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Starting skills levels should increase for new players

#261 - 2015-07-26 21:28:47 UTC
It's occurred to me that one of the reasons CCP are considering increasing the amount of sp at the start, might be that for a supposedly PvP game the start is essentially all PvE.
Raven Pirkibo
Jameco Industries
#262 - 2015-07-27 01:45:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Raven Pirkibo
What would really help is if they added some "flavor text" under each skill's description that details exactly what the skill does in plain language.

For instance the skill "Cynosural Field Theory" could have a short anecdote at the end from some pilot that explains exactly what a Cynosural Field is and how it is used. Rather than just being a bare bones description of what it does in terms of game mechanics.

if you don't know what a Cynosural Field is then knowing that this skill will help you create one effectively and get a 10% discount in the fuel cost per level of doing so is probably not going to be of much help

This would smooth out a lot of the steep learning curve that EVE is notorious for. And it would be a mechanically neutral change to the game , the only difference would be that newbies would have a brief description of the skill they can understand and will help them to become proficient at the game a lot faster, or at least peak their interest in it enough for them to go and ask a friendly vet some questions or read the wiki or search YouTube and get an in depth explanation.
Avaelica Kuershin
Paper Cats
#263 - 2015-07-27 02:54:42 UTC
Avvy wrote:
It's occurred to me that one of the reasons CCP are considering increasing the amount of sp at the start, might be that for a supposedly PvP game the start is essentially all PvE.

As long as that PVE is very limited :(

I made a list of the skills I'd want to enable my new character to fly with some of the usual T1 and meta modules.

Skill plan for Rose Marie J'Haen-Eriz

1. Shield Operation I (35,000 ISK)
2. Shield Operation II
3. Shield Upgrades I (84,000 ISK)
4. Tactical Shield Manipulation I (210,000 ISK)
5. Shield Upgrades II
6. Shield Upgrades III
7. Energy Grid Upgrades I (79,000 ISK)
8. Energy Grid Upgrades II
9. Afterburner I (22,500 ISK)
10. Afterburner II
11. Afterburner III
12. High Speed Maneuvering I (340,000 ISK)
13. Hull Upgrades I (60,000 ISK)
14. Hull Upgrades II
15. Hull Upgrades III
16. Repair Systems I (30,000 ISK)
17. Drones I (20,000 ISK)
18. Drones II
19. Drones III
20. Light Drone Operation I (50,000 ISK)
21. Propulsion Jamming I (150,000 ISK)
22. Electronic Warfare I (120,000 ISK)
23. Capacitor Management I (170,000 ISK)
24. Capacitor Management II
25. Long Range Targeting I (88,000 ISK)
26. Electronics Upgrades I (100,000 ISK)
27. Weapon Upgrades I (80,000 ISK)
28. Mining Frigate I (40,000 ISK) [or industrial or destroyer etc]
29. Target Management I (100,000 ISK)
30. Target Management II

Total time: 1 day, 11 hours, 30 minutes, 4 seconds
N.B. Skill costs are based on CCP's database and are indicative only

Obviously some skills would not be wanted depending on the ships you'd want to fly, and some would need training further, but what surprised me was how short the training was to get to fly a fairly usable ship.
Unezka Turigahl
Det Som Engang Var
#264 - 2015-07-27 05:21:21 UTC
Avvy wrote:
It's occurred to me that one of the reasons CCP are considering increasing the amount of sp at the start, might be that for a supposedly PvP game the start is essentially all PvE.

Newbies are free to steal from each other and get in fights. Depending on how many new players are in the starting system, competition over the local anomalies can become fierce. And when you are just starting out, it's worthwhile to loot the rats, even if the loots rights don't belong to you. Of course, there is no guidance from CCP on how to switch your safety to yellow so that you can steal. So all the ones doing the stealing are likely to be alts of older players. The civilian warp disruptor also looks to be useless, reading the description. They should allow them to be used against rookie frigates.

I also think it would be cool to have a gated anomaly in the noob systems that only allows rookie frigates and it spawns rats that drop tokens. If you collect X number of tokens, you can turn them in to a local NPC for a frigate of your choice, rather than doing the military agent missions for it. Only redeemable once per character of course. And have a pop-up when you land on the site that instructs newbies how to switch safety to yellow so they can fight over the tokens if they want.

Or a gated rookie-only anomaly that has data/relic cans to hack for the tokens but the deadspace pocket is free-for-all pvp simulating null sec.

Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#265 - 2015-07-27 16:31:40 UTC
I agree that new players should get some extra skill points.

I think you should give them something like 200k skill points to reedeem 5 times in there account life time to a character of their choices pool. Max of 1 per month subscribed, not trials.

This way new players get a 1 mill skill buff in there first 6 months, which is significant. But so does everyone else which becomes less significant the longer you have played.

200k was off the top of my head, but sounds reasonable.

As years go on you can increase it to 10 lots etc.

This means they have lto commit to paying for how ever many months before they get the boost, and the boost is given slowly so they hopefully will know how to use it before they have used it all.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#266 - 2015-07-27 23:43:07 UTC
Raven Pirkibo wrote:
What would really help is if they added some "flavor text" under each skill's description that details exactly what the skill does in plain language.

For instance the skill "Cynosural Field Theory" could have a short anecdote at the end from some pilot that explains exactly what a Cynosural Field is and how it is used. Rather than just being a bare bones description of what it does in terms of game mechanics.

if you don't know what a Cynosural Field is then knowing that this skill will help you create one effectively and get a 10% discount in the fuel cost per level of doing so is probably not going to be of much help

This would smooth out a lot of the steep learning curve that EVE is notorious for. And it would be a mechanically neutral change to the game , the only difference would be that newbies would have a brief description of the skill they can understand and will help them to become proficient at the game a lot faster, or at least peak their interest in it enough for them to go and ask a friendly vet some questions or read the wiki or search YouTube and get an in depth explanation.

From Evelopedia,

Skill at creating effective cynosural fields. 10% reduction in liquid ozone consumption for module activation per skill level. Can not be trained on Trial Accounts.

From Evelopedia for cynosural field generators,

Generates a cynosural field for capital ship jump drives to lock on to.

Seems kinda self evident to me. I figured out what they were quite early on.

And I imagine for cynos, by the time a player interested in PvP is going to train for one, he'll know what it is.

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