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EVE Fiction

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The Legacy of Wrecks - Stories written in death.

Strata Maslav
Heretic Army
Divine Damnation
#1 - 2015-07-17 02:10:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Strata Maslav
I wanted explore how wrecks could tell a story if they were to stay in space for a longer periods of time and have link to the kill mail available if you click on them.

On his way to complete a lucrative delivery contract, Strata has to risk moving through a string outlaw systems.

Breath held, Strata actives the gate and jumps into null security space. Immediately checking his overview,

"Thankgod! No campers."

From the safety of his cloak he see a different sort welcoming party, the remains of battle. Broken capital ships punctuate the field, with smaller hulls scattered between them. From the main cluster there is a thin line debris, they were probably gunned down in a last ditch retreat.

Captained and owned by god-like capsuleers these ships were manned by hundreds to thousands of loyal crew. Loyalty has its limits, and when rounds started penetrating the hull opening up the ship to vacuum of space, survival instinct kicks in. Those who had time, attempted to escape the listing vessel. Into the cluttered void they go but they do not travel farm, escape pods are designed for the sole purpose getting clear of the blast but have no ability to navigate space.

Cryo-frozen, the surviving crew must hope corporations like the Sisters of EVE to get word of the battle. Their lives are dependant on the hardy distress beacon located at the centre of every ship ships. Designed to survive even the most violent explosions, they calls amidst the twisted metal, hoping nearby captains will feel empathy and warp to the broadcasted coordinates.

Strata checks his overview settings, the husks in front of him are empty and show no sign of activity. Stripped of all parts that might hold value,the victors taking the lion's share leaving rest to be picked over by the local salvage parties, the vultures of New Eden.

He hopes the distress beacons were deactivated by a rescue party, but fears the worst. Capsuleers have been known to destroy the beacon in the wreck of a ship, for no other reason than strategic or to prevent the salvaging by another party, dooming the survivors.
A human life has little value to many capsuleers as they can die and be reborn multiple times a day. They trade crewmen in the hundreds of the thousands as commodities on their market to man their machines of war.


Still under the warpgate's cloak, Strata actives his directional scanner. No active ships with maximum scan range. The pilot school training kicks in as he aligns to celestial on horizon. Paranoia is what keeps you alive out here.

Looking at his overview settings, he opens up the tab labeled 'Legacy Wrecks,' the space lights up all around him with icons. Each icon he clicks shows a details of each ships demise. On board flight recorders keep track of each ships ship specifications, the parties involved, and the damage log. Together this data generates whats known as a 'Kill Mail.' On the ships destruction the mail is transmitted to Concord but the origins of the data still remain in the wreckage.

Strata selects a nearby wreck to him and retrieves the kill mail. A frigate class vessel captained by capsuleer known as 'Static Echo,' looks like he was tackle fit and caught by vessels of a similar size. It looks like he was already dead in the water, but a Battleship class vessel placed the finishing blow. No capsule wreck near by, looks like he saved himself, the crew were probably less lucky, it appears there were 'smart bomb' on field.

Putting together this abstract information of several other wrecks Strata builds up and image of the battle and the tactics used by each side. It appears most of the fighting took place two days ago.

Ever the entrepreneur, he takes note of the ship's fittings.

"These capsuleers might be licking their wounds right now, but I'm sure they will be up for a fight again soon. If I import and put these modules up on the local market I might be able to make a quick million ISK or two."

Realising he's been 'slow boating' off the gate for the 10 minutes, the paranoia kicks again and he warps off to the next gate. The client is going to why the delivery is going took so long.

In a month or two these wrecks will have scattered to void, leaving a blank page until another battle writes its story.