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Announcement: Demon Summoning Temple Operational

Soren Tyrhanos
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#321 - 2015-08-14 03:41:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Soren Tyrhanos
Samira Kernher wrote:
With all due respect to His Holiness the former Emperor Heideran VII, proper treatment of slaves should not be credited to him. Appropriate handling of slaves is conducted according to traditions far older than him. And it must be remembered that it was the liberal policies of his subordinates that lead to our involvement with the SCC in the first place.

Valid point.
TK Corp
#322 - 2015-08-14 03:55:44 UTC
Samira Kernher wrote:
With all due respect to His Holiness the former Emperor Heideran VII, proper treatment of slaves should not be credited to him. Appropriate handling of slaves is conducted according to traditions far older than him. And it must be remembered that it was the liberal policies of his subordinates that lead to our involvement with the SCC in the first place.

There's a simple way out, Lieutenant: Embrace the life-affirming and peaceful message of His Holiness, Maximilian Singularity VI. It's very peacefully life-affirming and in complete accordance* with the Scriptures.

It also contains absolutely no cholesterol, no trans fats, and is a good source of iron(y).

* - For some values of 'complete accordance'.
Lyn Farel
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#323 - 2015-08-14 09:48:00 UTC
Samira Kernher wrote:
With all due respect to His Holiness the former Emperor Heideran VII, proper treatment of slaves should not be credited to him. Appropriate handling of slaves is conducted according to traditions far older than him. And it must be remembered that it was the liberal policies of his subordinates that lead to our involvement with the SCC in the first place.

That sounds like a bit of a stretch no ?

I mean, why being the one actually enforcing edicts and crackdowns through Throne inspectors while at the same time supporting an unregulated market like the SCC ?

I think it is a lot more complicated than you make it sound...
The Leopardess
Amarr Empire
#324 - 2015-08-14 10:19:47 UTC  |  Edited by: The Leopardess
All I've heard of Max is him rambling about deposing the Most Sacred Empress, and lopping off her head. Please explain how he is life-affirming and peaceful.

And Nauplius, I am glad to see you've joined the Crusade. Only good can come from the holy war's influence on you.


TK Corp
#325 - 2015-08-14 11:38:51 UTC
The Leopardess wrote:
All I've heard of Max is him rambling about deposing the Most Sacred Empress, and lopping off her head. Please explain how he is life-affirming and peaceful.

Simple: We won't have to kill you if you all, as CVA is reputed to have told SOUND, bend the knee.
Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#326 - 2015-08-14 11:43:13 UTC
Soren Tyrhanos wrote:

Regardless of your personal feelings any movement to inhibit their sale on SCC markets does impose a series of measures and controls on whom can own slaves ensuring that those who do, governed by the laws of the Amarr Empire as laid down by former Emperor Heideran VII, ensure the slaves are treated with a dignity and care.

This is not my personal feeling but the feelings of 3 of the 4 major Empires. This places the Amarr Empire in the minority, and when the majority keep saying over and over again that something is wrong then the minority really should examine why this would be.

Imposing measures does not protect the slaves, they are still slaves and there is *no* dignity in having your freedom controlled by another. All these proposed 'measures' would do is give some kind of legitimacy to something that has none.
Elmund Egivand
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#327 - 2015-08-14 11:49:05 UTC
The Leopardess wrote:
All I've heard of Max is him rambling about deposing the Most Sacred Empress, and lopping off her head. Please explain how he is life-affirming and peaceful.

And Nauplius, I am glad to see you've joined the Crusade. Only good can come from the holy war's influence on you.

He has been a member of the Crusade for a very long time, using his membership as a shield for his slave-sacrificing activities.

Do not, under any circumstances, equate membership in a militia with loyalty. A vast number of us are in here for the profit-potential or to sate our bloodlust.

A Minmatar warship is like a rusting Beetle with 500 horsepower Cardillac engines in the rear, armour plating bolted to chassis and a M2 Browning stuck on top.

The Leopardess
Amarr Empire
#328 - 2015-08-14 22:16:08 UTC  |  Edited by: The Leopardess
The Lord allows one to fight for him, and there is certainly a holiness and redemption in it, despite your doubts and your fears.

Even if one should help the Lord without any intention behind it, or with greedy intentions, that one will be blessed a thousand times more than someone who does not partake in actively helping the Lord.

Every person in the Crusade without exception is chosen by God for some special purpose, though you may like it not.


Shaddam Daphiti
Amarr Empire
#329 - 2015-08-14 22:20:50 UTC
The Leopardess wrote:
The Lord allows one to fight for him, and there is certainly a holiness and redemption in it, despite your doubts and your fears.

Even if one should help the Lord without any intention behind it, or with greedy intentions, that one will be blessed a thousand times more than someone who does not partake in actively helping the Lord.

Every person in the Crusade without exception is chosen by God for some special purpose, though you may like it not.

And in truth, everyone is directed by God.. whether they like it or not.
The Leopardess
Amarr Empire
#330 - 2015-08-15 13:14:26 UTC
Shaddam Daphiti wrote:
The Leopardess wrote:
The Lord allows one to fight for him, and there is certainly a holiness and redemption in it, despite your doubts and your fears.

Even if one should help the Lord without any intention behind it, or with greedy intentions, that one will be blessed a thousand times more than someone who does not partake in actively helping the Lord.

Every person in the Crusade without exception is chosen by God for some special purpose, though you may like it not.

And in truth, everyone is directed by God.. whether they like it or not.

Indeed. I find hope and solace that each day the universe is being forced to become better and better, no matter what may be showing on the holo feed, because God's perfection is unstoppable and inevitable.


Shaddam Daphiti
Amarr Empire
#331 - 2015-08-15 15:58:36 UTC

Even a soul as tainted as Nauplius... whose suffering comes not from a hateful God but from Nuaplius' own resistance to His Will, is subject to that Will.

"Observe the fedo... it is vile and putred... yet where it has passed grow the most beautiful flowers."