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Collective petition about fozziesov

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Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#381 - 2015-08-05 10:19:59 UTC
Akballah Kassan wrote:
High sec ganking is 'unfun' for the person getting ganked, should we ban all non wardec aggression in high sec?
That's different though, since the players being ganked did nothing to be in that place. Sov defenders put billions of isk and countless man hours into their space. CCP developing a system that favours aggressors trolling and is boring to defend is a bad idea.

Akballah Kassan wrote:
Perhaps every person ever ganked by Goons should grab an entosis link and go get revenge by attacking Goon space in Pure Blind. :)
Please do. I can't think of a faster way to get CCP to make changes than to mass troll sov holders. To be honest though it's only a matter of time if the CSM have already been called up on it.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Akballah Kassan
Flames Of Chaos
Out of the Blue.
#382 - 2015-08-05 10:20:01 UTC
Zappity wrote:
Icycle wrote:
A new sov system and the player count hardly blips.

Have to admit that this has me quite concerned. At this stage I'm less interested in who is right and who is wrong and more interested in why people aren't logging back in.

The new sov system needs to work from a player count perspective. So far, it ain't.

Did anybody actually expect the new changes to trigger big wars and bring players flocking back? The only thing that can make that happen is the leaders of null sec alliances.

CFC dudes complain yet they themselves create the problem by blue-balling any threat. Fozziesov cannot be judged a success or failure until some major players really try to take sov from other major powers.

Why don't non sov holding alliances like PL really test the mechanics by attacking Goon renter space in Pure Blind?
Gallowmere Rorschach
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#383 - 2015-08-05 10:23:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Gallowmere Rorschach
Zappity wrote:
Icycle wrote:
A new sov system and the player count hardly blips.

Have to admit that this has me quite concerned. At this stage I'm less interested in who is right and who is wrong and more interested in why people aren't logging back in.

The new sov system needs to work from a player count perspective. So far, it ain't.

It's not going to go back up, when those of us still playing are telling our unsubbed friends "don't bother coming back yet. This **** is AIDS, and until they unfuck it, spend your $15 elsewhere."
Black Consuls
#384 - 2015-08-05 10:45:13 UTC  |  Edited by: TrickyBlackSteel
Hello, i want an explain about , why in dominion sov mechanic attacking a system , i was anchoring at least 2 sbus that costs around 400milTo attack,and now in fozziesov mechanic , im not paying anything , i have a system with strategic 5 bridges , capital constructions, why, someone to attqck my sov shouldNt lose anymoney ?
Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#385 - 2015-08-05 10:57:39 UTC
Zappity wrote:
Icycle wrote:
A new sov system and the player count hardly blips.

Have to admit that this has me quite concerned. At this stage I'm less interested in who is right and who is wrong and more interested in why people aren't logging back in.

The new sov system needs to work from a player count perspective. So far, it ain't.

There are a number of other issues that impact player count, some people are waiting for the break up of the mega coalitions, some people are fed up being ganked, some people are fed up with their industry being nerfed and walked, some people left because they can no longer use multi-account control software, others because of the toxic nature of some players, others because CCP is presumed to be nerfing their HTFU play-style when with the tick box on corp aggro.

This new sov system is very much a work in progress and the final piece is the new structures, once that is in place then I think people can make a proper judgement and making nerf's before the full picture is in place and the pain is for systems which they don't really use much.

The key benchmarks on success of not will include player count, but there are other pointers like for example new entities trying sov space. However if they make the new structures loot fonts then while you may be happy for your play style, others will say nope.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#386 - 2015-08-05 11:24:58 UTC
TrickyBlackSteel wrote:
Hello, i want an explain about , why in dominion sov mechanic attacking a system , i was anchoring at least 2 sbus that costs around 400milTo attack,and now in fozziesov mechanic , im not paying anything , i have a system with strategic 5 bridges , capital constructions, why, someone to attqck my sov shouldNt lose anymoney ?

Kill the ship and they lose a module that is worth a lot of ISK at the moment, just imagine that it is a SBU piloted by a player and you will be good.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#387 - 2015-08-05 12:03:01 UTC
These are common themes I see over and over again. Lol
I will probably update this as more come.

I dont want to spend the day running after entosis ships! Owning sov/ihubs/stations is too tredious!
This is null sec. Its meant to be very dangerous. If you want to own something,
you got to protect it. If you cant protect its very likelly you are either out
gunned or have over extended your territories and do not have sufficient backup in the area.
Move into the area and defend and its very unlikelly it will get entosied or consolidate dont over extend your territories.

New sov does not encourages big battles! New sov is borring!
The sov is a small help to encourage small gang warfare instead of a big slugfest.
Quit blue balling everyone you find. Set your neightbours to neut and let the slug fest begin
Deploy to an enemy territory, put a pos and attack them. Dont blame CCP or new sov for your wrong doing.
Dont wait for the fun come to you. If you are an entity that pays off enemies to go away, stop doing it
if you want more action.

New entosing is like like mining! I want to shoot structures not entosis them!
While it may look like a mining lasor I dont see it that way.
I actually see it like a lasor. It has exact same mechanics. It get reinforced and needs
to be defended when comes out of reinforcement and blows up at the end just like in previous sov.

"Troll ceptor" entosis!
What you call a troll ceptor is a genuine to me attempt to attack and herass an enemy.
They are easy to defend against. A frigate with entosis cant warp away and has to orbit at
25km. Really easy to kill. A cruiser with tech 2 entosis cant warp away. Also easy to kill and catch with a ceptor.
You can also disrupt their entosis easelly with a dampener or ECM.
If you find your systems are getting entosied a lot, its cos they its very likelly you have over extended your territory
and have many empty or unoccupied. If it not, it would not get entosied.
If its empty and you are not living in it, its fair game and should be allowed to get entosied.
If you want to counter this, them move to the system. Easy fix.
If you have over extended, the drop sov in some of the regions and consolidate your power in less regions.
This will effectivelly prevent others from entosing.
Otherwise get renters or allies to occupy the systems and maybe they can help with the system defence.

Cant catch a "Troll ceptor" nullified!
Very easy to catch, get a fast ship lock ship like a keres and fill it with sebos and a point.
Trust me, it works. For the really hard ones, you can compensate with implants, faction sebos and or a booster.

CCP did not provide the tool with new sov!
True. CCP need to provide ways to see who attack, where, system status etc in game rather than offgame.
I would also like for it to allow still to be visible off game as not all of us can always have
a client at that momment.

Entosis should only be allowed in Battleships! Entosis ship should do 0 m/s speed!
You are over thinking it. Battleships need a buff in targetting, damage and tanking.
Battleships a middle layer between marauders and the current battleship.
The whole concept of entosis and battleship is contradictory.
Entosis ship should not do 0 metres per second cos its not a disposable cyno ship.
Its a very expensive module and the ship cannot warp. Its only chance is to try to out run you.
And as all things go, you should not be able to catch everythign you happen to see. Currently in the mecanics there is plenty of chance.

Bombers should be nerfed!
A properly fit carrier will need aproximatelly 30+ bombers to kill within 2 minutes.
Thats a lot of people to kill one carrier.
You can improve the tank even with a triage or have a cyno module for call for backup.
Also you can use links or even a booster to tank better.
Bombers are weak and easy to kill. Any frigate can kill a bomber easy.
Jenshae Chiroptera
#388 - 2015-08-05 12:03:56 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Akballah Kassan wrote:
Perhaps every person ever ganked by Goons should grab an entosis link and go get revenge by attacking Goon space in Pure Blind. :)
Please do. I can't think of a faster way to get CCP to make changes than to mass troll sov holders. To be honest though it's only a matter of time if the CSM have already been called up on it.
I am still expecting Goons.
They are meant to take Provi in two days.
Can they please hurry up and come do that?

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#389 - 2015-08-05 12:20:54 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Akballah Kassan wrote:
High sec ganking is 'unfun' for the person getting ganked, should we ban all non wardec aggression in high sec?
That's different though, since the players being ganked did nothing to be in that place. Sov defenders put billions of isk and countless man hours into their space. CCP developing a system that favours aggressors trolling and is boring to defend is a bad idea.

Akballah Kassan wrote:
Perhaps every person ever ganked by Goons should grab an entosis link and go get revenge by attacking Goon space in Pure Blind. :)
Please do. I can't think of a faster way to get CCP to make changes than to mass troll sov holders. To be honest though it's only a matter of time if the CSM have already been called up on it.

I rather like your posts but you say that the person did nothing to be in that place, you mean they did not train up to fly a freighter or Jump Freighter or they did not pay 1.6 or 6.6 bn for the ship and they did not work to fill it full of stuff either. So thats billions and countless man hours all gone, at least with Sov you can win it back, not the ganked...

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#390 - 2015-08-05 12:33:02 UTC
Dracvlad wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Akballah Kassan wrote:
High sec ganking is 'unfun' for the person getting ganked, should we ban all non wardec aggression in high sec?
That's different though, since the players being ganked did nothing to be in that place. Sov defenders put billions of isk and countless man hours into their space. CCP developing a system that favours aggressors trolling and is boring to defend is a bad idea.

Akballah Kassan wrote:
Perhaps every person ever ganked by Goons should grab an entosis link and go get revenge by attacking Goon space in Pure Blind. :)
Please do. I can't think of a faster way to get CCP to make changes than to mass troll sov holders. To be honest though it's only a matter of time if the CSM have already been called up on it.
I rather like your posts but you say that the person did nothing to be in that place, you mean they did not train up to fly a freighter or Jump Freighter or they did not pay 1.6 or 6.6 bn for the ship and they did not work to fill it full of stuff either. So thats billions and countless man hours all gone, at least with Sov you can win it back, not the ganked...
But they have no more right to the space they are flying that anyone else, that's the point. Ships blow up, that's a risk we take flying them. But with sov people own their space and put a lot into holding it and it should take a reasonable amount of commitment and effort for someone to contest that.

Now don't get me wrong, dominion was far too much. You needed fleets of ships and structures and had to grind through millions of HP. That was far too much. What they've got now though is too far the other way. All you need is an interceptor and an entosis module and you just burn off into the distance if someone arrives on grid.

What I want to see is a balance between those two extremes. Aggressors should need to put enough on the line to mean that most people aggressing sov actually have the intention of taking it, not just wasting the defenders time, and it should be enough to make it worth fighting over. Without that, major sov holders won't fight because they'll be too busy looking out for the hundreds of interceptors swarming their space, fights won't happen when small groups attack a larger one as they'll refuse to commit to the attack, and the space will be even more stagnant than under the old system.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#391 - 2015-08-05 13:26:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Dracvlad
Lucas Kell wrote:
Dracvlad wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Akballah Kassan wrote:
High sec ganking is 'unfun' for the person getting ganked, should we ban all non wardec aggression in high sec?
That's different though, since the players being ganked did nothing to be in that place. Sov defenders put billions of isk and countless man hours into their space. CCP developing a system that favours aggressors trolling and is boring to defend is a bad idea.

Akballah Kassan wrote:
Perhaps every person ever ganked by Goons should grab an entosis link and go get revenge by attacking Goon space in Pure Blind. :)
Please do. I can't think of a faster way to get CCP to make changes than to mass troll sov holders. To be honest though it's only a matter of time if the CSM have already been called up on it.
I rather like your posts but you say that the person did nothing to be in that place, you mean they did not train up to fly a freighter or Jump Freighter or they did not pay 1.6 or 6.6 bn for the ship and they did not work to fill it full of stuff either. So thats billions and countless man hours all gone, at least with Sov you can win it back, not the ganked...
But they have no more right to the space they are flying that anyone else, that's the point. Ships blow up, that's a risk we take flying them. But with sov people own their space and put a lot into holding it and it should take a reasonable amount of commitment and effort for someone to contest that.

Now don't get me wrong, dominion was far too much. You needed fleets of ships and structures and had to grind through millions of HP. That was far too much. What they've got now though is too far the other way. All you need is an interceptor and an entosis module and you just burn off into the distance if someone arrives on grid.

What I want to see is a balance between those two extremes. Aggressors should need to put enough on the line to mean that most people aggressing sov actually have the intention of taking it, not just wasting the defenders time, and it should be enough to make it worth fighting over. Without that, major sov holders won't fight because they'll be too busy looking out for the hundreds of interceptors swarming their space, fights won't happen when small groups attack a larger one as they'll refuse to commit to the attack, and the space will be even more stagnant than under the old system.

The same comment applies to people who do not use their space, if someone has their indexes to the top level then that interceptor is wasting his time and is being trolled back. The issue only really arises in terms of space that is not used, or which is being camped. This is where even people like myself who are sympathetic to sov holders POV go a bit glassy eyed, what about a cloaked alt in a rail destroyer or two, soon sort that out?

My feeling is that the super powers in this game over shadow even this new system, because still at the end of the day its grid control that really matters, at the moment your leadership and that of NCDOT and PL is looking foward to curb stomping someone who has lived in a few systems or a Constellation and actively defended it. That threat is something that all current sov holders have to deal with, so I would like to point at the balance of this, small entities can go after space that is not used and harass that space. Large entities can go after a medium sized entity in a constellation and completely flatten them no matter how they used that space, the superiority you have worked up still has its value. Also your coalition through great strategic play set their whole area up securely and then was able to go around Eve with impunity kicking butt, you ability to do that is reduced a bit due to this chore, but isn't that a good thing for the game, that strategic decision on home security also feature and do not rely solely on being miles away from anyone and protected by large EHP and a dominant cap fleet /blob in that area.

There are many things that may be tweaked in this system, but the hit and run ability on systems that are not used much is not one of them.

As one of the more thoughtful posters I hope you see that.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#392 - 2015-08-05 13:55:44 UTC
Dracvlad wrote:
The same comment applies to people who do not use their space, if someone has their indexes to the top level then that interceptor is wasting his time and is being trolled back. The issue only really arises in terms of space that is not used, or which is being camped. This is where even people like myself who are sympathetic to sov holders POV go a bit glassy eyed, what about a cloaked alt in a rail destroyer or two, soon sort that out?

My feeling is that the super powers in this game over shadow even this new system, because still at the end of the day its grid control that really matters, at the moment your leadership and that of NCDOT and PL is looking foward to curb stomping someone who has lived in a few systems or a Constellation and actively defended it. That threat is something that all current sov holders have to deal with, so I would like to point at the balance of this, small entities can go after space that is not used and harass that space. Large entities can go after a medium sized entity in a constellation and completely flatten them no matter how they used that space, the superiority you have worked up still has its value. Also your coalition through great strategic play set their whole area up securely and then was able to go around Eve with impunity kicking butt, you ability to do that is reduced a bit due to this chore, but isn't that a good thing for the game, that strategic decision on home security also feature and do not rely solely on being miles away from anyone and protected by large EHP and a dominant cap fleet /blob in that area.

There are many things that may be tweaked in this system, but the hit and run ability on systems that are not used much is not one of them.

As one of the more thoughtful posters I hope you see that.
Oh, I'm right there with you on unused space. Like I've said, I have no issue if they want to make it even easier to take unused space, but a disposable interceptor should be absolutely zero threat to used space. Sov holders shouldn't have to waste time chasing around nullified ships all day controlled by people with no interest in actually taking the space.

Babysitting structures is not gameplay. Remember that this is game, and it should be entertaining. no mechanics should be built around the idea of someone effectively turning EVE into a job. Some things should take effort, sure, but it should still be entertaining.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#393 - 2015-08-05 14:35:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Dracvlad
Lucas Kell wrote:
Oh, I'm right there with you on unused space. Like I've said, I have no issue if they want to make it even easier to take unused space, but a disposable interceptor should be absolutely zero threat to used space. Sov holders shouldn't have to waste time chasing around nullified ships all day controlled by people with no interest in actually taking the space.

Babysitting structures is not gameplay. Remember that this is game, and it should be entertaining. no mechanics should be built around the idea of someone effectively turning EVE into a job. Some things should take effort, sure, but it should still be entertaining.

As you might know I have been banging on about AFK cloaky camping for years, where people not playing the game, stop people from playing the game, yet CCP has ignored any suggestion to deal with it. In my neck of the woods, certain Stainwagon players do a lot of this, and with the new approach to sov I can say oh dear a cloaky AFK camper in my systems that I use, hmmmph, instead of leaving my toon logged in and going off to play another game while I assess his likely playing times, I just hop into a ship with an entosis link and go mess with his stuff, suddenly my negative feelings about Eve are improved.

I would take trying to kill these people as a challenge and I would use the newer more motivated players to do it, sprinkled with a few gung-ho vets. Over time this may settle down a bit, yes people will still do it to troll, but I still think its early days.

Years ago in B7 we had some Test SB's in system, so we set a trap for them and killed two out of the three, they came back with a cloaky vaga to add to their fleet and it was fun dealing with that, I expect in time that type of skirmish escalation to develop, I may be wrong, I also expect that people getting fed up with a particular system will just push for a op to get the ADM up so as to make it more difficult and hence cause a potential fight while doing that, both may create content.

At this point people are trolling each other, at some point the gloves will come off for real conflict and then people can sit back and assess it properly, but so far its only really nibble like conflict in the main, though the TRI and RA fight may change that.

EDIT: I started looking at the Pure Blind systems under attack and yes it is harassment, but I have noticed Goon systems losing ADM, it looks like a harassment campaign that could develop into something more serious should you deploy to Provi for example and looking at the kill board for 3V8-LJ a Goon system I saw some some skirmish fleets decking it out, looks good to me in terms of making strategic decisions for campaigns which are more than just looking for someone to blap, which in truth had turned conflict in 0.0 into a joke...

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Gerad Aihaken
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#394 - 2015-08-05 15:01:44 UTC
Icycle wrote:

Thanks for being polite, I do appreciate!

Papa Django wrote:

Let me try to be short here.

Excuse me, but did any of you try new SOV mechanics? If yes - can you tell me how was it fun? Did you try to get any SOV and hold it?
If no -- then, sorry, your opinion is only a theory without any practice background.

We had some practice with Suddenly Spaceships to actually try this new mechanics. It produced a hell lot of a boring content. So, the issue is that current mechanics allows to produce more boring content, than the previous one, due to a lot more ways to deny fights.

And, I guess, Suddenly Spaceships also had their reasons to withdrew from that fighting... At least now it seems that they've left it: sorry if I am wrong here :)
Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#395 - 2015-08-05 15:23:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Dracvlad
Gerad Aihaken wrote:
Icycle wrote:

Thanks for being polite, I do appreciate!

Papa Django wrote:

Let me try to be short here.

Excuse me, but did any of you try new SOV mechanics? If yes - can you tell me how was it fun? Did you try to get any SOV and hold it?
If no -- then, sorry, your opinion is only a theory without any practice background.

We had some practice with Suddenly Spaceships to actually try this new mechanics. It produced a hell lot of a boring content. So, the issue is that current mechanics allows to produce more boring content, than the previous one, due to a lot more ways to deny fights.

And, I guess, Suddenly Spaceships also had their reasons to withdrew from that fighting... At least now it seems that they've left it: sorry if I am wrong here :)

Did I try it, well I did RF one TCU, was it fun, yes, but that would wear off, no I did not try to get any sov and hold it, because at this point we need to see how things develop further with a certain erosion of the bigger entities, some from over-stretch like you and others from boredom because they don't find easy curb stomp fights using their massed firepower.

Did I try Dominion sov, yes, was it boring yes, structure grind after structure grind with perhaps one lagfest battle which caused a collapse like a pack of cards, and your point is what?

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#396 - 2015-08-05 15:41:28 UTC
Dracvlad wrote:
As you might know I have been banging on about AFK cloaky camping for years, where people not playing the game, stop people from playing the game, yet CCP has ignored any suggestion to deal with it.
I'm in agreement with that, have posted the same many times. But it's unlikely to change anytime soon, and has nothing to do with sov. Sov mechanics shouldn't be purposely made bad just because other bad mechanics exist in the game.

Dracvlad wrote:
At this point people are trolling each other, at some point the gloves will come off for real conflict and then people can sit back and assess it properly, but so far its only really nibble like conflict in the main, though the TRI and RA fight may change that.
It might do, but it's unlikely. Only the bigger groups are likely to go for an all out war with each other, and as the russian alliances have shown, they don't want to fight when there's the risk of losing their space in a couple of days to individual layers in disposable ships. I can't see anyone choosing to deploy while that's happening short of us.

Dracvlad wrote:
I started looking at the Pure Blind systems under attack and yes it is harassment, but I have noticed Goon systems losing ADM, it looks like a harassment campaign that could develop into something more serious should you deploy to Provi for example and looking at the kill board for 3V8-LJ a Goon system I saw some some skirmish fleets decking it out, looks good to me in terms of making strategic decisions for campaigns which are more than just looking for someone to blap, which in truth had turned conflict in 0.0 into a joke...
I imagine we'd have a decent idea of how to cope with both. whether or not in happens with the sov system in the current state is another matter. That said, we only need to send disposable interceptors to hassle people out of their space.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#397 - 2015-08-05 16:00:00 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Dracvlad wrote:
As you might know I have been banging on about AFK cloaky camping for years, where people not playing the game, stop people from playing the game, yet CCP has ignored any suggestion to deal with it.
I'm in agreement with that, have posted the same many times. But it's unlikely to change anytime soon, and has nothing to do with sov. Sov mechanics shouldn't be purposely made bad just because other bad mechanics exist in the game.

Dracvlad wrote:
At this point people are trolling each other, at some point the gloves will come off for real conflict and then people can sit back and assess it properly, but so far its only really nibble like conflict in the main, though the TRI and RA fight may change that.
It might do, but it's unlikely. Only the bigger groups are likely to go for an all out war with each other, and as the russian alliances have shown, they don't want to fight when there's the risk of losing their space in a couple of days to individual layers in disposable ships. I can't see anyone choosing to deploy while that's happening short of us.

Dracvlad wrote:
I started looking at the Pure Blind systems under attack and yes it is harassment, but I have noticed Goon systems losing ADM, it looks like a harassment campaign that could develop into something more serious should you deploy to Provi for example and looking at the kill board for 3V8-LJ a Goon system I saw some some skirmish fleets decking it out, looks good to me in terms of making strategic decisions for campaigns which are more than just looking for someone to blap, which in truth had turned conflict in 0.0 into a joke...
I imagine we'd have a decent idea of how to cope with both. whether or not in happens with the sov system in the current state is another matter. That said, we only need to send disposable interceptors to hassle people out of their space.

What I was getting at with the AFK cloaking reply is that its boring and bad mechanics even though the alternative of forcing a log off would be gamed. And it is something that will be used against Sov because the objective is to attack the development of the ADM when it would be better to have rush and grab events.

So far we have not seen anyone go for a full ADM system or a capital system when someone has a reasonable force and fights full on for it, until that happens its too early to make an informed decision. I also think that the go off without any care in the world to mess with someone else for fun mentality sold this very complex game short, campaigns now have to be close and focussed along with defence, its a very good thing.

You guys can send fleets of interceptors, but do you even try that against a fully focussed alliance with a core group of PvP players a long way away from any escalation ability, maybe you do, but that could turn into a turkey shoot of your interceptors, your T2 Loki works well by the way and that is more of a pain for people to deal with, lthe Arazu too. Have you actually done that to someone well away from easy jump range for your caps and larger fleets?

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#398 - 2015-08-05 16:09:42 UTC
Icycle wrote:

New sov does not encourages big battles! New sov is borring!
The sov is a small help to encourage small gang warfare instead of a big slugfest.
Quit blue balling everyone you find. Set your neightbours to neut and let the slug fest begin
Deploy to an enemy territory, put a pos and attack them. Dont blame CCP or new sov for your wrong doing.
Dont wait for the fun come to you. If you are an entity that pays off enemies to go away, stop doing it
if you want more action.

So basically "Ignore the objective! Shoot people instead of playing node whack-a-mole!", because this is the only way an actual slugfest would happen?

This is how you actually lose in this system. The system does not require you to fight - in fact, it favours evading the fight. There will be no slugfest, because the aim of most nullsec coalitions or alliances is to win.

It's almost like someone intends to turn the epic war of 0.0 into a contest where two people beat each other with squeaky mallets, seeing who gets driven to insanity and quits first..

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#399 - 2015-08-05 16:20:54 UTC
With the change in the sov mechanics the Imperium reduced their space and focussed on getting their ADM up, however in Pure Blind they failed. The question one has to ask is why do you want to hold on to that space when its so boring to do so, well its a strategic need, you cannot allow people to sneak in staging POS's, currently you get it reported with Sov, but you have to defend that sov to get that report. Is that the only reason you keep those systems, do people want to live in those systems?

Those systems are the entry points into your space and there is NPC 0.0 there, so you are fighting against those people based there, you keep those sov systems to bottle up the Mordus Legion and to prevent others sneaking in assets to do a surprise dunk, where is the value for you, is it to keep them focussed on those systems rather than harass your main ISK making areas, that has a value.

So you have strategic value in keeping those systems because they control entry to 0.0, you have the ease of intel for POS's during the current system before the new structures arrive and you keep Mordus Legion occupied around the edges in that area, all three good reasons to keep the fights there. Perhaps you will not want to explain any other reason and I would understand that., for me while it is boring for you those systems which do not have anyone really living there act as a buffer zone. This is pure strategic thinking, but there has to be a cost for such a buffer.

When we look at the Russians who whined here, they are just exercising pure strategic judgeement based on the old system, their arguments having merit in terms of pure gameplay as do yours miss the impact of how this affects 0.0 long term.

For me its interesting to watch this unfold and its too damn early to nerf the way that people RF things.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#400 - 2015-08-05 16:28:14 UTC
Dracvlad wrote:

For me its interesting to watch this unfold and its too damn early to nerf the way that people RF things.

It is, definitely, too early to make sweeping changes. A lot of mindset-shifting is yet to occur. That said, since we're supposed to 'reduce' living space, tools to build it up proper should be introduced sooner rather than later.

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph