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War Dec System Needs To Change.

Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#141 - 2015-09-22 12:36:25 UTC
Every entity has to start somewhere
, including new PvP'ers.

i agree the system is flipped. But honestly, how much does the extra cost of deccing a large entity deter an attacker? How many war deccers are happy to pay the extra cost because it gives them extra targets?

There is nothing stopping new players joining existing corps to learn from existing players (if its good enough for people who want to PvP, then its good enough for people who want to PvE). Something that happened more often before 2012 because if you started a new corp the moment you joined the game you quickly became lunch to the locals. That was not a bad thing, it encouraged new players to seek experienced help and learn the game.

[Ultra Bittervet]
Now new players start new corps but they dont get decced by other small/new corps who work in the local area because the dec cost and ally system pushed them out. Instead the blind are allowed to lead the blind and they all level up their ravens until they get bored and leave. No need to reach out and make actual friends except to make their alliance more costly to dec. But to hell with actual interaction between corps in an alliance.

This is apparently 40% of every player that joins the game.[/Ultra Bittervet]

More players stick around if they get shot at. We should be helping our new players get shot at.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Katja Andrard
Katja Andrard Shipping Corporation
#142 - 2015-09-22 12:49:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Katja Andrard
The most defining form of pvp is combat

The actual case study almost as old as EVE is preciselly to dismiss that statement. In an interview, a CCP dev even showed how that astonished CCP own people when it started to unfold because in his words "he had no idea that was happening".

The case goes that:

In the early days of null, one group of players were trying to conquer another groups area and failing all the time. I wont name names because of obvious reasons. Despite the strenght of the agressor, the defendants were able to always hold their ground by impossible means given their size. Much later the devs themselves and the aggressor group found out that a third party was funding their military for their own reasons. So the combat here was actually secondary to diplomacy and finance. From the stand point of this third part, there were pvp, they were not in combat, but they were the ones attacking. If there is something people IRL and in EVE have a hard time understanding is that war works for politics, and politics works for finance. It is never the other way around.

Everytime you imply that EVE is a armed combat game, you show how narrow minded you are. Only.

If you get eve kill boards on any of my chars, corps or anything, you will find that I always either lose ISK or do nothing at all, and I can asure you from the first char I had to this day, I never spent one month in eve that I had less ISK or property value than the previous month.

That is exactly what we were discussing earlier. People who narrow minded resume eve to combat gives their money, their efforts and their free cooperation to those who sees it as a multidimentional equally influenced by each aspect.

But there is another concept you may not be aware of, that is the concept wars. Concept wars is a tool used by think tanks much like armed combat is used by politicians, and both are used by financeers.

Concept wars are waged in the old principle from a wise man who said: "People cannot think about what they cant define."
That spawned two main forces on the concept wars technique: dialectics and what americans seems to call weasel wording.

The pvp folks argue about pvp in EVE using first weasel wording, in the sense that they restrict or exacerbate the meaming of armed conflict being the only form of conflict, as if people had to take arms to solve any problem or difference. That may explain a lot about how the World is today. By that notion, anything that exists besides armed conflict is prelude to it, rather than armed conflict being a tool. The people either does that by intent, or by ignorance, led by those doing by intent. That is a very effective tool. It has been use to many things throughout history, and those who watched the exorcist and gone do some research will learn how our image of the devil really got its form by simple weasel wording in foreigners religion by Roman Empire folks.

The dialects play its part by being shown to people that there is actually a two dimentional battle in EVE from 2 kinds of players. The ones who like PVP and therefore, by the ledge created by the above mentality, likes armed combat in the form conveyed by anyone. The others are the ones who dislike combat and therefore dislike PVP. That simplistic view called from the people who do by intent and perpetuated by people who does by ignorance is what drives the people who really have power in New Eden to remain there.

This is one of the oldest forms of keeping status quo, by creating divides that dont exist using conflicts that dont exist over things that dont exist by changing the meaning of words.

Everyday someone creates a word to create divides, conflicts and segregate people by their different views on topics and preventing them to put up a system of communication that allows them to know they have common causes to fight for.

That is politics, and that is the strongest form of PVP ever created by man. And that, is EVE.
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#143 - 2015-09-22 14:00:22 UTC
There you go being all 'observant' again. I did not say EVE's PvP is only combat.

As ive said before, im more than aware what constitutes PvP. But that doesnt stop combat based PvP being EVE's simplest, purest and most defining form of PvP. EVE advertisements focus heavily on combat, the trailers focus heavily on combat, player made videos focus heavily on combat, the artwork focuses heavily on combat, the dev made events like the AT focus heavily on combat. It is by far the most defining form of PvP in the game.

(just for you katja: that does not mean other forms of PvP do not feature in these mediums, but im saying combat is by far the most common)

Even in your case study, you are still saying the most defining form of PvP is combat where contests are won by FUNDING COMBAT. Roll

what you're going all drama-lama over and calling politics, is called the meta-game. its existence does not mean that more direct PvP should be even more restricted in hi-sec. If i wish to use pew pew to achieve my goals, why should i be shackled?

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Katja Andrard
Katja Andrard Shipping Corporation
#144 - 2015-09-22 14:12:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Katja Andrard
Daichi Yamato wrote:
There you go being all 'observant' again. I did not say EVE's PvP is only combat.

As ive said before, im more than aware what constitutes PvP. But that doesnt stop combat based PvP being EVE's simplest, purest and most defining form of PvP. EVE advertisements focus heavily on combat, the trailers focus heavily on combat, player made videos focus heavily on combat, the artwork focuses heavily on combat, the dev made events like the AT focus heavily on combat. It is by far the most defining form of PvP in the game.

(just for you katja: that does not mean other forms of PvP do not feature in these mediums, but im saying combat is by far the most common)

Even in your case study, you are still saying the most defining form of PvP is combat where contests are won by FUNDING COMBAT. Roll

what you're going all drama-lama over and calling politics, is called the meta-game. its existence does not mean that more direct PvP should be even more restricted in hi-sec. If i wish to use pew pew to achieve my goals, why should i be shackled?

And as you see that my post does not match your assertions, the most obvious reason is that it wasnt directed to your argument.

On a side note, not even your answer does relate its arguments to what it points out.

It is really so hard for people to understand that if I dont say something, I didnt tried to say it ?
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#145 - 2015-09-22 14:22:15 UTC
Have you so quickly forgotten that you quoted me? You are making this 'observant' thing into a endlessly rolling joke you know...

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Katja Andrard
Katja Andrard Shipping Corporation
#146 - 2015-09-22 15:16:57 UTC
Again, the most obvious reason that my post is not for your argument is that it doesnt match it.

I did not quoted your post, I quoted the flawed sentence you used in it. You may or may not realize, your own argument contradicts the sentence I quoted into answering why I quoted it.

Same thing I said in the very post, concept wars. You say something is wrong because the very reason it is right.
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#147 - 2015-09-22 16:20:47 UTC
The flawed sentence that you misquoted and then went on a pseudo-intelligent rant over?

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#148 - 2015-09-22 17:27:36 UTC
Joe Risalo wrote:

I'm not saying HS shouldn't allow PVP, I'm simply stating that the wardec mechanics favor "easy mode" which is counter-intuitive to the very risk vs reward you speak of..

Then you are saying that highsec should not allow PvP.

Like any PvP interaction, it is only easy or hard commensurate with the amount of effort put in by the other side. Asking for their lives to be any easier is tantamount to requesting the removal of PvP in highsec.

They have it entirely too easy as it is, what's more. Wardecs exist solely to bring risk and loss to precisely the people you are suggesting be shielded from it. You, clearly, want to hamper that purpose.


I find it funny that people complain about the safety of HS, yet they take full advantage of that system themselves.

You mean we live there? That's all you have to do to take advantage of Concord, live in highsec at all.

It is the failure of carebears and wannabe white knights like you to deliver any risk to us that makes us safe. Your failures, nothing more. If we can get around Concord, you can too.

Oh wait, that would require you to be real players, wouldn't it?


You're not going to fix the system by making HS less fun, you're going to have to make everything else more fun.

No one wants to make highsec less fun. We want to make it less obscenely profitable for the absurd safety it has. We want it not fly in the face of risk vs reward.

You just want to equate the ludicrously broken income of highsec with "fun" to defend the golden goose.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#149 - 2015-09-22 18:46:57 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

No one wants to make highsec less fun. We want to make it less obscenely profitable for the absurd safety it has. We want it not fly in the face of risk vs reward.

You just want to equate the ludicrously broken income of highsec with "fun" to defend the golden goose.

Yet you take full advantage of that system.

Listen, if you're going to throw out comments on how carebears and the high reward vs risk in HS is destroying the game, then why not protest from low or null?

If you're in such disagreement of the way the system is maintained, why support it by living in HS?

Wardecs exist solely to bring risk and loss to precisely the people you are suggesting be shielded from it. You, clearly, want to hamper that purpose.

That is not at all the sole intent of wardecs.
The intent of wardecs is conflict resolution and driving conflict.
However, the current system does neither.

It promotes the avoidance of conflict by allowing the attackers to pick and choose when they fight, while giving the defenders no incentive to fight.

Even if I know I can beat you head to head, corp v corp, Why would I?
Why lose ships when I gain nothing in doing so, or in destroying your ships?
Besides, it's not like you're gonna undock and fight anyway.

I don't want wars to stop, I want wars to be impactful and meaningful.
If you wardec me, I want you to be forced to come out and fight me, as opposed to cowering in a station cause you don't wanna lose.

I want to hammer you into submission and force YOU to surrender.

I want a big red stamp over your war report that says LOSS.

I want a report that shows just how many times you engaged my corp in combat so it can show everyone else the you run and hide when things get tough.

I want to force you into flying low sec roams because you'd rather have a bad kill board than FAILURE stamped across all the wardecs you started and couldn't finish.

Give me a reason to fight and force the agressors to fight or else!

It's War... I've been in REAL war....
You can't simply hide in your tent and say "I'm not fighting today cause I don't want to lose."

I'm willing to bet that you'll see a lot more corps indulging the PVP requested by the aggressor, if you give them incentive and an opportunity to WIN.

You talk about risk vs reward like it only applies to carebears, yet you start a war and either never engage, because the enemy is ready to fight, or you wait until you find that one lone ship and gank it before anyone can help...

Sure, you can have your targets of opportunity, but since you insist on forcing me into a war, I want to force you out of your chicken coop and onto the playground so I can break your nose on the slide..

Give me the tools, as a defender, to give you a taste of your own medicine and smear your weakness across your war reports.
Then we'll see who's crying about the "safety" of HS.

When I make a war mutual, I want it to lock you into the wardec with me, free of charge, and force YOU to meet my surrender demands in order to be rid of the wardec. When you do surrender (which you will), I want Surrendered to be plastered across your war report in chicken feathers.

Give us the knife to spill the blood of the self-righteous onto the very ground in which they believe moves under their feet for them.

Please... I beg of you to deny any actions that would give the defender incentive and the tools to force defeat to the aggressor.
In denying such change, you're only confirming your intentions.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#150 - 2015-09-22 20:04:23 UTC
Joe Risalo wrote:

Yet you take full advantage of that system.

How? By living in highsec? News flash, much though I'd like to, I can't exactly turn off Concord.

In particular, when under wardecs, I am the one who is actively forgoing Concord protection for myself under specific circumstances. So your statement could not be less true.


Listen, if you're going to throw out comments on how carebears and the high reward vs risk in HS is destroying the game, then why not protest from low or null?

Because those, by and large, are not breaking risk vs reward. They get marginally better rewards for vastly increased risk. The only thing really wrong with either of those two is not specific to their sec systems, for that matter, but rather with the drone system brokenly allowing people to farm while afk. And that should be removed, drones should not assist their owner without being ordered to do so.


If you're in such disagreement of the way the system is maintained, why support it by living in HS?

I don't support it by living in highsec. I live in highsec specifically to attack it. Is this seriously so hard to understand? I'm not kidding, this is a pretty big no duh.


That is not at all the sole intent of wardecs.

Yes, it is. They exist as a driver for loss and to help address how brokenly safe highsec is thanks to a decade of Concord buffs. They don't even do it especially well, is the sad part.


It promotes the avoidance of conflict by allowing the attackers to pick and choose when they fight, while giving the defenders no incentive to fight.


Even if I know I can beat you head to head, corp v corp, Why would I?
Why lose ships when I gain nothing in doing so, or in destroying your ships?

Another news flash. That's what non consensual PvP is, and that's what EVE is based on.

As for the second, God forbid you play the game because it's fun, instead of just making the green number get bigger like some kind of demented Facebook game.

Oh, and...

You already have access to every single tool the attacker does, plus the brokenly good ally mechanic. If that's not enough for you, too bad. Nut up or shut up, as it were. What you want, in your craven mindset, is to punish aggression with heavy punitive mechanics, and therefore discourage it completely.

Again, too bad.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#151 - 2015-09-22 20:10:10 UTC
Here's something you need to get in your head, Joe.

Wars and ganking exist to pick off the sheep. They exist to visit loss on people who would otherwise not experience it, because CCP cannot manage to make PvE any real challenge or danger.

If you are genuine in wanting a fight, not just crying for punitive mechanics against people you don't like, there are plenty of ways for you to get one. But if you think you get what you want without stepping outside the little carebear comfort zone you've got for yourself, you're dead wrong.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#152 - 2015-09-22 22:48:14 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Here's something you need to get in your head, Joe.

Wars and ganking exist to pick off the sheep. They exist to visit loss on people who would otherwise not experience it, because CCP cannot manage to make PvE any real challenge or danger.

If you are genuine in wanting a fight, not just crying for punitive mechanics against people you don't like, there are plenty of ways for you to get one. But if you think you get what you want without stepping outside the little carebear comfort zone you've got for yourself, you're dead wrong.

I go to low and null for my fights..
You, where people actually fight back instead of hiding in station because the wardec they started isn't going their way.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#153 - 2015-09-22 22:57:05 UTC
Joe Risalo wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Here's something you need to get in your head, Joe.

Wars and ganking exist to pick off the sheep. They exist to visit loss on people who would otherwise not experience it, because CCP cannot manage to make PvE any real challenge or danger.

If you are genuine in wanting a fight, not just crying for punitive mechanics against people you don't like, there are plenty of ways for you to get one. But if you think you get what you want without stepping outside the little carebear comfort zone you've got for yourself, you're dead wrong.

I go to low and null for my fights..
You, where people actually fight back instead of hiding in station because the wardec they started isn't going their way.

Cool story bro.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Katja Andrard
Katja Andrard Shipping Corporation
#154 - 2015-09-23 02:21:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Katja Andrard
The famous way a particular set of people find to support their preaching (yeah, that is preaching).

"A Chicken is an egg's way to make another chicken."

The famous ilustration of conceptualizing a tool as the main thing by using the logic behind its condition to impress its importance.

The thing is, aplicability just blown it up.

"Combat is a tool. It just accomplishes one goal: the destruction of property. Everything else which happens beyond that is not part of that combat, but part of what combat is a tool of. In that context, combat is merely a expendable part of a major plan."

Said about IRL situation, but it is just what it is in any aspect.

The one single truth about EVE being a sandbox as opposed as WoWS or any other "facial shooting game" (lol ) is that everything else is important.

If everyone else in EVE decides to not go to arms, you cant do it alone. And it is possible to play this game without it. You or anyone else may not get joy from it, but it is not impossible. Sects of people in this game have never seen and will never see combat in this game. That is a fact that do not make people cheer and run to the game, so that is not very often said. But still, combat is an expendable part of EVE.

However, if everyone starts to go to pvp arms only, there wont be arms to run to in a couple months.

So yeah, armed combat pvp is just one tiny fraction of EVE universe a few people blown out of proportion.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#155 - 2015-09-23 02:40:48 UTC
What the hell did I just read? ^^^

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Arya Regnar
Darwins Right Hand
#156 - 2015-09-23 03:11:18 UTC
Orca Platypus wrote:
A huge load of crap and I'm going to take it down.

Valkin Mordirc wrote:
I shouldn't be forced to move to null if I want to PvP. Simple as that. Are Mass Wardecs a problem?
Sorta kinda. Some limit needs to be placed, maybe. But when a corp is willing to put itself under the pressure of have over 5000+ Wartargets they are not really being Risk adverse as you imply.

Hisec grief deccers are the most risk averse of all players, save maybe suicide wankers.
When I see a grief deccer fight anywhere further than undock "safety zone" I may reconsider this evaluation, but in 1.5 years there haven't been a single case of that. Which means they are... chickens, basically.

Valkin Mordirc wrote:
Also the only reason mass wardecs happen is due to the increased warcost added years ago. No longer was War cheep. People needed to ban together pool isk in order to keep the warfund going. As more people joined Marmite, Forsaken and the such, the bigger the wallet got. The more the alliance could dec. With more people in the corp Merc Alliance could make Poco holding corps and defend them when needed. And take Poco's, making it again, more money to go to war.

Gooby please, I can personally, as in single-handedly, keep half the marmite wardecs funded. War is not cheap, it's basically borderline free.

Valkin Mordirc wrote:
Next off, Highsec Mercs are not griefers. They paid isk to dec you. You were idiotic enough to think you could go mission in your battleship. If a pilot can afford a battleship how are they defenseless? How can they not 'fight back'?

Players who die in highsec in a Mission fit Battleships are not weak, they simply refuse to fight back, they are weak because they allow themselves to be weak. Highsec Mercs are not griefers, they simply use a mechanic in game. If that is griefing then PL taking BR is griefing because they ruined 'Hero's Game'.

That is the biggest bs in the whole post and the most cancerous line of thought seen ever.
Fundamentally, eve combat PvP is "bigger sp blob always win". It's kinda obvious that people will refuse to fight back when there is not even if they can afford to, because there isn't even a shred of chance to win. If you are even close to winning, the griefer gets 10 neutral logi on him, docks up, or burns and runs away sacrificing a neutral jammer on you. Those are options you cannot fit back against no matter what, so people don't, and they are smarter than you, idiot.

Valkin Mordirc wrote:

1. How is 'your' PVP different from mine? Why do you consider yourself so special? Because you targets shoot back? How is it my fault that some jackwagon would rather self-destruct than fight me when I catch him? He had every option to fit for PVP but he chose not to. He made the choice, took that risk, and was punished for it.

2. Claiming nullsec is empty because Highsec Wardeccers stay in highsec is ********. Highsec Wardeccers stay in Highsec because other people stay in highsec. If you want to force (Which ruins the sandbox environment) to leave highsec, take away the ability to make ISK in highsec. IE Nerfing incursion payouts

3. Not every player fits stupidly bling **** in highsec more often than not it's just a T2 fitted ****. Wardeccers fit FAR more expensive **** to their ships.

1. Because "jackwagon" has less SP and thus can't win no matter what he fits. Self-destruction is his only option when he's caught. He takes it, he's smart. He doesn't, he's an idiot. He can't win so he shouldn't fight.

2. "Nerf hisec" is already done. Many times, in fact. Not enough for the griefers though, having free CONCORD removal tool at their disposal they are just stupid and lazy.

3. Because they are guaranteed to win due to eve faulty combat pvp system, they can afford to superfit their non-profitable ships with their non-profitable wars income *sarcasm*

What a load of crap.

Lets start with the last part. 90%+ of all nerfs were to the "bear proclaimed griefing" playstyle and the same amount of buffs applied to carebear playstyles. The only difference is that we ADAPT whereas you lazy pricks just whine more.

Next on to the more SP wins. Sure you do need 5-6m SP to pvp properly but more than skillpoints you guys lack player skills and knowledge, and in that you will always be on the losing side because you don't try to improve, source: every bear I've ever killed.

Marmite pay 3-8b or so every week last I heard anything. Most of that should be funded by merc contracts, if you did that as a solo player it just simply wouldn't work so yeah the guy you were trying to disprove... was right...

Third "wardeccers only fight in dock range" lol, wardeccers only fight in dock range/gate range because most of the time thats where the fights happen DOH!

And if you want to limit number of outgoing wardecs you better make everyone in that corp unable to leave it. The reason why wardecs need to be like this is because they are incredibly easy to shed.

EvE-Mail me if you need anything.

Daniela Doran
#157 - 2015-09-23 04:51:18 UTC
Karra Masamune wrote:
Colt Blackhawk wrote:
I am really no highsec bear but CCP needs to do something about highsec.
Let us face it: Yes there are players who simply want to do some occasional PVE and nothing else.
Actually you can´t do that in high without getting forced to do PVP.
But why the **** we try to force players into pvp when they don´t want it?
CCP is really cutting off some customers from the game here completely.
All these psychopaths who gank and wardec highsec bears can go to madhouse where they belong to and basta.
This is not fighting, this is not pvp, this is simply destroying the game for other players by ganking and permawardeccing them.
You can´t tell me that a catalyst idiot ganking peeps in high has good fights. Honestly every damn idiot could do that and no one can seriously tell me it is fun.
This is not about fun, this is about saddism and nothing else.
I would go even further and say we need something like super highsec without ganking and **** like that for people who REALLY only want to do some occasional pve. I really don´t know why CCP refuses something like that to a special customer group.

It's high sec it's not without RISK, if you want to do PVE do it smart, a bit less dps a bit more tank, or don't over bling your BS, or just use second character to scout ahead, or be in one of those intel channels where people say "watch out they are ganking in [insert system name]" etc etc etc

There are ways to do it, but you need to be smart about it and not lazy about it, also being cost efficient helps a lot especially with how ship insurance work.

I did forget, you can do 1 man corp that will almost never be deced, and even if someone does dec it you make new one before war start.

Thanks for the info, I'll look into this.
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#158 - 2015-09-23 10:31:15 UTC
Katja Andrard wrote:

So yeah, armed combat pvp is just one tiny fraction of EVE universe a few people blown out of proportion.

But it is still the form of PvP that the devs and players use most when showcasing their game.

Even as a mere tool, its a tool that should be available to all players out the box. It should not be difficult for players young and old to shoot eachother in any are of the game, including hi-sec.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Katja Andrard
Katja Andrard Shipping Corporation
#159 - 2015-09-23 10:41:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Katja Andrard
It is fun to indulge on the sheep storm, but lets get to the point.

Wardec being a feature open to misuse has nothing to do with PvP and PvE discussion or what you like to do in EVE.

Wardec is a broken feature because it does not serve to the intended purpose, however flawed that purpose may be in your opinion. However, everything you discuss here in this parts of the forum turn into the false dicotomy of PvE and PvP.

Where there is no light, there is no shadow. Where there is no PvE, there is no PvP. Those are concepts of distinction to be made in the sense of what you are "versus" in a given task. Discussing the portion of PvE and PvP is the plain old categorical thinking we heard oh so much about. That is plain bull. There is no such oposition. And that does not relate to what is wrong about wardec system. Wardec system is so abused and flawed that I reactivate some accounts in the last week and I found out that the 2 corps I had CEOs in those accounts were wardeced. Not once, but twice, and those accounts were inactive for years, and the wardecs came months after the accounts were deactivated and no member of those corps were anywhere for any reason, because they were deactivated aswell. That has nothing to do with pve and pvp, that has to do with not thinking something through.

To honor the long lived reason that Sci Fi exists, since its inception to today's remakes and reboots, lets talk about real life sensitive issues using fictional races and places so we dont get sued.

There is something odd about the people. The Caldari uses a way of thinking that implies a "legal system" for truth and facts. Being "free society" based on meritocracy, the Caldari uses the deterministic ways of legislation to also argue and understand truth. For them, that which can be proved by circunstance, that which may be, that which is the most probable, then becomes truth. The Caldari also implies that truth and fact are somehow the same thing. Something is true and therefore a fact unless it can be proven wrong.

The Amarr, more to a teological monarquic structure, usually uses the logic that anything is truth simply because it has been so believed from a long time for traditional people. If no one cared or had the means to dispute the validity of an estabilished notion, then it has to be truth. Amarr shares with Caldari the inclination to assume truth and facts as being similar concepts, and also shares the idea that something remain valid while no one can replace it with something else.

The Gallente is revolutionary and all about freedoms. They imply that anyone is entitled to rights even if they personally dont deserve it, for there are people who does and if someone is not for each one, it is not for everyone. That makes gallenteans to think that there is somehow implicit in nature that a being is free and become restricted by systems of power and beliefs. That transpasses to their arguments as ideas of democracy and freedom as being something consequential, or similar, or linked. The Caldari takes some parts of that ideas in a hipocritical way, but the gallenteans get it in a naive way. Gallenteans really argue that people must have rights above the "circumstancial" ones.

Then those three discuss an issue, you can see clearly even without knowing them, to which ideal they belong, and if an Amarr argue like a Gallentean, you will see that there is a reason for that intrinsec in the education or traumatic events, but usually they never run much away of that.

Matari people are not a culture. They are a rag tag band of people's united by chance from the opression of one or another that thought either they could profit from that, had a divine duty, had a civic duty, or whatever, but the fact is that everyone else just keep busy with ideals and concepts that are far from reality. Matari people dont try to make things convey an idea, they make things that accomplish a task. Matari people had been listening to truths and facts all their lives, and understand that truth is just a way evil people have to doctrinate minds. Matari people knows that facts are just that which needs no explanation, and truth is only that which needs no defense. And they know that you can be wrong even if there is nothing else to be right.

On that contexts, discussions always get each one to talk about what they want to, and not what really is at hand.

That is pretty much why the concept of sandbox is everything. If there is restrictions of interaction, it is not sandbox. If there is mechanics to priviledge this or that group, it is not sandbox. And that is pretty much the only thing wrong with wardecs. They are just another measure "Amarr/Caldari" like to promote standards to the way people solve their problems in order to make them behave in a pre-ordered manner.

Wardec would not be necessary if changes were made to allow people to interact in a more open way. Could leave wars to be structured and conducted by the groups themselves. And yes, that should be done outside empire space. I also agree that the empire space itself should be smaller for that same reason. But the criminals, pvp, pve, fearful, raging, peaceful and all kinds of people just find a "free for all" kind of gameplay in hisec.

That summs the fact that hisec, lowsec and null were made for a reason, and wardecs, concord rules, mission organization and other features are just what undermine that very reason.

EVE had one too many changes aimed to please the wrong crowd. The crowd that wont be pleased by anything.
Azn Empire
#160 - 2015-09-23 11:14:54 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
What the hell did I just read? ^^^
I know right. I'm laughing so hard right now, oh my. Lol

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.