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Starting skills levels should increase for new players

Maldiro Selkurk
Radiation Sickness
#161 - 2015-07-24 00:06:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Maldiro Selkurk
wow, that offhanded d-bag comment really struck pretty close to home for some of you.

It was never intended to be anything more than my personal opinion, yes i stated it as fact but really i was giving you IQ credit that you would know it was nothing more than my opinion and that i hadnt just completed a doctoral thesis on d-bags and EVE.

But the resonance of the statement sure makes you wonder.....

Yawn,  I'm right as usual. The predictability kinda gets boring really.

#162 - 2015-07-24 00:21:18 UTC
Maybe we should switch to "levels."

"Measure Twice, Cut Once."

#163 - 2015-07-24 07:24:39 UTC  |  Edited by: flakeys
Avvy wrote:
flakeys wrote:

Look SP can give you more flexibility regarding to wich ship to take ,

Isn't that the point, more options.

You forgot , on purpose perhaps , to not quote the part where i said that if you ''skip ships'' in level then you'll loose a lot pretty fast.The slow progress is there for a good reason..And then we can go to that other thread here on GD right away about how new players don't make enough isk to replace their ships.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Delt0r Garsk
Shits N Giggles
#164 - 2015-07-24 07:51:02 UTC
Exactly! It is not skills that pays for ships, it is not skills that mean you can fly the ship. Sure you can fit it properly and undock, but in eve that don't mean Jack. Just look the people who buy characters with lots of skill and then proceed to welp ship after ship.

Eve is not a "level up game". Lets not support that dogma with a false hope that a few skill points is going to make any difference at all.

Hell even a bucket of isk + a BS won't help their. If they are 10 secs to fun type person, they are not going to stick around in eve. And we don't want them to either.

AKA the scientist.

Death and Glory!

Well fun is also good.

#165 - 2015-07-24 08:14:11 UTC
flakeys wrote:
Avvy wrote:
flakeys wrote:

Look SP can give you more flexibility regarding to wich ship to take ,

Isn't that the point, more options.

You forgot , on purpose perhaps , to not quote the part where i said that if you ''skip ships'' in level then you'll loose a lot pretty fast.The slow progress is there for a good reason..And then we can go to that other thread here on GD right away about how new players don't make enough isk to replace their ships.

I didn't forget, just didn't see that part as all that relevant, more options doesn't necessarily mean jumping into T2 and T3 ships from the start with T2 equipment fitted.

But from what was mentioned in this thread about 'Rise' it seems that what is said in this thread maybe irrelevant anyway. I assume Rise is a planned addition to the game, so I'll have to check that out.

Azda Ja
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#166 - 2015-07-24 08:19:17 UTC
Avvy wrote:
But from what was mentioned in this thread about 'Rise' it seems that what is said in this thread maybe irrelevant anyway. I assume Rise is a planned addition to the game, so I'll have to check that out.

They're referring to CCP Rise, one of EVE's developers.


#167 - 2015-07-24 08:29:10 UTC
Azda Ja wrote:
Avvy wrote:
But from what was mentioned in this thread about 'Rise' it seems that what is said in this thread maybe irrelevant anyway. I assume Rise is a planned addition to the game, so I'll have to check that out.

They're referring to CCP Rise, one of EVE's developers.

Thanks for the information and that link is useful.

If anybody hasn't read it and is interested in the subject matter of this thread, it's worth reading.
Daniela Doran
#168 - 2015-07-24 08:58:54 UTC
Avvy wrote:
[quote=Johnny Riko][quote=Darth Terona]


Maybe the million mark is a bit high considering I managed to train with the free 50k sp;
Drones 3 and 4, light drones 1 and 2, medium drones 1 and 2, drone durability 1 and drone navigation 1 and 1/3 of 2.

So something like 50k sp to start with and 450k given as a reward to use as you like for doing the missions of the 5 career agents. That way at least new players will have some idea what they want to use them on. As for alts, there's an opt out option so you can just get the sp to use at your own risk.

I kinda agree with this idea, but to keep vets from abusing this, I'd suggest it to be available only to newly activated accounts only.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#169 - 2015-07-24 09:07:36 UTC
Avvy wrote:
flakeys wrote:
Look SP can give you more flexibility regarding to wich ship to take ,

Isn't that the point, more options.

The (counter)point is that, by and large, the options are already there — they're just not being used because new players are a) being lied to about what they need, or b) enter the game with preconceived notions about how much they need.

If you know what you're doing, you can build into any activity in the same time it takes for a new player to understand how to even navigate the skill tree or get new skills. Of course, new players don't know what they're doing, at least not without proper guidance, but there's a ton of different paths available to them from day one.
#170 - 2015-07-24 09:12:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Avvy
Tippia wrote:
Avvy wrote:
flakeys wrote:
Look SP can give you more flexibility regarding to wich ship to take ,

Isn't that the point, more options.

The (counter)point is that, by and large, the options are already there — they're just not being used because new players are a) being lied to about what they need, or b) enter the game with preconceived notions about how much they need.

If you know what you're doing, you can build into any activity in the same time it takes for a new player to understand how to even navigate the skill tree or get new skills. Of course, new players don't know what they're doing, at least not without proper guidance, but there's a ton of different paths available to them from day one.

After reading the attachment to the link in post 166, I don't think it matters.

Sounds to me they've already made the decisions, they just haven't finalised the details.
Ellendras Silver
CrashCat Corporation
#171 - 2015-07-24 12:09:19 UTC
Daniela Doran wrote:
Avvy wrote:
[quote=Johnny Riko][quote=Darth Terona]


Maybe the million mark is a bit high considering I managed to train with the free 50k sp;
Drones 3 and 4, light drones 1 and 2, medium drones 1 and 2, drone durability 1 and drone navigation 1 and 1/3 of 2.

So something like 50k sp to start with and 450k given as a reward to use as you like for doing the missions of the 5 career agents. That way at least new players will have some idea what they want to use them on. As for alts, there's an opt out option so you can just get the sp to use at your own risk.

I kinda agree with this idea, but to keep vets from abusing this, I'd suggest it to be available only to newly activated accounts only.

right because 450k SPs is realy shocking for a vet player it will give me 1 rank 2 skill from 4 to 5 big whoop. dont get me wrong i will do the missions once they made this change but seeing it as abuse is ridiculous 450k SP is of MUCH more value to new player then a bitter vet.

also i like you to provide a good reason to exclude existing players? because i started at 50 or 60k with all my toons so why should i not get that oppurtunity aswel? much more the players that recently started would be excluded aswell which is worse as new players can get more SP because they started later how wrong is that Question

[u]Carpe noctem[/u]

Cidanel Afuran
Grant Village
#172 - 2015-07-24 13:59:43 UTC
Orlacc wrote:
Maybe we should switch to "levels."

For every 1000 ships you kill, you get to select a skill to jump from level 4 to level 5
Caldari State
#173 - 2015-07-24 15:33:47 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Avvy wrote:
flakeys wrote:
Look SP can give you more flexibility regarding to wich ship to take ,

Isn't that the point, more options.

The (counter)point is that, by and large, the options are already there — they're just not being used because new players are a) being lied to about what they need, or b) enter the game with preconceived notions about how much they need.

If you know what you're doing, you can build into any activity in the same time it takes for a new player to understand how to even navigate the skill tree or get new skills. Of course, new players don't know what they're doing, at least not without proper guidance, but there's a ton of different paths available to them from day one.

I agree. I think the problem is that the first few days or week isn't well documented in terms of what you can do. Most guides hand waive this time as for career missions, but you can finish those in a matter of hours. It's that time between hour 4 and week 2 that gives most newbies their most questions. I think it would be good to compile a list of content to try in that window that isn't simply an abbreviation and suggestion to join a corp. Not that it's bad advice, but a more complete activity option list would probably calm the rabble.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#174 - 2015-07-24 15:50:57 UTC
The one thing that would take care of this situation but will never happen is to lock characters to their acct and remove character trading.

I say this as a guy that makes most of his ISK character trading, so trust me that I don't make this statement lightly.

Here's the thing. Everything in this game is destructible. Everything but characters. That creates a situation where since they never leave the game, they become massively overpowered after a few years. Add to that CCP selling you ISK and you have what we have now. A game in which most will buy their way in as opposed to earning their way to more content.

Whether a new player that just wants to jump the training queue or a vet who decides to fly an Avatar instead of a Ragnarok, there's a character to suit in the bazaar and it's only a few PLEX away from being yours. Good for CCP's wallet but not so great for new people trying to get into the game on a budget.

You don't need to start with more SP, you need to kill characters when they've outlived their owners. I doubt there are many people flying 10 year old ships and that's good. It's what keeps the economy alive. But plenty of people are buying and flying ten year old characters and that's not good. It's basically flat-lined character building.

It doesn't take long for people to realize that they can waste a year training from scratch or they can drop a weeks pay and have that training right now. As a character trader I have a pretty good handle on which choice most people make.

Character trading is the one fundamental flaw CCP made in the beginning that is now hurting the game game in a big way. Removing it would be the most important change to revitalizing the game that I can think of. Once that playing field is leveled, new people will not be so averse to starting with a few SP and working their way up through experience and time instead of how many PLEX they can afford.

Mr Epeen Cool
Boudicca Camulodunum
#175 - 2015-07-24 17:52:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Boudicca Camulodunum
Gently adjust the game to negate SP?

For those who remember UO what, 15 yrs ago? They did a similar thing where you could buy 3/4 trained chars,the GM made a gate... you went in.... come out with... 85% taming, WOOT, months of time saved.

Sure its a revenue stream, but once you've done it there is no going back.

Other revenue streams would be name change & history wipe

they could also purge old chars not used for 1 year then give 1 year notice to all database of account holders that chars will be biomass after 1 yr or 6 months. Then to keep your char from going biomass you must sub once at least every 6 or 12 months.

This is what Origin did with UO....but you could make a strong point to say that it also killed it.

I think this could be a serious way to compromise

In my heart there can be no changes,maybe CCP could develop EVE.2 , make some changes that they couldnt really patch into EVE, but essentially the same game, but when you mess with the real mechanics of the game, ie buying skill, you have hit the cheat button, sold your soul and the game will lose its magic and die.
Chao3's Rogue Operatives Corp
#176 - 2015-07-24 18:36:12 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
The one thing that would take care of this situation but will never happen is to lock characters to their acct and remove character trading.

I say this as a guy that makes most of his ISK character trading, so trust me that I don't make this statement lightly.

Here's the thing. Everything in this game is destructible. Everything but characters. That creates a situation where since they never leave the game, they become massively overpowered after a few years. Add to that CCP selling you ISK and you have what we have now. A game in which most will buy their way in as opposed to earning their way to more content.

Whether a new player that just wants to jump the training queue or a vet who decides to fly an Avatar instead of a Ragnarok, there's a character to suit in the bazaar and it's only a few PLEX away from being yours. Good for CCP's wallet but not so great for new people trying to get into the game on a budget.

You don't need to start with more SP, you need to kill characters when they've outlived their owners. I doubt there are many people flying 10 year old ships and that's good. It's what keeps the economy alive. But plenty of people are buying and flying ten year old characters and that's not good. It's basically flat-lined character building.

It doesn't take long for people to realize that they can waste a year training from scratch or they can drop a weeks pay and have that training right now. As a character trader I have a pretty good handle on which choice most people make.

Character trading is the one fundamental flaw CCP made in the beginning that is now hurting the game game in a big way. Removing it would be the most important change to revitalizing the game that I can think of. Once that playing field is leveled, new people will not be so averse to starting with a few SP and working their way up through experience and time instead of how many PLEX they can afford.

Mr Epeen Cool

This is very true, and I think this warrants a new thread. I do not believe it does anything though for the ongoing technology level increase that the game must have to continue to offer new options.

It is important indeed to point out that characters are the only non-destructible thing in Eve. I would worry though that removing the character bazaar would lead to shady account sales. At least with the bazaar, the transfer are out in the open, and there is little incentive to go the shady account selling route and risk permanenet account ban.

Another poster has mentioned another important thing. The difference is huge between a new pilot and an old pilot, but after 100 million SP, the differences are lessening significantly, as the steps to go from lev 4 to lev 5 at the end of the skill trees are not giving significant advantages (outside of possibly a direct access to future new tech skills requiring current end-game lvl 5 as prerequisite). So how could we differentiate older characters and take in account the flaw you are bringing up?

May be there should be a wear of clone jumping, with a limited (but large) amount of time a character can clone jump before it would "die" for good, either from being podded or jumping across the galaxy between clones.

Vote Borat Guereen for CSM XII

Check out the Minarchist Space Project

Chao3's Rogue Operatives Corp
#177 - 2015-07-24 18:47:46 UTC
Boudicca Camulodunum wrote:

In my heart there can be no changes,maybe CCP could develop EVE.2 , make some changes that they couldnt really patch into EVE, but essentially the same game, but when you mess with the real mechanics of the game, ie buying skill, you have hit the cheat button, sold your soul and the game will lose its magic and die.

I am not sure it is about selling your soul...
The "money versus time" option needs to be there, as long as it does not lead to a pay-to-win perception.
We see many ALODS that show that a player with a high skills pilot and shiny mods can be killed, and there is a difficult intangible thing that can't be bought in Eve: the How-to-fly, How-to-fit and knowledge of the metagame.

I do agree with you though that drastic changes like making characters destructible or locked, because this was not done from the start, would be a huge risk for the game at that point.

Vote Borat Guereen for CSM XII

Check out the Minarchist Space Project

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#178 - 2015-07-24 20:44:24 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
For a while now, I've been of the opinion that new players should be offered a "package" of skillpoints based on what areas of the NPE they have taken an interest in. The tutorial should move people around between different things, trying out each one in a virtual environment.

At the end, based on their decisions, a newbie is asked to choose between a bunch of different, focused skill builds that are oriented towards the style of play they chose.

For instance, a particular style of play might grant a player the ability to fly destroyers of their chosen race, and better fitting skills to be able to fit said ship. While another might grant a player with upgraded maneuvering and piloting skills for frigates, and higher skills with that race's small guns. Yet another could give a player upgraded drone and tank skills.

And so on, for mining, industry, exploration, and so forth. Obviously some of the old playstyle archetypes can't be included, but the ability to customize your starting status would be a good step forward, I believe.


This suggestion seems the most reasonable to me.

Just handing out SP, or handing out a uniform set of skills with more levels strikes me as dubious. But this is very much like the way character creation was when I joined. You'd decide, prior to even playing the game, what you wanted to do. This changes that in that it starts out characters as they do now, then after going through the NPE, they are offered a choice in terms of what they'd like to do and based on that choice they get additional SP in certain skills.

Should it be increasing over time? I don't think so. The idea is to get players out there doing what they want to do early on. If it is in a frigate or some other "entry level" ship, that should be sufficient. Giving more and more of boost over time may give the players a feeling of being locked into a career path that they might rethink down the line. And they might as well learn somewhat early on that acquiring skill points takes time.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#179 - 2015-07-24 21:33:14 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
The one thing that would take care of this situation but will never happen is to lock characters to their acct and remove character trading.

I say this as a guy that makes most of his ISK character trading, so trust me that I don't make this statement lightly.

Here's the thing. Everything in this game is destructible. Everything but characters. That creates a situation where since they never leave the game, they become massively overpowered after a few years. Add to that CCP selling you ISK and you have what we have now. A game in which most will buy their way in as opposed to earning their way to more content.

Whether a new player that just wants to jump the training queue or a vet who decides to fly an Avatar instead of a Ragnarok, there's a character to suit in the bazaar and it's only a few PLEX away from being yours. Good for CCP's wallet but not so great for new people trying to get into the game on a budget.

You don't need to start with more SP, you need to kill characters when they've outlived their owners. I doubt there are many people flying 10 year old ships and that's good. It's what keeps the economy alive. But plenty of people are buying and flying ten year old characters and that's not good. It's basically flat-lined character building.

It doesn't take long for people to realize that they can waste a year training from scratch or they can drop a weeks pay and have that training right now. As a character trader I have a pretty good handle on which choice most people make.

Character trading is the one fundamental flaw CCP made in the beginning that is now hurting the game game in a big way. Removing it would be the most important change to revitalizing the game that I can think of. Once that playing field is leveled, new people will not be so averse to starting with a few SP and working their way up through experience and time instead of how many PLEX they can afford.

Mr Epeen Cool

I disagree about the power of high SP. The power/benefits of more and more SP is best described as having decreasing returns to scale. That is the more time I put into training the less benefit I get for a fixed period of time. Early on, a months worth of training will increase a character's "power considerably". Adding 1.25 million SP to a new character means that that month old character has quite a bit of advantage over a brand new character. Let me be concrete here. Suppose Bob creates “Bobby” his Eve character. Then exactly one month later Joe creates “Joey”. Bobby will have quite a bit of an edge over Joey because Bobby will have that additional 1.25 million SP. However, skip ahead 6 months and now the SPs are 7,500,000 vs 6,250,00. A difference of 20%. After a year, that difference will drop to 9%, 2 years later a 4.35% difference, and 3 years later a 2.86% difference. This is true for any lag between Bobby and Joey although the magnitudes will change. For example, suppose Bobby started 5 months before Joey, then the SP differentials at 6, 12, 24, and 36 months are 500%, 71.4%, 26.32% and 16.13% respectively. Further, the extra advantage of those SP are constant while the SP required are increasing in a convex manner (i.e. the amount of SP needed to get the same sized bonus is increasing, this can be seen by looking at the number of SP for a Rank 1 skill, level 1 requires 250 SP, whereas level 5 requires 256,000 SP but the bonus that level five gives is of the same magnitude of the previous levels).

And when we factor in the myriad of ways that Bobby and Joey might interact it becomes even more dubious to assert that Bobby is more “powerful” than Joey. If for example, Bobby became a miner, but Joey a combat oriented pilot, in a combat setting the “less powerful” Joey would probably Kick Bobby’s ass. When it comes to mining, Bobby would mop the floor with Joey.

And then there is the issue of ships each person has selected as well and how you define “winning”. And as has been pointed out before, there is the social nature of the game and that Joey can always make friends with Johnny and together they can go kick Bobby’s ass.

My point, SP is a dubious way of measuring a characters “power” given the decreasing returns to scale, the ambiguous meaning of power, and that there are ways to surmount this “power” outside the SP system.

Note: These SP numbers are based on the assumption both characters had a uniform distribution of attributes and no implants—i.e. they are both training at the same rates.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

#180 - 2015-07-24 22:08:18 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:

You'd decide, prior to even playing the game, what you wanted to do.

Bad idea, you're asking people that have never even played the game to decide what career they would like to do before they even know what they are like.