid the asshats really.
    Sobaan Tali
    Caldari Quick Reaction Force
    #38 - 2015-08-14 01:13:48 UTC
    Nyalnara wrote:
    As far as i know, as an instructor for a school corp, the main problem encountered by our newbros is the fact that, to begin being competitive, they need core skills, because it allows for better fitting, tanking, and so on. Core skills are int+mem, and all other usefull skills while starting, combat related ones, are perc+willp. Problem, officer?

    Obvious fixes (you may choose multiple answers, i don't care):
    • Remove attributes. That way, new players will not screw themselves while going through core skills and SC or gunnery at the same time. Except all older players may or may not be penalized, depending if new training time is average current training time, or fastest current training time.
    • Give more core skills. That way, new players (and alts) will be able to focus on what they want to play, then go back to (and remap for) core skills later if needed.
    • Lower the Weapon Upgrade V from Advanced Weapon Upgrade, to 4 or even 3. Because the main problem with fitting for new players is most of the time PWG, not CPU. Especially when trying to fit those PWG-hungry T2 weapons. (And slap a Weapon Upgrade V requirement on Marauder, we don't want those ships to be more accessible.)

    Marauders require both AWU and WU to 5 already. I like the rest of this, though.


    "----in' A, right?"

    "Trouble is, those things cost like a million and a half each."

    "----, you pay me half that and I'll hump in some c4 and blow the ---- out of it my own damn self."

    Imperial Academy
    Amarr Empire
    #39 - 2015-08-14 02:43:55 UTC
    Allysa Nar wrote:
    I would like to say that I consider myself new to Eve online having played about every other MMO out there. I don't know if this is an appropriate forum to post this, but I know what limits Eve from attracting new players.

    Simply it takes too long to skill up. There is no way too power level skills.

    So the problem here is that you have played every other MMO out there and came to Eve trying to play it as if it were WoW or one of it's myriad of clones and it is not those games. Your skill points are simply not holding you back from doing anything. It is your game knowledge and you are correct there is no way to power level that. In Eve you have to learn the game. You have to take your lumps and gain experience just like everyone else had to and there is not to short cut your way to easy wins.

    Yes we know this is limiting the number of people that will play eve and it is limiting the people that frankly I don't want playing the game anyway. If you are looking for easy win- instant gratification gaming then I am glad to see you go back to all those other games and stay out of my glorious and difficult game.

    Allysa Nar wrote:

    New players have the Eve learning curve to contend with. A daunting challenge in and of itself. To make matters worse the skills necessary to actually do anything in the game take years.

    Yes they do and honestly so do us vets. This game is very deep and very complex and in many ways I still feel like a noob. Not to mention the fact that they have changed so much of this game that in many aspects of this game there are players much younger than myself which know far more than me.

    If you enjoy learning and being rewarded for your efforts Eve can be a very gratifying game. If you are used to being jerked off an congratulated for every little thing that you do and enjoy games that hand you everything with little to no effort then this game is not for you.

    There is no breadcrumb storyline quest series to get you from 0 to 100 and teach you every aspect of the game inbetween. There is no one path through this game. There is no one way to play this game. There is no level cap. There is no structured PvP of even up groups of players of the same level and similar gear score. There is no 25 man raid or PvE that scales with group size. There is no instanced PvE where you are immune to other players coming in and messing with you.

    These to me are the pluses that this game has to offer. If you think this is what is holding this game back then may I suggest that you are free to go back from wence you came.

    And as far as needing years of skill training you simply do not. It just is not true and shows how little you understand about the game. You do not have to take my word for it there are plenty and plenty of vets out there that have done very well on very very young toons. This is a link to only one of them but there are many many more vets who have proven you wrong by solo pwning on days old alts.

    Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

    Center for Advanced Studies
    Gallente Federation
    #40 - 2015-08-14 10:52:55 UTC
    ergherhdfgh wrote:
    Yes we know this is limiting the number of people that will play eve and it is limiting the people that frankly I don't want playing the game anyway. If you are looking for easy win- instant gratification gaming then I am glad to see you go back to all those other games and stay out of my glorious and difficult game.

    What authority comes with this post, that it gets to say what subs the game and company deserve..

    As for the Suitonia videos, the game is more than PvP; and my previous post explains multiple reasons why low SP is especially negative for gameplay and content, including sov and null.

    "SP is helpful for the game?" Here's all of the research on motivation -- it says the opposite! What purpose does it serve, then? Starter corps are non-competitive. Sov is unchallenged. "Fix sov!" you say? Remove SP.