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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.
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First post
Fire Venom
New Eden Police Force
United Caldari Space Command.
#21 - 2015-07-31 18:35:31 UTC
ISD Buldath
#22 - 2015-07-31 21:09:47 UTC
Bumping is only permitted once per day.

Once per day means that the date has to be different on your post. If you bump 2008.06.15 then your next bump can only be 2008.06.16 and then 2008.06.17. It doesn't matter when during the day you bump, as long as the date is one day apart. For more information you can read the Thread Bumping Guideline.

Bumping must consist of a real sentence, not simply the word "bump". For example, "Recruitment still open" is an acceptable bump.

24 hour Lock to compensate

~ISD Buldath

Instructor King of the Forums! Knight of the General Discussion

Support, Training and Resources Division

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to EVE-Mails regarding forum moderation.

Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#23 - 2015-08-03 18:16:14 UTC
Sounds like a bumpy good rule we simmed to have miss"bump"ed ;o)

Happened once, now that i check, but rules are rules... and where theres a rule... ;o)

PS. Recuitement still open
Thank you, thank you, thank you... ;o)

Lacart Nosco
Raiders Of Abigor
Black Rabbit.
#24 - 2015-08-04 16:07:35 UTC
Keeping an eye on yah... Deserves a way up for the cause Big smile
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#25 - 2015-08-06 16:04:34 UTC
Awesome fun for everyone with those police skins.. lol, Still open for recruitement ;o) Alts are welcome Big smile
Fire Venom
New Eden Police Force
United Caldari Space Command.
#26 - 2015-08-09 11:24:17 UTC
New Jpeg Add created, check it out ;o)

Recruitement still on Big smile
Salvor Avo
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2015-08-12 02:22:10 UTC
I would very much like to join
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#28 - 2015-08-13 07:10:19 UTC
Your application is beeing processed m8, i allmost can say wellcome to THE POLICE ;o)
ISD Supogo
ISD Alliance
#29 - 2015-08-16 10:49:09 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD BH Supogo
Thread locked, you already have one thread here: do not start another one, that is abuse of the recruitment center forum.


Forum rules

13. Spamming is prohibited.

Spam is defined as the repetitive posting of the same topic or nonsensical post that has no substance and is often designed to annoy other forum users. This can include the words “first”, “go back to (insert other game name)” and other such posts that contribute no value to forum discussion. Spamming also includes the posting of ASCII art within a forum post, or the practice of “thread necromancy” which involved bumping of old threads for no justifiable reason.

17. Redundant and re-posted threads will be locked.

As a courtesy to other forum users, please search to see if there is a thread already open on the topic you wish to discuss. If so, please place your comments there instead. Multiple threads on the same subject clutter up the forums needlessly, causing good feedback and ideas to be lost. Please keep discussions regarding a topic to a single thread.

ISD BH Supogo


Equipment Certification and Anomaly Investigations Division (ECAID)

Interstellar Services Department

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