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The story of broken mechanic and AG victory in Madirmilire

First post
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#101 - 2015-07-27 16:09:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Daerrol
My good buddy has a freighter alt. He's lazy as fk so I'm sure he's going through Niarja. He's always telling me he autopilots -whenever- he can so he can keep doing PVP/incursions on his main. Yet to get ganked because whenever he hausl through Niarja for me I'm always out there in a Huggin webbing his freighter. Once he's off the main pipe tho, it's autopilot all the way.
Valenthe de Celine
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#102 - 2015-07-27 17:19:22 UTC
Carrie-Anne Moss wrote:
If you pay $15 a month to mine and fly a frieghter across space you need help. You are a total loser and pretty worthless.
There seriously is something wrong with you. This is a video game. Like remember Mario and Zelda and Madden and Metal Gear Solid and Call of Duty and Syphon Filter. Freaking video games

If you think its fun to pay 15$ a month to relax and mine and watch some arbitrary number in your wallet increase little by little.
Go watch paint dry. Go sit at a mall and people watch. Go watch tv or youtube (oh wait you guys already watch youtube instead of mining cuz its so boring) go outside. Go google something. Read a book. Cook some food. Do ANYTHING ELSE IN THE FREAKING WORLD EVEN GOING TO DENTIST and i promise you will have more fun and more enjoyment and mpre relaxing that freaking mining in eve or hauling freighters.

Holy hell dudes you even admit this crap is so boring you need to afk haul or alt tab to netfix while you do these activities. Stop doing them LOL

God miners are such idiot ignorant losers.

Get a life DWEEBS

Okay, I have to respond to this, for the sheer idiocy on both sides begs for thoughts to be expressed.

First off, I pay only $11 a month to do whatever floats my boat in game. For each of my many accounts. What I do with that year of training queue is completely up to me.

Second, I have mined, missioned, explored, ratted, escalated, manufactured, invented, researched, PVPed, gassed, hacked, and just about everything else except nullbeared or FWed. I mined to turn around and make my own ships, as in many areas its faster and easier to do that than it is to ship them in. I then flew, and died, in said ships, to drunken merriment. (Drinking and T1 cruisers DO mix, I say!)

As to your ideas of boredom, well... being a F1 monkey in a fleet stuck in 90% TiDi for hours on end is what I call boring. Running a mining fleet solo from one screen and doing it all without scripts or macros, that is entertainment when I am in the mood for such things. Ice fleets can be soothings, especially when the outside temp passes a hundred degrees. There is a balance to that, like raking the lawn, or the sand, or pruning roses for topiary displays. To each their own, though.

I do own a mining fleet, and a freighter, but I don't afk at either of these. Why? Cause I am still able to enjoy the spectacle of my Obelisk heeling hard to port as it aligns for its next warp, and the slight tension as I know I am entering the gank corridor of Uedema. Also eating whole belts has a sort of perverse joy as I envision the barges are locusts, and myself their angry diety...
Algarion Getz
Aideron Corp
#103 - 2015-07-27 17:44:33 UTC
BotAspirant wrote:

I read here and there that it is considered harassment to bump someone for longer than 15 mins.

Wat. Where did you get that from?

Many times i have been bumped longer than 15min. The most extreme case was a few years ago, when a griefer bumped me everytime i tried to mine. No ganking, just bumping, for hours. One time i just hit approach on an asteroid and went AFK. 4 hours later he was still bumping me with his Talos ... That guy was either crazy or using a script/bot that automated the bumping. In the end, i had to move to the other end of high sec to escape the bumping.

People back then said it was legal and nothing can be done about it. I think even CCP released a statement that bumping is legal. Did CCP change their mind?
Orca Platypus
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#104 - 2015-07-27 18:20:54 UTC
Violet Crumble wrote:
BotAspirant wrote:
Only ignorants with no idea how this works can say that this is not broken.

That's such an unfortunate view, because in my view, it's not broken. It's really not that big of a risk to begin with, but webbing most certainly does help.

Sure a bumper could sacrifice a tackling ship, which would have to be sensor boosted and within scram/point range when you decloak.

It's just not a practice used and it's not a perfect tactic for them if they wanted to use it because you have control over when you are going to decloak and can be perfectly prepared with your webbing alt/Corpmate/friend beforehand.

This is my webbing alts fit:

In fleet, with interdiction maneuvers running, sensor boosted and webs on before I decloak with my warp.

Less than 2 seconds to lock my Freighter:

40.6km unheated web and 51km heated (Rapier/Huginn will get 56km web unheated, no links). Even on regional gates my webs are out of range on initial jump through the gate only about 5% of the time and I just maneuver my webs before decloaking in that case.

It's very hard, if you have an effective webbing alt, for a bumping Macharial to bump you before you warp. It's 2 server ticks to lock and 1 more to warp.

As a result, I have no problem jumping through gates where there are Macharials on the other side.

Aside from being prepared, the risk of a hauling contract failing is small to begin with.

Red Frog Freight's annual report for 2014 put them a 0.11% rate of failed contracts. 1 in 1000 contracts, with each contract in highsec being an average of 12 jumps.

In all of 2014, of the 2,786,739 jumps they made in highsec, they only failed on 245 occasions to reach their destination and complete the contract within time.

The risk to haulers is small even before you take measures to protect yourself and being prepared for the worst to happen.

Just in the last few hours I've laid out almost 8 Billion in collateral and taken my Freighter through Uedama for each of those contracts (and back again to Jita on each occasion):

There have been Macharials sitting off the gates on almost every jump into Uedama I've made today.

I'm no one special and it doesn't take anything really special to make yourself a difficult target.

"Hey look, gankers were lazy and I survived, there is no problem".
You seriously see no flaw in your logic?
Jenshae Chiroptera
#105 - 2015-07-27 18:42:53 UTC
Orca Platypus wrote:
"Hey look, gankers were lazy and I survived, there is no problem".
You seriously see no flaw in your logic?

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#106 - 2015-07-27 18:51:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Algarion Getz wrote:
BotAspirant wrote:

I read here and there that it is considered harassment to bump someone for longer than 15 mins.

Wat. Where did you get that from?


People back then said it was legal and nothing can be done about it. I think even CCP released a statement that bumping is legal. Did CCP change their mind?

No. He's just repeating the wishful thinking of people who desperately want CCP to “fix” their own piloting errors — I'm sure they post it not just “here and there”, but pretty much everywhere they get the opportunity to do so. Repetition does not make their wishes come true though — no such time limit exists.

CCP has always been surprisingly clear about how bumping turns into harassment: once you start following someone around even though they've significantly changed their area of operation. It must come to the point where it's obvious that it's no longer related to any kind of interdiction or piracy or other form of in-game conflict, and instead is a deliberate attempt to make the game unplayable for the other player no matter what.

In fact, that's pretty much the general rule for harassment in EVE: when you start going after a specific player rather than some in-game entity.
Orca Platypus
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#107 - 2015-07-27 19:55:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Orca Platypus
Tippia wrote:
No. He's just repeating the wishful thinking of people who desperately want CCP to “fix” their own piloting errors — I'm sure they post it not just “here and there”, but pretty much everywhere they get the opportunity to do so. Repetition does not make their wishes come true though — no such time limit exists.

Bumping is an exploit in everything except CCP opinion on it.
There is no piloting skill in existence which can avoid it.

Tippia wrote:
CCP has always been surprisingly clear about how bumping turns into harassment: once you start following someone around even though they've significantly changed their area of operation. It must come to the point where it's obvious that it's no longer related to any kind of interdiction or piracy or other form of in-game conflict, and instead is a deliberate attempt to make the game unplayable for the other player no matter what.

In fact, that's pretty much the general rule for harassment in EVE: when you start going after a specific player rather than some in-game entity.

One particular griefer has been following me around from Forge to Heimatar for a week in 2010, because he happened to discover a 3 weeks old newbie who wasn't born with knowledge of jetcan flipping abuse.
So I had to quit and only came back 2 years later when friends told me he haven't been seen online in 5 months. #totallynotgriefing

ED: Guess what CCP told me about it? Not griefing. That's part of the reason why I quit, the second part were ship losses.
ISD Buldath
#108 - 2015-07-27 20:25:35 UTC
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~ISD Buldath

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