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Plex hits 1b ISK in Jita

First post
Sunshine and Lollipops
#441 - 2015-09-19 15:33:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Aaron wrote:
If the cost was reduced to £9.99 and this prompted cheaper plex
“If”. That's where your entire problem lies.
This is the part you need to prove. Or, well… it's the fist part you have to prove.

I think it would be futile because the value wouldn't be there. If the price of £16.99 is reduced then obviously the in game value will reduce.
Prove it.
Eternal Frontier
#442 - 2015-09-19 15:35:23 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Aaron wrote:
LMAO, now you're trying to tell me the RL price of a plex has no effect on the isk price?
It doesn't, the RL price of a PLEX is irrelevant once it enters the game, because it no longer has a RL fiscal value.

The only things that affects the isk price of a PLEX as an ingame item are how much you can get away with selling it for, and how much people are willing to pay for it. Any excess PLEX generated by a cheaper price soon get added to the stockpiles of the people of people who use them as an investment or collateral.

As Tippia says you are making an outlandish claim, it is up to you to provide proof of it. I'll make it easy for you; Amazon PLEX sales, which offer considerable reductions, and their effect, or lack of it, on the isk value of PLEX.

In a few months we will be at the point where people aren't willing to pay anything for plex because they've left the game.

Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie

Nicolai Serkanner
Brave Collective
#443 - 2015-09-19 15:36:21 UTC
Aaron wrote:
Tippia wrote:

No. None of them even come close to being relevant to your idea that CCP needs to reduce the retail price of PLEX. They don't even mention it, and you have consistently failed to offer any sane or sensible connection between what they say and what you want the conclusion to be.

LMAO, now you're trying to tell me the RL price of a plex has no effect on the isk price? The people who use RL cash to buy plex want value for money which I understand. This is the kind of logic you refer to as insane. God knows how you got all those likes, you talk ****.

You should really stop posting because you make absolutely no sense at all.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#444 - 2015-09-19 15:39:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Aaron wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Aaron wrote:
Tippia wrote:

No you're not. Reducing CCPs income is not a viable solution to anything, and that's the only thing you have suggested. Hell, it's not even a solution — it's just you being cheap, and nothing CCP does can ever change that.

You've not paid attention, I've said multiple times that I am not a plex user. I passionately argue my points because lots of people leaving will affect me. You don't even have the ability to read what I have said in it's entirety yet you want to talk like you're a market analyst.

A cheaper RL plex cost will attract more people and prop up the economy within Eve.
Good god man, are you seriously that naive? Ingame prices would not decrease, any cheaper PLEX that appeared for sale would be instantly gobbled up and added to current stockpiles.

On a side note... You do realise that a subscription is cheaper than a PLEX?

LOL, If the cost was reduced to £9.99 and this prompted cheaper plex people could go ahead and gobble up the cheaper plex to stockpile, I think it would be futile because the value wouldn't be there. If the price of £16.99 is reduced then obviously the in game value will reduce.

I agree that it would take a while to reduce.
I don't think it would reduce at all tbh, there are enough people willing to pay the current prices, because it represents a very small percentage of their in game income stream, that any glut of cheaper PLEX would simply be snapped up and relisted at a profitable price or added to an existing stockpile.

The people who are sitting on PLEX stockpiles can afford to buy them in bulk as fast as they appear, by virtue of having enough space gold to make Scrooge Mcduck look like a hobo.

In a few months we will be at the point where people aren't willing to pay anything for plex because they've left the game.
Doom and gloom...

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Eternal Frontier
#445 - 2015-09-19 15:47:19 UTC
Nicolai Serkanner wrote:
Aaron wrote:
Tippia wrote:

No. None of them even come close to being relevant to your idea that CCP needs to reduce the retail price of PLEX. They don't even mention it, and you have consistently failed to offer any sane or sensible connection between what they say and what you want the conclusion to be.

LMAO, now you're trying to tell me the RL price of a plex has no effect on the isk price? The people who use RL cash to buy plex want value for money which I understand. This is the kind of logic you refer to as insane. God knows how you got all those likes, you talk ****.

You should really stop posting because you make absolutely no sense at all.

Does this guy not make any sense either?

A plex sale for people and ccp

Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie

#446 - 2015-09-19 15:47:58 UTC
I don't see how you could doubt his predictive power. He's clearly the central planner we all need.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#447 - 2015-09-19 15:54:52 UTC
Aaron wrote:
Does this guy not make any sense either?

A plex sale for people and ccp
Unlike you he puts forward a halfway decent argument for what he proposes, and he accepts that his proposal would only result in a temporary, if any, reduction in current market prices.

I suggest you read it fully before comparing it to your insanity.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Sunshine and Lollipops
#448 - 2015-09-19 16:02:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Aaron wrote:
Does this guy not make any sense either?

A plex sale for people and ccp

He has evidence and reasoning to support his stance, which coincidentally directly contradict your assumptions, so that's an immediate mark in his favour. He also concludes that it won't actually make PLEX prices go down in the long run, but also happily skips over the fundamental problem that it drastically reduces not just CCP's income, but their ability to reliably predict that income over a long period.

So just because he makes more sense than you (and contradicts you in doing so) doesn't mean that the overall plan is very sensible or well thought-though, no.
Eternal Frontier
#449 - 2015-09-19 16:53:59 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Aaron wrote:
Does this guy not make any sense either?

A plex sale for people and ccp

He has evidence and reasoning to support his stance, which coincidentally directly contradict your assumptions, so that's an immediate mark in his favour. He also concludes that it won't actually make PLEX prices go down in the long run, but also happily skips over the fundamental problem that it drastically reduces not just CCP's income, but their ability to reliably predict that income over a long period.

So just because he makes more sense than you (and contradicts you in doing so) doesn't mean that the overall plan is very sensible or well thought-though, no.

So whats your plan to increase numbers and bring back the players who have already left due to high plex prices? Oh wait, you're not even prepared to acknowledge there is a problem or that people post replies that relate to them leaving because of the said issue.

Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie

Sunshine and Lollipops
#450 - 2015-09-19 16:58:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Aaron wrote:
So whats your plan to [yadda yadda irrelevant guff]

Trying to evade the question by shifting the burden of proof will not make it go away — that's why it's a fallacy.

So: prove it.
Eternal Frontier
#451 - 2015-09-19 17:00:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Aaron

Oh and you still haven't answered my question about the buy order for 100 plex, what do you think has happened to it?

You're very good at putting down other peoples opinion, that about all you have to bring to the discussion table.

Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie

Tank Murdock Jnr
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#452 - 2015-09-19 17:01:09 UTC
Aaron wrote:
So whats your plan to increase numbers and bring back the players who have already left due to high plex prices? Oh wait, you're not even prepared to acknowledge there is a problem or that people post replies that relate to them leaving because of the said issue.

I wasn't aware players were in some way obligated to come up with plans for this type of thing. I was under the impression that players could, you know, just play the game and CCP would come up with their own business model.

Have CCP asked for player help in defining or changing their business model? Or did you just randomly wake up one day and decide to splurge Fedo-turd all over the forums while stroking yourself over your own apparent cleverness?

When a person is insane, as you clearly are, do you know that you're insane? Maybe you're just sitting around, reading 'Guns and Ammo', masturbating in your own you just stop and go, 'Wow! It is amazing how f*cking crazy I really am!'?

admiral root
Red Galaxy
#453 - 2015-09-19 17:02:04 UTC
Aaron wrote:
So whats your plan to increase numbers and bring back the players who have already left due to high plex prices?

I have a truly radical plan for that - leave it to the people who are paid to worry about it. Cool

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Sunshine and Lollipops
#454 - 2015-09-19 17:06:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Aaron wrote:
Oh and you still haven't answered my question about the buy order for 100 plex, what do you think has happened to it?
Yes I have: it's irrelevant, same as all your other pathetic attempts at misdirection. My answers do not in any way alter or affect your complete inability to articulate a coherent and well-supported argument for the change you want to see.

Present your argument or admit that you don't have one. Or, better yet, just be quiet and stop trolling.
Anne Dieu-le-veut
Natl Assn for the Advancement of Criminal People
#455 - 2015-09-19 18:23:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Anne Dieu-le-veut
Eli Apol wrote:
Let's just consider your sample size of PLEX users that you have never interacted with...which I presume is 0 since you've never interacted with them and so logically you can't quantify them in your sample size.

Then consider the PLEX users you have interacted with...which is probably not 0...(hint I'm a PLEX user and I'm interacting with you).

Now according to my very limited mathematical ability, that gives you a 100% interaction with PLEX users based upon YOUR experiences. So where exactly is the evidence that these PLEX users don't interact with you let alone other players in the game.

NB. I'm aware that this is obviously not a true reflection of the real 'interaction' percentage of PLEX users - just again proving how stupid your points are since even your own limited, anecdotal evidence, supports the complete opposite of your beliefs.

If we take it one step further, what is interacting? Even selling the single unit of tritanium - which is gifted with each rookie ship - on the market is interacting with the general market and thus interacting even if they never undocked or did anything else in game. Basically you're talking bollocks.

It was a rhetorical question, and any answer is irrelevant. You're not entitled to play for free, and if you put yourself in the position where you're relying on someone else to fund your account, you have to compete with all the other people in the same position for that privilege.

Aoife Fraoch wrote:

I was going to write something longer, but there is little point. Mostly because you are trolling.

You propose an idea, you concern troll 'for the poor plexing users' and you respond to criticisms of your idea with mocking and personal attacks just on the right side of the forum rules.

So, troll.

For everyone else, there is no reason to assume that increasing the supply of PLEX will cause any immediate change in the plex price, but many others have addressed this.

Yeah, once there was the feigning concern over people not able to afford to PLEX their multiple accounts, I don't think there was much doubt. However, enough people DO feel entitled to cheap PLEX that it's worth debunking his absurd logic.
Circumstantial Evidence
#456 - 2015-09-19 20:00:54 UTC
Aaron wrote:
Tippia, Oh and you still haven't answered my question about the buy order for 100 plex, what do you think has happened to it?
*My* guess on what happened to it, is, the responsible party watched the market non-stop after placing it, saw a gradual trend down, and probably canceled the buy order before it filled. I just think of the isk lost in taxes, when I see a big bet like that ;)

Someone with 100 valuable anythings to sell, doesn't (in my opinion) dump them all to a buy order, unless they are truly done with the game, don't care, and taking a long vacation. The smarter thing is to put valuables up for sale in small groups so you can get a little more isk. And if the market moves suddenly, you haven't "put all your eggs in one basket."

You have collected a few stories about high plex prices discouraging some players from subbing that way, but, I agree with other posters here that there seem to be plenty of other players still around, picking up those plex's. Supplies are still very low (~1500), relative to the number of active players in-game.

Good news is on the horizon, in the form of an ad-worthy, marketable expansion to EVE centered around new Citadel structures. That ought to bring some re-sub's and new-subs, wanting to check out the new eye candy. The building of these new toys will buff industry and markets. They will provide a new reason (for some players) to spend real money on plexes to sell for isk.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#457 - 2015-09-19 21:51:59 UTC
Circumstantial Evidence wrote:
Supplies are still very low (~1500), relative to the number of active players in-game.
Maybe. It's certainly possible that the same 2,000 PLEX are just trading back and forth on the market, but that seems incredibly unlikely.

I would think that PLEX is being purchased and flipped a few times before finally being consumed. Previous, unverified, quotations from Devs indicate that multiple training and Aurum make up a smaller portion of the PLEX consumption. With that in mind, the 'supply' relative to the playerbase is the 30 day trade volume, or ~60,000.

And the fact PLEX lost 100M in value in 48 hours makes me think we might actually be seeing a bit of a supply glut.
Eternal Frontier
#458 - 2015-09-19 22:12:35 UTC
Circumstantial Evidence wrote:
Aaron wrote:
Tippia, Oh and you still haven't answered my question about the buy order for 100 plex, what do you think has happened to it?
*My* guess on what happened to it, is, the responsible party watched the market non-stop after placing it, saw a gradual trend down, and probably canceled the buy order before it filled. I just think of the isk lost in taxes, when I see a big bet like that ;)

Someone with 100 valuable anythings to sell, doesn't (in my opinion) dump them all to a buy order, unless they are truly done with the game, don't care, and taking a long vacation. The smarter thing is to put valuables up for sale in small groups so you can get a little more isk. And if the market moves suddenly, you haven't "put all your eggs in one basket."

You have collected a few stories about high plex prices discouraging some players from subbing that way, but, I agree with other posters here that there seem to be plenty of other players still around, picking up those plex's. Supplies are still very low (~1500), relative to the number of active players in-game.

Good news is on the horizon, in the form of an ad-worthy, marketable expansion to EVE centered around new Citadel structures. That ought to bring some re-sub's and new-subs, wanting to check out the new eye candy. The building of these new toys will buff industry and markets. They will provide a new reason (for some players) to spend real money on plexes to sell for isk.

The current price is a risky trade if you're buying, If what you're saying is accurate then he would have been left with 100 plex @1.25b. I am in full agreement with your take on what happened.

I also agree that there are still plenty of players demanding plex, By analysing threads, market numbers and logon numbers It does look as if there are less plex users than before and the information I have gathered points at more people leaving in the future due to this issue. It is something I will keep an eye on over the next few months to see if I am right.

Whats your view on the possibility that the RL cost of plex could affect the isk cost in game?

Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie

Aoife Fraoch
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#459 - 2015-09-19 22:50:51 UTC
I see your conjecture and raise you data.

In short, we have seen a temporary increase in plex traded on the market recently and while it did affect the price for a period of a few days, the market rallied and continued it's upwards climb. In fact over the last month volume traded appears to be up.
Circumstantial Evidence
#460 - 2015-09-19 23:46:26 UTC
Aerasia wrote:
...With that in mind, the 'supply' relative to the playerbase is the 30 day trade volume, or ~60,000. And the fact PLEX lost 100M in value in 48 hours makes me think we might actually be seeing a bit of a supply glut.
Thank you for that! I've just been going by unscientific spot checks of current availability. A monthly trade volume is a more useful number. And while "supply glut" is a generous term, I agree with it in principle, as we went from a low of around ~500 in my spot check of eve-central 3-4 days ago, when this thread started heating up with posts from players noticing the run up, to today around ~1500. Plex price seems to be stabilizing at a new level, no idea how long it will hold.

Aaron wrote:
Whats your view on the possibility that the RL cost of plex could affect the isk cost in game?
The relationship is very complex, and I agree with others here that you may not be taking enough factors into account, trying to draw a cause and effect between. I'd probably get it wrong, or at least leave something out if I tried to describe all the possible factors that tug on the ISK cost of PLEX, backtracking to a feedback loop of its RL cost.

CCP encourages direct subs, by keeping PLEX higher than 6 and 12 month discount plans. PLEX was first designed as a legal source of one-way RL to ISK conversion, for players who might buy isk / RMT. Its high ISK value makes the risks of buying ISK from black market sources not worth the risk of getting caught and banned.

CCP encourages other uses of PLEX, driving up its ISK value to some players, with its connection to the in-game store and stuff you can buy there.

Some players trying to stay on the F2P bandwagon may be falling off, due to the high(er) isk cost of PLEX, but it is still possible with consistent effort, and makes a good goal to strive for.

If a person has more money than time to be online, then, a monthly plan is the best way to go. If more time than money, then, keep at it, with market activity, incursions, mission spam, exploration, begging from friends, planetary industry (very nice at high skill levels and all three characters on an account.)