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Amarr T1 Iterration Please!

Barrogh Habalu
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#21 - 2015-08-07 13:05:07 UTC
Tyranis Marcus wrote:
Wasn't it the Tormentor that used to be a missile boat? I never did really understand the logic behind changing that.

I think Inquisitor was one.
Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#22 - 2015-08-07 13:31:35 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Frostys Virpio wrote:

You do realise a cap reduction bonus is a damage bonus in most case since it allow you to keep firing when you would of been capped out or forced to use lower cap consumption crystals if it didn't get a reduction right?

Except it's not,
The Cap bonus is a legacy bonus back to when lasers were OP and the only balance on them was high cap useage.
So Amarr ships had to spend one of their two bonuses on cap useage, while other ships got 2 bonuses to their weapon systems to create balance.

Lasers are no longer OP as a weapon system, so Small & Medium lasers badly need the treatment large lasers got of removing the cap bonus off almost all the ships, and lowering the overall cap useage of the weapon systems. Then Amarr will be in a happier state of affairs.

But then people still wouldn't be happy and say *But why do we only have one hullbonus now, gib another 10% damage bonus/lvl so it doesn't kill capacitor again*, totally disregarding lasers got some 30%+ additional damage over projectiles at the same range.
Bronson Hughes
The Knights of the Blessed Mother of Acceleration
#23 - 2015-08-07 13:37:51 UTC
My thoughts:

Tormentor: I don't fly them so I can't speak to their viability, but I can say no to your changes simply because you'd be giving a T1 ship two-and-a-half turret-based bonuses. If it's broken, fine, but propose something that doesn't so clearly violate T1 patterns.

Punisher: I have a hard time believing that the tankiest T1 frigate in the game is "widely considered the worst (combat) ship in the game", but again I haven't flown one for years so I can't comment on that. What I will say is "no" to your changes because T1 racial ships typically only have bonuses to two weapon types and Amarr ships already have bonuses to lases and drones. Yes, there are T1 Amarr missile boats, but they are typically drone boats first and have no missile bonuses.

"No combat ship in Eve should have less than 3 mids. Period." Please justify this instead of simply stating it as fact. Also, don't underestimate the power of a T2 frigate having 4 highs and 4 lows; what they lack in versatility they can often make up for in brute power. (Having said that, I think that all Assault Frigates could be made a bit easier to fit, but that's another topic entirely.)

Dragoon: I can understand where you're coming from regarding the hardpoints; it would be nice to be able to fit even a mostly full rack of weapons on one. But the Dragoon is primarily a drone/cap warfare platform, not a turret/missile platform. The hardpoints seem like an afterthought because they are a tertiary weapon system. I could see maybe doing 4/4 hardpoints, but certainly not 5/5.

Maller: See my thoughts on the Punisher. I'd also like to point out that a ship's ability to apply damage is directly influenced by it's durability. A more durable ship doing lower DPS can often do more damage than a higher DPS ship by benefit of applying their lower DPS longer. Amarr ships are excellent at long-term DPS, as opposed to, say, Gallente ships, which specialize in burst DPS.

Omen: See my thoughts on the Tormentor.

Arbitrator: I could see maybe giving the Arbitrator a touch more grid, but, unlike the Dragoon, the Arbitrator is primarily an EWar ship, not a combat ship, so it most certainly does not need additional hardpoints.

Prophecy: Gallente and Amarr have a long-standing philosophical difference when it comes to drones. Gallente ships have larger bandwidth at the expense of smaller drone bays and Amarr ships have larger drone bays at the expense of bandwidth (except for the Ishtar but don't get me started on that). This enables Gallente drone ships to do more DPS in the short run, but Amarr drone ships can stay on the field longer, which keeps in line with my earlier comment for the Maller. I think this difference adds a lot of variety, even if it does tend to favor Gallente for raw DPS. Again, I can't support this.

'Geddon: I am an avid 'Geddon user and fully believe that it's fitting stats are fine as-is. Yes, it can be really tight CPU-wise when fitting torps (and I do actually do that from time to time for shooting at Minmatar POSes), but this fitting difficulty helps offset the fact that you're flying a battleship that can fit a decent tank yet still spew out 1000+ DPS that is fully damage-type selectable. Almost all of my fits that use neuts and/or lasers are just as tight on powergrid as they are on CPU, so I see that is being relatively balanced.

I couldn't help but notice that the pilot you're posting with is only a little over a year old. I would like to point out that a lot of what your asking for can be achieved by getting all of your fitting and support skills to IV or ideally V. Yes, newbros certainly can and do fly T1 ships to good effect with poor skills, but if you want the kind of performance you're talking about (for the most part), all you need to do is better your fitting and support skills.

Relatively Notorious By Association

My Many Misadventures

I predicted FAUXs

Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#24 - 2015-08-07 14:05:49 UTC
With regards to the Punisher being considered bad. I cannot avoid the impression that people want to have every ship being able to function as a solo ship. I find this disturbing. Has someone thought about it being a fleet oriented ship that relies on proper tackle and support to deal the damage. It could probably need some work, but I would like to see it pushed more into that direction than yet another ship suitable for solo.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#25 - 2015-08-07 14:25:11 UTC
Rivr Luzade wrote:
With regards to the Punisher being considered bad. I cannot avoid the impression that people want to have every ship being able to function as a solo ship. I find this disturbing. Has someone thought about it being a fleet oriented ship that relies on proper tackle and support to deal the damage. It could probably need some work, but I would like to see it pushed more into that direction than yet another ship suitable for solo.

That would mean optimal bonus to get beams out to competitive ranges. Personally, four beams without damage bonus and a 10%/lvl to range is something I'd put newbros into. Though then it suddenly would also be a somewhat cool T1 slicer on valium.
Kasia en Tilavine
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#26 - 2015-08-07 14:42:51 UTC
Colt Blackhawk wrote:

Coercer is fine with 2 meds because it can have range weapons.

Tormentor really doesn´t need anything new and you may not know it but it is a beast atm.
Already managed to kill (no links no implants) Hookbill and Tristan solo (2vs1) in a single Torm.
Exectutioner is crappy, agree.

The Coercer is fine because it is not meant to brawl, or to tackle ships. Destroyers are meant to deal damage at range to frigates. Which does not "NEED" 3 mids. Any ship that needs to tackle in order to perform its role needs 3 mids.

And yes, the tormentor is pretty good. I'll admit. But the problem is that it shares both its hull bonus's with the executioner. There are no other T1 ships that share the same pair of bonus's on a hull. (role bonus aside). the 2 drones also helps it out immensely.
Brown Pathfinder
Black Spot on Parchment
#27 - 2015-08-07 14:55:30 UTC
Phoenix Jones wrote:
It's just three ships that need help, maller, punisher, arbitrator.

The rest.. Are ok.

Now I'd love a little more utility out of the prophecy (like 100 bandwidth :-P), but it'd be getting close to the myrmidon.

Kasia en Tilavine
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#28 - 2015-08-07 15:01:14 UTC
Bronson Hughes wrote:

Punisher: I have a hard time believing that the tankiest T1 frigate in the game is "widely considered the worst (combat) ship in the game",

T1 racial ships typically only have bonuses to two weapon types and Amarr ships already have bonuses to lases and drones.

"No combat ship in Eve should have less than 3 mids. Period." Please justify this instead of simply stating it as fact.

Arbitrator: I could see maybe giving the Arbitrator a touch more grid, but, unlike the Dragoon, the Arbitrator is primarily an EWar ship, not a combat ship, so it most certainly does not need additional hardpoints.

These are very good points actually. As i said, the tormentor change would just be to differentiate it from the executioner a bit more... but this post was more about the Punisher, Maller, and the fitting options on the Dragoon Arbitrator Geddon.

As for the T1 amarr line not having missile ships... Thats the point. The T2 line is HALF missile ships! All the other races are consistent with the T1 line being a full preview of the T2 lineup. Amarr needs this changed badly so Amarr pilots who transition to T2 can fly the ships that they want rather than being gimped to half the lineup until they train for a couple more months.

The midslot issue is actually in reference to ships intended to brawl tackle. sniper oriented ships don't need more mids. I will clarify in the OP.

The maller would retain the tank bonus, it would just transition to a missile platform to mirror the Sacrilege and the Punisher/Vengeance transition.

The arbitrator is the T1 Curse/Pilgrim with poor highslot options. Meaning it is heavily implied that Neuts are to be fit if you expect enemies to get close. While it doesn't have a bonus to them, most people i talk to agree that that role is "implied" at best, and "can work" at worst. Meaning that substantially more grid is needed. It has the same grid as a 3 highslot, shield tanked blackbird.... That just doesn't work.

As well, the other fitting comments are just observations about hard fits and chokes i've seen on pretty conservative fits that seem like they shouldn't be a problem. Nobody is talking triple prop, dual rep torp geddons... i would like to fit a single prop, rapid heavies 2 neuts and not have to pick 2 of cap booster/plate/repper. T2 of course. I don't consider that strenuous.
Bronson Hughes
The Knights of the Blessed Mother of Acceleration
#29 - 2015-08-07 15:50:13 UTC
Kasia en Tilavine wrote:
As for the T1 amarr line not having missile ships... Thats the point. The T2 line is HALF missile ships! All the other races are consistent with the T1 line being a full preview of the T2 lineup. Amarr needs this changed badly so Amarr pilots who transition to T2 can fly the ships that they want rather than being gimped to half the lineup until they train for a couple more months.

Saying that half of the T2 Amarr combat ships are missile-centric is a bit of a stretch. And I see where you're coming from, but I would only say that your point is an issue if T1 Amarr ships had zero missile hardpoitns. As it stands now, their T1 drone boats can use missiles to very good effect, so it's not as if Amarr pilots have zero exposure to them, they're just not forced on them like lasers are.

Kasia en Tilavine wrote:
The midslot issue is actually in reference to ships intended to brawl tackle. sniper oriented ships don't need more mids. I will clarify in the OP.

I understand, but you still haven't proven your point beyond an assertion. Yes, brawling with two mids can be tricky, but with four highs and four lows, you are usually doing gobs of DPS, have a solid tank, have a neut fit, or, sometimes, all three at once. Flexibility is nice, but so is raw power. If you want a third mid, fly one of the other ships available that has one. (Incidentally, if there were no 3-mid options available, I'd agree with you. But there are, so I can't.)

Kasia en Tilavine wrote:
The arbitrator is the T1 Curse/Pilgrim with poor highslot options.

This is precisely what the Arbitrator is, and precisely what it's supposed to be. Compare all of the T1 EWar cruisers and compare them to their recon counterparts. You'll notice that the T1 ships specialize in one thing, whereas the T2 counterparts specialize in two (except for the Caldari recons, which effectively get double ECM bonuses). Why should the Arbitrator alone be granted a special fitting allowance so it can use both racial EWar styles?

Kasia en Tilavine wrote:
As well, the other fitting comments are just observations about hard fits and chokes i've seen on pretty conservative fits that seem like they shouldn't be a problem. Nobody is talking triple prop, dual rep torp geddons... i would like to fit a single prop, rapid heavies 2 neuts and not have to pick 2 of cap booster/plate/repper. T2 of course. I don't consider that strenuous.

I can with my skills, assuming I don't needlessly go T2 when Meta 4 is better (i.e. neuts, plates, tackle, etc.). Thanks for proving my point nicely.

Relatively Notorious By Association

My Many Misadventures

I predicted FAUXs

Gleb Koskov
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#30 - 2015-08-07 21:13:22 UTC
T1 ships (for the newer players) should have both application bonuses, more speed, less sig. T2 should have more damage bonuses, sluggish, tanky; and by the point you're flying T2 you should have a corp thats helping you apply damage, these shouldn't be solo ships.
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