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[Request] That CCP clarify what is the future of Incarna.

First post
XS Tech
#21 - 2011-12-14 17:18:29 UTC
Flamespar wrote:
After participating in another thread I see two broad options for WiS.

The first is that each expansion has a major focus on FiS and a minor focus on WiS. Much as Crucible had a lot of inspace stuff and a small update to Incarna in the form of the Captains quarters.

The second is an expansion (at some point) that delivers the full featured Incarna (multiplayer establishments et al) and then subsequent expansions that focus only on FiS

how are these contradictory approaches, pray tell?

As I've been saying throughout this thread

-- The next 18 months will most likely be FIS heavy with fixes to all the broken things being at the forefront (POS, FW, sov, lowsec, hisec, w-space, corp roles, etc). WIS stuff will be little and "extra" to the FIX content ... maybe a corporate/alliance office or something, slowly ramping up to the "full experience".

-- once everything is in a happy place, and they can "neglect" FIS for an expansion cycle, the full WIS thing will be unveiled. This patch will have so-so FIS stuff.

-- once WIS is fully rolled out, a balanced approach to the stuff (though, TBH, I don't see much more than performance tweaks or a handful of new NEX items ever really being added ... there's only so many iterations of "Mall Foodcourt" that can be done.)

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

#22 - 2011-12-14 22:04:42 UTC
Velicitia wrote:

how are these contradictory approaches, pray tell?

As I've been saying throughout this thread

-- The next 18 months will most likely be FIS heavy with fixes to all the broken things being at the forefront (POS, FW, sov, lowsec, hisec, w-space, corp roles, etc). WIS stuff will be little and "extra" to the FIX content ... maybe a corporate/alliance office or something, slowly ramping up to the "full experience".

-- once everything is in a happy place, and they can "neglect" FIS for an expansion cycle, the full WIS thing will be unveiled. This patch will have so-so FIS stuff.

-- once WIS is fully rolled out, a balanced approach to the stuff (though, TBH, I don't see much more than performance tweaks or a handful of new NEX items ever really being added ... there's only so many iterations of "Mall Foodcourt" that can be done.)

Who said anything about them being contradictory approaches?

Plus this thread isn't really about endless speculation anyway. This thread was about asking the CSM to ask CCP what their plans are for WiS over the next 12 months.

Simple really.

Do you get it yet?
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#23 - 2011-12-14 23:24:30 UTC
Well, so far after 50 days, 70 pages and 1381 messages, CCP has said an done nothing.

Also, from what CSM say about the meeting, apparently they didn't even talked about WiS (anyway I am still waiting for Meissa Anunthiel to answer my mail on the issue...)

My impression is that WiS has become that broken, half cooked feature nobody is going to look at for years.

So rather than pay 6 months of subcsription as i was due tomorrow (and which likely would had fueled the development of a lot of nullsec sh¡t I don't care about), i just sold some stuff to afford a PLEX while i wait for the minutes to come out. Maybe i'm naive to think they'll be out by January 14, but, alas... my alt account already was paid until May 2.

I am no longer playing EVE, and it's a matter of time until I stop paying for nullsec's features.

With an empty and overprized NEx store, no full-fledged Incarna, no new casual content, no new solo content and no new PvE content, I won't keep paying for someone else a getting all fun...

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

#24 - 2011-12-14 23:53:41 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Well, so far after 50 days, 70 pages and 1381 messages, CCP has said an done nothing.

Also, from what CSM say about the meeting, apparently they didn't even talked about WiS (anyway I am still waiting for Meissa Anunthiel to answer my mail on the issue...)

Yeah I am feeling the same really. Personally I don't understand the lack of response from CCP on Incarna (particulary given their active participation in other threads). It's really confusing as to why they won't give a decent response on the future of WiS.

I don't have any problem with Null sec getting some loving, as every area of EVE should get some Dev love, even those I don't personally participate in. But I don't want WiS to be abandoned.
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#25 - 2011-12-16 07:42:59 UTC
Flamespar wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Well, so far after 50 days, 70 pages and 1381 messages, CCP has said an done nothing.

Also, from what CSM say about the meeting, apparently they didn't even talked about WiS (anyway I am still waiting for Meissa Anunthiel to answer my mail on the issue...)

Yeah I am feeling the same really. Personally I don't understand the lack of response from CCP on Incarna (particulary given their active participation in other threads). It's really confusing as to why they won't give a decent response on the future of WiS.

I don't have any problem with Null sec getting some loving, as every area of EVE should get some Dev love, even those I don't personally participate in. But I don't want WiS to be abandoned.

The contrast between the good mood for everything and the scornful silence towards WiS is pretty annoying, actually. I can't figure any scenario in which sayng nothing to your concerned customers is a "solution".

Maybe we should call in the Press... Question

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#26 - 2011-12-16 10:44:14 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
I would also like CCP to clarify the status and future plans for WIS.

Yea, Establisments and stuff

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

#27 - 2011-12-18 05:40:02 UTC
Bumped in the vain hope that someone from either CCP or CSM can be bothered to respond.
Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#28 - 2011-12-18 07:45:11 UTC
Akrasjel Lanate wrote:
Rek Seven wrote:
I would also like CCP to clarify the status and future plans for WIS.

Yea, Establisments and stuff

While it's not exactly establishments on stations, I am working on an Assembly Hall version of PI 2.0, that will have establishments on planetary networks that players will be able to walk around in etc.

I hope to have it posted soon.

But station (and even super cap based) establishments would rock.

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

#29 - 2011-12-18 11:28:07 UTC
Asuka Solo wrote:

While it's not exactly establishments on stations, I am working on an Assembly Hall version of PI 2.0, that will have establishments on planetary networks that players will be able to walk around in etc.

I hope to have it posted soon.

But station (and even super cap based) establishments would rock.

You cheeky monkey. Using my thread to promote your own proposal.

Thankyou for supporting this request though and good luck with your own proposal. Lol
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#30 - 2011-12-18 23:47:24 UTC
I agree, CCP needs to be a lot more active with customer relations.

Silence is golden but CCP is now 14 karats too much.
#31 - 2011-12-19 03:26:04 UTC
In another thread a Dev mentioned that CCP was interested in our suggestions on what gameplay should happen in Incarna. Aside from the features and ideas section of the forum (and who knows what does and doesn't get read in there), I'm wondering how we can make the process more participatory for both sides.

Maybe do some crowd sourcing for gameplay features? Or a survey as part of the next EVE newsletter to all players asking them to rate various potential gameplay items for WiS?

I would like to make this suggestion part of my request to CCP and CSM

At least this way, CCP can demonstrate player support for the features they include in stations.
Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2011-12-19 13:59:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Vertisce Soritenshi
Velicitia wrote:
Flamespar wrote:
Velicitia wrote:
come back in 18 months. Thank you, have a nice day.

I'm going to go ahead and assume that since you have nothing better to do than come here with your dumb remark, that you have run out of things to do in EVE, therefore some sort of expansion, perhaps involving walking in stations might help alleviate your boredom.

Your welcome

OK, I get it, you want to see more about WiS. You want to sit and spend 2 hours per day doing things that has no meaning (within the confines of the game world).

I stopped reading your drivel right there. This is just more elitist garbage spewing forth from a hole that doesn't have a brain behind it to regulate the flow. Just because YOU don't see the value in WiS doesn't mean nobody else does. You are probably one of the 95% of nullsec players that PvP solely to PvP. You don't take systems, you don't reinforce just PvP. It's pointless.

See what I did there?

Fact is CCP had plans for WiS to make it more than just walking around. Most of you don't know this because you were either too busy crying like little babies to read the information or you are just too blind and stupid to pay attention. Now WiS is on the backburner because of the sheer number of idiots that play this game and don't like the way everybody else plays it.

As for the thread is likely that we will have to wait until the fanfest to hear any more new news or an update on WiS. I would also like to point out that you are requesting an update from CCP Devs in Assembly Hall. They likely will not post in here as they have made it a point not to do so at all. This is a forum for the CSM. The only CSM I would half expect to reply in this thread with any information of value is Trebor.

Bounties for all!

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#33 - 2011-12-19 14:41:44 UTC
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:
Velicitia wrote:
Flamespar wrote:
Velicitia wrote:
come back in 18 months. Thank you, have a nice day.

I'm going to go ahead and assume that since you have nothing better to do than come here with your dumb remark, that you have run out of things to do in EVE, therefore some sort of expansion, perhaps involving walking in stations might help alleviate your boredom.

Your welcome

OK, I get it, you want to see more about WiS. You want to sit and spend 2 hours per day doing things that has no meaning (within the confines of the game world).

I stopped reading your drivel right there. This is just more elitist garbage spewing forth from a hole that doesn't have a brain behind it to regulate the flow. Just because YOU don't see the value in WiS doesn't mean nobody else does. You are probably one of the 95% of nullsec players that PvP solely to PvP. You don't take systems, you don't reinforce just PvP. It's pointless.

See what I did there?

Fact is CCP had plans for WiS to make it more than just walking around. Most of you don't know this because you were either too busy crying like little babies to read the information or you are just too blind and stupid to pay attention. Now WiS is on the backburner because of the sheer number of idiots that play this game and don't like the way everybody else plays it.

As for the thread is likely that we will have to wait until the fanfest to hear any more new news or an update on WiS. I would also like to point out that you are requesting an update from CCP Devs in Assembly Hall. They likely will not post in here as they have made it a point not to do so at all. This is a forum for the CSM. The only CSM I would half expect to reply in this thread with any information of value is Trebor.

My guess is that this thread exists because CCP is ignoring the 56 days old, 1,478 messages long, thread at General Discussion. Question

Bear in mind that so far the only we've got from the CSM is The Mittani's hunch that the NEx store has been abandoned and nobody wants to think of it.
Caldari State
#34 - 2011-12-19 18:02:23 UTC
CCP only respond on happy post these days and even locks 1 or 2 with normal discussion where they think its an attack on CCP.

Don,t expect a response on this one also.
It only shows the respect CCP has for its customers (when they RABBLE right ccp?)
We know from the past that this is the case


#35 - 2011-12-19 22:35:56 UTC
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:

As for the thread is likely that we will have to wait until the fanfest to hear any more new news or an update on WiS. I would also like to point out that you are requesting an update from CCP Devs in Assembly Hall. They likely will not post in here as they have made it a point not to do so at all. This is a forum for the CSM. The only CSM I would half expect to reply in this thread with any information of value is Trebor.

No, this thread was a request for the CSM to request an update from CCP. Essentially I'm trying to use the formal process of the CSM to get the clarification we would like.

Let's see if the wonderful process that is the CSM will work.

Personally, I think the request is reasonable. We're not asking for a particular feature to happen immediately, we're not trying to force largescale changes across EVE. All we are wanting is for CCP (via the CSM) to talk to us, and respond to our concerns.

Plus 10 NV
#36 - 2011-12-19 23:16:36 UTC
Flamespar wrote:
...Hilmar said in his letter to the players that Incarna was an essential part of the future of EVE, then in a later interview said that “Incarna was on ice, and that we may get back to it”.

This has created confusion....

Why are you confused? The language is fairly plain.

Are you looking for something like:

"We will not work on incarna until 2:30 pm December 17th 2012. At that time 3 developers will start working on the platinum skirts and put out new skirts that are biege."

Seriously the company has just redirected resources. If focusing on fis stops the subs from bleeding and even starts to turn things around I'm sure they will continue in that direction.

I think CCP will continue to do some things for incarna but it is not going to be all we hear about anymore. Those days are hopefully in the past.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#37 - 2011-12-19 23:47:00 UTC
Flamespar wrote:
In another thread a Dev mentioned that CCP was interested in our suggestions on what gameplay should happen in Incarna. Aside from the features and ideas section of the forum (and who knows what does and doesn't get read in there), I'm wondering how we can make the process more participatory for both sides.

Maybe do some crowd sourcing for gameplay features? Or a survey as part of the next EVE newsletter to all players asking them to rate various potential gameplay items for WiS?

I would like to make this suggestion part of my request to CCP and CSM

At least this way, CCP can demonstrate player support for the features they include in stations.

Agreed. CCP should have told us their plans for incarna in the first place and the outrage about the nex store wouldn't have happened.

CCP seem to have a real problem considering the implications of the changes they make to the game. Look at customs offices... The community designed half the features for the new POCO system.

In fact, most of the stuff in Crucible was thought up by the players... Looks like you have a pretty good deal here CCP.
#38 - 2011-12-20 04:10:29 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:

Agreed. CCP should have told us their plans for incarna in the first place and the outrage about the nex store wouldn't have happened.

CCP seem to have a real problem considering the implications of the changes they make to the game. Look at customs offices... The community designed half the features for the new POCO system.

In fact, most of the stuff in Crucible was thought up by the players... Looks like you have a pretty good deal here CCP.

I think part of the problem is that CCP did discuss their plans for Incarna. They demonstrated a working multiplayer environment. They talked about the wonderful tech underlying it. They talked about how boosters would be traded in bars, how players could rent out shops.

And then we got a single room.
Rina Asanari
#39 - 2011-12-20 07:51:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Rina Asanari
Flamespar wrote:
I think part of the problem is that CCP did discuss their plans for Incarna. They demonstrated a working multiplayer environment. They talked about the wonderful tech underlying it. They talked about how boosters would be traded in bars, how players could rent out shops.

And then we got a single room.

Smokes and mirrors, marketspeak, demomode. Please don't tell me you believed that manure they shoveled around, especially when 'walking in stations' was a buzzword even years ago.

You may be missing the point that we got a single room and the NeX store, and I think without the NeX store we wouldn't have CQ either. And I presume I don't need to explain what the motives behind the NeX store were.
#40 - 2011-12-20 09:39:21 UTC
The point of this thread is to ask the CSM to request CCP as to the future of incarna.