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[Bounty Hunting] A Solution to Create a Near-perfect System

First post
Amanda MonteCarlo
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#41 - 2015-07-27 12:07:09 UTC
TheExtruder wrote:
Amanda MonteCarlo wrote:
TheExtruder wrote:
Amanda MonteCarlo wrote:
Improvement in bounty hunting is necessary, but that's not the way.

It would be better to have bounty contract in which you would specify:

- Target - Character/Corporation/Alliance
- Ship type - (Hac, T3, Titan, etc.) and/or cost (over 100m over 1B etc.)
- Area - high sec/ low sec/ null sec/ constellation/system
- Time – e.g. between 18.00 - 00.00 EVE time

This would allow you to make contracts such as - kill Code Taloses in Uedama between 18.00 and 22.00
ISK goes to the guy who did the final blow.
Bounty + small fee is covered by issuer

Overall I believe this would create very interesting gameplay, and make a bounty hunter profession viable. As a plus it's completely player driven, no NPC involved. Also unless you mess up with the contract there's no way to exploit the system

so whoever issues the contract has to do the scouting and the stalking of the prey?

Why? The entire proposal is against pointless 100k ISK bounties.
If you want to put a bounty on somebody you should have a reason. If you have that reason there's no need for stalking etc.
I imagine bounty hunters will look for lucrative contracts and do the stalking.

Interesting bounty would be 100m for a command ship and T3 killed in low-sec :-)

i dont know, isnt stalking your prey half the Joy of being a hunter? wounding and scaring your target, picking on him until he reacts on his own accord, there needs to be room for shock and awe tactics. the timing window where you can pressure your target has to be bigger and the freedom to hunt for as long as it takes for the hunted to finally react to being pressured. in other words the next bounty hunter mechanic might have to involve some kind of 'obligation to respond' when being pressured by a hunter.

What you say is true, but you're a Bounty hunter - you are hired to do the job.
It's for the clients to decide what they want. If they want to pressure enemies or just kill a very specific ship the flexible contract system should allow for both.

TheExtruder Corporation
#42 - 2015-07-27 12:24:05 UTC  |  Edited by: TheExtruder
i think a good bounty hunter mechanic must give everyone a really good set of anti-bountyhunter weapons. effective ways to defend oneself against stalkers without the risk of "if i engage he might have backup" or "this might be some kind of elaborate trap" etc.

i dont believe in unfair fights where the bounty hunter just catches you with your pants down. i think it needs to be more dynamic
Max Deveron
Deveron Shipyards and Technology
Citizen's Star Republic
#43 - 2015-07-27 14:26:16 UTC
see a couple of elements similiar to when i proposed a change to the bounty system.

Going with the OP and some other points listed here.....

I think Bounty Hunting should be a profession that is doable AS a profession.

1.) It should be a so called "good guy" thing

2.) I like the limit of expiration, but would think 5 days instead of 3 would be better.

3.) Either it must be determined that multiple hunters could be contracted on the same person (like you see in movies) or limit the number of running contracts to 5 or less, leave an option for a hunter to drop a particular contract.

4.) Payout, first not sure what the minimum limit should be before someone actually ends up on th board and contracts start being handed out. But i think 50% of a said bounty should be the max for ship kill, and if the hunter wants to collect the rest he needs to turn in a corpse of said target. I like the corpse thing becasue this will open up a better market for corpses between players, many pvpr's just have stocks of them lying around.

5.) Ease of conflict, a true bounty hunter is not into the stalking of prey once positively acquired, he/she wants to get the kill quickly so as to get paid, so a Bounty Hunter should be assinged a special Killright ability in that they can fire and destroy a target no matter if in highsec or not, and will suffer no standings losss. The thing about this special KR is only the bounty hunter with the contract will have this KR, first one to get it erases all other KR that outstanding in the case of mulitiple hunters on same contract.

6.) there should be agent or whatever to talk with. Contracts should be randomly offered. Like maybe offer a list of 5 contracts picked randomly that a hunter may select....after selection then get any relevant details, not before

7.) Dont think current bounties should be wiped out, just adjust whom gets put on the actual bounty board. And remove the wanted stamp on characters. You want to know that information of someone else, you should have to pay for that info or be a Hunter to get it.

8.) As to those that might gripe about highsec, well turning the profession into actual might or might not change some gankers into hunters instead, changing certain ways how bounties get placed and restricting who may get the contracts amongst other things will make placing bounties more dynamic as well as ensuring that bounties placed will be by those responsibile of the fact doing so means someone might return the favor.

9.) A bounty hunter should be of positive Sec Status, to limit the fact of the security tags allowing one to get to 0.0 easily. A negative sec status should immediatly revoke the status of Hunter/or disallow attempts to acquire contracts. If one goes negative he/she should e required to pay a fee to resume as a Legal Bounty Hunter to the nearest Agent/office once positive again. What that fee should be? no idea.

10.) Being able to place a bounty on someone should not be limited to whom attacked/ganked you. You should be allowed to place bounties on whom you wish, and again only the bountied/bounty placer should have any knowledge of doing so.

Just my 2cents without putting huge paragraphs in to read. willing to discuss individual points 1 at a time but not all of them at once.
United Allegiance of Undesirables
#44 - 2015-07-27 14:35:38 UTC
Chance Ravinne wrote:
Let me fix that for you.

It allows a player to offer to another player, chosen at random, the time-limited opportunity to bypass CONCORD. Unlike the current bounty system, this right would be rescinded after a single kill and is non transferrable. It is similar to kill rights in many ways, except less exploitable.

Less exploitable, how?
The current system cannot be exploited for profit, and it cannot be used to harass or grief someone. While this crazy OP idea would be difficult or impossible to exploit for profit it is rife with possibilities for being exploited for the purpose of harassment or grief.

In the OP idea what prevents me from placing bounties on every player in another corp or for that matter everyone in the game?
What prevents me from keeping them under bounty FOREVER?
And please do not try to tell me the costs would, if you make the fees paid high enough to prevent most of this type of abuse then those fees would be so high that few people would pay it and the cost of the bounty.

I still want to hear why you think it is good to allow a player to bypass the Concord protections that CCP has deemed important enough to have in the game before I started and to keep in the game to this day.

Moving away from responses to the quoted post.

Bounty hunting in this game is broken because at it's core the system is flawed beyond belief.
It allows for anyone to place a bounty on anyone or everyone else in the game for any or no reason at all. Because of this CCP has to maintain standard Concord protections in high sec to prevent the system from being abused as a tool for harassment and grief. The end result effectively kills any bounty hunting that might happen in game. And the OP's suggested overhaul does nothing to change that.

If you want to create a bounty hunting profession in game then I suggest you pattern it after the real world, it is a system that works all we have to do is transition that into the game and here is just a brief and not well thought out idea to get started.

Anyone that violates the games rules gets a criminal flag that is semi-permanent, it would only reset once the character has a ship and / or pod destroyed.
Every player with a criminal flag would be listed in game and that list would be accessible to all players.
Any player in game can place a bounty on anyone on that list.
Any player that wants to hunt bounties can hunt for anyone or everyone on this list.
Kill a player on the list and collect the full bounty amount.

What does this do for the game?

Those who want to bounty hunt can.
Those who successfully kill for a bounty get the full payout instead of today's 20% of value of ship etc.
Those who commit crimes face a greater possibility of punishment for their actions since they know they could be placed on the bounties list and they have to face that they may be hunted by players that want to do that sort of thing.
Those who do no commit crimes are protected against harassment and grief by those who would abuse a poorly thought out system.
Concord protections become irrelevant since those who can have bounties placed on them are already legal targets.
And best of all it is all done by players with the exception of the flags and list.
Chance Ravinne
WiNGSPAN Delivery Services
WiNGSPAN Delivery Network
#45 - 2015-07-27 15:49:03 UTC
Donnachadh wrote:
Chance Ravinne wrote:
Let me fix that for you.

It allows a player to offer to another player, chosen at random, the time-limited opportunity to bypass CONCORD. Unlike the current bounty system, this right would be rescinded after a single kill and is non transferrable. It is similar to kill rights in many ways, except less exploitable.

Less exploitable, how?
The current system cannot be exploited for profit, and it cannot be used to harass or grief someone. While this crazy OP idea would be difficult or impossible to exploit for profit it is rife with possibilities for being exploited for the purpose of harassment or grief.

In the OP idea what prevents me from placing bounties on every player in another corp or for that matter everyone in the game?
What prevents me from keeping them under bounty FOREVER?
And please do not try to tell me the costs would, if you make the fees paid high enough to prevent most of this type of abuse then those fees would be so high that few people would pay it and the cost of the bounty.

I still want to hear why you think it is good to allow a player to bypass the Concord protections that CCP has deemed important enough to have in the game before I started and to keep in the game to this day.

Moving away from responses to the quoted post.

Bounty hunting in this game is broken because at it's core the system is flawed beyond belief.
It allows for anyone to place a bounty on anyone or everyone else in the game for any or no reason at all. Because of this CCP has to maintain standard Concord protections in high sec to prevent the system from being abused as a tool for harassment and grief. The end result effectively kills any bounty hunting that might happen in game. And the OP's suggested overhaul does nothing to change that.

If you want to create a bounty hunting profession in game then I suggest you pattern it after the real world, it is a system that works all we have to do is transition that into the game and here is just a brief and not well thought out idea to get started.

Anyone that violates the games rules gets a criminal flag that is semi-permanent, it would only reset once the character has a ship and / or pod destroyed.
Every player with a criminal flag would be listed in game and that list would be accessible to all players.
Any player in game can place a bounty on anyone on that list.
Any player that wants to hunt bounties can hunt for anyone or everyone on this list.
Kill a player on the list and collect the full bounty amount.

What does this do for the game?

Those who want to bounty hunt can.
Those who successfully kill for a bounty get the full payout instead of today's 20% of value of ship etc.
Those who commit crimes face a greater possibility of punishment for their actions since they know they could be placed on the bounties list and they have to face that they may be hunted by players that want to do that sort of thing.
Those who do no commit crimes are protected against harassment and grief by those who would abuse a poorly thought out system.
Concord protections become irrelevant since those who can have bounties placed on them are already legal targets.
And best of all it is all done by players with the exception of the flags and list.

What prevents you from griefing everyone in the game? Just limit players to having X active bounties at a time.

You've just read another awesome post by Chance Ravinne, CEO of EVE's #1 torpedo delivery service. Watch our misadventures on my YouTube channel: WINGSPANTT

Boba Mereel
#46 - 2015-07-27 17:13:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Boba Mereel
Black Pedro wrote:
The biggest problem with this idea is that it reduces bounties to a "good guy" only mechanic that can only be used against pirates and suicide gankers. Why should I not be able to bounty a person who steals from my corp, or a rival corp that is competing for my ice belt, or just insults me in local? Mechanics should attempt to maximize player choice and freedom to foster conflict and emergent gameplay, not limit it to contrived situations.

That said, I think a functioning bounty hunter profession could be created from the killright system itself. Make a new contract type for the enforcement of killrights. Players could offer a price for bounty hunters to enforce thier killright, placing a limit on the ISK amount destroyed or the class of ship to ensure no collusion between the target and the bounty hunter. You could even offer such "hit contracts" without a killright so criminals could gank for hire or players outside of highsec where killrights don't matter could use them to pay someone to stalk an enemy.

The problem with making it to where you can place a bounty on anyone, regardless if they have agressed you are not, is that gankers and pirates would use this system to their advantage. They would place a bounty on a freighter pilot that they know will be carrying expensive stuff (such as a Red Frog freighter) and use the bounty right to kill them and take their stuff. Making the system non-random by use of contracts that are player made would make the new system just as bad as the old one due to the fact a contract could easily be accepted by the person with a bounty on them. The main objective of the new bounty system would be to create a force to counteract pirates and gankers, not enhance them.

Now hit contracts... that would be an interesting career. An "assassin" killing highrank corp leaders and returning their corpse to the issuer in exchange for ISK.
Boba Mereel
#47 - 2015-07-27 17:28:08 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
A few issues

1) 'Just clear current bounties' sounds nice but are you talking about waving a magic wand and erasing billions from the game, billions that people spent on bounties? Or trying to figure out who gets what share of a diminished bounty returned back to them?

2) If you can quick cycle the bounties then I would set a bounty on someone and rifle through the files to have my own personal concord avoidance ticket to gank people with. If it had a time delay then it would die as you wound up with folks who hardly ever log on except to find fights.

3) Only people who killed you? So scammers cannot be bountied anymore? Is that only people who got the kill report or anybody who was on the kill even with a single gun or drone?

a) I do like the spy network but I would modify it to show the last ten gates the person took with time stamps

b) I agree that the bounty system needs a rework

c) I really like the idea of matching the bounty common usage of time slots to the hunter


1) It would be absolutely necessary, all bounties placed would be refund appropriately, but if the current bounties weren't cleared then it would cause chaos in the game.

2) If you reject a contract it would be a short delay before you can accept another one, to prevent spam searching. The bounty has to be set on the killer within a certain time limit (I guess about an hour maybe?). You can't set a bounty on Bob the Ganker 3 days after he kills you.

3) I myself agree that scammers suck, but the main purpose of this to to counteract pirates, gankers, and general "bad" guys in New Eden. It would be anyone that attacked the player that meets the criteria listed below.

1. The killer wasn't an enemy in FW.
2. The killer wasn't in you're corporation (if friendly fire is set to legal)
3. The killer wasn't an NPC
4. The killer wasn't at war with your corporation.
5. The killer did not have a bounty right to kill you and claim your bounty.
6. You did not agress the killer first. (This way pirates/gankers won't be able to place a bounty on their target just because they got killed by them)
The killer is defined as anyone who fired a lethal weapon at you (or ECM), at any point during the engagement.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#48 - 2015-07-27 17:51:20 UTC
Why no bounties for bumping, ninja salvaging, scamming, scanning, site stealing, mission item theft, corp theft, spying, awful forums posting or any of the other hundreds of reasons we like to put bounties on one another?

Why should bounty hunting be a good guy thing? Are you saying boba fett was a good guy?
Boba Mereel
#49 - 2015-07-27 18:10:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Boba Mereel
Danika Princip wrote:
Why no bounties for bumping, ninja salvaging, scamming, scanning, site stealing, mission item theft, corp theft, spying, awful forums posting or any of the other hundreds of reasons we like to put bounties on one another?

Why should bounty hunting be a good guy thing? Are you saying boba fett was a good guy?

No, Boba Fett was not a "good guy". I would like it to where you could place a bounty on someone for doing criminal acts but CCP would have to figure out how to implement that to where it won't be abused. That's more of a update to bounty hunting in the future type of thing, for the time being it would just be scum that kill innocents, to keep it simple. The main objective of a bounty hunter is to rid the cluster of scum and outlaws.
Chance Ravinne
WiNGSPAN Delivery Services
WiNGSPAN Delivery Network
#50 - 2015-07-27 18:15:37 UTC
For people concerned about hisec, why not just bump the repercussions back? Instead of being instablapped by CONCORD or having no repercussions, make it so firing on your bounty target makes you a suspect or criminal. This is in addition to the previously mentioned restrictions on time and number of contracts.

You've just read another awesome post by Chance Ravinne, CEO of EVE's #1 torpedo delivery service. Watch our misadventures on my YouTube channel: WINGSPANTT

Boba Mereel
#51 - 2015-07-27 18:23:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Boba Mereel
Chance Ravinne wrote:
For people concerned about hisec, why not just bump the repercussions back? Instead of being instablapped by CONCORD or having no repercussions, make it so firing on your bounty target makes you a suspect or criminal. This is in addition to the previously mentioned restrictions on time and number of contracts.

The bounty hunter would get instablapped by other players (especially in Jita), effectively replacing CONCORD with players. It wouldn't be fair to make a bounty hunter a suspect/criminal for doing their job.

Imagine if explorers got a suspect or criminal flag for hacking a data site, or miners got one for mining too much ore, or haulers got one for carrying too much cargo, or ratters got one for killing too many NPC's. That wouldn't be fair would it?

I do like the contract limit idea though. I believe the limit should be 1 so the bounty hunter focuses all of their effort on finding that one person.
TheExtruder Corporation
#52 - 2015-07-27 18:49:19 UTC  |  Edited by: TheExtruder
Boba Mereel wrote:
Chance Ravinne wrote:
For people concerned about hisec, why not just bump the repercussions back? Instead of being instablapped by CONCORD or having no repercussions, make it so firing on your bounty target makes you a suspect or criminal. This is in addition to the previously mentioned restrictions on time and number of contracts.

The bounty hunter would get instablapped by other players (especially in Jita), effectively replacing CONCORD with players. It wouldn't be fair to make a bounty hunter a suspect/criminal for doing their job.

Imagine if explorers got a suspect or criminal flag for hacking a data site, or miners got one for mining too much ore, or haulers got one for carrying too much cargo, or ratters got one for killing too many NPC's. That wouldn't be fair would it?

I do like the contract limit idea though. I believe the limit should be 1 so the bounty hunter focuses all of their effort on finding that one person.

in movies bounty hunters are chased by the police or by the bad guys after or during the kill mission. but almost never chased by the public.
New Eden Tank Testing Services
#53 - 2015-07-27 18:49:24 UTC
Chance Ravinne wrote:
For people concerned about hisec, why not just bump the repercussions back? Instead of being instablapped by CONCORD or having no repercussions, make it so firing on your bounty target makes you a suspect or criminal. This is in addition to the previously mentioned restrictions on time and number of contracts.

Suspect could work. Criminal in highsec equals concord.

But if you can only bounty someone who has committed a criminal act against you then you are merely talking about kill rights. Just make them searchable and have done with it.

I want to be able to bounty anyone I choose.

Zappity's Adventures for a taste of lowsec and nullsec.

Boba Mereel
#54 - 2015-07-27 18:57:27 UTC
Zappity wrote:
Chance Ravinne wrote:
For people concerned about hisec, why not just bump the repercussions back? Instead of being instablapped by CONCORD or having no repercussions, make it so firing on your bounty target makes you a suspect or criminal. This is in addition to the previously mentioned restrictions on time and number of contracts.

Suspect could work. Criminal in highsec equals concord.

But if you can only bounty someone who has committed a criminal act against you then you are merely talking about kill rights. Just make them searchable and have done with it.

I want to be able to bounty anyone I choose.

If you had to option to directly select the bounty you want , and it was not random, there would be no improvement over the old system as people with bounties on their head could just ask their friend to kill them in a rookie ship and they split the payout.
Boba Mereel
#55 - 2015-07-27 19:09:50 UTC
TheExtruder wrote:
Boba Mereel wrote:
Chance Ravinne wrote:
For people concerned about hisec, why not just bump the repercussions back? Instead of being instablapped by CONCORD or having no repercussions, make it so firing on your bounty target makes you a suspect or criminal. This is in addition to the previously mentioned restrictions on time and number of contracts.

The bounty hunter would get instablapped by other players (especially in Jita), effectively replacing CONCORD with players. It wouldn't be fair to make a bounty hunter a suspect/criminal for doing their job.

Imagine if explorers got a suspect or criminal flag for hacking a data site, or miners got one for mining too much ore, or haulers got one for carrying too much cargo, or ratters got one for killing too many NPC's. That wouldn't be fair would it?

I do like the contract limit idea though. I believe the limit should be 1 so the bounty hunter focuses all of their effort on finding that one person.

in movies bounty hunters are chased by the police or by the bad guys after or during the kill mission. but almost never chased by the public.

Boba Fett was respected by the "bad guys/police"(The Empire) and the even Darth Vader himself. Think of this more as a sci-fi bounty hunter not a old-west bounty hunter.
TheExtruder Corporation
#56 - 2015-07-27 19:13:46 UTC  |  Edited by: TheExtruder
TheExtruder wrote:
Boba Mereel wrote:
Chance Ravinne wrote:
For people concerned about hisec, why not just bump the repercussions back? Instead of being instablapped by CONCORD or having no repercussions, make it so firing on your bounty target makes you a suspect or criminal. This is in addition to the previously mentioned restrictions on time and number of contracts.

The bounty hunter would get instablapped by other players (especially in Jita), effectively replacing CONCORD with players. It wouldn't be fair to make a bounty hunter a suspect/criminal for doing their job.

Imagine if explorers got a suspect or criminal flag for hacking a data site, or miners got one for mining too much ore, or haulers got one for carrying too much cargo, or ratters got one for killing too many NPC's. That wouldn't be fair would it?

I do like the contract limit idea though. I believe the limit should be 1 so the bounty hunter focuses all of their effort on finding that one person.

in movies bounty hunters are chased by the police or by the bad guys after or during the kill mission. but almost never chased by the public.

if we follow logic of movies, mechanics in eve would be something like this:

1. bounty hunters are equipped with 'illegal weapons' that is intended to assasinate somebody illegally. and should therefor be chased by pretty much everyone who have the detection capability of that secret weapon/secret agenda to assasinate, but he must be caught doing the dirty deed. those with detection capability who caught him in the act can either share their killright with one person or several people that are nearby.
2. concord and your targets corp mates should be able to chase you after the kill. (but only if a witness who was on grid when it happened shares his killrights with police or his corp mates) (for how long can they chase? depends on what movie lol)

did i get it right?
Sama Dobrota
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#57 - 2015-07-27 19:47:35 UTC
That's how i understand your suggestion:
New character member of rookie NPC corp stays at let's say Perimeter gates and shipscans and cargoscans all passing by freighters using a passive targeter. In case freighter pilot has no bounties this mistake is immediately fixed. Names of pilots together with scan results are dumped into a dedicated "bounty hunting" chat channel.
Bounty hunters chars attempt to get those guys as their mission targets, and with some luck jumpclone to Jita to board their taloses.
Another new noname char hauls industrial to grab the loot
Congratulations. the suicide ganking is no longer suicide, but pretty much legitimate.
Red Frog guys are happy.
Boba Mereel
#58 - 2015-07-27 20:12:29 UTC
Sama Dobrota wrote:
That's how i understand your suggestion:
New character member of rookie NPC corp stays at let's say Perimeter gates and shipscans and cargoscans all passing by freighters using a passive targeter. In case freighter pilot has no bounties this mistake is immediately fixed. Names of pilots together with scan results are dumped into a dedicated "bounty hunting" chat channel.
Bounty hunters chars attempt to get those guys as their mission targets, and with some luck jumpclone to Jita to board their taloses.
Another new noname char hauls industrial to grab the loot
Congratulations. the suicide ganking is no longer suicide, but pretty much legitimate.
Red Frog guys are happy.

The 'bounty locator' channel would most likely be ISK subscription based and would mainly consist of people saying "Hey I spotted X guy in New Caldari heading towards Jita." The bounty hunter looking for X guy would then burn to Jita as fast as possible to catch the bounty hunter.
Enya Sparhawk
Black Tea and Talons
#59 - 2015-07-27 21:09:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Enya Sparhawk
I read through most of this... its pretty long...

It got me thinking about this 80's movie

Basically, these university students had this game of paintball where they would hunt one another... you hunt someone, someone else is hunting you...
(it was random, you put your student id into a hat and everyone chooses until there is only one person left)

Anyways, how about we get a system like this into play, sort of like the dueling system where everyone participating puts their name into a hat and then all hell breaks loose...

The basic idea is to foster a system of game play for a proper bounty system... start small...

Gather as much data as possible from just a game and then apply it to a real time bounty hunting system in the future...(which would obviously be different from just a simple game; with the game you aren't getting lost in the acquisition of ISK getting in the way)

Actually field test out what would work and what wouldn't in a real EVE setting...

Use all of this to refine this system into a proper career path...

Fíorghrá: Grá na fírinne

Maireann croí éadrom i bhfad.

Bíonn súil le muir ach ní bhíonn súil le tír.

Is maith an scéalaí an aimsir.

When the lost ships of Greece finally return home...

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#60 - 2015-07-27 21:22:36 UTC

Bad idea, bad execution, bad CSM for even thinking about it.

Bounty system doesn't work by itself in high sec, it was never supposed to. It needs the crime watch/war dec side, or suicide ganking, to actually use. The only 'fix' is being able to buy temporary leniency from Concord, which is.... oh wait, the war system. But if you wanted more, then introduce Concord agents that sell contracts which could basically give you one crime for free, but you'd need to make them expensive enough to prevent abuse, which would kinda mitigate the whole point.

Basically, bounties are kinda a moot point in Eve, especially in high sec. Removing the system and replacing it with a proper mercenary system is the best fix.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal